Minimal Maze

Minimal Maze

Short, but enjoyable. The difficulty gradually increases but it never really gets tough.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Beautiful Casual Games.

Great puzzle and Challenge levels! Very well placed at each stage very well polished progressively. excellent work, congratulations.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Minimal Maze on Steam



Very challenging, but fun! Minimal in its conception with use of color to contribute interest. Unique use of cubes in ways to motivate one to seek the solution, but forgiving in its offerings of undo the previous move or restart the puzzle. Refreshingly creative!!

Real player with 50.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Beautiful Indie Games.

Beyondthosehills, one indie games development studio which comes from Greece, it have two works-Reky and The Minims(This review only according to Reky). As a puzzle game, it accomplished the mission which the ability of solving conundrums from players is leveling up with the difficulty of it.

The diversity of gameplay make more possibility

From the most simplest way that only need to move one cube on the specified site to create a path through the shift and the cooperation of two types of colors, then the changing of cubes which have many colors, the difficulty of it is increasing slowly, from one to ten. No obvious up and down display on the difficulty, the whole difficulty carve is a little uneven, but the tendency is steady. The design of levels includes many ways, such as going to the end with rising and downing cubes or crossing many black portals to escape. Not only can get fun with exploring the right path by myself step by step, but also can experience the double difficulty from the adjustment of colors and blocks under by the same frame.

Real player with 24.9 hrs in game

reky on Steam



simple yet fun game.

Real player with 19.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Beautiful Casual Games.

It’s the year 2002. Your friend Jason has invited you to his birthday party. “Well, I don’t really care for social–” “It’s at a laser tag arena.” “Now wait a minute.”

While you’re lurching around the arena, ordained with clunky plastic, someone quietly calls out to you. “Psst! Hey! Come ‘ere!” “Huh?!” “Come look at what Gus figured out.”

You stealth your way over to an obscure part of the arena where your friends are waiting. One of them hands you a postage stamp. “Eat this first.” You put the stump in your mouth and wait. “Now what?” “Hit it, Gus.” What does Gus do? He does something really weird with a mirror, a lightbulb, and his laser rifle. The result: BLASK.

Real player with 10.5 hrs in game

BLASK on Steam

AuroraBound Deluxe

AuroraBound Deluxe

its quite relaxing keeps the mind alert being as i am an older person.

Real player with 357.4 hrs in game

A fun game to while away the hours

Real player with 55.8 hrs in game

AuroraBound Deluxe on Steam

ReThink | Evolved 4

ReThink | Evolved 4

This is the seventh game in the ReThink franchise and the fourth game in the ReThink | Evolved series, and this is definitely the best one so far. Some new cubes and new mechanics have been added which allow for more complex puzzles than previous games, and they definitely added to my enjoyment.

The core concept of the ReThink games is to light a series of colored targets with laser light. How you combine the lasers to achieve the correct colors and how you place and angle the lasers to hit the correct targets is up to you. Sometimes the puzzles are easy, sometimes the puzzles are difficult, and sometimes the puzzles are quite tricky. There were many times when I was scratching my head for a bit and finally had the “Aha!” moment, which was very fulfilling. Also, from what I recall of the previous games in the franchise, this one is more spacious, with many of the puzzles spanning several sections.

Real player with 23.4 hrs in game

Another good puzzle game by Yaeko. Compered to previous Rethink games (I played most of the franchise) this one has many new cool features and the puzzles are a bit harder. If you haven’t played any of the Rethink games before, I wouldn’t start with this one. See you all on Rethink 5

Real player with 13.7 hrs in game

ReThink | Evolved 4 on Steam

Inner Tao

Inner Tao

Nice puzzle game! Sokoban-like with fresh, interesting mechanics. Puzzles are very well designed and can be pretty challenging. Simple and elegant presentation

Real player with 15.4 hrs in game

This is a very good puzzle game. It’s very hard, but worth the challenge.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Inner Tao on Steam

Nino Maze LOFI

Nino Maze LOFI


This game started out promising.

Relaxing music, not too difficult maze, nice animation of a running cat, …

I liked the game instantly and felt like it would be a nice way to relax.

But the further I got in the game, the more I felt like the goal of the creators was to irritate us.

The “difficulty” of the mazes was the increasing length and the smaller size. Everything became smaller so it’s not a game for people with bad eyesight! And the mazes were super easy but just really long. The music also became more irritating. Sounds that don’t fit together and “singing”?

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Overall exactly what I expected, with a few issues -

The fact that it gets smaller with each stage wouldn’t bother me had they kept to a light colored background and tiles - a black cat would show up fine in contrast. I was able to see fine in all the stages, it just was more annoying on those.

I really, really wish the LoFi didn’t have any speaking to them. It made me jump multiple times, and just pulled me out of the relaxing mood. It’s only in a few of them, but I personally didn’t enjoy it.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Nino Maze LOFI on Steam

Spring Falls

Spring Falls

Spring Falls is a beautiful puzzle game whose mechanics revolve around controlling the water flow.

Each of the levels has a multi-layered hexagonal grid-like structure, mimicking a portion of a mountain. The objective is to make all the flowers bloom by guiding the water first towards a tile that contains a seed, then to create a continuous path from the seed to the flower and finally watering the flower so that it blooms. In order to do all these, you will have to press specific tiles in order to move the water from the upper levels towards the lower levels, to contain it in pools or even to flood the whole area. A few other mechanics are introduced gradually over the course of the 60 levels: rain, waterfalls and special desert tiles which enable moving a seed from lower levels towards the upper ones.

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

This is a beautiful puzzle game. You have to make the flowers bloom by having a water source next to it and also green grass tiles around it. The first several levels are easy as they introduce the game concept but after awhile suddenly you come to an abrupt halt and are stumped for awhile. I try to complete it by my own mental power rather than referring to guides, but I’m also impatient so on 3 of the puzzles I did give in and look at the guide for the solution.

The music and sounds are very soothing and relaxing with rushing water and a soft guitar playing in the background.

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Spring Falls on Steam

Aurora Hex - Pattern Puzzles

Aurora Hex - Pattern Puzzles

aurora hex is similar to the developer’s previous game, aurorabound deluxe . you’re trying to recreate colorful patterns in both, but in this game you’re bothering hexagons instead of squares. it is also somewhat similar to loop .

Real player with 29.7 hrs in game

Visually pleasing minimalist puzzler.

Almost same genre as jigsaw puzzles, but feels different.

UI & Visuals seem a bit more refined than the first title, while retaining a similar feel to play. :)

(Currently up to late World 1, out of 20 worlds, at time of review.

Also has Daily puzzles to unlock & Infinity mode to unlock)

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Aurora Hex - Pattern Puzzles on Steam



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Kolumno is an interesting combination of puzzle game and reaction game. Drop the steel ball from the top of the column to the bottom avoiding all the obstacles, simple as that.

Of course, nothing is that simple! It’s all about timing and the correct use of the various skills at hand. Any hit results in the ball missing the hole at the bottom so you have to be perfect, sometimes pixel perfect. Rings spin around, open and close and appear and disappear. Luckily you have the aforementioned skills. Pause the ball for a few seconds, shrink the ball to fit through tight gaps, drop really fast and smash through up to four blocks. Most of the levels only require one or two skills or even just perfect timing. Some of the later levels do require you to use most if not all the skills, these levels are tough though there are multiple solutions.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

It was surprisingly difficult for what seemed at first like a mobile port. It’s got a few simple mechanics that they use well to create a kind of puzzle game but its got a lot of timing elements that are very tricky and there are multiple solutions to some. Really cool little game, short but sweet.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Kolumno on Steam