Last Day of FEAR

Last Day of FEAR

For a cheap game, it is good. Could be better, but it’ll do. Some of the jumpscares got me and some of the visuals are twisted. There are lots of cheesy parts and the passwords are laying around right by the door. The monster chasing part was very difficult for me. Also, sometimes the game would recognize my controller, other times it wouldn’t even register.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Blood Singleplayer Games.

This was actually a pretty decent indie horror game. The one part was kinda rough, but other than that it was fun and pretty easy.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Last Day of FEAR on Steam

Zeliria Sanctuary

Zeliria Sanctuary

Zeliria Sanctuary, produced by Salangan Games, is a visual novel that I had the pleasure to play as tester during these Christmas Holidays.

Allow me to start this brief review with this consideration: the team delivers what it promises.

The game did not disappoint my expectations in terms of plot, characters and quality of the drawings.

Especially the final arts in “ realistic style “, truly stunning.

Let’s talk about the plot: when people play a visual novel, they like to be the architects of their own fate, they like to feel as if their choices matters. And they do, in Zeliria Sanctuary.

Real player with 37.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Blood Choose Your Own Adventure Games.

  • HUMKEY : I’m NOT a Hamster!!!

  • MAXX : And I’m NOT an Idiot!!

Maxx (our Male forces-trained protagonist) is a test subject during an experimental space project that seemingly fails for the researchers yet our adventures start when Maxx’s teleportation sends him landing onto the BURROW of the hibernating Salangan Humkey (the Rat who isn’t a Hamster Deity) on the planet Zeliria. Only Maxx can see & hear Humkey and, as the story develops and Maxx encounters female characters, he becomes known as the ‘Voice of Salangan Humkey’ - akin to a Messiah-like role.

Real player with 28.4 hrs in game

Zeliria Sanctuary on Steam