You have come from outer space to the destroyed Earth. You are a person from the past in a harsh and inhospitable world… The IRON WORLD. Can you survive?

Your cool car

Driving your personal car in events on the global map. Always transport your stuff in the trunk. Shoot enemies with a turret or crush them.

Explore the world

Before you is a big ruined world. You are free to go wherever you want. Mountains, wasteland, towns and farms. Realistic layout of houses and attention to the interior. What is waiting for you around the corner? Create your own adventure.

Uncompromising fights

Dynamic and bloody battles. Move, use shelters, arrange ambushes, use power-ups to survive and defeat outnumbered enemies.

Tactical AI

The enemies will seem smart to you. They will find you by the noise and look for you if you have disappeared. Be sure, they will find you and surprise you.

Dynamic field of vision

You will not know who is in the house until you go inside. A sense of uncertainty and danger around every corner.

Visual style

Carefully recreated atmosphere of the apocalypse and devastation. A large number of details on the locations. The original hand-drawn style of graphics.


Collect resources in houses, berries and mushrooms growing in the world. Create food, ammunition and power-ups from them. Good nutrition is the key to success.

Characters and humor

Meet colorful NPCs in cutscenes, dialogues and quests. We tried to make the characters bright, not devoid of black humor and sarcasm.

Read More: Best Blood Nonlinear Games.




You play as Dusty, a robot vacuum that gains sentience after fighting off burglars during a break-in. Your family is brutally attacked by the FamilyCorp warranty squad and in the battle you’re thrown into the living room TV. On the brink of robodeath, your consciousness enters “the TV dimension” to gain the abilities you need to rise from the ashes and rescue your family.

Eat Their Blood

Do your duties as a vacuum cleaner and clean up the mess

Devastating Powers

Consume the blood of your enemies to unleash devastating powers.


As a robot vacuum cleaner, use your low profile to hide under furniture and avoid detection.


Hack smart devices, turn them into deadly traps


Use the environment as your weapon, suck up objects to shoot at your enemies

Furry Friends

Meet powerful allies

Read More: Best Blood Comedy Games.


Alien Shooter

Alien Shooter

If you want to see my video review about the game, here it is:

Alien Shooter is an isometric indie shooter game, where you have to shoot aliens and stop the invasion from a millitary complex.

One of the most enjoyable thing in the game, is the music. There are not too many tracks, but which they got is awesome. The sounds are not bad, but sadly there are not too many from them, so it can be annoying to listen to the same sounds.

What I definetly should mention about the game, is the gameplay. So, this is an isometric shooter, with different weapons, character upgrades and bonus equipments. These are fine, and also surprising to see, you can upgrade your character. What is even better, there are 2 of them, which have different advantages and disadvantages. Need to mention the difficulty settings, you can play the game on Easy, Medium or Hard. The game has one main mission in general, which contains 10 levels, however the two DLCs has 5-5 levels, one of the DLC adds 3 new monsters and one new music, too. The different monsters have different abilites and also, they can do more damages too. You think, this is not too much, which is right, but this was the first game for an indie developer team, so this is not a bad progress they get. The game itself is troublesome sometimes, because it can be boring after a short amount of time, also the game in general is not easy. I played through the game on Hard, and it was one of the hardest games I played. Also, the game really likes to make fun of the player, and usually it spawns enemies from nothing or behind it. You need to fight insane amount of enemies too, which can make crazy situations. What is even worse, the alien AI is like a moth, which attracted to a lamp and if you are behind a wall, the aliens are just hug that wall and roar at you. Because of these, I would say, this game is not a great to play, however I need to mention the challange factor. Even tho the game can do dirty, it is a challanging game, which if you playthrough, it will be satisfing… until you not see the ending, which is an outro and a High Score screen. One more thing is giving some plus to the gameplay, and this is the secrets. These can give you resources or early weapons, which can help you out too, Also, the weapons are cool, different and they have their own role.

Real player with 13.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Blood Aliens Games.

Charming little indie game from a small developer. I remember playing a disc copy of this game a good 13 or so years ago, picked it up on Steam for the nostalgia. The game is very simple without too much complexity in any realm, but has enough variety and action to deliver on what it promises.

The campaign has ten levels (essentially nine - the first one just involves entering the facility and learning game mechanics, no enemies). For an experienced player, it will take probably around 90-100 minutes. For anybody new to the franchise or unfamiliar with this kind of game, it will probably last a couple hours. The difficulty curve is very fair, and makes it much more satisfying when you reach that point of slaying giant hordes of aliens. The survival mode has more replayability, but in my opinion is too dependent on luck. A couple of the weapons are guaranteed drops from bosses that come at regular intervals, but about half of the weapons can only drop as random loot from killing enemies. Ammo, implants, armor, and gear all drop randomly as well. This is fine for the early part of the survival, but once you get to the armored enemies you won’t last long without speed implants or armor.

Real player with 12.4 hrs in game

Alien Shooter on Steam

Freakout: Calamity TV Show

Freakout: Calamity TV Show

A kind of love-letter to the original title, but with an added story of breaking out of the show and shutting it down - alone, or with a co-op friend, break out of the mutant fueled dystopia!

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

I legitimately like this game, and give it a thumbs up here as to not do any further damage to it’s reputation. Other than that, my actual review content is contained within Youtube video.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Freakout: Calamity TV Show on Steam



As a playtester for this game’s Steam release I can say with confidence that this is a really solid game with amazing gameplay. And not only that, it has a lovely indie team behind it too! Definetly pick this game up if.

The gameplay feels very smooth when hacking your way through levels, being able to pick up virtually anything around you as a weapon in your fight as Mr. Wolf. Even when dying a lot at points, which can happen quite frequently with the well-executed 1 hit death system, I never felt like giving up or taking a pause. For those who don’t like dying much: there is an option in the settings to make yourself invincible so you can really go all-out slashing.

Real player with 18.2 hrs in game

Hotline Miami on speed. This is a great top down action game, it’s fast paced, very fun, a lot of creativity and a very strong level design. The OST has some really nice bangers as well.

There is A LOT of weapons everywhere and your goal is to power through levels by any means necessary. Use a pistol, a scythe, a snowball, a fish, an explosive barrel, a mini gun and others more or less crazy alternatives. It’s all about speed, making combo and using different weapons to try to get the highest score possible. You can unlock hats that have various effect by defeating bosses or reaching a certain highscore. The hats have a real Hotline Miami vibe of course, you can tell the devs are fan of that game, you feel their passion throughout the game.

Real player with 16.9 hrs in game

Bloodroots on Steam

Serial Cleaner

Serial Cleaner

Ever since the movies Nikita and Curdled , we all (well, movie fans) know what a so-called ‘cleaner’ does: cleans up the crime scene after a messy killing.

In Serial Cleaner we play as one such person, however, unlike in the previously mentioned movies, our protagonist is a freelance cleaner, avoiding all forms of violence (but we never learn how he got into this ‘business’). And since he always arrives to the scenes after the cops do, he must use stealth in order to clean up the blood, make the bodies disappear and destroy all evidence throughout the 20 (+ movie inspired bonus) contracts/levels this game has to offer.

Real player with 10.9 hrs in game

👪Player Bases:

☐ Kids.

☑ Everyone.

☐ Mature.

☑ Casual Players.

☐ Pro players.


☐ Full Price.

☑ Wait For Sale.

☐ Refund It If You Can.

☐ Don’t Buy It.

☐ Free.


☑ Minimum.

☐ Medium.

☐ Fast.

☐ Super Computer.


☐ Easy.

☑ Medium.

☐ Hard.

☐ Very Hard.

☐ Death March.

⌛Game length:

☐ Really Short. ( 0 - 3 hours)

☑ Short. ( 3 - 8 hours)

👉 Actually took me ~7h to finish. I Spent 3h trying to unlock my last achievement (See 🐞 bugs bellow for more details)

☐ Medium. ( 8 - 20 hours)

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

Serial Cleaner on Steam

Runic Rampage - Action RPG

Runic Rampage - Action RPG

As I always start my reviews, play the game in English and don’t watch the translations. The Italian one is awful like every other one, so let’s stick with English.

This one is an action RPG with good graphics - I love them, 3D and with a view from above which allows you to see enemies and everything that surrounds you, since the fights are those of a hack ‘n’ slash and you don’t have a party, but a single dwarf XD.

Price is quite high (7€) so, get it on sale if you manage to!

The gameplay is really great and 100% joypad supported, so you have lots of combos, lots of equipment upgrades and most of all you’ll never have to deal with many sidequests or paths.. it’s a straightforward game with levels and bosses of increasing difficulty (never too hard, actually) and for a game like this to me it’s really good!

Real player with 43.1 hrs in game

I’ve put in only an hour and a half into the game, so take this review as an estimate of what you’ll feel like after that amount of time:


There isn’t a ton of storyline to this, but there’s some. You’re a dwarf fighting to find your lost brothers and (I assume) become the hero your father wanted you to be. You have to conquer four Acts, each broken up into three chapters, each of which has three maps - except for the last, which contains a boss fight. You collect gold, which seems to accrue across death (ie. no gold loss upon getting squished). You also pickup single-use powerups as well as temporary bonuses from single use statues. Finally, you also get skill points, with which to level attributes (str, agility, defense and greed)

Real player with 20.4 hrs in game

Runic Rampage - Action RPG on Steam




Ape Out is an ultra-violent ‘top-down shooter’ developed by Gabe Cuzzillo, Bennet Foddy and Matt Boch. This game has been in development for years so it’s nice to see it finally launch. I went in with pretty high expectations and I think they’ve been well met so far.


  • The art is pretty interesting. I’m not sure I’d call it good in a traditional sense, but it certainly fits well/works well with the game. There are some pretty neat visual effects, but I don’t want to spoil them, so I won’t talk about them. The animations are simple and effective.

Real player with 11.5 hrs in game


Headaches. Restlessness. Chest tightness. Excessive sweating. Feeling constantly “on edge.” Trembling or shaking. Insomnia. Irritability and violent outbursts. This is how I would diagnose someone of whom has been playing Ape Out. Granted, I wasn’t very well at the time.

Ape Out, like most products of a creative process, might have been conceived accidentally, but it’s fantastically considered in everything it does.

Playing subject 4, an Ape who wants out of captivity, it heavily evokes Hotline Miami in its top-down, split-second ultra-violence - but perhaps superficially so.

Real player with 10.0 hrs in game

APE OUT on Steam

Merry Glade

Merry Glade

“What has Bunny done? Why does everyone want to kill him? And why is Carrot so delicious?”

Well, seems that we have two main characters here! =P

This game isn’t really expensive - as I’m writing it’s discounted at 0,39€ - and it’s been all developed by one single guy, Russian I may guess since the only languages available in the main menu are Russian and English :P

Let’s start with the achievements - the whole game with its 76 little trophies takes about an hour to be completed, since all of them are related to the progression of the story and the ones that aren’t linked to it can be obtained just by touching all the mushrooms, dying in various ways and so on (yeah, lots of dark humour and blood xD).

Real player with 24.4 hrs in game

Got a coupon for 50% off. Normally I ignore coupons for games because the vast majority of the time, they’re pretty stinky. I went ahead and bought this one, mainly because I have major nerve damage in my left wrist, and can only play games with one hand (I’m typing this review with one hand). This game is played exclusively with the mouse. I was sold.

Merry Glade is absolutely adorable and dark. Don’t be fooled by the cartoony appearance. Underneath the floppy ears and dancing mushrooms are buckets of blood, twisted enemies, and a wicked sense of humor. Gameplay is mostly about navigating puzzles to get to the carrot. Sometimes the carrot is surrounded by mines. Sometimes the carrot is a lie and will get you killed. Sometimes you’ll fight a bullet hell mini boss.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Merry Glade on Steam

Suit for Hire

Suit for Hire

This is the best non-turn-based John Wick simulator. Running around face shooting and doing gun fu and knife takedowns never gets old. My only complaint would be the difficulty, but for me that just makes it have more value as I play a level over and over trying to beat it. Some might get frustrated, though, at going all the way back to the beginning of each level when you die.

Each level gives you a set location and group of badguys to take out, usually on your way to some kind of objective, even though there is no story at present to give any meaning to the killing. That is fine with me, but it might urk some. They are planning to add cut scenes, though, so for now, make up your own story about how the people he’s going after killed his car and stole his dog right after his sister died or something.

Real player with 48.9 hrs in game

The combat for this game is well executed.

It rewards you with a full magazine for landing 7 back-to-back pistol shots.

Missed some of your shots? No problem, the game encourages you to mix it up with a close quarters option as a stylishly fancy way of getting more ammo for your pistol.

Performing an up close finisher on an enemy gives you a full magazine in your pistol. In order to have a chance to do a finisher you’ll need to build up a meter using punches and kicks.

Punch and kick are on 2 separate buttons, this is important to take note of because kicking objects towards enemies (including grenades) is a mechanic in the game.

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

Suit for Hire on Steam