PIPE by BMX Streets

PIPE by BMX Streets

ok, so i love this game…but that doesnt mean it needs work.

lets start with the pros

  • Very addictive

+awesome tricks that are fun to combo

  • physics are fun but realistic

  • for anyone who even slightly enjoys bmx or even bikes i recomend this

Now…some cons

  • barely any maps (3 and one is for training)

  • no customization (on the bike you can change the color, but you cant change your charachter, your bike specs or type)

  • no modding!

Now here is what i think.

If they add more maps with larger scale, more customization and maybe even small multiplayer, this could be my favorite game of all time

Real player with 751.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bikes Simulation Games.

I have been playing pipe since it first came out in december and it has come far since even then. Huge respect to mash for making such a great game and taking everyones input and adding what we ask for. The controls are great each trick makes sense do to with the whole bumpers and triggers as hands and feet. It runs smooth on my pc and the graphics are good. Well worth $10 ive gotten 500+ hours on it since it came out first and with things being added in constantly keeps the game fresh. Really looking forward to see what mash can do with pipe and for BMX streets to come out

Real player with 601.6 hrs in game

PIPE by BMX Streets on Steam

Ride 2

Ride 2

Ride 2 is currently the only half decent motorbike racing game on the market and it is good, but… it needs a LOT of work to bring it up to the standards of modern car racing games.

Note that some things may appear on both lists due to varing factors

Things I like about Ride 2

  • Physics - mostly these are good. Bikes mostly feel like they should and act as they should (I ride a real sportsbike)

  • Bike selection - mostly this is also good, there are many bikes to chose from and race

Real player with 173.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bikes Racing Games.

I’m a little confused about this one, but i finally made up my mind. I like this game, and I will continue to play it. However, and this is a big however. There is a few downside to this.

Let’s start on gameplay. Gameplay is rather okay, not great not bad either. Handling and turning feels very slow, especially on transitions like a chicane, it looks like the rider is very lazy while racing and just don’t want to move his butt fast enough. Physics felt good overall, I play on pro physics with little assist of anti-wheelie and traction control. The slow turning of the bike could be fixed with setting the suspension. But if you decide NOT to upgrade your suspension then you will have a hard time controlling your bike in and out of a corner. And also this game is all about precise controls, meaning if you use a keyboard you will have a hard time. A very very hard time. Oh also there is a game mode called “Pairs Race” in which you and a bot racing as a team. To win this you need points for you and your little bot friend, it’s all sound cool and all until you realize the bot is barely catching up with you and often times you only won 2nd even though you finish 1st. My preferable solution is to take down as many enemy AI on the front.

Real player with 166.1 hrs in game

Ride 2 on Steam

Scooter Delivery VR

Scooter Delivery VR

This game is fun and relaxing to play. At first I was a bit worried I would get sick driving around on the scooter, but that hasn’t been a problem. There is no time limit to complete tasks, so I’m able to explore the town as much as I want. The animals and locals help bring the town to life. Would be cool if I could visit the local pizza shop for a slice and gas up my bike also. This game has a lot of potential. The town is small, but the mountain region and beach fronts are large. Hope to see more uses of the beach, maybe a paddle board lol.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bikes Casual Games.

Simple game, not much to do other than cruise on moped while listening to different radio stations in free roam. However, the missions can be fun. Controlling bike takes a little getting used to but feels natural. There’s no other game out there that allows you to control a moped and fill it up with gas at the gas station. Wish there were more features and areas, but the map is large enough and you are allowed to teleport/move and walk away from the bike. But it’s more fun on the bike. Might be worth waiting for a sale.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Scooter Delivery VR on Steam

Road Rage

Road Rage

I don’t honestly believe this game should get all of the hate that it does. Certainly not a perfect game, it still has its silly fun. The story is a bit out there at times, the voice acting ranges from decent to truly suspect and the odd glitches can be hilarious (hitting a pedestrian can sometimes send you into into the 1200+mph range). That said, I tend to rate games on whether I am having fun or not and this game really didn’t fail to be entertaining at some level. The soundtrack is fun and the game won’t take long to 100% if that is your thing (though the last 2 achievements of hitting a certain number of pedestrians feels like it takes forever since there is no way for you to track it).

Real player with 11.2 hrs in game

This is one of the biggest pieces of trash I’ve ever played. It’s absolutely hilarious. I have now played this game several times over.

The “story” is awful; in the beginning of the game they tried, but later on they got so lazy that it is almost nonexistent. The voice acting is laughably bad. The game looks terrible, and the insane pop-in when you first start the game sets the tone for the rest of the game. The AI is braindead. I could keep going. Everything is wrong.

The best part, however, is the physics. The physics in this game are absolutely broken. This is what makes the game special and hilarious. You never know when you are going to fly off your bike, fall through the world, clip through buildings, explode, etc., and it never got old for me.

Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

Road Rage on Steam



A great game that feels very rewarding without being a huge time sync. You can hop on for an hour or so and have a alot fun and actually make progress. The trick system play similar to the Skate series, where you use stick position and bumper combos to pull off a variety of tricks. As far as progression its rogue-like, you can only crash so many times in a run before you go back to start, although you will get cosmetic items based on points at the end of the run. There are multiple levels that you unlock, plenty of bike-parks to cut your teeth on and have fun with. Plus a very solid soundtrack to accompany you throughout the game. Worth the full price in my opinion!

Real player with 111.9 hrs in game

If you enjoyed roguelike or extreme sports games, you will like this game. The game is just straight up fun. This is not a racing game, it’s a freeride downhill biking game. You can choose whether you played it safe or take the risk to do the crazy stunts you want to do. The developer is also constantly updating this game with new stuff like cosmetics or new bike parks or even a whole new challenges. This is really the best biking games to have ever existed.

Real player with 70.5 hrs in game

Descenders on Steam

Lonely Mountains: Downhill

Lonely Mountains: Downhill

So, this is that kind of game where it looks really cool, but you’re kinda on the fence about it… will it turn out to be really fun, or is it one of those that looks cool but ends up being a dud? Then you check the reviews and find out all kinds of stuff about the camera angle, etc. If you’re like me, you’ll sit on the fence about it for a while, wondering… will it be worth it? Or am I going to be disappointed?

Verdict: Totally worth it. I was actually shocked and ended up REALLY loving it. It’s one of those kind of games where you think, “Ok… got a few minutes to kill… I’ll run a couple trails, then get back to sweeping the floors.” Five or ten minutes later, you check the time and it has been an hour and a half.

Real player with 36.3 hrs in game


Review by Gaming Masterpieces - The greatest games of all time on Steam.


Is this game a masterpiece? Nope, but this doesn’t prevent me having a ton of fun with it.

It is a bicycle downhill racing game. Learning it is as easy as the real thing, just sit on the bike, pedal, steer left/right, brake. Everyone can ride in seconds. Riding is easy, but the problem starts when you race. Downhill. One mistake and you crash over a rock, against a tree, down a canyon… or just along the path, your bike on your head and blood squirting everywhere. Hehe.

Real player with 19.1 hrs in game

Lonely Mountains: Downhill on Steam



First Person Pilot

I was hoping this game would exceed Ride 2. Best Roadracing motorcycle game in my opinion. IT DIDN’T!


1. The cockpit (first person view) is messed up. Feels like you are riding too far back and up like pushing a wheelbarrow (needs a more racier tuck). Second first person option is better but blurrier (far worse than Ride 2 first person view). You can’t even see the gauges properly (triple tree in the way on some bikes).

2. Anti-wheelie is a joke even turned off. Ride 2 you could power wheelie with just the throttle on the liter bikes coming over a rise in 3rd gear. Ride 3 you have to lean back. Even then it don’t work past 1st gear on most of the bikes.

Real player with 146.3 hrs in game

As someone who has had this game since a few days after release, I’ve genuinely enjoyed the game and have gotten lots of hours out of this game. I’ve also bought all the downloadable content and I still have stuff to do. The game has a nice selection of bikes and great graphics. They put some triple A titles to shame with such graphics. Ride 3 also has an awesome bike customization feature and can make some bikes really feel like they’re your bike. They also have a bunch of gear, such as helmets, pants, jackets, complete race suits and different animations for your riders style.

Real player with 132.8 hrs in game

RIDE 3 on Steam

BMX The Game

BMX The Game

okay. lets start this review by saying this game has let many of us down in the past. but i choose not to dwell on the past. i have tossed all bias out of the window to the best of my ability. but first hand and try at the game. the character editor is pretty damn good. its simple. yet adds your own characteristic flair. the clothing/gear was a little lack luster but it is only the 3rd or 4th day post launch. the BMX customization is pretty impressive at first glance. felt like i could really customize my BMX to my liking and preference. the ability to change almost every little detail from bars to tire. [top to bottom] even the color adjustment of the nipples for the spokes. the little things matter. i only ask to see size adjustment in frame size and rim/tire size/width. maybe done with sliders or set increments like a real life bike set up would be. now that i feel i have touched upon the customization portions of the game lets talk about game play. after about 25-40 hours in the pre alpha this was a easy pick up for me. may not be as intuitive for others seeing as a good percent of the community hasn’t played the pre alpha and have no past experiences with the game. so if you are new then take your time to learn the game. just cruise around and get a feel for the handling and physics as this will be one of the biggest complaints i feel people will have. but once you have taken the time to understand the physics then it really pays off. having the general understanding of the games inner workings or core gameplay if you will then its actually a fun game to mess around with and to set small goals or expectations during your play through. all i want to say is when you hit these goals or tricks you have been been trying so hard for, and when do it feels so good. its almost like a light bulb lights up when you figure out something new for the first time irl. something clicks in ur head and then boom you have it. the core game play or physics if you will only need time to improve and your feedback of areas they could improve. or maybe have ideas to help or a tip. the community can help make or break this game. moving away from core game play and physics there are only currently 6 tricks you can do atm. i will count bunny hops, manuals, and 180/360s as these are still tricks but more widely seen as basic skills to have rather being seen as tricks so to speak. so we have a current trick list of manuals, bunny hops, 180/360s, bar spin, tail whip, and table top, now this may not seam very appealing but in my opinion through my morning play through i feel good about the tricks we have currently. you can tons of tecky tricks with manuals and 180/360s and adding the 3 main stream tricks [barspin/tailwhip/table top] you can get some pretty cool and satisfying to land or get right or how you feel is right. at the end of the day there is improvements that need to come in our tricks. with more tricks and variations to the already implemented tricks. like barspin you could maybe do a bus driver. it is a variation small at that. but it would be good to see. now. replay editor. considering we never had one in its pre alpha days this is an awesome edition to the game. and allows us so much more expression. we can create edits or clips. even just show cases of spots. it runs smooth in the replay editor. the key frames feels right. overall thats a game changer. lets talk graphics. personally the graphics are amazing. but that does not mean it plays smooth. i have a 3700x and a 2080 S and im currently running the game at all low settings in 1440p getting around 70 to 90 fps. this game looks super beautiful. but it MUST be optimized to run better for lower and high specked PCs. fps isnt everything. but when some people in the community are struggling or may struggle to even run the game on all low at reasonable fps. i feel its a topic to address in this review. lets move on to the park editor. this is extremely useful for people who want or need to learn something specific. if you want to grind or do a certain trick you can make a skate park or a little spot to for your specific needs. and if you do or may struggle to run this game then the park editor is a really cool way to make your own spot how you want and run the game at more then reasonable fps. you have much less to render and keep running while playing bmx the game. so for the low specked user the park editor is a big plus. im ending this review mostly positive. would i recommend this game for 25 USD? it depends. if you are a bmx rider or enthusiast then i feel this could be a game for you. the average joe? i will still recommend this game. 2 things to keep in mind average joe, A.keep an open mind and try to learn the learning curve not bash on it. B. set a timer for 1 hour and 55 minutes on your phone or pc. and start playing the game. when the timer goes off close the game and make a personal call or choice. are you enjoying this game? would you like to play this again? would you like to progress? maybe even see where BarSpin studios goes from here with BMX the game. if you feel that you are liking or could like this game and feel its worth the money to you. then i say 100% go for it. if not then as long as you are under 2 hours of gameplay then you can get a full refund from steam. i hope you find this review helpful or just useful in general. what ever your choice. skate and BMX on bois.

Real player with 109.4 hrs in game

waited 7 years for this game and it is still absolute s***!

can’t ride up a curb, fall off bike every two seconds when you hit some stupid hump on the floor.

I have a VR gaming rig and can’t even play the game without jitters on the lowest settings

then there’s the trick list 9 tricks! oh wait no not even that because “riding” is listed as a trick and basically everything you can’t do it listed.

barspin - half cirle

tailwhip - half circle

tabletop - quarter circle

manual - hold down a bit (yeah that’s a quote from the game!)

Real player with 23.4 hrs in game

BMX The Game on Steam

Bigger Bikes

Bigger Bikes

–-{ Graphics }—

☐ You forget what reality is

☐ Beautiful

☐ Good

☐ Decent

☑ Bad

☐ Don‘t look too long at it


—{ Gameplay }—

☐ Very good

☐ Good

☐ It’s just gameplay

☐ Mehh

☑ Watch paint dry instead

☐ Just don’t

—{ Audio }—

☐ Eargasm

☐ Very good

☐ Good

☐ Not too bad

☐ Bad

☑ I’m now deaf

—{ Audience }—

☐ Kids

☐ Teens

☐ Adults

☐ Grandma

—{ PC Requirements }—

☑ Check if you can run paint

☐ Potato

☐ Decent

☐ Fast

☐ Rich boi

☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer

—{ Difficulty }—

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

This game is quite strange but enjoyable, I would like to master it soon to explore the whole worlds. It runs better while holding right click so it becomes its own challenge trying to hold right click while steering. either way for a dollar I am satisfied with my purchase, hope from more from flex etnerainment

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Bigger Bikes on Steam

Bike of the Wild

Bike of the Wild

Holy **** this game is amazing! At first you start out in a dull grey area but once you get the controls down you emerge into a huge, incredible, open world. Once I saw the giant food as I came out of the starting area, I just knew I was going to have to climb it. So far it has taken several attempts but I am definitely getting better.

Check out this video of my progress:


Real player with 20.3 hrs in game

First day playing the game and put almost a full hour from the get go. I found it randomly and it looked interesting enough. Once you get the controls down (just play the tutorial, it’s that simple) and you’re off! I think you’d enjoy this game if:

-You’ve always wanted to be a sentient bicycle

-You enjoy classical music

-You enjoy relaxing exploration

-You enjoy wacky and zany games

It sounds like most of the map is open to get to, but it does seem like the cool spots are blocked off (?). The castle, the ice structure, the rainbow… I’m sure it will take a long time to get to but it’s still a fun experience and can be relaxing if you just listen to the music and ride. My bike’s name is Geoffrey ^_^

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

Bike of the Wild on Steam