Angry Celt Warrior

Angry Celt Warrior

Witness the battle for the New World, as Damon the Angry Celt Warrior, and Elizabeth Yomoda aka. Widowmaker and all their battle hardened friends take on the diabolical Dr. Janet Anita, her evil henchmen and her army of Zodraz Soldiers.


A 2D Pixel Art, Action Adventure game with arcade-style gameplay which pits you against incoming hordes of soldiers and the bosses that await you! Battle through the evil forces that stand in your way, and witness the story unfold in cartoonish-style Visual Novel scenes, following the stories of Damon the Angry Celt Warrior, Elizabeth Yomoda aka. Widowmaker, and the Gaming Gods that created the New World.


You play the game as one (or two, or three) Angry Warriors that have been bestowed the Powers of Anger and Rage. A godly power that grants its user incredible strength and power that can take down even an entire army. Faced with enemies that want to rule the New World like Dr. Janet Anita, or who just want to be respected like Damon Healy, our heroes must punch, swing, yell and blast their way through their adversaries in order to save the New World!


-Damon the Angry Celt Warrior: The son of a proud and respected Celt Queen, Damon was reincarnated into the present day by Dr. Janet Anita. Realizing the truth of his return to the living, Damon sets out to rid the world of all those who seek to inflict harm. He comes across as a bit thick-headed, although it looks like he’s hiding something…

-Elizabeth Yomoda aka. Widowmaker: A highly trained assassin born to the last Japanese Samurai and a New Zealand spy, Widowmaker joins Damon’s crusade as his girlfriend and partner-in-crime. Intelligent, strong, flexible and oozing sex appeal galore, Widowmaker is a danger in all forms!


-Visually appealing Visual Novel artwork, backed by a befitting soundtrack

-Simple Arcade-style gameplay even casuals and novices can enjoy

-Thrilling combat against soldiers and bosses

-Enjoy a epic story spread out through Story Mode, Side Stories and Visual Novel Stories

-Mini-games such as Arcade Mode and Rush Survival (more to come)

-Free additional content for future updates (You bought the game already, so you deserve it!)


-Love simplistic gameplay

-Looking for a good way to pass the time

-Love an unfolding story

-Love interesting and wacky characters

-Love Cartoon-style art

Read More: Best Beat 'em up Action Games.

Angry Celt Warrior on Steam

Aerial Raver

Aerial Raver

Too many bugs man

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Beat 'em up Spectacle fighter Games.

Aerial Raver on Steam

Fuhrer in LA - Special Edition

Fuhrer in LA - Special Edition

10/10 Buy this game and enjoy. Or not.

As an added content, and entertainment valued bonus. Use the official avatars even if you have not bought the game and get your profile avatar banned and removed with an avatar penalty. Even though support has said that we should not be penalized for using any official avatars on Steam, as it is their problem, just like their curation. points…

Real player with 5548.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Beat 'em up Action Games.

Wow wow wow

This beautiful game is just truly SOMETHING else I gotta say.

Really cool game wish it had achievements though would make it an even cooler game. Generally the best $1.99 I’ve ever spent on anything in my entire life, very well spoken plus interesting story and also amazing game play. Will definitely spend many hours playing this game later on.

Real player with 16.6 hrs in game

Fuhrer in LA - Special Edition on Steam



well… its not bad as an early concept,

definitely needs some polish and a clear objective story.

also more than blue shirt guy and stick ninja man as enemies.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Almost better than brutal doom.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Retroninjacyberassassin on Steam



BUY/SALE/PASS: Buy - Feel free to buy at full price

Divekick is a recent addition to the fighting game genre developed by Iron Galaxy Studios and released in late August. Everyone loves fighting games, right?

No. Not everyone. But why?

The fact of the matter is that for most fighting games the barrier to entry is complexity. Players must learn about each of the characters, how to perform special techniques, and master precision combinations on a six-button layout just to be able to compete.

Real player with 239.0 hrs in game

Divekick is a fighting game you won’t need to spend hours in a training mode practicing combos that’ll never land anyway in order to get better. You may not immediately click with its unique parody of fighting games and general poking fun at the fighting game community, but at the very least, you’ll probably be pretty good at Divekick by the end of your first match due to its elegance in simplicity.

1 Dive Button.

1 Kick button.

1 hit and you’re dead.

5 rounds won and you’re godlike.

1 hell of a good time.

Real player with 20.9 hrs in game

Divekick on Steam

BADA Space Station

BADA Space Station

Badass aims to bring short bursts of intense action by pitting you and your pals in an Arena against hordes of different enemies. The players will need to navigate through the different Arena Segments, killing all enemies that are sent against them and survive in order to win.

This is a co-op focused game. Gather your friends, stay close and coordinate in order to survive. At launch, there will be four available characters to choose from, all different and with unique playstyles.

All Characters share a similar control scheme. However, their Core Attacks, Weaponry, and Skills vary. This will have players make several choices on how they want their character to play out. Character progression is set by earning promotions and each new skill might open a whole new playstyle that you maybe had not yet considered. Do not get cocky though, the waves are randomized and you will not know what exactly comes next. So choose your skills and character wisely.


What happens when you combine Chewbacca and Conan the Barbarian? A furry brutality happens. Revel in the guts of your enemies as the first to enter the action and the last to leave. Use your gigantic Gun-Sword and either dismember or shoot your weakling enemies. Brawns is not the only thing this character has, from Explosive Rounds to Inspiring Brutality, this character has much more than meets the eye.


Like going fast? Like dodging bullets like nobody’s business? Like transforming your hand into a boomerang and throwing it around dismembering your unfortunate enemies? Then the Puppeteer is for you. Damage per second is her thing, and she does not shy away from playing dirty by becoming a blob that makes her invisible to her enemies. She can also fuse with other friends or foes, giving advantages or disadvantages to them.


If you like tanking all the damage and if you like humiliating your enemies by using your Gravity Gun, then the Scarlet Magnet is for you. The best crowd control abilities will be at your disposal and on top of that you can use your Gravity Gun to traverse or manipulate the environment. You don’t like where our level designer has put the explosive barrels? Just pick them up and throw them at the poor souls in front of you.


He might not look like it, but he is the smartest of the bunch. So smart that he modified his office chair into a machine of death. His Melee Attacks are nothing to boast about, but he does not need them. He is all about pure firepower and gadgets. All kinds of machinations can pop out of his chair, from Healing Turrets to Explosive Spiders, and if the worst happens, he can simply pick up his chair pieces and carry on with the fight.


Why all this aggression? Why the violence? Can’t we all live peacefully?

**ABSOLUTELY NOT.**The premise is simple:

In this far far away galaxy a very odd Event happened a long time ago. The sun stopped emitting the usual rays that… you know… suns do. Instead, it started emitting pure badass hormones. As a result, every living thing in this galaxy became super pissed and macho, creating chaos that lasted ages. But the Big Four Companies did not like the chaos, as it decreased sales. Yes, capitalism existed - even before the Event - and no matter what the money needs to flow.


They created the BADA Space Station and started having their employees fight in the Arenas in order to promote their products to their now bloodlusted customers. Simple advertisements did not cut it anymore. On the other hand, advertisements from the most badass creatures in the galaxy were priceless. You would only buy something from someone stronger than you. And that’s where you come in.

  • Choose your Character.

  • Fight with your friends against countless enemies.

  • Promote the Sponsor Products during the battle.

  • Earn their Influence for a wide variety of Bonuses.

  • Level Up.

  • Unlock up to 20 Skills.

  • Gather randomly generated Loot.

BADA Space Station on Steam

Party Mashup

Party Mashup

Every minigame in party mashup feels unique. Each has something to offer, creating a well balanced set of games.

Real player with 27.2 hrs in game

This game is a hidden gem! It has great potential to be as big as speedrunners. It is already very fun but it will become even better once there are more mini games released. One critique I have of the boxing mini game instead of dying right away getting punched should knock you back and the motive should be to knock other people off.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Party Mashup on Steam

Blind Shot

Blind Shot

first for all, i have to say a big thank you to Forestlight Games , for the review copy, to review the blind shot on my steam curator here is my curator if you like what you see please give it a follow, I’m so close to 30 followers i am 1 away,so that would be amazing, as a steam curator its my passion, to bring my curator followers, great games , to play and to build up relationships with gaming companies, and give indie game dev/publisher, a voice to share there game if you like my review consider following, let get into the review,

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Casual turn based shooter + weapons + $2 = Survive as long as you can by picking up drops and shooting zombies. Collect coins to buy weapons and cosmetics. Has only 1 game mode.

Follow our curator for similar games

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Blind Shot on Steam



Free on HumbleBundle.

Game is like a diamond covered in pig shit. It’s got a fun concept but the execution is terrible. Janky controls. Shoddy online. Some of the games are in other players’ favor (isometric camera makes it difficult to see for bottom left and bottom right players, as we found out in the basketball game), the games have no countdown before they start so if your connection isn’t great you can be fucked, the ways to complete some of the games leave you open for attack (throw head into audience one my enemy had my head and was showing to the fans, but I came from behind and attacked them knocking their head into the audience which resulted in me winning???). There is probably more to complain about but I only played it for about half an hour.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Follow our Curator Group for more reviews

Headsnatchers is a party game, akin to Mario Party but without the board game portion. The big issue with Headsnatchers is that it is close to being good, but never achieves it. The core gameplay mechanic of knocking down your opponent and stealing their head is fun and unique, but the game is executed in such a mediocre way that it never realizes its full potential. The controls are weird and take time to get used to. For the games, there is 25 games total and they are all pretty short. It becomes pretty repetitive in a short amount of time, especially when every game is some variation of “take their head and press the action button”. There was a great opportunity to come up with some unique mini-games based on the head snatching mechanics, but they all feel too similar. Overall, the game is too middle of the road in a genre with plenty of great games.

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

Headsnatchers on Steam

Rosenkreuzstilette Freudenstachel

Rosenkreuzstilette Freudenstachel

As soon as I saw this game was unlocked on Steam, I had to buy it.

And I don’t regret the decision one bit.

For those unaware, this is the sequel to Rosenkreuzstilette. A game that I recommended as well when it was put on Steam. I’ve played that game more then this one in the past. But now I do wish it was the other way around.

In this MegaMan-style game you take control of one of the bosses from the previous game, Freudia, instead of Spiritia. (Whom I will refer to as Tia from now on). This is one of the many improvements this game makes over the previous game. The reason for this is that Freudia does not have a traditional “Buster” weapon like Tia does. Instead she has a rapid-fire icicle weapon that has it’s own weapon meter. This means you do not have to worry about charging it to do massive damage to an enemy.

Real player with 116.5 hrs in game

So, RKSF eventually got a steam release after all. This gives me a pretty nice grin as now both games are available for people to try. (NOTE: This review will not take into account the other playable character in the game. You’ll find that out on your own.)

Anyway, for those that don’t know the game, Rosenkreuzstilette Freudenstachel is the sequel to the first Rosenkreuzstilette where you play as the Freudia, the best friend of the first game’s protagonist, Spiritia. In general movement gameplay, she moves mostly the same way as Tia did in the first except for the fact that Freu can swim (I’ll talk about that in a bit). However, the way her weapons work is slightly different as you have the Freudenstachel as your primary weapon in which is a rapid-fire volley of icicles that you can shoot non-stop until your meter runs out in which you will fire your icicles at a MUCH reduced rate and amount (except for one instance, but that’s spoilers for those new to the game).

Real player with 30.7 hrs in game

Rosenkreuzstilette Freudenstachel on Steam