Give Me More Pills

Give Me More Pills

Johnathan overdoses on various pharmaceutical consumable prescriptions and proceeds to complete the most painstakingly difficult, yet unbelievably satisfying to complete, levels. Very interesting puzzle game. Would recommend if you’ve got some extra time and money.

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Blood Funny Games.

I think who create this game took 3 pills of Creativafeno! Amazing concept and idea! Love it!

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Give Me More Pills on Steam



You play as Dusty, a robot vacuum that gains sentience after fighting off burglars during a break-in. Your family is brutally attacked by the FamilyCorp warranty squad and in the battle you’re thrown into the living room TV. On the brink of robodeath, your consciousness enters “the TV dimension” to gain the abilities you need to rise from the ashes and rescue your family.

Eat Their Blood

Do your duties as a vacuum cleaner and clean up the mess

Devastating Powers

Consume the blood of your enemies to unleash devastating powers.


As a robot vacuum cleaner, use your low profile to hide under furniture and avoid detection.


Hack smart devices, turn them into deadly traps


Use the environment as your weapon, suck up objects to shoot at your enemies

Furry Friends

Meet powerful allies

Read More: Best Blood Top-Down Games.


Sea Dogs

Sea Dogs

Yes it’s old, but it places its emphasis in sea battles on sailing and strategy. You can’t just load guns in 3 seconds and then switch from solid balls to grapeshot without going through another reload. Turn rate and speed are crucial to monitor. And the story line is fun, too.

Real player with 94.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Blood Pirates Games.

Fascinating game. It was great years ago, and I finished it again with great pleasure nowadays. And that’s not a call of nostalgia. There are many old games which didn’t age well, but I can’t say such a thing about this one. Yes, it’s graphics will not impress you these days and some gameplay mechanics are rather old. But the game brings an enthralling non linear story, great music and atmosphere as well as interesting albeit little clunky gameplay.

The game is 20 years old, but it has unique walkthrough for 4 different nations and unique dialogs for all characters, not just secondary ones, but even unimportant ones. For example, there is no copy-cat tavern keepers or store owners with standard phrases. Each one has his own character, story or even quest. And a word about quests. There is no copy-paste quests as well. Each one is unique and there is a lot of them. Believe or not, but it is the only game where I still remember the names of most of the characters after so many years.

Real player with 41.5 hrs in game

Sea Dogs on Steam

Golden Light

Golden Light

Holy cow, this game is my aesthetic. I turned off the pixelation; as fun as it is, it’s difficult to deal with the entire time. This game isn’t scary as much as it is a weird B-movie with occasional jump scares. I love the ambiguous storyline; this being a relatively small community it’s got a lot of mystery in the world and gameplay.

It has a lot of personality and the devs continue to do a good job in updating it. It’s a survival rogue-like at heart; you have to make decisions as to how you’ll survive, and there isn’t a lot of room for equipment. Dying can be discouraging, but (at least in easy mode) you can go through the entrance of the biome you died in and pop back into the level you were just at. There’s really not a whole lot to it once you understand what’s going on. It’s just a fun, addictive game.

Real player with 36.2 hrs in game

The GUT sees me. There is no escape. Once you enter, it will always have its eyes on you. Its eyes are pulling you into the abyss - deeper and deeper until you don't know your own self anymore.

You are not safe in here. The floor is up and the up is floor is run is floor is ceiling run RUN RUN RUN RUNR UNRJGFZHRUNR R̸̨̡̛̞̗̦̘̦̰͍̋̀͑͐̋͊͛̐̀ͅÚ̵͎̟̍͑̎̀̌̏͝Ņ̴̛̥̖̱̹̓̎͋̇͐̈̔͐̚N̸̡̞͕̙̪̖̗͋́́̂͌͗͌͋̿͘N̴̙̠͍̐̅̎́́̿͂͘R̶̛̙͍͍̙̦͗̉͑͜͠ͅÚ̵͖͈̘͍̈͑͋͝R̷̳̻͖̮̮̲̮̔̾͂̇͂̇̐̈̈́͜Ṵ̷̠̞͙̺͔̠̣̗̙̔̊̾̽͑̌̈́͒R̸͕͇̰̪̜̯̬͓̘͆N̶̡̼̪͂̔́̈́̽̚͜R̸̨̓͊̏̃́͊͐̇N̵̫̯̜̫̹̋Ṟ̴̡͖̤̳͚̥̺̺͠Ù̶͕̪̟̹̼̜͉͎̼͙͂̃ ̶̧̳̬̈́̑̔́̒U̸͎͔̝͕͌̀̕Ṙ̴̟̙̗̑̽̀̄̇͝ͅT̶̨̤̝͓̥̝͈̳͎͑̎̊͌̚ͅƯ̵̖̬̺̹̭̰̋̽̓̈́̉͂ Ų̸̛͈̰͉͚̠͑̀͛R̶̡̨̜̻͈̅͜U̸̹̘̠͒̈́͝ͅR̸͕̣̄̓͋͂̓̎͊̚̚͝U̵̧̡̳͓̮͍̳̪͇̇̑̀͌͌̀̄͊̕R̷͚̟̫̬̺͕̮̕ͅͅŇ̴̠͇̪͚̯͓̣͊́͝R̵̢̧̭͓͎̙͖͇̋̉̔͌U̴̮̰͎̹͖̾͊́̾̿̎̕͠͠Ŗ̷̛̤͉̜̻̿̾̄̀͑̓̅͆̚Ų̶̬̳̾̓̏ ̴̨̡͖̮̜̓͛͋R̶̡͑̒̈́̈́̋̾Ņ̶̹̭͍̱͕̋̈̑N̴̞͚̹̤͈̩̣̩̊̒͒̀̀͋͝N̵̥̲͓̣̞̟͋̍R̷̨̖̗͈̥̘͚̭͋̊̌̂̄̊͒̎̑̽͜N̷̲̪̭͇̥̊̾̅́͐̉͝͝R̶̢͙̫̜̬̦͖̀̕Ư̵̧͕̱̳͙͊̓͊͠R̷̤̥̫̎̉̆Ư̷̬̝̱͉̙̗̪͎̾̑̆̃̋͜͝R̵̳̻͍̍̽̉̈́͗͠Ņ̷̛̖͉̻̙͙̣̓̄͝R̴͚͕̰͖̀Ŭ̶̺̹̐̈́̓̍͗͒̕ ̴̱̇́́̏R̴͈͙͇̱̲̹̍U̴̳͖̥̎̀̀̈͘͝N̶̡̩̱̘̦̈́͒̑̒́̀͒͝

Real player with 27.9 hrs in game

Golden Light on Steam