You have come from outer space to the destroyed Earth. You are a person from the past in a harsh and inhospitable world… The IRON WORLD. Can you survive?

Your cool car

Driving your personal car in events on the global map. Always transport your stuff in the trunk. Shoot enemies with a turret or crush them.

Explore the world

Before you is a big ruined world. You are free to go wherever you want. Mountains, wasteland, towns and farms. Realistic layout of houses and attention to the interior. What is waiting for you around the corner? Create your own adventure.

Uncompromising fights

Dynamic and bloody battles. Move, use shelters, arrange ambushes, use power-ups to survive and defeat outnumbered enemies.

Tactical AI

The enemies will seem smart to you. They will find you by the noise and look for you if you have disappeared. Be sure, they will find you and surprise you.

Dynamic field of vision

You will not know who is in the house until you go inside. A sense of uncertainty and danger around every corner.

Visual style

Carefully recreated atmosphere of the apocalypse and devastation. A large number of details on the locations. The original hand-drawn style of graphics.


Collect resources in houses, berries and mushrooms growing in the world. Create food, ammunition and power-ups from them. Good nutrition is the key to success.

Characters and humor

Meet colorful NPCs in cutscenes, dialogues and quests. We tried to make the characters bright, not devoid of black humor and sarcasm.

Read More: Best Blood Nonlinear Games.


ZIC: Survival

ZIC: Survival

I like the content of the game with crafting systems, pets, and survival elements, but the control is a bit weird. And I find myself having to spend a lot of time resource gathering. As a survival game, I think comparing to other similar games out there like embark, ZIC still has some improvement room. But it’s always nice to see cross-platform simulation game. I look forward to see how this game develops.

My first impression video:

Real player with 32.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Blood Survival Games.

Game looks like a minimal effort cash grab with very thin mechanics and no real balancing. The availability of wood rapidly becomes the blocking factor because it’s used both as a crafting ingredient and the fuel to power most of the machines. Want to cook your raw meat? 1 piece of wood = 1 cooked steak. Want to make an iron ingot from iron ore? 1 piece of wood = 1 ingot.

Want to repair your mining tool? 4 ingots and 4 wood… except since you need to mine the iron ore AND the wood AND use some of the wood to convert the iron ore into ingots. And then on top of that, every time you repair your mining tool it’s max durability goes down, so you actually get to spend less and less time doing anything but maintaining your tools.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

ZIC: Survival on Steam

Unto The End

Unto The End

I want to start of by saying that I have now beat this game 3 times. This game is truly a 9/10 for me as a standalone game. Does this mean this game is perfect? No. Does it mean it’s for everyone? No.

First: the not so good of this game. Initially, the combat in the game feels clunky. It’s quite difficult to learn early on, and the first play through can be VERY frustrating at times. Once the combat is learned well, it feels very satisfying though, but it never gets easier. There are no tutorials in game except for the “sparing area” which can be accessed from any fire. Though this helps with the basics, I wish there were a few more advanced techniques gone over. Another con for the game is the apparent random damage amount a player takes from enemies. It feels like sometimes you’re really hardy, and other times you’re a piece of over ripe fruit. Initially this can be frustrating, and apparently illogical, but after DM’ing 2TON about this in the game, I was told that damage variance comes from the current position of vulnerability the character is in. For example: if you are rolling when you are hit, you take 2 or 3 times the damage than if you are in a guarded position. As a design decision, I think that this makes sense for the type of game this is, but I would like to have maybe seen at least a mention of this in the “sparing area”. Last con for this game is that in some areas visibility of the character is frustratingly difficult where you need to interact with something because of placement of a rock or something.

Real player with 29.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Blood Cinematic Games.

Death is inevitable


Unto The End (UTE) is a cinematic platformer that like several other indies rakes in uniqueness and originality. The main focus is the challenging combat that has excellent nuance. It doesn’t have much of a setup nor does it try and hold your hand at all. I should also address the storyline or rather, lack thereof. All that is shown is a Father leaves his family to presumably go on a hunting expedition. Of course, it isn’t long before he gets into trouble and players must aid him through an unrelenting frozen wasteland to return to his home.

Real player with 13.6 hrs in game

Unto The End on Steam



+ Pros +

  • A very entertaining gameplay

  • A large amount of traps and skills that allow a diversified gameplay

  • A functional multiplayer mode

  • Stunning and detailed graphics.

- Cons -

  • Serious balance and design problems with certain levels.

  • A high price for a game that reuses existing models and doesn’t introduce anything revolutionary.


Deathtrap is a spinoff to The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing series. It’s based on the tower defence mechanics, estrapolated directly from its parent. It’s similar to Sanctum, mixing turrets and playable characters with their passive and combat skills defending a point from incoming waves of enemies.

Real player with 47.6 hrs in game

Deathtrap is an interesting combination of tower defence and action RPG in a fantasy setting. The player has to stop an assortment of demonic creatures from reaching portals. You do this by building traps along the creatures path, and you also control a character that can move around the map and attack the creatures directly. Its similar to Orcs Must Die, but with a more elevated camera angle.

The player character can be either a warrior, rogue or mage depending on if you want to focus on melee or ranged attacks. You move with arrows/wasd, have a basic attack on LMB and upto 5 other abilities on hotkeys. These abilities cost rage/mana which is generated by using the basic attack, and there are more than 5 abilities to choose from, plus several passives, so you can build a character that suits your playing style.

Real player with 38.8 hrs in game

Deathtrap on Steam

Neon Cyber Desert

Neon Cyber Desert

Humans have become extinct, and only robots and monsters roam through what remains of past civilization. Fueled by a mysterious substance in the sand all creatures, mechanical or organic, fight for survival in the vast desert wasteland.

As you reboot in the middle of the desert, your race for survival begins. Your memory backup is inaccessible and your energy level is depleting rapidly. Every creature in the desert is hostile. Are the obelisks gonna give the answer to what happened to you and the world?


Killing enemies will release some of their energy and it will recover your energy level. All enemies have their own attack patterns and group behavior. Face monsters that surround you, others that jump attack and scatter, and loners that will tear you apart.


The desert is harsh! Research forgotten knowledge and build upgrades from scrap metal to improve your robot and its equipment. You choose yourself if you want to prioritize offense or defense, or research to craft other equipment.


Once unlocked you can speed up travel across the desert and jump over the ruins. Ram enemies for extra damage!


In the vast desert you can still find a variety of different regions. Venturing into these areas are bound to turn up interesting discoveries, and you might even uncover the secret of the obelisks!

Neon Cyber Desert on Steam