Shining Hotel: Lost in Nowhere

Shining Hotel: Lost in Nowhere

Since I’ve opted to thumb this game up, I should start this review with a highly emphatic disclaimer, namely:

DO NOT BUY THIS GAME AT FULL PRICE, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. I bought it in a pack with another game for a smidgen under ten dollars, and it was still FAR TOO MUCH. This game is very, VERY short (twenty minutes, tops), and worth maybe two bucks at best. That said: I’ve never thumbed a game down purely on the basis of its price, and I’m not about to start here. You have, however, been warned. On with the review, then…

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Blood Singleplayer Games.

nice experience, good story.. but very bad gameplay!

what is horror to these developers? seriously, is this even scary?

it’s more than a walking simulator!

I’m ok with the game length that everybody’s complaining about, but it’s not horror at all

it doesn’t worth this amount of money..

I’m sorry, but this is the truth

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Shining Hotel: Lost in Nowhere on Steam

BloodRayne Betrayal: Fresh Bites

BloodRayne Betrayal: Fresh Bites


-Fluid and fast-paced hack & slash 2D action

-Game supports up to 120fps

-It works fine on both keyboard and Xbox gamepad controller

-Laura Bailey and Troy Baker are back to play as Rayne and Kagan

-Game can now render sprites at true 4k resolution (3840 x 2160)

-Decent blood & gore physics

-You can now select difficulty between Classic and Standard when starting new game

-Combo attacks and Dash mechanic feels smooth, snappy, and responsive

-2D artstyle was perfect; I love the atmosphere, filled with enriched music

Real player with 714.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Blood Platformer Games.

A lot like the good old Castlevania games with difficult platforming and all. If you get good with the shmoovement you can pretty much fly across levels and the combat is a lot of fun.

My main complaint is how slowly Rayne turns around. I can’t tell you how many times I try to turn around and shoot only for the turning animation to be canceled and shoot off screen. PLEASE devs reduce time to turn around by half and combat would feel great. Also adding the Japanese main menu art as an option would really put a chef’s kiss on the entire package.

Real player with 11.1 hrs in game

BloodRayne Betrayal: Fresh Bites on Steam

They Bleed Pixels

They Bleed Pixels

They Bleed Pixels - Satisfaction that comes at a price

If you check on Steam it actually comes at pretty low price. But obviously I was not talking about money. I was talking about time (which equals money) but let talk more about why I came to such a conclusion.

So if you have read my previous review you probably guessed that I like this game because it is a 2D platformer. And yes I like platformers and I was collecting them in the past when I had time to play any games. Naturally I came across this game and loved it at first sight. And why not? I watched the trailer and I saw fast paced action, lots of different moves and attacks. I loved this simplistic but beautiful art style. It also said it was inspired H.P Lovecraft which told me absolutely nothing at first but after searching online I know all I needed. Another thing that got me really excited was the number of achievements to unlock. And my friends know that I’m a achievement-junkie. But I should have read what those achievements are about. From the tags I new it wasn’t going to be easy and I was quite ready for that. So I grabbed my controller, fired up the game and focused on my TV screen…

Real player with 43.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Blood Platformer Games.

They Bleed Pixels is a challenging wall jump platformer, with a satisfying unique premise, quality combat and engaging mechanics.

You control a presumably troubled student at the Lafcadio Academy for troubled girls. She stumbles across a magical book that makes you have wild dreams involving a few strangely horrific creatures, several bloody spikes, and an ever present number of saws. The book also has glowing bits and pages that not only are missing, but found inside said dreams. Take heed of any such events that occur in reality, as these are not normal behaviors for books or their pages.

Real player with 34.0 hrs in game

They Bleed Pixels on Steam

Blood Spear

Blood Spear

No game in the steam catalog can compare to Blood Spear. Having thousands of hours in other steam games, i have decided that this game reigns superior above all. No one should pass up playing this game. A Breathtaking experience, honestly, the convoluted story at the beginning begins to piece itself together as you play. The game play flows well and with non linear areas, you can play the game the way you want to play it. The music is phenomenal, and is comparable to soundtracks of other great triple A games. The idea of a ranged combat is so fresh and different in a convoluted genre of sword hack and slash games. This game CANNOT be compared to the souls games, they are the yin and yang of souls likes. Dark souls being bleak, cold, dark, and repetitive, while Blood Spear is fast pased, high octane, intuitive, as these new ideas are added to the legacy of these games. I hope that this inspires other great Spear-Like games and is a genre i will be keeping up with for years to come.

Real player with 24.7 hrs in game

When a game is soo good that being free seems wrong

  • Third-person Hack and slash

  • Short

  • Great atmosphere

  • Inventive combat mechanics

  • Easy to learn, room for skilled-play

So, if you are still here… Let’s get down to it:


Nobody said it was easy, it’s such a shame for us to part…

Blood Spear is often called a student project… hence why it is so short and free, but make no mistake, winning first prize at ISART Digital Montreal 2021 is no small feat, and calling this a student project is a grave understatement. Picking obvious queues from the likes of Dark Souls, Soul Reaver and more, you get a third-person hack and slash campaign that won’t overstay its welcome, with an easy to learn throwing mechanic (charge and quick-fire) backed up with two inventive skills that add strategy and healing abilities, this compact package leaves you wanting more.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Blood Spear on Steam

Immortal Realms: Vampire Wars

Immortal Realms: Vampire Wars

If I were to describe this game in one sentence it would be as follows: A game with strong foundation, but a lot of underutilized or wasted potential. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves and look at its strengths and weaknesses.


  • ART. Immortal Realms: Vampire Wars features very high quality art that is best represented on Cards. I can’t praise art of this game enough. Everything is very detailed, atmospheric, diverse and just a pleasure to look at.

  • ATMOSPHERE. This one is a bit subtle but at its core this game makes you feel like a vampire ruler who is playing a deadly game of influence and warfare. The fact that game represents quite a few things with cards certainly adds to this feeling.

Real player with 149.0 hrs in game

After playing for 100 hours, completing the campaign, and finishing +16 sandbox with all factions, i can say that this game is, for the better parts :

  • Stable/Playable (I encountered no game crash, nor errors, with the “worst” bug being solved by simply surrendering the fighting in which i was stuck.) (Played on an Acer Nitro N50-600, I5-8400 CPU 2.8GHz, NVIDIA GTX 1060 6GB, 8G RAM)

  • Enjoyable (Some part of the campaign may be more difficult than others but taken on the right angle, they become easier.)

Real player with 137.6 hrs in game

Immortal Realms: Vampire Wars on Steam



Delve into the depths of hell and slay hordes of enemies on your way down through a dark well in this retro inspired rogue-lite FPS

  • Dynamic fast paced combat with tight movement and satisfying guns

  • Gun and character skill upgrades, variety of guns, range of challenging hellish enemies

  • Atmospherically dark levels with aggressive difficulty curve

  • Rich visual style with captivating enemy design

  • Contextual music matching hardcore combat and softer recovery sections

  • Stat and performance reports per run down the well

Hellver on Steam



Wandering what would it be if Dante’s Inferno (2010) became a metroidvania game? Now you have the answer, it’s Blasphemous! I’ll try to be as brief and honest as possible telling what I saw and experienced during my playthrough.

Before anything else my entire playthrough was during “V. 1.0.6” so, if there’s something missing the devs might have patched it. At this moment the game is on “V. 1.0.8” and according to the devs:


“You’ll also notice that this is Patch 1, which means more patches and content updates will be on their way - launching Blasphemous doesn’t mean we’re finished! - Wed, 25/09/2019”

Knowing that let’s get to move on to the review…

Real player with 86.2 hrs in game

If someone reads this - Sorry for my English.

I really wanted to like this game. But it seems to me that the logic of exploring the map is fundamentally broken.

How does metroidvanias work? At the location, you find obstacles that you can not overcome. –- You explore the location, find the ability. — Overcome obstacles and feel progress. The game designer organizes the game levels in such a way that you can collect the necessary abilities for game progression and explore old locations to find secrets. And in portions, you get more and more freedom to move.

Real player with 39.2 hrs in game

Blasphemous on Steam



+ Pros +

  • A very entertaining gameplay

  • A large amount of traps and skills that allow a diversified gameplay

  • A functional multiplayer mode

  • Stunning and detailed graphics.

- Cons -

  • Serious balance and design problems with certain levels.

  • A high price for a game that reuses existing models and doesn’t introduce anything revolutionary.


Deathtrap is a spinoff to The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing series. It’s based on the tower defence mechanics, estrapolated directly from its parent. It’s similar to Sanctum, mixing turrets and playable characters with their passive and combat skills defending a point from incoming waves of enemies.

Real player with 47.6 hrs in game

Deathtrap is an interesting combination of tower defence and action RPG in a fantasy setting. The player has to stop an assortment of demonic creatures from reaching portals. You do this by building traps along the creatures path, and you also control a character that can move around the map and attack the creatures directly. Its similar to Orcs Must Die, but with a more elevated camera angle.

The player character can be either a warrior, rogue or mage depending on if you want to focus on melee or ranged attacks. You move with arrows/wasd, have a basic attack on LMB and upto 5 other abilities on hotkeys. These abilities cost rage/mana which is generated by using the basic attack, and there are more than 5 abilities to choose from, plus several passives, so you can build a character that suits your playing style.

Real player with 38.8 hrs in game

Deathtrap on Steam

Deathbloom: Chapter 1

Deathbloom: Chapter 1

Deathbloom: Chapter 1 is a good horror game and a good first chapter, so the story.

You play as some guy who visiting his mom, finds a letter saying that is grandfather has died, for some reason his mom has always hidden letters from his grandfather for years but why? Why hided that?

Soon he goes to his grandfather’s home in the hopes of finding out more about him.

Now it’s time for the likes. First off this game as a great spooky atmosphere that keeps you on edge. The scares in the game are good and does not rely on jump scares at all. The enemies were scary looking, my fav being the Dollfaces they are creepy little fuckers.

Real player with 11.3 hrs in game

I’m all out of whack with Vincent Lade’s horror games. I played the middle one first, the last one second and the first one last. My gaming pattern with his stuff is practically modeled after a ps1 survival horror game puzzle. It’s convoluted, you might fake yourself out on the solution but you’ll come up with an answer somehow. The bottom line is; The Swine was a decent short horror piece and Harthorn was pretty awesome n' unified experience, at least that’s how I felt. So, how did Deathbloom Chapter 1 stack-up? It’s pretty solid and even more impressive for a first effort into the genre from Lade.

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Deathbloom: Chapter 1 on Steam

Twice Reborn: a vampire visual novel

Twice Reborn: a vampire visual novel

If you crossed a vampire, would you protect humanity or embrace the blood?

In Twice Reborn, Mark Delaware a teaching assistant, becomes a newly-turned vampire in a community forced to hide in plain sight. His mentor, Michelson, has trusted Mark to become the Enforcer: a feared arbiter who keeps the quarreling vampiric houses following the Code. When arson kills key vampires in the community, it’s up to Mark to either embrace his blood or to find a way to–somehow–regain his humanity.

There Are Sacrifices to Make

Interacting with humans and vampires is a delicate balance. Not all appreciate Mark’s decision and not all relationships can last. Some want him dead, others want him for their own. Mark’s responses in the perilous community changes their reactions as well as the story’s routes/endings.

Survive the Night

Satiate Mark’s bloodlust, otherwise he may kill innocents. The opportunities for blood will not always be private nor moral.

Not all are who they seem to be.

Twice Reborn Features:

  • Listen to a fully voiced cast of 30+ characters (audio dialogue is in English)

  • Build a reputation among factions, earn friendships, and control Mark’s bloodlust

  • Experience a story with over 95,000 words

  • Arrive to 20+ possible endings

  • Experience a vampire drama with an optional romance and an apprentice to adopt

  • Unlock art through a CG gallery as you achieve milestones in the story

  • To be released for Windows and Mac

_Advisory Warning:

Contains flashing images, violence, moderate language, drugs/alcohol usage. Not suitable for all ages.

Help support in English only._

Twice Reborn: a vampire visual novel on Steam