

Learn a fully functional symbol language by interacting with villagers that settled on an active volcano! Collect and apply phrases and words you may not immediately understand and discover that language is an expression of humanity.

Eloquence is a point-and-click language puzzle game. You learn to understand and eventually express yourself in a symbol language. The languages found in Eloquence are living and are used by the characters inhabiting the world. Test collected phrases and words on villagers and study their response, to find out what the symbols mean.

Read More: Best Beautiful Nonlinear Games.

Eloquence on Steam

Kabukicho Story

Kabukicho Story

It’s okay. A melancolic little story told using the RPG medium. There are a a couple game sequences. The whole thing is short, maybe a couple hours at most.

(follow my curator page GenXPlayers for more retro and indie reviews)

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Beautiful Anime Games.

Great game. The atmosphere is really soothing and the story is awesome.

I am just gonna point out a few things here. This game is somewhat held in the 12th century irl. Although this is a fantasy game, modern language is not really that suitable. But overall, great game. I recommend playing it.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Kabukicho Story on Steam

The Academy: The First Riddle

The Academy: The First Riddle

I really enjoyed this game! It has a great sense of place, the world is quite detailed and the different areas take a while to be revealed. It is set in a school with first year characters. There are heaps of puzzles but some of these are really obscure. Great that there are hints although some of these are no help. There is a cool facility to scribble on the puzzle pictures so that helps sometimes. There is a bit of a familiar feel due to the school environment and bits of magic. On the down side, the game often crashed on a puzzle timing out. I had to do as another player suggested and switch immersion on.

Real player with 30.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Beautiful Puzzle Games.

Why is this game so underrated? Why??

I played through the first chapter and have little to complain about so far.

  • Some riddles are a little far-fetched or weird but this is also due to the translation which could have used some polishing. The characters you can interact with are limited which is a little sad but still fine.
  • The story is good enough for a puzzle game, the characters are versatile and the school is fun to discover. Riddles are enjoyable and not too hard or too easy.

Overall: Can recommend. No idea why this did not get more attention on release.

Real player with 24.5 hrs in game

The Academy: The First Riddle on Steam

Auri’s Tales

Auri’s Tales

This beautiful game has a lot of potential and I love the direction it’s heading! You can see the obvious love for the developers daughter that went into its creation.

I recommend keeping an eye on its future development; it still has a ways to go.

Your objective is to collect coins and equipment to help statue friends solve puzzles for rewards and open each heartfelt letter to the daughter of the king and queen who await your entry inside the castle. A map of some kind would be very helpful to follow.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Auri's Tales on Steam

What Comes After

What Comes After

What Comes After is a short and touching side-scrolling visual novel which succeeds in sending an impactful message through only a few words. It’s a reminder that the lives of each and every one of us matters, be that of a human, of an animal or of a plant. It gives a soft nudge towards understanding that we can make life better by being kind, compassionate and considerate towards each other, and that changing the world starts by changing yourself, by bettering yourself.


Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

I tried to play this game on stream for my community, but I admit that I was only able to get through about 20 minutes before deciding it was a game to play offline for myself. I’m glad that I decided to play it offline because I felt that it was an intimate, emotional journey that I need to go at my own pace.

I will stress that is an emotional journey, and could potentially be triggering depending on your head-space - the game deals with a lot of heavy topics such as mental health (depression, anxiety, etc.), deaths (or near death experiences), and the meaning of life. Conversations were difficult at time, but I think that it was worth pushing through to see the final message.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

What Comes After on Steam



9/10 so far so good only the main character emo tall guy sasuke look a like needs a cool voice acting DEVS if you read this please add cool voice acting for the main character adn also please put in the map where the main character is at like GTA and other gmaes that specifies where your characters at it gave me a lot of damage “that’s a lot of damage” to my brain and eyes playing for hours looking where my character in the map at :D just kidding this good game needs a sequel. Now first guys I will give you a hint

! dont pick the black butterfly first or you’ll regret it. First I thought this isn’t a horror f@%ing game cause it became so crazy when I pick the black butterfly all you need to do is dont get hit and killed or you’ll wake up and never finish that story tips always save the game and load it whenever you wake up. Gameplay mechanics is good like your character interacts with things and people other than that it lacks speech where the main emo tall guy sasuke look alike or eren look a like lacks speech Devs please add cool voice acting speech of the main character when he interacts with people and stuff not just some subtitles. Now about the game: It is a series of events where you solve errands of girls, first pick the gold butterfly, next is the blue and last but not the least the black one or else you’ll end up like me with a heart pulsating over 9000 such an insane mode for this game requires a lot of knowledge memorising places and where to hide in them such thrilling event in the game just dont get hit or else you’ll wake up and regret you will never finish the rich girl’s story. I never finish it yet but I’m almost done with the black butterfly, while the blue butterfly seems peaceful but i’ll try to now if it is, because it is a mystery game after all. So thank you so much everbody for watching and as always I will see you in the next vi… joke ahahhahaha I’m not mark just some random dude I hope Markiplier plays it. And also the main character indeed was the black angel. :D

Real player with 19.4 hrs in game

This is an interesting, very creepy, and (at times) frustrating exploratory adventure. You play from a 3rd person perspective, controlling a tall man in black. In separate chapters, he encounters different girls who have been the victims of a family tragedy. He unravels their story (by finding notes and objects in the environment), resolves their ‘unfinished business,’ and then guides them to ‘follow the light.’ Each chapter is set in a unique and complex environment. Two areas (the Sanitarium and Ophelia’s House) are multi-floored buildings with dozens of doors and halls. A map is provided but it is still tricky to develop a feel for the floor plans and move about without getting lost. This is compounded by doors locking and unlocking and hallways becoming blocked during the course of the story.

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game


Deja Vu Collector’s Edition

Deja Vu Collector’s Edition

You can watch a full in-depth review of my thoughts on YouTube , or read my summarized review by reading every other sentence.

The premise is simple: your girlfriend, soon to be fiance, was supposed to take a plane to meet you, but she never showed up. In your infinite wisdom, you end up taking a plane to a fictional city in Russia to try and find what happened to her. Afterwards, it’s not just puzzles for the sake of puzzles, this plays like it would be a great adventure game like the old LucasArts days, because while you have to do things inconveniently, you’re not expected to just click your mouse all day long, there’s a rhyme and reason behind everything you do.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Deja Vu Collector's Edition on Steam

Liar Trick -Psychological Crime Mystery-

Liar Trick -Psychological Crime Mystery-

I have mixed feeling about the game, Its one of those game that I would group similar to Pheonix Wright, whether through its gameplay or perhaps thematically.

The game mainly concentrate on exposing lies in order to solve the case. There almost no investigative gameplay going on other than detecting facial feature or deduction on the whole narrative.

Though I applaud that the game wants to try something different, but different doesnt necessarily means fun.I do enjoy the characters and the story, but at the end it doesnt resolve all of the mysteries and sets up a sequel. If the sequel does come out one day, I hope the developer would find a way to implement better gameplay.

Real player with 40.2 hrs in game

A wonderful experience, with a unique and interesting idea. [Joy: Truthful] (Eng and PT-BR review)

At first I found the game quite strange, then I started to understand what all the emotions shown on the mannequin were about and I knew I was facing a unique and brilliant idea for a game.

In short: due to an accident Patrick Truth lost the ability to express emotions but gained photographic memory, becoming a true human lie detector. With a strong desire to expose all people’s lies, Patrick becomes a police consultant, evaluating and resolving the most diverse cases based on interrogations of the suspects and those involved. During these interrogations, the player must observe people’s faces and correctly identify the emotions displayed and assess whether they are true or false and within the context of the testimonies to find out if they are lying. Associated with Patrick’s great reasoning ability and deductions, the player will solve several cases while knowing more about the characters in the game and discovering some surprises involving Patrick’s peculiar condition.

Real player with 29.6 hrs in game

Liar Trick -Psychological Crime Mystery- on Steam

The Ghost of Joe Papp: 101 Ways To Kill Writer’s Block

The Ghost of Joe Papp: 101 Ways To Kill Writer’s Block

You’ve returned to your hometown after trying to strike it big as a writer out in the mean old world. You’ll find that your old theater festival, the John Q. Public Festival, has fallen upon hard times (but honestly, when has it not?). It’s not easy being Lake Tahoe’s second-best Shakespeare festival. It falls to you to write a new future for the festival, as well as either mend or break your relations with the people that you left behind.

Or at least that’s the story you’re trying to tell. You ARE a writer, but the “hometown” is a play you wrote long ago and the “mean old world”…. well, no, that’s the mean old world. That’s not a stand-in for anything.

As Joe Papp’s author, you find yourself with the ability to change the story that you are in, making choices between multiple characters that ultimately dictate how the story progresses. Will you save the theater festival, or will you cause the zombie apocalypse?

  • Write new paths to go down with (almost) every new scene

  • Your choices have effects on how every character views you

  • Make decisions that will affect your play’s rating with the critics

The Ghost of Joe Papp: 101 Ways To Kill Writer's Block on Steam

Intrepid Izzy

Intrepid Izzy

Intrepid Izzy is a great game that has the old school charm with new age design, graphics, and personality. This game reminds me of the “New Super Mario” games on Wii or Switch. There is that nostalgic feeling while playing these games but also a fresh and relevant game play for 2020.

Playing Intrepid Izzy, you have the freedom to move around and re-enter stages. This is part of the games charm, as you acquire new suites while going to different levels. These suites give Izzy powers, such as fly/glide or climbing walls. As Izzy progresses through the game, she can go back to previous stages to find additional key items.

Real player with 9.5 hrs in game

This is a case study on how important sounddesign is in a game. Visually the game is top notch but then you have 15 sec looping music and bad stock sound effects that really distract from the experience.

I do recommend the game but only with the music turned off.

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

Intrepid Izzy on Steam