Rebel Reenactment: Battle of the Wilderness

Rebel Reenactment: Battle of the Wilderness

its is so fun

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Blood Historical Games.

while it is very rough it has obvious potential the idea of being a soldier in a civil war battle is a interesting and entertaining the game right now is functional but has some problems. Like getting stuck in the aiming pose when your trying to get to the shoulder arms position or how a side will randomly stop spawning soldiers. But if they keep working on it it would be a entertaining game to play.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Rebel Reenactment: Battle of the Wilderness on Steam

Sam & Max Hit the Road

Sam & Max Hit the Road

It’s Sam & Max’s first Adventure made for MS-DOS/Windows 3.1/95/98 PCs & is considered one of the best Inventory Adventure games created. Sam & Max Hit the Road is based on a 1989 Comic Adventure of the Freelance Police called: “Sam & Max On the Road”. The Sam & Max Franchise had a Cartoon Series that used to air on Fox Kids from 1997-1998 on the Fox Network Channels. Sam & Max are Dog & Bunny who operate as a Freelance Police Force.

In this adventure, Sam & Max have been tasked by the Commissioner to locate a Bigfoot that’s gone missing from a local carnival, but along the way, they run into all sorts of Zany things that makes the game feel & look fun leading into an ending that makes complete sense of the situation or not at all.

Real player with 13.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Blood Point & Click Games.

This was a surprise find for me.

I was looking for a different sort of game, one that hadn’t been over-recommended by Steam’s algorithm– and by almost impossible chance I stumbled on this. Not only did I get the sense that this was a very old game, but by reading its initial release was back in 1993– and by staring at its graphics– I immediately understood.

This game is a classic. (Unquestionably).

And Sam & Max are a familiar pair. I’ve heard of them but have never formally introduced myself to their video game counterparts.

Real player with 11.4 hrs in game

Sam & Max Hit the Road on Steam

Operation Body Count

Operation Body Count

This game:

-Have real weapons

-Have a contemporary topic: Terrorist Attack

-You could shoot bullet holes in the wall

-You had Coop teammates

-You could give orders to teammates

-Has Booby traps!

-Glass physics which you could shatter or just make holes in it

-Has destructible Walls

-You can set objects on fire

-Blood / Gunk splat on the screen

-Have a friggin FLAMETHROWER!

And no! It’s not CoD! It’s a game from 1994!

Some features you would only see it in other games almost half decade later!

Real player with 47.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Blood 1990's Games.

a really sweet gem from capstone like corridor 7 alien invation this is a game you really want =) if you love cool retro fps games

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

Operation Body Count on Steam

Twice Reborn: a vampire visual novel

Twice Reborn: a vampire visual novel

If you crossed a vampire, would you protect humanity or embrace the blood?

In Twice Reborn, Mark Delaware a teaching assistant, becomes a newly-turned vampire in a community forced to hide in plain sight. His mentor, Michelson, has trusted Mark to become the Enforcer: a feared arbiter who keeps the quarreling vampiric houses following the Code. When arson kills key vampires in the community, it’s up to Mark to either embrace his blood or to find a way to–somehow–regain his humanity.

There Are Sacrifices to Make

Interacting with humans and vampires is a delicate balance. Not all appreciate Mark’s decision and not all relationships can last. Some want him dead, others want him for their own. Mark’s responses in the perilous community changes their reactions as well as the story’s routes/endings.

Survive the Night

Satiate Mark’s bloodlust, otherwise he may kill innocents. The opportunities for blood will not always be private nor moral.

Not all are who they seem to be.

Twice Reborn Features:

  • Listen to a fully voiced cast of 30+ characters (audio dialogue is in English)

  • Build a reputation among factions, earn friendships, and control Mark’s bloodlust

  • Experience a story with over 95,000 words

  • Arrive to 20+ possible endings

  • Experience a vampire drama with an optional romance and an apprentice to adopt

  • Unlock art through a CG gallery as you achieve milestones in the story

  • To be released for Windows and Mac

_Advisory Warning:

Contains flashing images, violence, moderate language, drugs/alcohol usage. Not suitable for all ages.

Help support in English only._

Twice Reborn: a vampire visual novel on Steam