Vertiginous Golf

Vertiginous Golf

This game is really pretty cool. It’s a minigolf game with a really cool fantasy-esque atmosphere and neat little contraptions all over. You build up power with swings and can use either a rewind button or a little jet thingie on your ball to move it slightly where you want. At first it seems like rewind is incredibly OP but the game gets fairly challenging and fairly fast. To the point it might even get a bit frustrating to some people. Luckily I was playing it with my girlfriend so I did honestly have a good time watch us both screw up a few times. The game’s got pretty good graphics and a neat art style and is surprisingly not too computer intensive too.

Real player with 19.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Beautiful Singleplayer Games.

The Good

Vertignious Golf is a gorgeous game, both conceptually and stylistically. The game controls aren’t difficult to grasp, the music and sounds are well designed, and the interface is nice and clean, not interfering with the graphics – did I mention they were gorgeous? Oh, yes, I did.

The hummingbird and rewind features are welcome additions to the basic gameplay of minigolf. In fact, given the complexity of some of the holes, they’re requirements. The availability of a wedge in addition to a putter is welcome, adding a level of strategy absent in other minigolf games.

Real player with 15.9 hrs in game

Vertiginous Golf on Steam

Cloud Chasers - Journey of Hope

Cloud Chasers - Journey of Hope

Cloud Chasers is a text-based adventure that incorporates survival elements, map exploration, and a flying mini-game. I think the game is pretty decent when it comes to resource management and storytelling, although the controls for the glider are a bit wonky. The goal is to get across the desert which includes 5 separate levels with randomly generated events. If one of your characters dies, you start over. However, the game is not particularly hard as I was able to beat it on the second try (in less than 1 hour on normal). Since many of the achievements are attached to unique events, it does have some replay value because you can’t get everything in one run.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Beautiful Casual Games.

At $4 this is a good game. Perma death rogue lite, FTL-lite, prequel to the excellent Airheart. However, it has very little action (passive glider flying avoiding bad buys and their bullets) to collect water aka cash.

I completed it in 4 hours and don’t really feel compelled to play again soon. There are items that are worthless except for fufilling dialogue options. There are a few basic upgrades for your glider that make the water collection mini game much easier to almost trivial when the gilder is fully upgraded.

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Cloud Chasers - Journey of Hope on Steam

BioShock Infinite

BioShock Infinite

BioShock Infinite is a masterpiece. This game has one of the best storylines ever. The story was really interesting and I had so much fun playing through it. For a game made in 2013, I’ve gotta say, the graphics in this game are BEAUTIFUL. I loved the setting of this game and the atmosphere of this game is AMAZING. The gameplay in BioShock Infinite was really cool and the combat was unique. There is quite a lot of content in this game and some DLC’s to play after you have finished the main story. There were barely any bugs in this game and it is optimized well for whatever specs you have, the game will still run fine and still look really good. I have also played through the other 2 BioShock games and I really enjoyed those ones, but this one is by far the best of the series. This game is definitely worth the price and I also recommend buying the other BioShock games with this one too if you haven’t already played them. If you like story-rich FPS games I highly recommend BioShock Infinite. 11/10

Real player with 50.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Beautiful FPS Games.

Average Elizabeth fan:

















Real player with 34.0 hrs in game

BioShock Infinite on Steam

Haven Moon

Haven Moon

The short of it:

Haven Moon is a relaxing diversion into a visually pleasing world. It’s almost criminally short, however, and at times its puzzles can be a little obtuse and arbitrary. I give it a thumbs-up because it matches the description in the store, kept me entertained for a time, and is quite an impressive game when you take into account that it was the product of a sole contributor.

The long of it:

The environment and buildings have obvious nods to Myst and Jules Verne. In particular, the influence of Myst is incredibly strong. Gameplay elements such as powering things up before you can solve their puzzles, traveling between small, isolated environments using fanciful means, and deciding on an ending once you’ve collected everything all make appearances. For those who enjoy a world that itself is a puzzle, rather than a world that happens to have puzzles in it, by and large this fits the bill. The locations have matching music that subtly adds to the mood of each space, and I believe a lot of people would want their interior decorator to take inspiration from the places you visit while playing.

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game

The harsh summary:

This is a piece of beautiful graphical art with a few puzzles thrown in and uses something akin to and as believable as a government cover story for depth.

The in depth description:

I very much enjoyed the game. If it was priced more to its playtime and story and not to its beauty, I would give it a serious thumbs up. I feel like it is a stunningly beautiful person (in my case a woman) who lacks any personality worth mentioning. Great to look at but will not keep your attention beyond a few hours. It is very Mystesque but lacks Myst’s depth, story immersion, and length. Actual casual, non-rushed, and lazy play time is 5 hours (possibly less for others). My time played says 14 hours, however I spent more than half of my time on projects in the house or watching Netflix, but did not exit the game, I just left it on the ESC menu. While the story concept is fairly good, but it lacks any real depth. The story part of this game is in written notes, and there are not very many to read. As with all Adventure/Puzzle games replay ability is minimal at best so such a short playtime is very disappointing. When I read the Dev’s comment “It is neither too long nor too short”, I thought to myself “well then I should be able to get at least a good couple of days out of it. Not just a few hours. To sum up, the game itself is good but I cannot recommend at its current price due to lack of content. I would rather pay more for something more developed and not just a beautiful painting.

Real player with 14.6 hrs in game

Haven Moon on Steam

Gizmos: Steampunk Nonograms

Gizmos: Steampunk Nonograms

Fantastic. The puzzles are well done, the illustrations are entertaining, there are a ton of nonograms (10 hrs played and I’ve only done half of them), and it loads quick. Everyday I do two puzzles when I wake up to start my day. Well done and highly recommended.

Real player with 73.5 hrs in game

If you like nonograms, I’d imagine you’d like this game. I had never heard of them before, so I was hesitant to consider purchasing this game. However, it looked fun, so I gave it a shot, and I’m very glad I did.

It looks like there are 6 sections, with 20 puzzles per section, for a total of about 120 puzzles.

I have completed the first 2 sections (40 puzzles), and because I’m new to this and make quite a few mistakes, it has taken me about 15 hours. If that speed stays the same, it will take me about 45 hours to finish this game. If you’re good at nonograms, you’ll probably play at twice my speed, so you might finish it in about 20-25 hours. Even if you’re four times as fast as me, it’s still a bargain for the relatively low asking price.

Real player with 59.3 hrs in game

Gizmos: Steampunk Nonograms on Steam

Syberia II

Syberia II

I beat Syberia a year or two ago and while I really enjoyed it and knew that the journey continued in Syberia II, other games and life called me away. When I learned that Syberia 3 was in the works, a fire got lit underneath me and I finally played and finished Syberia 2 in preparation. I am so glad that I didn’t play Syberia 2 until 3 was announced because I think I would have some seriously unanswered questions, but lets start from the beginning.

Syberia II starts immediately after Syberia ends, so it is not so much a sequel as it is a continuation of the story. Now if you think that a game that has the story of a New York lawyer named Kate Walker going to Eastern Europe to wrap up a business deal and ends up instead helping an old man who is a genius with building automatons (NOT robots) go to the supposedly fictional island of Syberia where mammoths still live is boring, then move along. If however you think that that plot has possiblities you have to play it. I dare say it will be unlike any game you play. I know it stands out for me.

Real player with 14.0 hrs in game

Классный, хардкорны квест, но уж очень сильно устарел. За него садился 3 раза, чтоб наконец с 3го пройти полностью. Покупать стоит только любителям ретро квестов, ибо удовольствие от игры трудно получить.

Графика. Начну с нее, так как игра двольно старая и визульная часть отстает даже к моменту выхода. Текстуры на фоне чень размыты и настроек в игре практически нет. Добится 1080p можно разными тулзовинами (спасибо Steam Community), но общее качество картинки остается в разрешении 480p.

Сюжет является прямым продолжение первой части - мы едем в Сибирь на поиски мамонтов. По ходу дела с нами происходят интересные ситуации, которые приходится разруливать решая разные головоломки. Добравшись до конца - просто смотрим ролик (который вроде как и о хорошем конце, но все не очень, т.к. ГГ ничего из этого не получает, кроме морального удовлетворения за помощь деду уйти на покой вместе с мамонтами). Никаких ответвлений или разных исходов, все что нас развлекает на пути - это гиперболизированные образы типичных русских, монахов, бандитов и разные ситуации с ними. Как я уже сказал, решать все надо в стиле квеста, и тут уже лучше рассказать о

Real player with 13.8 hrs in game

Syberia II on Steam



Review brought to you by:

TentacleBunny’s Cozy Cottage

Syberia is a pure classic and a cult of its era, with a large fan base that keeps it alive in our memories. It’s for good reason that despite all the years that passed by, this original 2002 Point & Click is still so loved and appreciated by players.

Kate Walker is the representative of a major American law firm, responsible for a contract that involves the sale of a family-owned spring-automaton toy factory. This is not a simple factory though, as it once was the most recognized factory in the world. Set in the small beautiful fictional town called Valadilène, the family that ran the Vorarlberg factory for centuries did it with passion and love, but everything dies, even the most precious toy.

Real player with 27.0 hrs in game

Syberia is a tour-de-force in the point-and-click genre of the gaming world, maybe not just even within its own genre. The story is both intriguing and compelling, the graphics still look great and hold their details, and the characters are awesome, interesting, funny, and tragic.

This game shows off the artistic talent and genius of Benoit Sokal, a Beligian comic artist and the game developer for Syberia I and II. After my last time playing it, I began to realize the small details that make a game’s story great and its characters equally so. Our main protagonist, named Kate Walker, is an international lawyer from a law firm in New York…and her life there is less than satisfactory. Granted, these details are revealed through short phone calls with her doting, somewhat air-headed mother, her so-called “best friend” Olivia, her impatient, jaded boss, and her fiance, whom Kate discovers over the period of the game she is not compatible with. Good thing too, because her fiance is a total ***hole.

Real player with 24.6 hrs in game

Syberia on Steam

MidKnight Story

MidKnight Story

MidKnight Story is a story driven adventure action-RPG set in a steampunk & fantasy open world.

The game focuses on three core gameplay experiences: Exploration, combat, and story.

The player will take control of Paran, a young scavenger, who’s able to explore the game world in its entirety, climbing up buildings and towers in the main city, swimming on the surface and underwater to reach wild islands and grottoes, gliding and dashing with a special sword, sneaking into tight spaces, and breaking through walls with explosive barrels.

In terms of combat, Paran can approach his nemeses hidden and launch a surprise attack, or he can throw himself into battle head-on. The choice is up to the player. He will also need to alternate between using his sword and pistol to best defeat each enemy.

In exploring the world of Numia, and defeating the enemies he finds there, Paran earns Cogs and collects ammunition, potions, and experience points. To collect these XPs, he must use the special capabilities of the sword. Like in many classic RPGs, experience points are needed to level up and improve Paran’s stats.

By discovering secret places and defeating the most formidable enemies, Paran will earn rare treasures to keep in his collection.

MidKnight Story’s adventure begins when Paran discovers the sword called Durindana. The legendary sword will serve him in more than just combat against enemies, in fact it will be the very key he needs to unlock the world of MidKnight Story and to reach new levels within it.

The sword will be upgradeable to unlock new abilities, with features such as the propeller that allows Paran to glide from place to place and reach areas previously unexplorable.

MidKnight Story on Steam

Riddlord: The Consequence

Riddlord: The Consequence

Yes, it’s interesting, but also exasperating in many ways. Bunch of woo-woo puzzles based on mystic concepts like I-ching trigrams, but no logic to them whatsoever. Somehow the mysticism of the puzzles relates to the deeds of the four fictional-real serial murderers whose lives and careers this game tries to connect in a fictional plot. Premise possibly of interest, but what the actual puzzles and clunky execution of same have to do with the premise is hardly convincing. Some puzzles were relatively straightforward; others like the I-ching trigrams were totally arbitrary as far as this player could tell. I would recommend with reservations.

Real player with 28.4 hrs in game

if you like the room series, pick this up, it’s very similar, but longer and a lot more difficult, and unlike the room games, it’s priced fairly in euros and isn’t insanely overpriced like certain clones ported lazily from mobile. it was a bit buggy on release, nothing that going back to the main menu couldn’t fix, but now you can take screenshots without it messing up the inventory.

Real player with 10.9 hrs in game

Riddlord: The Consequence on Steam

Riven: The Sequel to MYST

Riven: The Sequel to MYST

Riven is a sequel to Myst, an old school click adventure game that revolves solving intricate puzzles and exploring surreal worlds created from linking books.

First off let me tell you that Riven is not revised for modern hardware, as such, some feature set is very archaic. The save menu operates like a word document save menu. The resolution is stuck at a piddly 640x480 resolution, this makes playing the game on modern monitors an absolutely awful visual experience. To makes matter worst, the game cannot be set to windowed mode without some major .exe hex coding voodoo. That set aside, the game is still worth playing. After all with the limitation of Riven’s game engine, which is essentially one huge powerpoint slide, it’s not too strange that the game is limited in resolution. The game is a little over 3 gigabytes and it’s 33% of 1080p. Keep in mind that this game was created in 1997, which equates to a 5 CD game. Had this game release at 1080p, it would’ve been around 15 CD’s. Have fun switching and keeping track of that many disk while playing!

Real player with 105.9 hrs in game

First of all, I recommend you beat this game WITHOUT looking up a walkthough, I will explain later in the review.

This is one of my favorite games of all time. This is one of the best (and one of the only) examples of a puzzle game done right. sure there are other puzzle games out there that are great like The Witness and… uh… well The Witness doesn’t even count because that is a more logic puzzle game and I consider that a different sub-genre. I honestly can’t find a good comparison to this game other than Myst 1 (and even that has major differences).

Real player with 32.5 hrs in game

Riven: The Sequel to MYST on Steam