

GET STUFFED. You removed the old achievements just because “they are excessively difficult to earn or near impossible to unlock with modern hardware” ?? What stupid logic! Who said everything should be easy? I’ve spent thousands of dollars assembling my computer and nearly a hundred hours unlocking the achievements! You never consider the feelings of those of us who have paid so much for them, do you?

BTW, according to one developer, you wanted to make new users feel “fair”. I wonder if there is such a thing as 100% fair on earth? Is your decision fair to previous users? The new achievement called “Lightspeed” requires users to have at least the performance of an RTX 3070. Is that fair to users who don’t have a high-performance RTX GPU?? Moreover, what about “Integration Nation”? Is that fair to people using AMD Ryzen processors or HEDTs?

Real player with 416.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Benchmark Utilities Games.

The standard for bench marking. Period. If you want real results of what your rig can handle then spend the money to get a clear and definitive explanation of what your system can do.

The only thing that I feel is lacking is perhaps feedback on how to improve your score. As you can see I have almost an entire workweek of hours put into this because I would tweak a setting, run the bench, compare it to my previous bench, then adjust it again.

Something along the lines of “hey your GPU runs really good at 900Mhz, going any father will decrease your score” would be very helpful instead of comparing and trying to figure out why the first run was 5738 and the second one was 5724. It can become quite maddening. Then when you feel you’ve OC stable, onto the next test!~ Damn you firestrike I did so well with Timespy why you hate me so?

Real player with 46.7 hrs in game

3DMark on Steam

Wiggly Boy

Wiggly Boy

Outstanding. Incredible. Masterpiece. 11/10.

Amazing story mode with both intense and light-hearted moments. The main character’s backstory has immense depth while still allowing for further character development. The main character redefines what it means to grow as an individual, and pushes you, the player, to drive him further, to push beyond the artificial limits we place on ourselves.

The first-person shooter mode redefines the FPS genre as a whole. Call of Duty? Battlefield? Halo? These games are an embarrassment compared to Wiggly Boy. The expertly-crafted gameplay with beyond-next-generation visuals will push current and future game developers in their feeble attempt to match half the quality of this game.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Benchmark Atmospheric Games.

There is a secret that many don’t want you to know but something that I have seen for myself. You wanna know how Biden won the election? By playing Wiggly Boy.

He summoned the 3,000 Wiggly Boys to create an army. One that brings back horrid visions from the Vietnam War. All you hear is screaming as you see the fear in the characters eyes.. But Biden did it. He used this magic power to win. I am sorry that we failed.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Wiggly Boy on Steam