Chickduck & Catduck

Chickduck & Catduck

This is a sweet, gentle graphic novel with side-by-side drawings of cute ducklings, nature and outdoor scenes. The object of the game is to spot the differences between the two pictures and click on them. A branch in the left scene may have 3 leaves on it and it’s matching branch in the right scene may have only 2. Most items are easy to spot…a few are very faint–nicely hidden. Game took me about 20 minutes to complete.

Certainly, parents and children would enjoy playing this together as there is no violence or hardships, just two ducklings ultimately finding each other. And there is an easy-to-use hint feature. If your little duckling is having trouble finding an object click and hold the right mouse button on the object giving him trouble and an exclamation point will pop up where the match can be found in the other picture. No penalties…just a satisfaction of completion.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Beautiful Casual Games.

It’s short and good to play on a free time. Graphics have a child style and music is so cute. It does not have a save option so you must finish the game in one road.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Chickduck & Catduck on Steam

Desktop Farm

Desktop Farm

this game is great to just have running and check back in on from time to time. the plants are adorable, the animals are adorable, and you can do some pretty entertaining things here.

personally, i made a maze for a bunch of cows to meander around and get lost in. those that got out of the maze got the sweet reward of getting satiated. those that did not are now stuck in the fences, and it is a deserved fate for not escaping before they got fully grown.

however, that isn’t to say that the animal ai is particularly bad, but they get stuck on fences a lot. as in, they’ll be trapped and infinitely walking forward forever into a fence and their satiation will plummet.

Real player with 236.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Beautiful Casual Games.

Desktop Farm is fun and it works like a basic farming simulator should. It did get a little laggy near end game but I must have had 2k animals by then. I did not feel it was heavy on the PC but i felt like the game limited its self from using too much RAM and CPU. The game did crash once or twice but it was far from crashing the PC. Moving around the map was kind of annoying because the blue highlight square would show up when right clicking and dragging. Despite that it was still very playable and enjoyable for a few days. It gave me the urge to play more in depth and expensive farming games while satisfying my idle itch. Get it if you are in the mood for casual farming/idle play, a few achievements or you need something to do while waiting for loading screens or smelting metal frags.

Real player with 146.4 hrs in game

Desktop Farm on Steam

Lucky and a life worth living - a jigsaw puzzle tale

Lucky and a life worth living - a jigsaw puzzle tale

This is a beaultiful game, the background music is relaxing and fits really well with this game, the illustration is well made and beaultiful, I can relate to this game because I have a dog, but he’s not a dog, he’s our son, the illustration in this game reminded me my own dog, he’s cute and loves to play with me and my wife, just like lucky.

I can’t recommend this game enough, it’s a nice and relaxing jigsaw puzzle.

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Beautiful Casual Games.

I bought this game with the intention of playing when i first start my streams, and i’m so glad i did. Not only is it super relaxing, but chat loved these too (unless they were yelling at me because i was blind and couldn’t find a missing piece) music is fantastic and the story it tells for all puzzles is cute.

Honestly my only complaint is, i wish there were more puzzles! Fantastic little soothing game, def recommend!

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

Lucky and a life worth living - a jigsaw puzzle tale on Steam

Neighbourhood Loot

Neighbourhood Loot

Wow, this is an amazing Tower defence game and to be honest one of the most difficult. This is fun filled and enjoy the humour behind the game. I highly recommend this to anyone that is up for a serious challenge!!! The game has a slow start, but the pace picks up very quickly after some playing time. Worth the money spent.

The cartoon theme is awesome!!

Real player with 29.9 hrs in game

Great fun and a new take on tower defense games to pass the time.

Up for a really great challenge give it ago, and see how many days you can make it!

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

Neighbourhood Loot on Steam

Nino Maze LOFI

Nino Maze LOFI


This game started out promising.

Relaxing music, not too difficult maze, nice animation of a running cat, …

I liked the game instantly and felt like it would be a nice way to relax.

But the further I got in the game, the more I felt like the goal of the creators was to irritate us.

The “difficulty” of the mazes was the increasing length and the smaller size. Everything became smaller so it’s not a game for people with bad eyesight! And the mazes were super easy but just really long. The music also became more irritating. Sounds that don’t fit together and “singing”?

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Overall exactly what I expected, with a few issues -

The fact that it gets smaller with each stage wouldn’t bother me had they kept to a light colored background and tiles - a black cat would show up fine in contrast. I was able to see fine in all the stages, it just was more annoying on those.

I really, really wish the LoFi didn’t have any speaking to them. It made me jump multiple times, and just pulled me out of the relaxing mood. It’s only in a few of them, but I personally didn’t enjoy it.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Nino Maze LOFI on Steam

Super Dodgeball Beats

Super Dodgeball Beats

Great game, this game definitely deserves more attention.

The game feels well polished, and the art is really nice. It only has a few song, though it has just enough for a rhythm game. But the music is really energetic, catchy and really fun. But some songs are only playable in certain difficulties, which limits the amount of song even more. It would be great if these songs were available for each difficulty. There are 3 difficulties and each difficulty has 12 songs. But in total there are a actually 18 playable songs.

Real player with 12.4 hrs in game

Super Dodgeball Beats is a tap-to-the-rhythm game at it’s core, with a heaping load of personality in design, animation, and artistic styling. The basic flow of the game is not exactly a game of dodgeball as we typically know, since the win/loss conditions of each match plays out more like tug-of-war, having a meter at the top of the screen that sways to either your team or the opponent depending on how well each team performs. Powerups are gained by filling a secondary meter, which increases as you hit notes with good timing, and are used to hinder the opposing team, or help your own when they unleash an attack on you. The goal of each match is to finish the song with the central meter leaning on your side of the bar, leading to victory by dealing one massively stylised killing blow and knocking out the other team and progressing up the points ladder to reach a bracket style elimination tournament, and eventually win the finals for each level of difficulty.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Super Dodgeball Beats on Steam

Argy Bargy Legends

Argy Bargy Legends

игра просто ничего не дает делать. это такая пьяница в которой даже кнопки нажимать не надо..

зашел в колоду, дали 5 карт и на выбор только 2…. ну ок…

Заходим в сюжет…

тут есть как бы сюжетка, но за 15 минут и 20 попыток прохождения первой карты, ничего нового не появилось… Да и прохождением это назвать сложно, просто грузишься смотришь как твои карты проигрывают или выигрывают и попадаешь в меню…

В пвп мне вообще не дали войти, показывали рабочий стол и большая надпись вы не готовы.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Argy Bargy Legends on Steam

LUNA The Shadow Dust

LUNA The Shadow Dust

Luna: The Shadow Dust

Superior hand drawn artwork and an award winning sound track make this game memorable. As a puzzle game it proves to be mostly a rewarding experience although the story is a little confusing.

First Impressions🙄

The first thing that strikes you is the wonderful artwork and sound. It really is something special. Throughout the game we are treated to some wonderful cut scenes and cinematics culminating in a very dramatic ending.

Luna predominantly is a puzzle game. It does have a story but it is a bit confusing and although the artwork and music was superb it is difficult to tell a story with no words. I think I would need to play this game again in one sitting to understand the story. Even with this confusion onboard, I still felt moved at the conclusion however.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

Take an Amanita game, blend the artsy style of GRIS in and give it a room-escape twist: this is what playing LUNA The Shadow Dust essentially feels like. For me, this was an unforgettable experience: it’s a unique and magical game with an emotional and heartwarming story and an amazing soundtrack.

I am a big fan of Amanita games, and LUNA The Shadow Dust takes the best aspects of their specific style (the way the puzzles are built, charming characters, whimsical machinery with all sorts of cute buttons that do unexpected funny things etc.) and tops them up with with a watercolour hand-painted 2D art and a haunting soundtrack, both reminiscent of GRIS’ unique artistic design. And just like in GRIS, the enchanting story is told without words, through images and an immersive, moving soundtrack, extremely fitting for the game setting.

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

LUNA The Shadow Dust on Steam

Seasons of the Samurai

Seasons of the Samurai

Very nice puzzle game.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Seasons of the Samurai on Steam

LiLy’s Revenge: Broken

LiLy’s Revenge: Broken

Chapter 0 - This is just a free little chapter for you to enjoy.

Be an outsider, witnessing a falling girl.  Sometimes all you need is someone to catch you. Will you give her your hand?

“LiLy’s Revenge – Broken” is a playful, cute, and humorous horror game about unfolding a tale of a broken heart. LiLy is a depressed devil who found herself trapped in darkness. She seeks revenge on all those who have hurt her. Will you be able to save her, end her, or let her burn the world?


  • Features a unique art style from the creator of LiLy!

  • Play as LiLy herself, as well as many other characters from the LiLy Universe!

  • Secrets everywhere.

  • Gameplay changes depending on the chapter. Sometimes it’s a puzzle game; sometimes it’s an adventure game, sometimes it’s not even a game…but it’s a game. Try each level and see!

  • Multiple endings depending on choices you make.

“Unhappiness is a normal reaction - a conditional response. It’s normal to feel unhappy as it’s a part of life and you have nothing to feel ashamed of. If you force yourself to forget what you’ve experienced, you haven’t learned anything."

LiLy's Revenge: Broken on Steam