

  • visual: 9/10

  • audio: 10/10

  • gameplay: 8/10

  • narrative: 9/10

  • challenge: 9/10

  • replayability: 8/10

  • value: 9/10

  • personal grade: 9/10

  • was it scary? yes +1


  • immersive atmosphere and worldbuilding

  • challenging, thought provoking puzzles

  • engaging narrative with deep lore

  • tension building save system

  • great music and sound design

  • humble price point


  • hard difficulty curve (not a con, but not for everyone)

  • clunky combat

total score: 9/10

Please watch the full review at

Real player with 13.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Blood Survival Horror Games.

Curator page here-- [url] DaRevieweD #142 [/url] -- [i]New review every Weekend[/i]

“It’s Not Much of A VICTOR-Y, I Know-”


You assume the role of Victor, who hopes to find a miracle cure to his wife- Alissa’s terminal illness. As if their prayers had been answered- an Earl by the name of Edmond asserts of a panacea for the right price and gauges their certainty of intentions. To which they desperately accept the offer and travel to Grau Hill Mansion where everything they’ve known quickly fades~

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

Lamentum on Steam

Blood Spear

Blood Spear

No game in the steam catalog can compare to Blood Spear. Having thousands of hours in other steam games, i have decided that this game reigns superior above all. No one should pass up playing this game. A Breathtaking experience, honestly, the convoluted story at the beginning begins to piece itself together as you play. The game play flows well and with non linear areas, you can play the game the way you want to play it. The music is phenomenal, and is comparable to soundtracks of other great triple A games. The idea of a ranged combat is so fresh and different in a convoluted genre of sword hack and slash games. This game CANNOT be compared to the souls games, they are the yin and yang of souls likes. Dark souls being bleak, cold, dark, and repetitive, while Blood Spear is fast pased, high octane, intuitive, as these new ideas are added to the legacy of these games. I hope that this inspires other great Spear-Like games and is a genre i will be keeping up with for years to come.

Real player with 24.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Blood Third-Person Shooter Games.

When a game is soo good that being free seems wrong

  • Third-person Hack and slash

  • Short

  • Great atmosphere

  • Inventive combat mechanics

  • Easy to learn, room for skilled-play

So, if you are still here… Let’s get down to it:


Nobody said it was easy, it’s such a shame for us to part…

Blood Spear is often called a student project… hence why it is so short and free, but make no mistake, winning first prize at ISART Digital Montreal 2021 is no small feat, and calling this a student project is a grave understatement. Picking obvious queues from the likes of Dark Souls, Soul Reaver and more, you get a third-person hack and slash campaign that won’t overstay its welcome, with an easy to learn throwing mechanic (charge and quick-fire) backed up with two inventive skills that add strategy and healing abilities, this compact package leaves you wanting more.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Blood Spear on Steam



The Corporation swallows everything. It crawls into every household. It clouds the mind and sucks the life out of us. It steals our dreams, replacing them with consumerism. It’s time to put an end to this!

To fight evil, good guys must have fists. Better yet - a katana. But you gotta have one more important thing to defeat the bad.

Piroku is the adrenaline driven dance of death. Every moment can be your last. Hordes of enemies are only hurdles on the way.

Defeat the army of the possessed and stop the Corporation.


  • dynamic fights and liters of blood,

  • atmospheric soundtrack,

  • an immersive story about a girl trying to defy a powerful corporation,

  • minimalistic comic book style graphics, easter eggs and an advanced neural network, calling itself the Elder.

Release date: Q1 2021

Read More: Best Blood Cyberpunk Games.

Piroku on Steam



Short review: I bought this game at a discount. She disappointed me! Standard graphics in real engine, I tried to play on 3 devices, 2 of them lagged very much, every 10 - 15 seconds! In steam, the passage of the game (community content) is completely different, in the current version, the game leads me to no clear place and does not allow me to go further! What struck me the most was that when trying to collapse the game and go to the desktop, there is an icon of the engine on which the game was made, and the program itself is displayed as “Myproject9” - it’s a shame, I put 2 stars, just because it works. It seems to me that the reviews are screwed up…

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

When you’re gonna ask people to pay $6 dollars for a game that can be completed in a half hour (my actual runtime was 32 minutes), you really need to pack it with an experience. Unfortunately, this game is minimal on just about everything. The game goes like this; go to room, read note, go to room, get key, go to room, read note, on and on and on. You probably spend more time reading notes than playing the actual game. In terms of scare attempts, there’s virtually nothing. Some loud noises in the background, a boy standing in a doorway, and a hanging body that occasionally swings. The build-up doesn’t even lead to a climax; you simply move into the last room and the game is over.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Presence on Steam

Silly Polly Beast

Silly Polly Beast

Freedom is not asked, it is taken.

This story is about a girl who, by the will of fate, faced the beast, and to become free she was forced to study its nature.

A story-driven shooter with aggressive gunfights and terrifying monsters awaits you.

How far can you go in the fight for your freedom?

Silly Polly Beast on Steam

Stramedia: my_MISADVENTURE

Stramedia: my_MISADVENTURE

Me and my mom have been having a good dinner in the kitchen that night, then the doorbell rang and an envelope slipped through the mail hole.

“Good evening! You’ve been invited!”

…it started off, continuing that it’s an invitation to the “Stramedia Safehouse Facility” breach. The survey was…odd, to say the least, but some of the things were done fairly easy, though I didn’t think it would go through. Then some of the days were spend outside of our homes and school, though it’s up to you to think of whenever or not these were the good days. And then I am sure you know what happened next.

Stramedia - my_MISADVENTURE is an indie horror themed adventure game where you step into the shoes of a classroom warden who signed the agreement to possibly the most bizarre, yet somewhat deadly school trip in his entire life. Of course it may not start off deadly right away, but, uh…yeah, things are gonna escalate. But can you blame him? He really didn’t know what he and his friends (fiends? Frienemies?) were going up for.

Well, what can he do now? Surprise, surprise, getting the hell outta there he must.

(AKA: the stuff worth checking it out and/or purchasing for)

  • The main protagonist is wearing a fedora hat! This is probably the best selling point to this game… I think! I mean…this is one of the main factors you got attracted to that other game with a kid, the kid’s hat, the stuff…uh, no? Okay, but if you know what you’re doing, you can find and recruit three other friends you’ll get (or have) to play as!

  • Essentially, this is another “average mediocre indie” horror game, except the mediocrity here is 99% intentional! And not to mention that it’s got everything you love and hate to see and experience in a horror themed videogame! Stupid simple and ridiculous (and somehow twisted) puzzles (with a lot of “ands”), cliché monsters and thirsty spooky mannequins…except they actually want to drink tea, you pervert. Get out of here!

  • Simplistic Visual Pixel Art Style, Soundtrack and Audio Design! If you like looking at pixels with different contrast, I am sure your eyes will love that, and if your ears love to feast on the Low-Quality DPCM-ish Audio, giving you an illusion that you’re playing a crappy retro GameBoy Advance styled game or something, then you’re all welcome in!..oh, wait, I forgot that we are talking about a game that LOOKS pretty retro…huh, that’s lame.

  • No, really. That kid has a hat.

  • Despite it’s horror nature, it’s also a comedy game! What kind of comedy? This game has got most of it! Whenever it’s all bad puns, visual humor, random, dark, dry or somehow outright gross and (“mildly”) offensive humor, Stramedia has it in the stock and shelves!

  • Prepare for some surrealism, because no matter if it’s an optical thing or not, things are…weird, yet somewhat disturbing, but not personal space like disturbing, because this is where it draws the line even for us.

  • A nice variety of accessibility options! Whenever you want to reposition the dialogue box, change it’s text size, whenever you find some colored text hard to read, or just don’t feel like playing the game with a controller and just want to rest your only arm and control the game with it, it’s no problem! The accessibility (and other) settings options may enhance the experience more nicely! (if there’s something you want to suggest, please let us know and we will gladly look into adding it!)

  • Seriously, that kid is wearing my hat! SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING! DON’T LET HIM GET AWAY WITH MY HAT!! :U

Stramedia: my_MISADVENTURE on Steam

They Are Coming!

They Are Coming!

The zombie virus emerged during World War II and it’s up to you to make it spread around the world by controlling your horde of zombies in past, present, and future scenarios.

With simple controls, lots of action, and strategy, resolve the conflicts of each scenario and continue advancing in this story that can lead to the end of the world as we know it.

As you progress, unlock new special powers and face increasingly challenging enemies and environments. Try to beat your performance record at every stage and reach the top of the leaderboards.

They Are Coming! on Steam

Dash Hale

Dash Hale


Who needs guns or swords when the environment is on their side?

Better still: why not having them all?

Dash Hale is a combat-based runner set in a dynamic, freely rotating world: run faster or slower by changing the ground incline, turn it into a steep slope for sliding or drop to a free fall - bringing your enemies down with you.

Hunt bloodthirsty zombies in a pirate ship, survive rebellious machines in feudal Japan, face hellish demons in the cyberspace and escape giant rotating blades… everywhere. It may not make much sense, but you won’t have time to miss it.

  • Control Matt and the world around him: jump, swap between short and long-range attacks and rotate the world at will;

  • 10 kinds of enemies, 10 corresponding levels - which get mixed at the start of each scene;*

  • Upgrade your weapons and acquire new abilities through your journey;

  • Blood pumping electronic soundtrack;

Dash Hale on Steam

Deadly Curse

Deadly Curse

One of best slenderlike games where you need to collect set amount of some pieces to win.

Game has more variety than your typical slenderlike game. Here you have several enemies, each one with own unique ability. And you can fight back… to most of them anyways.

Game is not perfect and has some bugs, but developers are extremely responsive. You can post bugs you encounter to forum and they will fix them.

Developer is pretty new in game industry and game is not very well known, but yet they don’t abandon it. They are fixing bugs almost emmediately as they are reported. They are going to add more maps to game.

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game


Only one level, after that you can just play the one level again and again until you become housmates with the “scary” houseowners. If you want to learn how to rightclick your mouse or how to use the space key this game will help you. Over that you learn a lot about batteries (they can be used for Flashlights!!!!!!!!!!).

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Deadly Curse on Steam



You have come from outer space to the destroyed Earth. You are a person from the past in a harsh and inhospitable world… The IRON WORLD. Can you survive?

Your cool car

Driving your personal car in events on the global map. Always transport your stuff in the trunk. Shoot enemies with a turret or crush them.

Explore the world

Before you is a big ruined world. You are free to go wherever you want. Mountains, wasteland, towns and farms. Realistic layout of houses and attention to the interior. What is waiting for you around the corner? Create your own adventure.

Uncompromising fights

Dynamic and bloody battles. Move, use shelters, arrange ambushes, use power-ups to survive and defeat outnumbered enemies.

Tactical AI

The enemies will seem smart to you. They will find you by the noise and look for you if you have disappeared. Be sure, they will find you and surprise you.

Dynamic field of vision

You will not know who is in the house until you go inside. A sense of uncertainty and danger around every corner.

Visual style

Carefully recreated atmosphere of the apocalypse and devastation. A large number of details on the locations. The original hand-drawn style of graphics.


Collect resources in houses, berries and mushrooms growing in the world. Create food, ammunition and power-ups from them. Good nutrition is the key to success.

Characters and humor

Meet colorful NPCs in cutscenes, dialogues and quests. We tried to make the characters bright, not devoid of black humor and sarcasm.