Trials® Rising

Trials® Rising

Long story short: This is an AWESOME Trials game, but one slightly marred by its flimsy online components and the occasional weird design decision.


The tracks are fun, start off easy and get really difficult, and look gorgeous to boot. The gameplay is ~perfect, like it was in Evolution and Fusion. (Thank god they dropped Fusion’s FMX stuff, though.) There’s also a ton of content, and the difficulty level rises way more sensibly than before; even new players are unlikely to suddenly hit a snag and get their career and fun ruined too soon.

Real player with 614.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bikes Racing Games.

There are a lot of negative reviews left for this game. most of which i understand why. So many people have been complaining about the game being a ‘grind fest’ to unlock more tracks. now whilst there are a lot of tracks ive never had to play the same track over and over just to unlock stuff. I have however, occasionally had to grind a couple contracts to level up and get more tracks but i never felt like it was excessive. there are a lot of easy and medium tracks and it can feel a bit slow paced when you first start. but if you put the time in you’ll be rewarded with those classic extreme tracks we all love so much. if youre a new player then chances are youll never have to grind as youll be learning as you go. but for returning players you may feel its a little slow at first as youre grinding tracks that are far too easy for you. as for the stadium tracks. many many players seem to dislike them, however ive always found them rather enjoyable. short tracks that involve mostly accelerating and braking as opposed to lots of tricky jumps. youll mostly just be trying to hit the optimum line like any other tracks but its much shorter. i found them a fun switch up from the usual tracks. although some of them are a little annoying and require small amounts of luck to get the higher medals (im looking at you bali stadium tracks) the majority were quite enjoyable to play. HOWEVER a very big and extremely irritating mechanic, is that you cannot view anyones replay on the stadium tracks. why? no clue! but you cant view them. not even your own. you also cant race against them. this makes the leaderboards a record of achievements and not much else. this makes learning the optimum line more tricky but equally more rewarding. Now onto the skill games. oh boy.. how i dread the skill games. the majority of them are mostly fine but i have some bones to pick with a few. lets start with bomb bouncer. one of the first ones you unlock. the skill game requires you to throw your player into bombs and land into them, trying to fly as far across as you can. and its fun! when it actually works. see the player has a tendency to glitch into the ground like its a giant quicksand pit ready to absorb your player. sometimes you can land into a bomb directly yet your arm will still morph into the ground and thats it, game over. its extremely frustrating. the new loose screw now has safe zones rather than a metre that you get before the tire falls off. now if you touch the front wheel down and you arent in a safe zone, BOOM your front tire explodes and game over. im not sure how i feel about this one but i know im bad at it and its frustrating to play. now a general issue with the skill games is that about 70% of the time when you restart the skill game (pressing the back button) all the HUD overlay that tells you things like time, distance etc etc just vanish. my going theory is that these bars get shy when it comes to skill games and retreat to the depths of game code and take a lot of prodding to convince to show themselves again. This again isnt a massive issue but its mildly irritating. Now the real annoyance when it comes to skill games.. let me first explain, when you play any trials track or stadium track etc etc restarting before you finish always skipped that 3 second countdown it does before your first run of the track right? well im not sure if its new to rising or not but when you cross the finish line, if you press restart itll save ur time and progress hence any new pb will be locked and saved, yet it will still skip that 3 second countdown. its great! and its so much more enjoyable to play. however they for whatever reason decided not to include this feature for the skill games. and if you crash, explode or otherwise fail or fault the skill games, and THEN try to press restart, youll have to endure that 3 second countdown again. which sounds petty to complain about but when you grind them for over an hour 3 seconds adds up quickly. and for ones like hill climb or loose screw you obviously always want to try to save yourself when you nearly fail, causing this issue to become even more annoying.

Real player with 470.6 hrs in game

Trials® Rising on Steam



Initial play-through of all major content in the game took about 4-5 hours, once I started to go for highscores on tracks, my playtime exceeded 40 hours lol

Though rather simple, it is a very polished game in all regards and pretty much nails everything it attempts to do.

+Great Visuals

+Good Soundtrack

+Solid Controls

+Difficult, but not unfair at any point time.

Overall, great game, if you like challenging platformer style games I would recommend this one for sure, especially if you enjoy leaderboard competition.

Real player with 66.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bikes Racing Games.

A really nice and addicting arcade game. It seems very simple at the start. You have a bike with two rotatable color coded wheels and you have to grind rails with the wheel of the corresponding color.

But, as the game progresses, new hazard are added to tracks to increase the challenge. Also, every few tracks you get new bikes that behave very differently from each other, so you have to adapt to multiple playstyles.

The main goal is to reach the end of the track by finding a perfect route. The arcade part comes in the score you get at the end of the track for flips, tricks and combos, and hunting for Diamond trophies can get really addicting. You also unlock 2 bonus missions per track after beating it, giving it some replay value.

Real player with 9.4 hrs in game

FutureGrind on Steam



First Person Pilot

I was hoping this game would exceed Ride 2. Best Roadracing motorcycle game in my opinion. IT DIDN’T!


1. The cockpit (first person view) is messed up. Feels like you are riding too far back and up like pushing a wheelbarrow (needs a more racier tuck). Second first person option is better but blurrier (far worse than Ride 2 first person view). You can’t even see the gauges properly (triple tree in the way on some bikes).

2. Anti-wheelie is a joke even turned off. Ride 2 you could power wheelie with just the throttle on the liter bikes coming over a rise in 3rd gear. Ride 3 you have to lean back. Even then it don’t work past 1st gear on most of the bikes.

Real player with 146.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Bikes Racing Games.

As someone who has had this game since a few days after release, I’ve genuinely enjoyed the game and have gotten lots of hours out of this game. I’ve also bought all the downloadable content and I still have stuff to do. The game has a nice selection of bikes and great graphics. They put some triple A titles to shame with such graphics. Ride 3 also has an awesome bike customization feature and can make some bikes really feel like they’re your bike. They also have a bunch of gear, such as helmets, pants, jackets, complete race suits and different animations for your riders style.

Real player with 132.8 hrs in game

RIDE 3 on Steam

Lonely Mountains: Downhill

Lonely Mountains: Downhill

So, this is that kind of game where it looks really cool, but you’re kinda on the fence about it… will it turn out to be really fun, or is it one of those that looks cool but ends up being a dud? Then you check the reviews and find out all kinds of stuff about the camera angle, etc. If you’re like me, you’ll sit on the fence about it for a while, wondering… will it be worth it? Or am I going to be disappointed?

Verdict: Totally worth it. I was actually shocked and ended up REALLY loving it. It’s one of those kind of games where you think, “Ok… got a few minutes to kill… I’ll run a couple trails, then get back to sweeping the floors.” Five or ten minutes later, you check the time and it has been an hour and a half.

Real player with 36.3 hrs in game


Review by Gaming Masterpieces - The greatest games of all time on Steam.


Is this game a masterpiece? Nope, but this doesn’t prevent me having a ton of fun with it.

It is a bicycle downhill racing game. Learning it is as easy as the real thing, just sit on the bike, pedal, steer left/right, brake. Everyone can ride in seconds. Riding is easy, but the problem starts when you race. Downhill. One mistake and you crash over a rock, against a tree, down a canyon… or just along the path, your bike on your head and blood squirting everywhere. Hehe.

Real player with 19.1 hrs in game

Lonely Mountains: Downhill on Steam



A great game that feels very rewarding without being a huge time sync. You can hop on for an hour or so and have a alot fun and actually make progress. The trick system play similar to the Skate series, where you use stick position and bumper combos to pull off a variety of tricks. As far as progression its rogue-like, you can only crash so many times in a run before you go back to start, although you will get cosmetic items based on points at the end of the run. There are multiple levels that you unlock, plenty of bike-parks to cut your teeth on and have fun with. Plus a very solid soundtrack to accompany you throughout the game. Worth the full price in my opinion!

Real player with 111.9 hrs in game

If you enjoyed roguelike or extreme sports games, you will like this game. The game is just straight up fun. This is not a racing game, it’s a freeride downhill biking game. You can choose whether you played it safe or take the risk to do the crazy stunts you want to do. The developer is also constantly updating this game with new stuff like cosmetics or new bike parks or even a whole new challenges. This is really the best biking games to have ever existed.

Real player with 70.5 hrs in game

Descenders on Steam




100% Achivements only if you also buy the DLCs….This is madnes. I am so dissapointed.

You really can go suck a **** milestone. Why charge the full price if I have to take double the money to COMPLETE the game? How retarded is this?

This, and only this, is the reason for this.

You suck.

Real player with 49.1 hrs in game

Ai players, unrewarding physics, poorly thought out events and double price DLC on steam make this a hard pass.

Real player with 47.5 hrs in game

RIDE 4 on Steam