Survival: Zombies aHead

Survival: Zombies aHead

It’s a fun little game to pass the time, definitely worth the price.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Blood Point & Click Games.

Cool game inspired by Fruit ninja. Cool to spend the time.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Survival: Zombies aHead on Steam

Red Risk

Red Risk

I personally can’t recommend this game for the following reasons:

  - “Microblast Games” developers design a bipolar controls: Left Click to strike/shoot and       Right Click to move, this works for games as diablo not for survival shoot’em up games.

    a. If you are playing as Jason (the melee character), it is an advantage

    b. but if you are playing the ranged characters you just will lose time aiming.

  - The enemies sometimes hit you by only shaking its hands with you. The animations of their      attacks are just bad designed.

Real player with 35.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Blood Survival Horror Games.



Real player with 16.7 hrs in game

Red Risk on Steam

Alien Shooter TD

Alien Shooter TD

Rating: good (7/10)


Alien Shooter TD is a Tower Defence game based on the alien shooter action game. By building “towers” on pre-defined spots you defend the base by not letting aliens enter certain points.

Gameplay & Story: 6/10

The gameplay is somewhat restricted by giving you only certain points where you can build on, but you still have choices of different “towers”. These are a bit unusual for a tower defence game - you are basically setting up teams of marines, which as towers in other TD games shoot monster on approaching, but also need ammo and use different weapons. As an example - you have tactical squads that can either slow enemies down by freezing them or burn them over time with a flame thrower. When progressing further into the game, these marines do get multiple new weapons which gives you more possibilities for tactics - build tons of cheap marines or some few more expensive but better ones. The story is almost non-present here, just the usual stuff - defending the world against an alien invasion.

Real player with 46.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Blood Sci-fi Games.

I felt compelled to “100%” the game as much as possible (except for that last achievement), but I was really unsatisfied when playing the game. Towards the end of the game I would basically have it on in the background whilst doing something else.

Whilst it’s not an awful TD game, there are much more satisfying ones out there that you should play first, hence the thumbs-down.


  • You shoot lots of aliens, like in Alien Shooter 1 and 2.

  • I quite like the constant-upkeep-reloading mechanic.

Real player with 28.6 hrs in game

Alien Shooter TD on Steam

Anthology of Fear

Anthology of Fear

The world that surrounds us is not always obvious. Sometimes the weirdest, unpredictable and unreal events have logical and very mundane explanations.

Anthology of Fear is three unique stories of such events taking place in different epochs and realities.

Take on the role of three heroes, control their actions and experience the horror of the early 20th century in the remote areas of Russia, contemporary drama taking place in an ordinary house, and unreal events between shreds of reality.

Each episode is unique gameplay with a set of different features. From the mere expulsion of the world, through hunting, to the struggle for one’s own existence.

  • Three unique stories - each of them is different locations and different from each previous style of the game.

  • Gameplay deriving solutions from the classics of the genre - do not expect simple and boring jumpscare. The mood of the game is built here by the atmosphere.

  • Psychologic horror - nothing that surrounds you must be obvious. Get deeper into the symbolism of the threads of history and get to know what really happened.

  • Exploration motivated by a story - the story will force you to explore each of the worlds of the game. Get to know all the stories and the laws that govern them.

Anthology of Fear on Steam

Masked Forces 2: Mystic Demons

Masked Forces 2: Mystic Demons

Was gifted the masked forces and masked shooters games, and was intrigued to play this game when I noticed that it was on sale. feel like it was worth the money I paid for it. Honestly not bad, a big improvement on the other masked forces games. Would recommend.

Real player with 24.8 hrs in game

This game is so fucking good that no other game has ever, or will ever beat it. I got this game for christmas from a friend of mine, and let me tell you it has gotten me addicted. I have played this game for 16 hours a day for the past months. It has gotten to the point where I had to stop going to school because the game is just so fucking good. It features spooky, scary skeletons that you can shoot in the face and even bosses which can drop legendary loot. Advanced AI and a truly heart-touching storyline. You really want to play this game. The end made me cry everytime I played it. It features loads of epic quests from simple favours, to killing the legendary bonedragon which is so hard legends say that only the veteran mystic forces players can kill it. If you thought following the damn train was hard, you haven’t played this game. From a techinical point of view, the overall realisticness of the game will rape your GPU, for example when the bonedragon breathes fire it will actually set fire to your GPU, so having a watercooled pc is reccomended for playing this game. Finally from a business point of view, this game is the best the market has ever seen, my friend who is an expert in marketing says developers like bethesda, ubisoft, EA, activision… etc (basically all AAA games) will go bankrupt because no one will play their new game. He also says that this game will revolutionize gaming, this game brought the developer so much money that he alone could pay off USA’s debt. And furthermore it increased USA’s GDP by about 192 827%. They really hit the bullseye with the masked forces franchise. Looking forward to see this game hitting the esports scene when multiplayer launches! FreezNova really outdid themselves with this AAAA+ title.

Real player with 9.4 hrs in game

Masked Forces 2: Mystic Demons on Steam

Task is to Survive

Task is to Survive

I don’t understand why there are so many negative reviews on this game. Honestly, it’s the best survival shooter I have ever played. Left 4 Dead 2 has better graphics but the gameplay in Task is to Survive is superior… I can’t explain it.

But, buy it when it’s on sale. It’s not worth $4

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

I actually payed for this game? Ugh… Task is not to go insane while playing this. It is terrible. Whatever you can imagine, it’s worse. Luckily, it’s very short so the torture is bearable.

Task is to survive is first person shooter with 4 types of weapons. Oh yeah, you have huge arsenal of weapons to fight off incoming weaves of enemies… on one map… in the forest…

Plot is generic as it gets. Soldier sent to the infected object in which there are a huge number of dangerous… OMFG it’s a zombie game! I take it back! The torture is NOT bearable!!!

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Task is to Survive on Steam

House of Evil 2

House of Evil 2

I really tried, I did. Everything about this game is terrible, sorry.

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

A very interesting sequel of House of Evil 1.

Significantly shorter, with a much smaller map/ space size.

But much better engine and graphics. Also more survival horror element: An enemy that is not defeatable until the very end

The sequel removed the annoying ' biohazard-style herb collecting and crafting holy potions ' system. Leaving only two types of enemy.

It’s a good thing. And the game could be longer, but the current length is OK!

This one and its predecessor are both unique games. Recommended for horror fans

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

House of Evil 2 on Steam

Centralia: Homecoming

Centralia: Homecoming

Nice small horror game but it need some rework :

Nice atmosphere.

It remind of silent hill a bit.

Gameplay is OK.

Not too linear.

Game is not too easy (it’s even pretty hard).

Voice acting is not awesome but ambient sound and music is very good and stresfull.

We need to be able to change settings BEFORE you start a new game.

We need to be able to change keyboard settings too.

In inventory, the game should tell you that clicking on the ammo or the lock-picking tools

make them usable, because it look like you are selling it.

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

Transparency: I was involved in the development of this game, as the english voice actor for the main character.

That said, it’s not a great game, but it’s alright.

  1. It’s a pretty generic story, daughter missing, spooky town, progression through finding keys, etc.

  2. It has some fun moments. My original playthrough was the initial release, so ammo was scarce, and the weapon upgrades were not added yet. The updates made it a lot easier to progress by finding ammo and money in cabinets, and more power lets you rip through enemies.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Centralia: Homecoming on Steam

Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight

There’s a lot to like and dislike in Dead by Daylight, especially dislike according to many, very vocal players. And yet, being the only truly successful exponent of the genre it “keeps getting away with it,” as some would put it.

This “review” is not going to cover the reasons why as one can find enough documentation online, making my little write-up essentially useless and totally-not-an-excuse to post a review for the Steam Awards event. Whoops!

But, briefly, DbD is as fun and rewarding as it can be miserable and frustrating. Be patient, don’t take it too seriously, and bring some friends (imaginary ones if you’re playing the role of killer).

Real player with 3553.9 hrs in game

The current state of the game makes it hard to recommend this game to others. There’s a huge influx of hackers/cheaters that can completely ruin a match by their existence. There’s a current issue where people can get your IP from DBD and use it to DDoS you or even worse SWAT you. Neither of these issues have even been addressed by the devs and there’s no telling when they will be fixed.

The devs also have very questionable balancing decisions since they focus too hard on creating a perfect average of 2 kills & 2 escapes. As a result, at a certain point your personal skill stops to be the deciding factor and it comes down to many of the rng spawns on the map.

Real player with 2778.4 hrs in game

Dead by Daylight on Steam



You have come from outer space to the destroyed Earth. You are a person from the past in a harsh and inhospitable world… The IRON WORLD. Can you survive?

Your cool car

Driving your personal car in events on the global map. Always transport your stuff in the trunk. Shoot enemies with a turret or crush them.

Explore the world

Before you is a big ruined world. You are free to go wherever you want. Mountains, wasteland, towns and farms. Realistic layout of houses and attention to the interior. What is waiting for you around the corner? Create your own adventure.

Uncompromising fights

Dynamic and bloody battles. Move, use shelters, arrange ambushes, use power-ups to survive and defeat outnumbered enemies.

Tactical AI

The enemies will seem smart to you. They will find you by the noise and look for you if you have disappeared. Be sure, they will find you and surprise you.

Dynamic field of vision

You will not know who is in the house until you go inside. A sense of uncertainty and danger around every corner.

Visual style

Carefully recreated atmosphere of the apocalypse and devastation. A large number of details on the locations. The original hand-drawn style of graphics.


Collect resources in houses, berries and mushrooms growing in the world. Create food, ammunition and power-ups from them. Good nutrition is the key to success.

Characters and humor

Meet colorful NPCs in cutscenes, dialogues and quests. We tried to make the characters bright, not devoid of black humor and sarcasm.