Disney G-Force

Disney G-Force

G-Force has changed the way I think about life, before purchasing this game I was a hard-core racist, I never found myself going outside to see grass, I had never felt the warm embrace of a woman, after purchasing this life-changing game, it made me think deeply. This game has revolutionized my thoughts, I am no longer a raging racist. I attribute this to the character Mooch. The character Mooch is an open-minded loveable character, Mooch’s character provokes so much emotion, during my 3rd speedrun attempt, I broke into tears, seeing such a small creature have a massive impact on the game like that, makes me so happy, it shows that the little man still has a shot at making it big. It shows that no matter who you are you can do anything you put your mind to. Mooch has inspired me in so many ways, sometimes at night, I will sit at my desk, staring at pictures of Mooch he gives me inspiration he gives me the willpower to do what I want to do. Mooch has been there for me when no one else was. When I first purchased this game, I hated the thought of touching the grass, I hated the thought of an outside world. This game has shown me that there is more to life than just games, there is a whole new life outside. Although since buying this game I have been diagnosed with Insomnia, Bi-Polar Depression 2, Schizophrenia, as well as a host of physical illnesses, like partial paralysis in my lower body. Aside from that, my mind has never felt better, I feel mentally aware and feel as if I am ready to take on the world. Sometimes at night, I think about how I can achieve greatness and how I can leave my mark on this world, and that is by playing this game that is by finishing this amazing game. As one of my good friends once said “The worst part of having a mental illness is people expect you to behave as if you don’t.”, This game showed me that I don’t have to suppress my thoughts I don’t have to act like a normal person I can be who I am. This game has changed my life for the better, I still hope one day I will be able to feel the warm embrace of a woman.

Real player with 1028.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Beautiful Third-Person Shooter Games.



☐ You forget what reality is

☐ Beautiful

☑ Good

☐ Decent

☐ Bad

☐ Don‘t look too long at it

☐ Paint.exe


☑ Very good

☐ Good

☐ It‘s just gameplay

☐ Mehh

☐ Starring at walls is better

☐ Just don‘t


☑ Eargasm

☐ Very good

☐ Good

☐ Not too bad

☐ Bad

☐ Earrape


☑ Kids

☐ Teens

☐ Adults

☐ Human

—{PC Requirements}—

☑ Check if you can run paint

☐ Potato

☐ Decent

☐ Fast

☐ Rich boiiiiii

☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer

Real player with 93.4 hrs in game

Disney G-Force on Steam



A Tower Defense of the special kind.

I love Tower Defense and have been a big fan of the genre since Warcraft III. A while ago a friend of mine asked if I wanted to try out this Tower Defense VR game he developed. Intrigued because I never played a VR game before I said yes and stayed close to the development ever since. AIRA captured me immediately, the combination of Hero Tower Defense in which you can not only build towers but also control a hero in the midst of the action and VR is incredibly fun.

Real player with 48.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Beautiful Indie Games.

Very good game! check out my full review here!


Real player with 16.3 hrs in game

AIRA VR on Steam



I’m writing this review as someone who has been involved in early PreRelease testing. The game has evolved in leaps and bounds since the very first tests, and the Developers are still continuing to release regular updates as issues are found.

As with any game you purchase in Early Access, steam warns you that you are buying such, and that the game may or may not develop. Well this one is developing, and appears to be continuing as such, unlike many early access games that i have purchased that basically get released, then never touched again.

Real player with 31.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Beautiful FPS Games.

This game was so much fun to help as a tester and love how responsive the devs are to suggestions and feedback. They have so much planned for this game it is going to end up HUGE! Price is cheap and never have to spend more upon new release of content and maps. That’s awesome! Gameplay is fun and refreshing and fun to play with my friends!

Real player with 21.4 hrs in game

RIP on Steam

Easy Shooter

Easy Shooter

If there’s a big escape mode, it’s more fun

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Aimbots in every single game. Enjoy spawning into death and waiting 5 more seconds. Bad game, just a basic cash grab

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Easy Shooter on Steam



A classic fun arcade game, with a nice map and graphics. You play against bots that are very tough, so the game gives you a challenge. It is great for killing time at work and can be played on literally any pc or laptop. My recommendation for those who like this type of games .

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

This seems like a nice game. Would be fun to play with a big group.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

ROBALL on Steam



Wotheguel is a single player fps game in which we fight in the forest. Be careful, various puzzles can block you.

Defeat the targets in the forest with 5 weapons and 3 skill sets in the fantastic forest. Follow the instructions given by Mina and fulfill your mission by collecting all the diamonds. Various creatures in the forest are the protectors of the diamond you want to steal. The diamonds awaken the creatures, you can only rely on your weapon in the forest. You cannot hide or escape in the forest, all you can do is war.

Wotheguel on Steam

Seven Dunes: Curse on the Golden Sand

Seven Dunes: Curse on the Golden Sand

Seven Dunes: Curse on the Golden Sand is a game about an operation for rescuing a princess kidnapped by monsters in a fantasy desert kingdom. The hero (user) must solve numerous puzzles and deal with countless monsters to complete the operation. It combines adventure puzzles and RPG elements. Please find the introduction of the story below the following features:

  • We also had the story written as a novel, which might be available to you.

  • While it is essentially an adventure game, we incorporated lots of RPG elements to enrich the content of the game, like the drops of elixirs, herbs, potions, and mixtures.

Seven Dunes: Curse on the Golden Sand on Steam

VIP Rebels

VIP Rebels

" The horn sounds…, the gate opens,… YOUR RUN STARTS NOW! …"

How to play

You will start each game selecting three VIPs, each with their own unique special skill. After you select your VIP, you start your run. Whenever you start a run, you’ll choose how many villagers you use to collect resources like wood, food, and gold. The villagers drop resources at your treasure wagon and look for new sources automatically throughout the run.

When the gate opens, you will enter the procedurally generated lands of the Red, where you’ll need to get as far as you can in order to claim the best rewards. Venture further and further and more secret rewards and treasure will be granted.

You’ll have VIPs such as King Midas who has the ability to turn enemies into gold, the Viking, a dragon-summoning Nordic god, Blackbeard the pirate, ordering deadly cannonballs to obliterate enemies, or the Rocket Man with the power to land two rockets simultaneously on top of your enemies. These are just a few of the 25 VIPs that you’ll encounter along the way. More are planned and I’m looking to bring this number closer to 100.

There are big pirate armies that lie ahead of you, with bands of rebels hidden away in bushes and villages to slow your progress. Whether castles stand in the way or not, you will need to overcome the odds and create an army with the right mixture of units to counter the enemies ahead of you. Will you pick archers to mow down the slow infantry and risk them being charged down by cavalry? The choice is yours.

Once you finally get stopped, you’ll collect treasure and rewards, unlock, and upgrade more VIPs and return to the open gate once more.

So in short:

  • Select unique VIPs giving you strategic advantages.

  • Collect resources and build your army.

  • Take control of dragons and transform sheep into bloodthirsty warmachines

  • Win & lose big battles in your fight for loot.

  • Claim big rewards, unlock and upgrade new VIPs as you progress.

Quick note of the developer

_Hi there,

I just wanted to say thanks for showing an interest in the thing I’ve been passionate about for the last 3 years. We’ve made this journey together and I hope that you’re as hyped about this project as I am. :)

I started out wanting to create an RTS game for the Age of Empires fan inside me that doesn’t have the ability to sink hours into playing a game. The game is a bunch of quick fun runs, intertwined with big battles and resource gathering. On average, each run should take between 10 and 15 minutes.

If you like what I’m doing here and want to keep updated, please add the game to your Steam Wishlist to support me.

I will always love you for it!



VIP Rebels on Steam

Flowers -Le volume sur ete-

Flowers -Le volume sur ete-

Wow, wow, wow. What a game. Let me just say that this is usually not my kind of thing, but by the end of it, I really quite enjoyed it. This is the second game of the series but if you didn’t play the first game like me, you really wouldn’t be lost at all so there is nothing to worry about there.

I don’t think the main story is particularly interesting. In some ways, the main story is actually really cliche. But I think what really carries the story through is the dialog and character development these characters go through on top of just being interesting and likeable characters in themselves. I particularly love Erika, the MC of this game and Suoh who I think is the MC of the last game. Chidori never rubbed off on me that well but I feel like that was the point of her character and her development by the end of it made me care for her all the same.

Real player with 39.4 hrs in game

Score: 10/10

Spoiler warning: If you don’t want any spoilers for this game, jump to the last paragraph

(I will refer to Flowers -Le volume sur printemps- as Spring, this game as Summer, Flowers -Le volume sur Automne- as Autumn, and Flowers -Le volume sur hiver- as Winter.)

Scores for the series

Whole Flowers Series: 9/10

Spring : 7/10 (Review)

Real player with 32.0 hrs in game

Flowers -Le volume sur ete- on Steam



I regret the times, when I couldn’t play this game in it’s prime, when tournaments were alive. But I don’t regret buying digital copy now.

Back in 2008, when I read about the game, DotA Allstars was already a thing you need to be aware of if you play games. And I was indeed aware. I tried the thing and got bored pretty quickly. Something was amiss. Something didn’t want me to enjoy the game, and I felt out of place, when I heard praise about this new exciting genre like MOBA.

When I read about Demigod I got a little flame of hope lit up in me. Everything from background of characters to the name of the game and a little story behind already was to my liking. But would the gameplay keep up with that? I wasn’t sure.

Real player with 207.7 hrs in game

First off, let me state that when Demigod was released, it’s multiplayer was pretty much broken due to the publisher insisting on doing the netcode and sucking at it hardcore. This issue has since been resolved, and is no longer an issue; the multiplayer works just fine now, no real problems.

Now, from there, let’s get into a few aspects of the game itself:

Demigod is a MOBA style game, where you play as a single hero/champion/demigod/whatever style character who starts off kinda flimsy, and gradually levels up, fighting large armies of enemy units with the goal of defeating the enemy team. Thing LoL, HoN, DotA, Smite, Dawngate and so on.

Real player with 137.0 hrs in game

Demigod on Steam