Stars received: 2.7/10 _ Note: v.5 [0.0 to 1] = personal impressions

[0.4] Controls & Training & Help

[0.3] Menu & Settings

[0.3] Sound & Music

[0.3] Graphics

[0.4] Game Design

[0.2] Game Story

[0.3] Game Content

[0.5] Completion time (level/game)?

[0] is it Enjoyable & Fun?

[0] Could it hold a spot in Favorites? (& if the Game can be repeatedly played again)

[0] BONUS point: Multi-Player related

[0] BONUS point: Review for VR

[N] - if Registration is required with providing PII

Game description key-points: auction hunter

Real player with 20.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Beautiful Indie Games.

I’m sorry but this game is so limited and as a result boring. It’s a shame because I like the idea but it’s just not worth my time or my money. I’m asking for a refund.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game




What a brilliant and fun game, you have the ability to build in all 6 directions without gravity holding you back. All of the buildings are beautifully designed and futuristic, with more things being added as the game continues to develop. To add a layer of depth to the game its more than just building zones for residents, commerce and industry you also get to manage the resources necessary to allow the buildings to grow via demand of certain products that you can choose manufacture in your city or buy on the in game market.

Real player with 712.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Beautiful Indie Games.

This game has A LOT of promise and a lot of improvements. Such as better sound effects like city sounds like the noise of cars or even have citizens walking around. simple things would be nice. Also like to see different modes of play besides free modes or retro modes would like to see perhaps a sandbox mode. would also like to see maybe different enviorments maybe different sky colors and perhaps having maybe different planets scenes like what would it be like to build a sky city on Jupiter or something with different enviorments effects and collecting different elements. Just some ideas

Real player with 129.7 hrs in game

Atmocity on Steam

Bless Unleashed

Bless Unleashed

~~After 700+ hours of the game, I can’t really recommend Bless Unleashed in the current stage that I am playing it.

Update: New update was almost good, sadly they still know how to fuck things up.~~

Now that I’m quitting the game, I will give this game a full review with information before I leave.

This game HAD potential.

I started playing the game when it was release for three days, and that week was the time I enjoyed it most. I didn’t know anything much, just continue my main quests and side quests as a Crusader class. The combat system was interesting the first time I played, and I kept enjoying on and on until the main quest end. This is the time where you’ll start seeing the whole picture of the game.

Real player with 951.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Beautiful Fantasy Games.

At the time writing this, I have played 55 hours and have just completed the game up to Kannus Valley. I started 1 week after release which means I started August 13th. I have no prior experience nor knowledge of Round 8, Neowiz, or even the past iterations of Bless Online except for the fact that it looked like a tab-targeting type of game and that it performed(both in optimization/FPS and reception) very poorly. This will be an unbiased review. However, 2 days after I started playing, I had fun enough to warrant a purchase of the $35.99 Exalted Founder’s Package. Take this into consideration although it doesn’t really affect how I view the game.

Real player with 806.9 hrs in game

Bless Unleashed on Steam

Adventure Farm VR

Adventure Farm VR

I think this is a possibility at fun… Unfortunately, there’s just too many game breaking bugs at this time. Just as an example, getting stuck in a wall, the game’s controls glitching to constantly show in multiples wherever you go (think your entire screen lighting up in blue curving teleport lines from every place you’ve walked in the last 30 seconds), and unfortunately for a friend of mine… Falling through the floor. We’ve tried to pick this up a few times, since purchased, but can’t get further than a few minutes in without something breaking. I hope the team continues to work on this and it isn’t forgotten or given up.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

This game barely works. IF you get it for free, its still not worth it because it takes up hard drive space. DO NOT BUY.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Adventure Farm VR on Steam