Drunken Fist ๐Ÿบ๐Ÿ‘Š Totally Accurate Beat ‘em up

Drunken Fist ๐Ÿบ๐Ÿ‘Š Totally Accurate Beat ‘em up

I mainly recommend this game because it’s very cheap and it’s a very unique fun concept with the physics based fighting. More games should use proper physics. There is a sufficient amount of different moves to make it rather interesting. (although I’d add a few more)

However I think it’s far from desirable. It feels unpolished / unfinished with many features, such as key rebinding and level select are missing on release.

I also don’t like the “drunken” part. Sure, it’s advertised in the title, but in practice it means that the game is hard to control and clunky. While some could consider the result funny, I can only think of it as frustrating, as things often don’t work as I expect.

โ€“ Real player with 8.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Blood Beat 'em up Games.

Tl;dr: Drunken Fist is a silly game that needs a lot of work. It feels like an Early Access title, but it’s being sold as a finished product.

The Good

  • Silly and good for a laugh* Charming art style

The Bad

  • Priced a bit higher than it should be for the quality/amount of content ($2 - $3 seems more reasonable)* Controls aren’t always responsive* Lacks something as basic as the ability to exit the game from the main menu* Player character can get stuck inside the scenery

โ€“ Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Drunken Fist ๐Ÿบ๐Ÿ‘Š Totally Accurate Beat 'em up on Steam

Fighting Clans

Fighting Clans

Experienced on the Oculus Rift and Windows Mixed Reality

Please note: I received a free Steam key through the Steam Curator Connect program.

You can view my review & gameplay here: https://youtu.be/7pnYfGWfKu8

This was a very tough call for me on whether to recommend it or not. At the end of the day, I decided there just wasn’t enough here to recommend the game. It’s not a bad game. It’s nice for what it is. This is a very simple arcade street fighter for VR where you can punch, kick (via button push), dodge, or block.

โ€“ Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Blood Fighting Games.

UPD: the game was hugely improved with latest update, but it’s still not good enough to recommend. I crossed out fixed problem from the cons list.

Fighting Clans rcadey VR brawler with few glaring issues.


  • With all its flaws, the gameplay is still fun: the game does boxing way better than Creed. Hitboxes are more or less appropriate, overall combat feels almost as good as in Virtual Fighter Championship(which is not great, but serviceable)


  • In-game hands are extremely bad. They not aligned with real life on Oculus Touch and have very limited reach, that makes hooks real pain in the ass. Also the stance is weird: character’s elbows are spread very wide, so they don’t seem to protect the body at all

โ€“ Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Fighting Clans on Steam