The Empire has fallen, what remains has become vile and corrupted, sacrificing to gods that should remain forgotten, they have awakened them and claimed unholy powers, however in their arrogance they have awakened something more, they have awakened you.

  • Shoot them with a variety of powerful weapons to reduce them to chunks

  • Cut and Bash them with your enchanted weapons to regain health and replenish their alt-fire ammo

  • Discover the secrets of this decaying world and become unstoppable

  • Move like the wrath of heaven and send them to hell

Read More: Best Blood Fast-Paced Games.

ACHERON on Steam



The first mode:

Hospital. Today, a lot of visitors.

Among them there is a small boy with a bladder problem.

Suddenly, he longed to the toilet.

We’ll have to wade through the crowd.

Run boy! Run!

Second mode:

Now, all visitors want to use the toilet!

The main thing is not to be mistaken the door.


Read More: Best Blood Fast-Paced Games.

WC on Steam

Cut Them Up

Cut Them Up

Looking for casual but intense gameplay ?

Make a mess on 60 randomly generated levels and defeat The Darkness in the final fight !

Cut Them Up - it is Top-Down Single Screen Hack-and-Slash game that can be played without a keyboard (all controls on the mouse).

Improve the game character in your own way (after each level you get 1 new skill point, you have 20 unique skills at choice)


Strive to improve your personal record in endless survival mode.

Read More: Best Blood Old School Games.

Cut Them Up on Steam

Golden Light

Golden Light

Holy cow, this game is my aesthetic. I turned off the pixelation; as fun as it is, it’s difficult to deal with the entire time. This game isn’t scary as much as it is a weird B-movie with occasional jump scares. I love the ambiguous storyline; this being a relatively small community it’s got a lot of mystery in the world and gameplay.

It has a lot of personality and the devs continue to do a good job in updating it. It’s a survival rogue-like at heart; you have to make decisions as to how you’ll survive, and there isn’t a lot of room for equipment. Dying can be discouraging, but (at least in easy mode) you can go through the entrance of the biome you died in and pop back into the level you were just at. There’s really not a whole lot to it once you understand what’s going on. It’s just a fun, addictive game.

Real player with 36.2 hrs in game

The GUT sees me. There is no escape. Once you enter, it will always have its eyes on you. Its eyes are pulling you into the abyss - deeper and deeper until you don't know your own self anymore.

You are not safe in here. The floor is up and the up is floor is run is floor is ceiling run RUN RUN RUN RUNR UNRJGFZHRUNR R̸̨̡̛̞̗̦̘̦̰͍̋̀͑͐̋͊͛̐̀ͅÚ̵͎̟̍͑̎̀̌̏͝Ņ̴̛̥̖̱̹̓̎͋̇͐̈̔͐̚N̸̡̞͕̙̪̖̗͋́́̂͌͗͌͋̿͘N̴̙̠͍̐̅̎́́̿͂͘R̶̛̙͍͍̙̦͗̉͑͜͠ͅÚ̵͖͈̘͍̈͑͋͝R̷̳̻͖̮̮̲̮̔̾͂̇͂̇̐̈̈́͜Ṵ̷̠̞͙̺͔̠̣̗̙̔̊̾̽͑̌̈́͒R̸͕͇̰̪̜̯̬͓̘͆N̶̡̼̪͂̔́̈́̽̚͜R̸̨̓͊̏̃́͊͐̇N̵̫̯̜̫̹̋Ṟ̴̡͖̤̳͚̥̺̺͠Ù̶͕̪̟̹̼̜͉͎̼͙͂̃ ̶̧̳̬̈́̑̔́̒U̸͎͔̝͕͌̀̕Ṙ̴̟̙̗̑̽̀̄̇͝ͅT̶̨̤̝͓̥̝͈̳͎͑̎̊͌̚ͅƯ̵̖̬̺̹̭̰̋̽̓̈́̉͂ Ų̸̛͈̰͉͚̠͑̀͛R̶̡̨̜̻͈̅͜U̸̹̘̠͒̈́͝ͅR̸͕̣̄̓͋͂̓̎͊̚̚͝U̵̧̡̳͓̮͍̳̪͇̇̑̀͌͌̀̄͊̕R̷͚̟̫̬̺͕̮̕ͅͅŇ̴̠͇̪͚̯͓̣͊́͝R̵̢̧̭͓͎̙͖͇̋̉̔͌U̴̮̰͎̹͖̾͊́̾̿̎̕͠͠Ŗ̷̛̤͉̜̻̿̾̄̀͑̓̅͆̚Ų̶̬̳̾̓̏ ̴̨̡͖̮̜̓͛͋R̶̡͑̒̈́̈́̋̾Ņ̶̹̭͍̱͕̋̈̑N̴̞͚̹̤͈̩̣̩̊̒͒̀̀͋͝N̵̥̲͓̣̞̟͋̍R̷̨̖̗͈̥̘͚̭͋̊̌̂̄̊͒̎̑̽͜N̷̲̪̭͇̥̊̾̅́͐̉͝͝R̶̢͙̫̜̬̦͖̀̕Ư̵̧͕̱̳͙͊̓͊͠R̷̤̥̫̎̉̆Ư̷̬̝̱͉̙̗̪͎̾̑̆̃̋͜͝R̵̳̻͍̍̽̉̈́͗͠Ņ̷̛̖͉̻̙͙̣̓̄͝R̴͚͕̰͖̀Ŭ̶̺̹̐̈́̓̍͗͒̕ ̴̱̇́́̏R̴͈͙͇̱̲̹̍U̴̳͖̥̎̀̀̈͘͝N̶̡̩̱̘̦̈́͒̑̒́̀͒͝

Real player with 27.9 hrs in game

Golden Light on Steam




Ape Out is an ultra-violent ‘top-down shooter’ developed by Gabe Cuzzillo, Bennet Foddy and Matt Boch. This game has been in development for years so it’s nice to see it finally launch. I went in with pretty high expectations and I think they’ve been well met so far.


  • The art is pretty interesting. I’m not sure I’d call it good in a traditional sense, but it certainly fits well/works well with the game. There are some pretty neat visual effects, but I don’t want to spoil them, so I won’t talk about them. The animations are simple and effective.

Real player with 11.5 hrs in game


Headaches. Restlessness. Chest tightness. Excessive sweating. Feeling constantly “on edge.” Trembling or shaking. Insomnia. Irritability and violent outbursts. This is how I would diagnose someone of whom has been playing Ape Out. Granted, I wasn’t very well at the time.

Ape Out, like most products of a creative process, might have been conceived accidentally, but it’s fantastically considered in everything it does.

Playing subject 4, an Ape who wants out of captivity, it heavily evokes Hotline Miami in its top-down, split-second ultra-violence - but perhaps superficially so.

Real player with 10.0 hrs in game

APE OUT on Steam

Ruthless Safari

Ruthless Safari

The game is a 2D scroller where the main character run from a lion. The only thing in this game you can do is jump, which is done by clicking. Unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be a pause button and to achieve the 100 achievement takes roughtly 20 minutes. I do enjoy a few things about the game, such as whenever you’re hit you lose a piece of clothing and the music is actually pretty decent, but the game is not good. At all.

One of a few ways this game could’ve been much better if it added a sizeable window open, while playing the game is always in full mode.The screenshots shown on the store page is literally the entire game and at the price it’s currently at, even on 90% I’d recommend not to get this.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Ruthless Safari is an endless runner game.

It’s quite basic, with simple graphics, easy gameplay, and some generic repetitive music (I suggest turning the music off, as it just gets annoying after a while).

All the game comprises of is a woman running away from a lion; she has to jump over an endless stream of cacti; if she touches a cactus plant three times the lion catches her and kills her.

The first time the fleeing woman touches a cactus she loses her shirt, but continues running in her bra.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Ruthless Safari on Steam



A novel experience that more people should have, it’s good. Clapping to get enemies to shoot each other is a satisfying activity, and the standard top-down shooting benefits from the enemies being sometimes tricky to detect.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Neat game. Echo is not a game mechanic used enough.

The environment sound is pretty good, the shell hitting the floor, clock beeping, you can have a good idea of what most of the things are pretty easily.

The AI is a bit questionable sometimes. I can kinda understand what’s going on with the normal enemies shooting each other, but grenadier blowing himself up is kinda weird.

But overall it’s a nice little game. Running around like a mad man or luring and gunning are both rather enjoyable.

PS: Found a bug, if you tab out then go back, the blood texture will disappear.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Blindia on Steam

Suit for Hire

Suit for Hire

This is the best non-turn-based John Wick simulator. Running around face shooting and doing gun fu and knife takedowns never gets old. My only complaint would be the difficulty, but for me that just makes it have more value as I play a level over and over trying to beat it. Some might get frustrated, though, at going all the way back to the beginning of each level when you die.

Each level gives you a set location and group of badguys to take out, usually on your way to some kind of objective, even though there is no story at present to give any meaning to the killing. That is fine with me, but it might urk some. They are planning to add cut scenes, though, so for now, make up your own story about how the people he’s going after killed his car and stole his dog right after his sister died or something.

Real player with 48.9 hrs in game

The combat for this game is well executed.

It rewards you with a full magazine for landing 7 back-to-back pistol shots.

Missed some of your shots? No problem, the game encourages you to mix it up with a close quarters option as a stylishly fancy way of getting more ammo for your pistol.

Performing an up close finisher on an enemy gives you a full magazine in your pistol. In order to have a chance to do a finisher you’ll need to build up a meter using punches and kicks.

Punch and kick are on 2 separate buttons, this is important to take note of because kicking objects towards enemies (including grenades) is a mechanic in the game.

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

Suit for Hire on Steam

Urban Mage

Urban Mage

Urban Mage is an action simulation game where you get to be the powerful mage, with the ability to cast fireball after fireball and cause chaos and destruction. The time is the 21st century, the place is a quiet small town. Your goal? Kill them all!

Play as a raging mage in a modern environment and catch all the citizens before the cops arrive and arrest you. Or kill the cops as well. Destroy the town. Don’t forget to look inside the houses. Find everyone. Jump on roofs, dash through the streets and use all your powers.

Be aware though that even you are not invincible and the cops have powerful weapons you are not familiar with - guns.


  • action combat system and fast-paced gameplay as well as the possibility to play as a subtle stealth ninja-mage!

  • blood, blood, and more blood - don’t play the game if you are weak on your stomach!

  • stylized and beautiful art style - it is a joy to look at it, at least until you spill blood everywhere

Coming up soon:

  • different play modes including the open-world experience, timed arenas, and unique challenges

  • various difficulty settings and modifiers to tailor the game for you

  • Steam achievements and leaderboard - because everyone wants to be the best

What will probably never come:

  • story mode - who needs a story when one can be a mage … and create your own violent story!
Urban Mage on Steam



Amazing game, please install this game and support the dev

He is working his ass of to perfect it and it needs more support

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

This game has huge potential. When it plays right, it’s addictive. The slow-mo 3D aim needs work, but the core game works pretty well. Some fine-tuning to the controls, more levels, and additions to the gameplay especially with the gun-fu moves (Adding more) this could go from a good game to a great game. Hope they update over time and soon. They have something here.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Collisus on Steam