Hired Ops

Hired Ops

Decent FPS Shooter!

I can’t recommend this game to anyone for a million reasons!!

Another missed project by Absolutsoft!!

From the beginning of the development the game was supposed to be P2P, and many times the developers as well as their community manager promised that the game would never be F2P, however it turned out to be the biggest lie of Absolutsoft company and their team!

It went further in the development of the game where it took the company and developers more than two years to create four different classes of operators aka the characters in the game that the players would play with!!!

Real player with 1017.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Blood Singleplayer Games.

So to preface.. I just logged over hour 100 of Hired Ops, additionally i’m currently sitting at Rank 68 on the world leader boards. This isn’t me flexing the e-peen about my stats but rather to add validation for my forthcoming scathing of some persistent issues with game.

Firstly, you’ll notice that i DO recommend this game, highly in-fact. I consider Hired Ops a true reawakening to the glory days of fast paced tactical shooters ( circa MW2, MW3 ). The mashup Counter-Strike/MOBA perk and currency system is a surprisingly unique and enjoyable mechanic to progress through matches, constantly tipping the balance in either teams favor while rewarding good gun play for the individual. The customization system has a pace that makes you feel validated ( although slightly grindy ) it keeps you coming back searching for rare attachments and weapons. The gameplay is fluid, kills feel rewarding, weapons have good feedback, and the maps are fleshed out with competition in mind..

Real player with 424.2 hrs in game

Hired Ops on Steam

Fix Me Up Doc! – Dark Humor

Fix Me Up Doc! – Dark Humor

An interesting unique game with funny, weird patients.

Like the art style and the operations and unique tools, however Iam finding it stressful, my patient dies way too quickly before I can finish the surgery, no matter how many times I try, I guess Iam not fast enough and making just 1 mistake every time seems to mean a fail.

I like the game but am not sure if I can recommend as it’s really frustrating me and doesn’t feel fun anymore as it gets too hard past the 7th patient.

After 3 hours the game is too frustrating which is not very long. So I can’t recommend.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Blood Funny Games.

What is this game? It’s a blatant Trauma Center knockoff with a hilariously broken English translation. If you’ve never played one of those, they’re games where you perform gamified surgeries on patients. This game does the same, but it’s extremely ridiculous and nonsensical. For instance, when you want to keep the patient alive longer, you inject them with ketchup and you often have to replace major organs with a sausage, which also doubles as a pimple popper. Most of the game is funny and entertaining enough, but the difficulty, much like the game it’s mimicking, becomes ridiculous. I’m stuck on level 9 because if you make one, single mistake at any point, you basically just lose. That’s right, you have to do it not only perfectly, but quickly. There are only 10 levels and I’m practically certain I’ll never see the last one. The game’s length is padded by the obnoxious difficulty, so there isn’t much value here at all. I was mostly amused by a lot of it, but I cannot recommend it.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Fix Me Up Doc! – Dark Humor on Steam