No More Heroes

No More Heroes

Welcome to the Garden of Madness, Sudabros…

tldr; the game is great, but the port is not


The non-technical part of this port is still good, even after 14 years, the game has it’s charm. The heart and soul of the game is still here (except “Heavenly Star” is absent, but you can mod it back in), but the technical side of this port - OH THE TECHNICAL SIDE..

As you could see, most of the reviews here talk about the lack of controller support (KB+M is not an option;

! and why would you even want to play it on KB+M? ) - the game only supports XBOX360 controller, BUT DS4Windows works just fine for me.

Real player with 25.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Blood Comedy Games.

Yes. But not yet.

the game works really well, but there’s some bugs that need fixing.

Here’s some stuff nobody else is saying:

  • A bunch of achievements are broken, specifically those that have progression tracking. The counting doesn’t work properly. Those who have the achievement “Dial M for Massacre” are using SAM… for shame guys.

  • There’s some particular segments in the game where you need to hit a target at the right time but the timing is extremely finicky if not completely broken. Luckily they are all optional, but some are tied to a certain achievement. It’s not impossible per se, but I sure avoided them like the plague.

Real player with 20.2 hrs in game

No More Heroes on Steam



Character action game with lightning fast action. Play as the badass femme fatale vampire queen, Lyss, and get ready to yell “This is not even my final form!”. Travel through time, destroy dinosaurs, aliens, robots and undeads with bloody stylish combos! Ride your motorcycle, manage your strip club!

Lyss, the Empress

Evil incarnate!

Lyss, the Demon

Master of demonic magic!

Lyss, the Vampire

Gorgeous, deadly!

Lyss, the Beast

Freak of nature!

Lyss, the Deadeye

Respected leader, dangerous gunslinger!

Lyss, the Slave

Burns with rage, insatiable lust for revenge!

Lyss, the Sacrifice

Poor little girl in a very dangerous situation!

Read More: Best Blood Demons Games.

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