The Rare Nine

The Rare Nine

The Rare Nine

Just to let everyone know, this is in Early Access and a lot can happen up until the release and some of you may not experience the bugs I came across. As mentioned the game has around 20% - 30% of content in the game right now.

The game itself is an “Ultrafast and explosive action platformer” you are able to travel the vast corridoors of a skyscraper as you slaughter zombies with 2 attack moves. Or a ‘Rage’ move that attacks in both the left and the right direction.

What inspired the Developer ‘Top Eben’ to make this game:

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Beat 'em up Action Games.

All right, so I just bought the game for not even a dollar because curiousity got me and I saw a lot of people complaining about it. When I bought it, it was less than a dollar and the price has dropped to $4, and I find that acceptable.


Music; The music is pretty dang good and it’s a good fit for the game.

Theme; A group of nine survivors fighting their way down to the bottom of a skyscraper through hordes of zombies, I like the theme here because what awaits us at the bottom? I am curious to what the ‘sins’ thing is. I know that the survivors are going to have to go through a metaphorical ‘Hell’, but I wonder if there’s something more sinister at play.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

The Rare Nine on Steam

My Night Job

My Night Job

Cartoon-styled side-scrolling beat’em up game with surprisingly complex and challenging mechanic.

Basically, you’re dropped just outside of some big mansion, filled with respawning monsters and “civilians”, as well as some items you can use as weapons - from umbrellas and chairs to gas baloons and everyone’s favourite - the Chainsaw!

In short, you beat monsters, gather people and led them to rescue (helipads on the edges of the mansion). For each rescue you collect some goodness, like healthkits, guns with ammo etc. After you rescue 100 people, your main goal changing to blow up the mansion, by settling some C4 in the basement. Meanwhile, as you running back and forth through the area, the monsters are growing their numbers, and if they reach some trigger point, they starting to tear the mansion apart - yeah, before you’ll be able to save everyone and leave the place.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Beat 'em up Action Games.

If you think I missed something in my review feel free to tell me

My Night Job

My Night Job is a tribute to the classics of horror and is a nice paying occupation if you somehow live through the job. I will add a TL;DR at the end.


My Night Job is fairly simple as your goal is to save 100 survivors from an abandoned mansion as you are also trying to make sure you do not die and hope that the mansion is not destroyed by its monstrous guests. Do this by using various environmental objects to kill the monsters. This is not an easy game by far and there are tributes to classics all around the mansion. The tributes include the different areas of the mansion and six special survivors you can recuse which give you certain bonuses. An example of one of these is the girl from the ring which you can rescue through one of the televisions within the residence.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

My Night Job on Steam

Run For Your Life

Run For Your Life

I gotta leave a review because my pals and I have been having an amazing time playing this one!

It’s simple, but it’s fun. It’s Pac-Man meets Hotline Miami by way of Bart’s Nightmare.

It actually has some REALLY cool concepts going on like barricading and an energy orb you can adjust the size of, hit into enemies, bounce off walls, etc…

Keep it up Puke!

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Beat 'em up Action Games.

Pac-man as a survival horror game. The atmospheric lighting and soundtrack set the mood for frantically setting up and tearing down barriers and traps to slow the horde of monsters chasing you. Looking forward to seeing where it goes from here!

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Run For Your Life on Steam

Ammo 666

Ammo 666

Now it’s your turn to survive!

There are 2 different maps in the game and the maps are chosen randomly.

Kill various zombies that come in waves at you.

Collect points by killing zombies to get new Weapons, Bullets and Health kits.

If you survive long enough you can fight against the boss.

Get the highest score and rise on the leaderboard!


4 Different zombies

2 Different Map

3 Different Weapons

1 Boss

Ammo 666 on Steam

Condemned: Criminal Origins

Condemned: Criminal Origins

“You belong to us, Ethan. You have always belonged to us…”

Playing this game as a teenager on a PC that could barely run it made me think that it was the scariest game I’d ever played. Ten-plus years later, I’d pick it up again and play through it from start to finish, and I’ve been pleasantly surprised by how well it’s held up. While some aspects of it have dated pretty hard, the overall package has aged quite well, a fact owed heavily to its core gameplay, which still shines, even in today’s market. Or, perhaps, because of it.

Real player with 22.6 hrs in game

An absolute gem of a horror game.

I remember first hearing about Condemned in the Xbox magazine when I just started High School. Practically every student I talked to was stoked for the new Xbox 360 and were hyping up the new launch titles and I couldn’t help but join their enthusiasm as me and a few buddies overlooked a magazine in the school library. One game in particular caught my eye, a game simply called “Condemned”. Accompanying the blurb was a series of grungy pre-release screens of gnarly enemies and at the time STUNNING lighting effects. The next month was a full-on rundown of the games mechanics, graphics and horror elements that ended with the writer admitting at the end of his demo that he fired his last shotgun shell into an enemy that wasn’t even there.

Real player with 11.1 hrs in game

Condemned: Criminal Origins on Steam



Dead Rising… where to even begin with this game. Well, let’s start with how I originally played it. I first played this game on the xbox 360 7-8 years ago and I absolutely loved it… but I was always too afraid to do anything in the game for some odd reason so I never got past backup for brad. The zombies were fun to kill, the environment was fun to explore and the psychopaths scared the crap out of me. I played this game for hours upon hours just staying in the first part of the mall killing zombies and even doing just that; this game was entertaining and very fun to play

Real player with 325.0 hrs in game

Recommended. Absolutely. Buy it.

I don’t think it’s possible to truly express how much I’ve enjoyed Dead Rising over the years; it’s the one game I care enough about to attempt unlocking every achievement, and despite the story mode’s linear timeline of events, it carries an immense amount of replayability that’s bolstered in no due short to the sandbox design and leveling mechanics. And that’s before touching upon the peculiar “Infinity Mode”, which functions like a sandbox with a survival twist

! (you have a “hunger” meter that’s always draining your health, which demands scavenging for limited resources if you want to stay alive for long) but without any saving whatsoever. This game was unlike any other when it first launched on the Xbox 360, and in some way, still is; there’s no experience that quite captures the dark-yet-whimsical fun you’ll find in Dead Rising, not even it’s sequels (although DR2 and it’s spinoff Off The Record are definitely worth your time).

Real player with 118.6 hrs in game


Dead Pixels II

Dead Pixels II

_On November 19th 1987 the dead rose across America.

Few survived the first week.

Welcome to 1991._

Dead Pixels II: Straight to Video is a procedurally generated side scrolling shooter set in a post apocalyptic city in the near future of 1991. Fight your way through the hordes of the undead as you try to find a way out of the city. Raid buildings for supplies and work with other groups of survivors in order to get out of this nightmare with a pulse.

Key Features

Procedurally generated city that is never the same.

100’s of weapons, items and valuables to scavenge from around the city.

Online and local 1 - 4 player co-op.

Customize your character appearance to tell your own story of survival.

Optional CRT and VHS effects.

Multiple gameplay modes. From story mode to quick game and survival.

Once you finish bring your character back into a new game at a harder difficulty.

Awesome synth soundtrack.

Dead Pixels II on Steam

Police Simulator: Patrol Officers

Police Simulator: Patrol Officers

It may be a bit buggy here and there, But it’s seriously impressive for a small studio in early access. It is also really fun to role play about. Here is a bit of unexpected fun from today … I delayed shooting a taser on a fleeing suspect only to have a random drunk driver swerve towards us and take him out causing a three car pileup that I had to investigate and clear up while being indirectly the cause of the crash. Do I take the suspect into custody or call him an ambulance? choices, am I right?

Real player with 32.6 hrs in game


It’s a great Sim with great potential, I’m sure it’s going to be one of the best police sims on steam when leaves the early access, I have to say they have a great taste in designing the city, districts vary from each other and have different scenery. It reminds me of my favorite city Boston! Traffic missions are enjoyable and their variety keeps you busy and satisfied during your shift. The graphic is really great in this game, you going to take too many screenshots while playing. Parks are very green along with eye-catching sculptures and decorations throughout the city. Different Police stations that you could spawn from or finish your report when done. Nice Game setting and support of the controller and other languages. It has an Informative manual and tutorials to guide you. You could report the bugs and suggest your ideas there are warm and attentive developers valuing your time and request.

Real player with 30.9 hrs in game

Police Simulator: Patrol Officers on Steam

Dead Rising 2: Off the Record

Dead Rising 2: Off the Record

I’ve spent hundreds of hours playing the Dead Rising series, and there are few games like it. Off the Record really has the most going for it. Dead Rising 2 fixed many issues that Dead Rising 1 had, and OtR polishes DR2 even further. It features all of DR2’s famous weapons, plus the photography mechanic from DR1. Many dismiss photography as unnecessary to DR’s gameplay, and I disagree. It’s a comedic and gory game, and being able to take photos of the mayhem you cause and be rewarded for that turns that into a game mechanic. I can’t count the times I wished I could have taken a photo of something unapologetically silly in vanilla DR2 and in DR3.

Real player with 175.9 hrs in game



I’m running GTX 1080, i7 6700k, 16gb DDR4 ram and on my first run I was getting 5-10 FPS.

Was also unable to use controller. Many have reported similar issues with this game.

After doing research installed “Flawless Widescreen” which has specific plugin for DR2:OTR. This fixed all issues immediately, including controller support. I reccomend that you make sure this program is accessible if you use multiple monitors and otherwise be aware of potential performance issues. Now for the actual review

Real player with 56.2 hrs in game

Dead Rising 2: Off the Record on Steam