Corpse Mob

Corpse Mob

Fast paced butt clenching zombie killing action game with pleasing graphics. For me personally it feels like a throwback to the golden age of flash games.

  • Good weapon and enemy variety

  • Achievments, character progression and unlockables to work toward

  • Smooth controls and gameplay

  • Nice graphics and effects

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Blood Twin Stick Shooter Games.

Gets old very fast; get boring after an Hour. Very Very repetive. doesnt seem to have any other areas apart from the the one you see on store page. Menu is just a grey background. Very forgetable.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Corpse Mob on Steam

Get Over Here!

Get Over Here!

Play it! It’s good

Juegalo! es bueno

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Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Simple but works wonderfully. If you have some minutes to spare - JUST PLAY IT.

really really enjoyable game.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Get Over Here! on Steam

Suit for Hire

Suit for Hire

This is the best non-turn-based John Wick simulator. Running around face shooting and doing gun fu and knife takedowns never gets old. My only complaint would be the difficulty, but for me that just makes it have more value as I play a level over and over trying to beat it. Some might get frustrated, though, at going all the way back to the beginning of each level when you die.

Each level gives you a set location and group of badguys to take out, usually on your way to some kind of objective, even though there is no story at present to give any meaning to the killing. That is fine with me, but it might urk some. They are planning to add cut scenes, though, so for now, make up your own story about how the people he’s going after killed his car and stole his dog right after his sister died or something.

Real player with 48.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Blood Difficult Games.

The combat for this game is well executed.

It rewards you with a full magazine for landing 7 back-to-back pistol shots.

Missed some of your shots? No problem, the game encourages you to mix it up with a close quarters option as a stylishly fancy way of getting more ammo for your pistol.

Performing an up close finisher on an enemy gives you a full magazine in your pistol. In order to have a chance to do a finisher you’ll need to build up a meter using punches and kicks.

Punch and kick are on 2 separate buttons, this is important to take note of because kicking objects towards enemies (including grenades) is a mechanic in the game.

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

Suit for Hire on Steam

Rude Racers: 2D Combat Racing

Rude Racers: 2D Combat Racing

This is easily the best 2d combat racing game out there and I’m not even exaggerating! It reminds me of the old games I used to play on arcade, the art style is cartoony, characters are funny and music is mind blowing. The progression is quite linear and the later levels kept me engaged for hours where I had to dodge incoming attacks and time a counter blow while riding at high speeds and evade the contraptions all at the same time! With so much variety in events and depth of content in terms of weapons, riders and atvs this game is dirt cheap as compared to other games on Steam.

Real player with 50.8 hrs in game

Rude Racers is a cheap game but very optimized and hides a very challenge gameplay.

What is Rude Racers?

It is a scrolling game, where you need to beat your quad/endure bike enemies with your speed or with the brute force before the time finishes or the finish lap.

We have two modalities: Career and quick mode.

In quick mode, you can choose the type of race you will do, while the divided into seasons (5 in total) while the career doesn’t need an explanation.


Real player with 35.3 hrs in game

Rude Racers: 2D Combat Racing on Steam

Super Blood Hockey

Super Blood Hockey

Super Blood Hockey is an awesome game, Fluid and Simple Controls, Pixel graphics and 4 Player Local coop or versus. It does not take the sport too seriously and there is a lot of blood.

It is a nice take on the classic hockey games of the early 90s. Anything is allowed and getting trough a match without a fight is pretty rare. Players can get injured and wil just bleed oud on the ice, There is even an achievement for it, “One for the dumpster” You can play any game up to 4 players, you can play for the same team, you can play versus or mix and match.

Real player with 100.2 hrs in game

This is the hockey game I’ve been wanting for almost 30 years.

TL;DR: This game is awesome.

This game reminded me of a few different games. Ice Hockey, Blades of Steel, NHLPA ‘93, and NHL Hitz. Coincidentally, most of these have been my go-to games to get my fix of hockey violence. SBH seems to take elements from all of them, make , and then wrap them into one. I revisited and played all of these games plus others to refresh my memory and make these comparisons as accurate as possible.

For reference: SBH = Super Blood Hockey

Real player with 49.7 hrs in game

Super Blood Hockey on Steam

Zombie Shooter

Zombie Shooter

If this was the first game this developer ever made, maybe I would be less critical, but since they already made Alien Shooter game 4 years before, then they had the time to fix all the issues, since it is basically the same game with different textures.

The AI is simply brain-dead. They only know how to go in the direction of the player, there is no actual pathfinding, so they get stuck trying to pass through a wall while there is a door right next to them. They also often get stuck on terrain and just spin in place. Any game programmer should be able to implement basic A* pathfinding in a 2D game in a few days, not to mention 4 years.

Real player with 28.2 hrs in game

I get that it’s an outbreak of the walking dead but who in their right mind created all these giant zombie tanks with arm mounted seeking rocket launchers?? Why would somebody think that was a good idea!? Zombie shooter is a retro topdown isometric shooter with the graphics being very reminiscent of the old fallout games. It features simple RPG system and hordes of the walking dead for you to splatter with the games varied weapons. It doesn’t talk too long to run through the game but the action is fast and bloody while it lasts.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Zombie Shooter on Steam

Mutant Football League

Mutant Football League

Mutant Football League is the spiritual successor to the 1993 Genesis game of–just about the–same name. It’s a 7-on-7 American style football game featuring teams of monsters battling it out for gory gridion supremacy in an “after the bomb” world.

“Gory? Football is violent, but not THAT violent”, you say? Ah, but it turns out trolls, skeletons, and robots are more cavalier about possible concussions or, uh, dismemberment, than real-life footballers. Indeed, in the Mutant Football League scooping up a diva wide receiver and breaking him in half with a move normally seen in professional wrestling isn’t unsportsmanlike, it’s the norm!

Real player with 57.4 hrs in game

MFL fills in the massive gaping hole in the football game market, especially on PC. If you want to play a football game in 2018, you are limited to emulation or purchasing a console, and even then you are limited to Madden titles. Not that Madden titles are inherently bad, but MFL allows for fun football action without the drudge of an NFL simulation. Rather, MFL has ramped up action and pace, little down time, and cartoon violence.

The gameplay is standard for any football game (so skip this is you have played one). You select offensive and defensive plays between downs, and during the play take control of a single player. On offensive plays this is typically the ball carrier, choosing targets as the QB and switching to the receiver or running back when ball changes hands. On defense you can cycle through to play any of the positions.

Real player with 35.6 hrs in game

Mutant Football League on Steam

Cut Them Up

Cut Them Up

Looking for casual but intense gameplay ?

Make a mess on 60 randomly generated levels and defeat The Darkness in the final fight !

Cut Them Up - it is Top-Down Single Screen Hack-and-Slash game that can be played without a keyboard (all controls on the mouse).

Improve the game character in your own way (after each level you get 1 new skill point, you have 20 unique skills at choice)


Strive to improve your personal record in endless survival mode.

Cut Them Up on Steam

Kill Spree®

Kill Spree®

Freerun with grounded yet fluid movement: fast-paced, midair movement, crouch jumping, shotgun jumping, bunny-hopping, zigzagging, ledge access and more.

Gun down enemies with proper recoil: control your crosshair and learn the unique recoil patterns with minimal spread to reduce randomness.

Go on a killing spree: kill anything that moves with timed, epic kill announcers.

Wondrous atmosphere: explore interactive maps, search for Easter eggs and find secrets.

Try the demo prototype to explore the immersive world of Kill Spree!

Kill Spree® on Steam

Dash Hale

Dash Hale


Who needs guns or swords when the environment is on their side?

Better still: why not having them all?

Dash Hale is a combat-based runner set in a dynamic, freely rotating world: run faster or slower by changing the ground incline, turn it into a steep slope for sliding or drop to a free fall - bringing your enemies down with you.

Hunt bloodthirsty zombies in a pirate ship, survive rebellious machines in feudal Japan, face hellish demons in the cyberspace and escape giant rotating blades… everywhere. It may not make much sense, but you won’t have time to miss it.

  • Control Matt and the world around him: jump, swap between short and long-range attacks and rotate the world at will;

  • 10 kinds of enemies, 10 corresponding levels - which get mixed at the start of each scene;*

  • Upgrade your weapons and acquire new abilities through your journey;

  • Blood pumping electronic soundtrack;

Dash Hale on Steam