Hell Loop

Hell Loop



  • It’s fun to find effective strategies.

  • The “no escape” mode is very challenging and fun.


  • Your trap choices can make some playthroughs on higher difficulty impossible.

  • Difficulty levels are hidden in main menu.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Blood Roguelite Games.

The game is pretty great as a tower defense + strategy game. The drawings are perfect and looks pretty great for your eyes, you can’t wait that much from a platformer. However sinners can scream and that would make you feel like you’re a real Evil LMAO. However, traps are pretty enough to kill all the sinners. I had one problem with achievements. I tried many things to solve it but I didn’t had achievements while I was completing them. Contacted developer about that and he said yeah there can be a bug about achievements which will be solved %100.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Hell Loop on Steam

Blood Waves

Blood Waves

Blood Waves (BW in short) develope and published by Light Road Games. On steam, the PC version was released on 12/05/2018 however according to Metacritic (http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/blood-waves ) it shows the PC version was released on 27/11/2017. A mismatch of information. As of this writing, there are no feedback on Metacritic for BW.

I am writing this as of update 0.410 with just 2.6 hours into the game and have not completed/experience what the product has to offer, substantially this is definately too early to write BUT because the developer is still updating the product at this stage, I intend to push this writing out ASAP for the devs to consider some idea(s) to work on.

Real player with 17.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Blood Survival Games.

Didn’t go into this one with much to ask , just something to enjoy and play.

And that’s sort of what i got with Blood Waves , it’s a straightforward 3rd person survival shooter which feels like playing Resident Evil of sorts.

You have a skilltree where you get 1point per wave you finish , and money after each wave , to purchase weapons and upgrades.

Now let me start with saying that the Skilltree is busted , you can stack damage reduction , you get up to 6% of your max hp PER SECOND regenerated and then you have the classics like stamina increase , headshot dmg multiplier you know the good stuff.

Real player with 16.4 hrs in game

Blood Waves on Steam

Blood And Zombies

Blood And Zombies

This game combines the base building of Rust and the game play style of Killing floor. At this point in the game (A 0.25 at the time of this writing) it’s just great. I’ve been looking for a game like this for a long time. BUT, I have a couple - to - few suggestions for the developer(s): First is obvious: this game would benefit exponentially from multiplayer (almost goes without saying, really). Second, well, once you get your base going it seems as if the zombies care more about vandalizing/breaking what you’ve built up than killing you, and most of the damage you’ll receive in the game is done indirectly (poison gas/electric zombies dying and leaving damage clouds). And three, the only major bug I’ve found while playing (in 4 hours mind you) is sometimes the camera gets a bit wonky. For example: I could hit the 2 key to switch to my secondary and the camera will flip, buying a new weapon will shove the gun into an awkward/unintended position (clipping through the camera), and facing the floor after looking at the menu (sometimes these issues can be fixed by switching weapons or reloading or buying a gun in the same slot, then returning to the first gun, but it didn’t for the crossbow). For an indie game so early in development, I’d rate it a 9.95/10.

Real player with 18.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Blood Zombies Games.

bugs start to show up and when brought up devs act like they could care less…give your money to “7 Days To Die” video game here on steam….atleast they listen and care….this was one of the worst games ive bought lately……horrible game.

had a fellow friend who also played had the follwing to say but couldnt leave a review but i can-

“Game is bug infested to the max. Mechanics don’t work and my keyboard stopped working multiple times after passing the first wave of zombies.”

my sons copy wouldnt even load up its map….needless to say he refunded at my recommendation when he approached me on what to do.

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

Blood And Zombies on Steam

ZIC: Survival

ZIC: Survival

I like the content of the game with crafting systems, pets, and survival elements, but the control is a bit weird. And I find myself having to spend a lot of time resource gathering. As a survival game, I think comparing to other similar games out there like embark, ZIC still has some improvement room. But it’s always nice to see cross-platform simulation game. I look forward to see how this game develops.

My first impression video: https://youtu.be/P3SnOXFH294

Real player with 32.4 hrs in game

Game looks like a minimal effort cash grab with very thin mechanics and no real balancing. The availability of wood rapidly becomes the blocking factor because it’s used both as a crafting ingredient and the fuel to power most of the machines. Want to cook your raw meat? 1 piece of wood = 1 cooked steak. Want to make an iron ingot from iron ore? 1 piece of wood = 1 ingot.

Want to repair your mining tool? 4 ingots and 4 wood… except since you need to mine the iron ore AND the wood AND use some of the wood to convert the iron ore into ingots. And then on top of that, every time you repair your mining tool it’s max durability goes down, so you actually get to spend less and less time doing anything but maintaining your tools.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

ZIC: Survival on Steam