Alien Shooter

Alien Shooter

If you want to see my video review about the game, here it is:

Alien Shooter is an isometric indie shooter game, where you have to shoot aliens and stop the invasion from a millitary complex.

One of the most enjoyable thing in the game, is the music. There are not too many tracks, but which they got is awesome. The sounds are not bad, but sadly there are not too many from them, so it can be annoying to listen to the same sounds.

What I definetly should mention about the game, is the gameplay. So, this is an isometric shooter, with different weapons, character upgrades and bonus equipments. These are fine, and also surprising to see, you can upgrade your character. What is even better, there are 2 of them, which have different advantages and disadvantages. Need to mention the difficulty settings, you can play the game on Easy, Medium or Hard. The game has one main mission in general, which contains 10 levels, however the two DLCs has 5-5 levels, one of the DLC adds 3 new monsters and one new music, too. The different monsters have different abilites and also, they can do more damages too. You think, this is not too much, which is right, but this was the first game for an indie developer team, so this is not a bad progress they get. The game itself is troublesome sometimes, because it can be boring after a short amount of time, also the game in general is not easy. I played through the game on Hard, and it was one of the hardest games I played. Also, the game really likes to make fun of the player, and usually it spawns enemies from nothing or behind it. You need to fight insane amount of enemies too, which can make crazy situations. What is even worse, the alien AI is like a moth, which attracted to a lamp and if you are behind a wall, the aliens are just hug that wall and roar at you. Because of these, I would say, this game is not a great to play, however I need to mention the challange factor. Even tho the game can do dirty, it is a challanging game, which if you playthrough, it will be satisfing… until you not see the ending, which is an outro and a High Score screen. One more thing is giving some plus to the gameplay, and this is the secrets. These can give you resources or early weapons, which can help you out too, Also, the weapons are cool, different and they have their own role.

Real player with 13.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Blood Sci-fi Games.

Charming little indie game from a small developer. I remember playing a disc copy of this game a good 13 or so years ago, picked it up on Steam for the nostalgia. The game is very simple without too much complexity in any realm, but has enough variety and action to deliver on what it promises.

The campaign has ten levels (essentially nine - the first one just involves entering the facility and learning game mechanics, no enemies). For an experienced player, it will take probably around 90-100 minutes. For anybody new to the franchise or unfamiliar with this kind of game, it will probably last a couple hours. The difficulty curve is very fair, and makes it much more satisfying when you reach that point of slaying giant hordes of aliens. The survival mode has more replayability, but in my opinion is too dependent on luck. A couple of the weapons are guaranteed drops from bosses that come at regular intervals, but about half of the weapons can only drop as random loot from killing enemies. Ammo, implants, armor, and gear all drop randomly as well. This is fine for the early part of the survival, but once you get to the armored enemies you won’t last long without speed implants or armor.

Real player with 12.4 hrs in game

Alien Shooter on Steam

Alien Shooter TD

Alien Shooter TD

Rating: good (7/10)


Alien Shooter TD is a Tower Defence game based on the alien shooter action game. By building “towers” on pre-defined spots you defend the base by not letting aliens enter certain points.

Gameplay & Story: 6/10

The gameplay is somewhat restricted by giving you only certain points where you can build on, but you still have choices of different “towers”. These are a bit unusual for a tower defence game - you are basically setting up teams of marines, which as towers in other TD games shoot monster on approaching, but also need ammo and use different weapons. As an example - you have tactical squads that can either slow enemies down by freezing them or burn them over time with a flame thrower. When progressing further into the game, these marines do get multiple new weapons which gives you more possibilities for tactics - build tons of cheap marines or some few more expensive but better ones. The story is almost non-present here, just the usual stuff - defending the world against an alien invasion.

Real player with 46.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Blood Sci-fi Games.

I felt compelled to “100%” the game as much as possible (except for that last achievement), but I was really unsatisfied when playing the game. Towards the end of the game I would basically have it on in the background whilst doing something else.

Whilst it’s not an awful TD game, there are much more satisfying ones out there that you should play first, hence the thumbs-down.


  • You shoot lots of aliens, like in Alien Shooter 1 and 2.

  • I quite like the constant-upkeep-reloading mechanic.

Real player with 28.6 hrs in game

Alien Shooter TD on Steam

Cargo Breach

Cargo Breach

Who Turned the Lights out!

Cargo Breach is an arcade like shooter where you enter a room with a number of alien enemies, clear the room and move onto the next.

There are 3 different types of guns and the unique thing about these guns is they are all customized by how you adjust your hand positions. By default you have two pistols but can turn them into a mini gun or plasma launcher both of which also have alternate firing modes.

Each weapon works better against different types of enemies so quickly knowing which to switch it at any moment is key to doing well in this game.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Blood Space Games.

I received this in a bundle and wasn’t expecting a whole lot, but surprise: it’s a really fun game! It has that dark and creepy aliens/doom 3 type atmosphere, with simple but satisfying shooting and teleport mechanics. I love the way they incorporated the tracked motion controller to create the different guns! At points it’s really tough; like you teleport right into the middle of a room, surrounded by bad guys. Hope you have a wireless solution :) I’ll take this one over many of the other monster-wave-shooters any day. (Also, the ping pong minigame in the lobby has surprisingly good physics, too.)

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Cargo Breach on Steam

The guard of dungeon

The guard of dungeon

Terrible game. It’s like someone discovered the free edition of Unity software one day and decided to spend the afternoon playing around with it and came up with this steaming pile. “The guard of dungeon” is yet another one of those half-assed amateurish attempts at making an easy buck.

I’m starting to imagine that in some lawless third world country there are operations that force enslaved laborers to crank out these Unity asset flips. It would certainly explain the lack of quality, passion, and inspiration in games such as this one.

Real player with 42.3 hrs in game

Deep in the Twanzein Valley in Deepest Darkest China, a small village named Xiiahu rests on the banks of a deep winding river. In this village a young boy named Huan wakes up at 3am every day to join all the other young children on their journey by bike, like hundreds of thousands of other young children to the workshops in the nearest city of Xixxiun.

Once there they turn on their assigned computers and open Unity Personal edition and start importing free assests into the latest Steam greenlight game they are working on. They need to have 6 of these games completed before 11am and ready to be uploaded for Steam Greenlight. Story, gameplay, controls, graphics, optimisation none of this matters as long as they are able to run.

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

The guard of dungeon on Steam

Aliens vs. Predator™

Aliens vs. Predator™

Aliens vs Predator (2010) is a first person shooter that introduces you to three seperate storylines involving a Human, a Predator, and an Alien. Overall the storylines are decent, while not nearly as difficult as I would have prefered. For example Nightmare Difficulty seems to simply increase the damage and accuracy of your opponents, but not necessarily making them difficult due to one shot mechanics available to Predator and Alien. Boss fights bring a interesting level of difficulty, but are still single meat shields with high health pools that you have to mow down while dodging mechanics and the occassional add. Overall scenary in the game is one of the highest pluses I will give, as the environements truely have the universes feel to them.

Real player with 108.7 hrs in game

People say the game is mediocre, and perhaps that is justified. However, I feel the game is at least in the higher end of mediocre games, and can produce a lot of fun. At least for fans of the different creatures the game tried (and in my opinion, succeeded) to bring alive.

I am not in a position to review the multiplayer so consider this to be mainly a single player review.

People are usually concerned with the duration of gameplay, and what many have said is true, it’s short, with the marine campaign being the longest, Predator in the middle and the alien the shortest. It’s a shame, as I found that the alien was the most fun, then the predator, and lastly the marine. Though this is not to say that it isn’t fun to play the marine, it’s just the weakest of the species. All three species campaigns adding up to perhaps 12h, though I might be slow - spending a lot of time in the shadows as an alien, watching how the marines patrol, and cloaked as a predator, deciding which marine to pick off first.

Real player with 45.7 hrs in game

Aliens vs. Predator™ on Steam

Outpost 13

Outpost 13

tl;dr: Great concept for a game, but this is no where near complete and certainly not worth the asking price of $10. Avoid.

I picked up this game after seeing it on the front page of Steam. I looked into it and loved the pixel art and dark concept. It seemed like fun. I wasn’t really sure about the price, but I was bored and looking for an interesting game. After going through the short intro, I was pumped for the game. Then the game started. I was lost. Nothing but a screen of text explaining the times to go on. I explored a little and found large areas of nothingness. Finally stumbling on a room I could do something in, I quickly picked up on the 3-4 medicore puzzles this game has to offer. A combination of finding clues and lots of trial and error. The clues did not work as intended for 2 of the puzzles. It’s either a bug or crap game design. After some more blind clicking without direction, the game ends. Apparently, there’s going to be a second act. This was the first act? Um, usually games are divided into acts because the content is too vast to complete in a given timeframe. I feel like this is a buggy version of 5% of a real game. I’m pissed. I requested a refund, but was denied as I had “played” more than 2 hrs. Realistically, I played for about an hour, and then minimized it to look up what the heck was going on with this game for a few hours; because, suprise, there’s no pause “feature”. Press Esc by reflex to bring up some sort of menu? You just quit your game. Terrible design. Don’t waste your time or money on this one.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Note: This review is a work in progress, this review will be updated when the update for Act 2 comes out.

This game was reviewed using a code sent by the developer.

Outpost 13 struck me as a very interesting concept for a game. You can choose from three different characters: Graham, Fen and Dr. Meow Meow Jones. The game’s description say’s Fen is the main character, but in the end there’s no difference.

The story is something straight out of late 80’s or early 90’s Sci-Fi flick. You play as the crews dog. The story takes place on an ice planet. You find out there’s something special about you and the team wants to conduct experiments, but you can’t let that happen. So it’s up to you to kill the entire crew as a mysterious being guides you and helps you to escape the Outpost.

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Outpost 13 on Steam

Regain Earth: First Strike

Regain Earth: First Strike

Played almost 240 hours so far - loving the game and the addition of the turrent grenades has added a handy dimension for single players.

Looking forward to improving my skills to open higher levels.

Really miss multi-player games (Defiance) for the interactions, but I will have to continue as a single player for now.



Real player with 425.3 hrs in game

Regain Earth is a small game from a solo indie game developer. You can’t expect Fortnite or COD, but I really like it. If you like a mix of roguelikes, as a 3D shooter and generally small indie games, you will have a lot of fun with it.

Feedback is well considered in the community and you can even vote in Discord which features should be added to the game! I think a cool idea and more game developer should do like this.

The game and the beta I follow for a while now. And have been looking forward to EA release today very much. I enjoy the game since beta a lot especially as multiplayer with my friends.

Real player with 105.8 hrs in game

Regain Earth: First Strike on Steam



DOOMED is an indie FPS that is created in the infamous FPS Creator Engine, well a modded version. Having completed it in just over 2 hours (had to replay because one achievement glitched and I had to replay half of the game again,) I can say, and I can’t believe I’m actually going to type this, but it’s somewhat GOOD! Yes, a game made on the FPSC engine, is good! Having played through CRIMSON METAL that painful experience, I was very happy to see that DOOMED played soooo much better and was much more fun.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

It’s bad. Why?

-it’s ugly, still performance is bad, often around 30-40 fps

-loading times are huge

-at about every 10th loading screen the game crashs

-steam overlay doesn’t work

-gunplay doesn’t feel good

-there is a strange bug that if you find ammo there is a chance (I estimate like 50% probability) that you actually get 0 bullets out of it, also the game doesn’t give you much ammo, which means before you pick up any, you should quick save, then pick it up and if the bug occurs, “quick load” (it’s not quick, I remember the loading times). This is so stupid

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

DOOMED on Steam

Dash Hale

Dash Hale


Who needs guns or swords when the environment is on their side?

Better still: why not having them all?

Dash Hale is a combat-based runner set in a dynamic, freely rotating world: run faster or slower by changing the ground incline, turn it into a steep slope for sliding or drop to a free fall - bringing your enemies down with you.

Hunt bloodthirsty zombies in a pirate ship, survive rebellious machines in feudal Japan, face hellish demons in the cyberspace and escape giant rotating blades… everywhere. It may not make much sense, but you won’t have time to miss it.

  • Control Matt and the world around him: jump, swap between short and long-range attacks and rotate the world at will;

  • 10 kinds of enemies, 10 corresponding levels - which get mixed at the start of each scene;*

  • Upgrade your weapons and acquire new abilities through your journey;

  • Blood pumping electronic soundtrack;

Dash Hale on Steam

Surgeon Simulator

Surgeon Simulator

Oh Surgeon Simulator. It is one of those games that you will either love or hate with a passion.

This game is famous for many reasons but the main one is its controls. It makes the game incredibly challenging and it is why a lot of people are finding this game frustrating and not enjoyable.

The physics on everything is overly exaggerated. Combining this with the hilariously awkward arm controls means every movement you make is a recipe for disaster and some great laughs.

Since the original version, more surgeries were added, offering you a much more polished experience. They’ve also tightened the controls enough where the surgeries are actually beatable. Many secrets and Easter eggs were also included, my favorites being the Alien and Donald Trump surgeries that I found hilarious and fun. I’ve played for multiples hours already and the laughs haven’t stopped.

Real player with 129.7 hrs in game

Long spoken of as myth, fairy-tale or merely the raving delusions of a mad man, an ancient and mysterious evil has awoken and proven itself a very real and dangerous threat to all in the once pleasant land of Infirmary. But there is yet hope as a band of unlikely heroes unite to vanquish this foe and send it back to the vile domain from whence it came. Play the roles of plucky Pinkie, the young but eager son of a blacksmith, Ring, the exiled princess trying to win back her rightful place as heir to the throne, the short-tempered Middle with a past shrouded in secrecy and an apparent score to settle, Thumb, the stoic and noble paladin sworn to defend the realm, and their brave leader Index, who together form the brotherhood of The Hand of Nigel, as they set forth on adventure in a world filled with peril at every turn.

Real player with 72.8 hrs in game

Surgeon Simulator on Steam