Gekido Kintaro’s Revenge

Gekido Kintaro’s Revenge

Gekido Kintaro’s Revenge is an okay Beat ‘em up game, so it’s time for the story.

After stopping the evil Kintaro, our hero Tetsuo returns to his sensei’s house were all is quiet for a year. But soon his sensei feels a dark, ominous and evil presence returning, he sends Tetsuo to a faraway farming village outside the city to see what it is.

Now let’s talk about the likes. The game play was simple, but fun. Some of the enemies were cool looking. Game was not too hard and the cutscenes were nice to look at. Survive mode in the game was okay.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Beat 'em up Action Games.

I was craving a simple beat ‘em up and the colorful retro graphics of Gekido caught my eye. I have to say I sure am glad it wasn’t more expensive as I frankly hate this game. The stages and enemies were designed to make every death feel incredibly cheap and infuriating. Every trap is guaranteed to hit until you know their exact placement ahead of time, and even then it’s a toss as they appear just off the screen so you often can not be precise enough. Both the enemy AI and your own combos tend to place you overlapping an enemy sprite, rendering you incapable of striking that specific enemy regardless of the direction you’re facing, while the said enemy has no issue striking you. The jumps are imprecise and will leave you wondering whether you should keep trying or if the gap really is just too big. The hit boxes on some objects make absolutely no sense (a falling rock will hurt you even though it misses by a half an inch on the screen), and the game even has a habit of forgetting to let you move after you clear the screen of all enemies making you restart the stage. Do yourself a favor and replay Streets of Rage 4 instead if you need a simple but properly made game.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Gekido Kintaro's Revenge on Steam

Save One More

Save One More

Save One More:

One of the many honourable serviceman on the battlefield is the one with the role of the Medic. These individuals are exposing themselves to the same dangers and fears as any other soldiers in battle. Not only do they have to dodge bullets and upcoming bomb shells, just like any other warrior, but their primary job is to get to their wounded comrades as fast as possible, without thinking twice about their own life. They definitely have a super sense of hearing to be able to make out the call, “Medic,” between explosive shells and whistling bullets. What courage these men must have in such chaotic situations, motivated by the thought, “I must save one more.”

*– [Real player with 5.7 hrs in game](*




Read More: Best Beat 'em up War Games.

--- 6/10 A nice twist on war gaming Short good game. I quite like art style. A few tweaks would make a huge difference: Firstly: cut scenes should be skipable. secondly: the game displays wounded/saves/dead if one soldier goes down 5 times and you save it 4 times before it dies score would be 5/4/1\. when your dealing with groups of 20 or 30 soldiers its very hard to tell how many units are currently down. Quite a few times I though I'd revived all wounded only to have the dead count surprise me by going up. *– [Real player with 5.0 hrs in game](* --- ![Hunter's Arena: Legends]( "") ## Hunter's Arena: Legends A bit of a hot take. I'd say I gave this game more than a fair shake. I slogged through it as courtesy to a friend who gifted it to me. I was lured in by the idea of this being a unique fighting game. The characters look cool, the fighting styles looked saucy, and the battle royale was just extra. When i got into it though, i found every encounter frustrating, win or lose. My main gripe are the fights themselves, victors are decided by whoever rushes down 1st and simply guesses right. But that's not all, the way the game tells you to block isn't the correct way to defend, dodges do nothing, inputs seem to vanish into smoke, and your 1 functional escape skill can be easily activated on accident. *– [Real player with 172.9 hrs in game](* ---

Read More: Best Beat 'em up PvP Games.

--- Not sure what the negative reviews are about, Most people dont like to look at things in perspective. This is a new developer and this is their first game being put out, and with that being kept in mind the game is actually very good. but most importantly IT WORKS! I cant tell you how many multi billion dollar companies put out games that are poorly optimized garbage (blizzard). This game does have its bugs obviously, but most are fairly rare. nothing that cant be patched out as long as people are reporting it. But i REALLY want to emphasize the optimization of the game. I experience zero lag, no rubber banding, no input lag, and no random disconnects. In terms of PvP combat, this game plays better in PvP than any other MMO that has mass PvP or open world PvP. This includes tera (especially tera), BDO, BnS, etc. There IS some quirkyness tho that happens when chasing and tagging a enemy down. Attacks from melee seem to hit when they shouldnt hit, but thats honestly the only weird thing ive noticed thus far and its not anything to rage about considering you can not flee from fights anyway since the opponent will eventually catch up to you through the wind current mechanic. *– [Real player with 151.6 hrs in game](* ---