Lugaru HD

Lugaru HD

Even if you don’t read any more of this review, just read the next sentence. The GAMEPLAY of this game is INCREDIBLE.

Lugaru is pretty much my favourite game. I was gifted it in Humble Bundle 2 and I spent at least thirty hours playing it before I added it to Steam. The combat is absolutely awesome and I keep finding little tricks and moves I had no idea about even after playing 25+ hours, like spinning and throwing a weapon at the same time. The campaign is pretty straightforward but the challenge levels are where I’ve spent the largest amount of time. Because the gameplay is so excellent, I keep coming back again and again and again because it’s so much fun. The hand-to-hand combat requires different strategies depending on whether you’re facing off against a rabbit (easier) or a wolf (harder) and the weapons are a lot of fun.

Real player with 24.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Beat 'em up Action Games.

(I tried to make this as spoiler free as I could while still expressing my recommendation)

Lugaru is honestly one of the best and most powerful games I have ever played. Believe it or not, I actually fell in love with Lugaru for it’s story primarily, aswell as it’s music, and it’s gorgeous visuals. This will come as a surprise to many I’m sure because Lugaru is famous for it’s excellent combat system, and make no mistake it’s combat system is the main focus of the game and the main draw for the most part, and for good reason. The combat system is fantastically complex all while using a grand total of about 7 buttons to control the character and the combat is wonderful.

Real player with 15.1 hrs in game

Lugaru HD on Steam

City of Rampage

City of Rampage

City of Rampage is a side-scrolling beat’em up game inspired by such SEGA Classics as “Streets of Rage” and “Comix Zone”, with advanced fighting mechanics, with challenging tough enemies and even tougher bosses.

This journey won’t be easy, but beautiful hand drawn visuals and dope soundtracks will make sure you will be coming back for more.

See you in City of Rampage!

Read More: Best Beat 'em up Spectacle fighter Games.

City of Rampage on Steam



Good game with solid movement and combat

Real player with 13.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Beat 'em up Action Games.

This is a good game as of right now. What could make it better is more PVE modes, and a online mode. That would make a game have a lot more playability. This is still a great game to play with the boys with some bitchin boys night out music.

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Wallrunners on Steam

Marc Eckō’s Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure

Marc Eckō’s Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure

An interesting and long forgotten PS2 game.

Before I say anything, name a game in your head where you play as a graffiti artist who tags his name across everything as he makes his reputation be known to a highly oppressive government. Can you think of any besides Jet Set Radio? Well whatever the case, you have to admit that this game is really unique in that feature.

Marc Ecko’s Getting Up is a game primarily made by a guy who said gamers should get up off their butts and buy his games, where you play as a 20-something year old male named Trane who wants to tag his name everywhere across the city just for the sake of getting his name up. All while he is doing this he faces a dangerous graffiti gang called the Vandals of New Radius and an oppressive regime of “peace-keepers” called the CCK, led by the government to stop vandalism and defacement of property to build a better and cleaner way of life in the city of New Radius.

Real player with 25.8 hrs in game

What I liked about the game

  • Loads of unlockable content.

  • There are loads of side activities in the missions like bonus graffiti, legend photos, Freedom challenges, and collecting Ipod songs or upgrades, which are all optional.

  • You get to select the artwork before you start a mission and as you complete missions more content will become available; you get to choose from a large range of stickers, graffiti, posters, and stencils.

  • Awesome characters like Trane, Decoy and Tina.

Real player with 25.7 hrs in game

Marc Eckō's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure on Steam

Deadbeat Heroes

Deadbeat Heroes

Have given this game a thorough workout since release and really enjoyed it.


  • Beautiful, 3D retro-superhero comic book style with more than a nod to Kingsman;

  • Compelling combo-points scoring mechanic;

  • Ability to steal super powers from villans and use them;

  • Wide range of challenging baddies to fight;

  • Great animation and variety of moves;

  • Cracking script with plenty of gags and hilarious voiceovers;

  • Local co-op is a blast.


  • Controls can sometimes be a touch unresponsive;

Real player with 92.5 hrs in game

Deadbeat Heroes, a game that will give you a heroic feeling once you finish it! Unless you play in co-op - not expecting the game to get harder when another player joins … - I wouldn’t recommend this game to :dea:dbeats: the bosses are surprisingly easy, and even the final boss, Prime Sinister, is (relatively) easy, but especially the last 2 chapters took me some time to successfully complete (taking into account the required grade/score) – 10-2 & 10-3 being brutally hard in my opinion. What plays a part as well in this, are the visual explosions; it’s all very aesthetically pleasing, but that makes it harder to not get hit by hordes of enemies. Since you need to aim for a bunch of combos for the grade, being careful is rarely an option to compensate the hit chance, so there’s a bit luck involved here and there – fortunately not calling it a game that requires trial and error, because I’d estimate it’s 40% responsiveness, 30% tactics, 10% accuracy (feels like there’s an ‘aiming assist’), 10% luck & 10% fearlessness (there’s a lot at stake after some progress due to the lengthier missions, and completion = fail if you don’t achieve the required grade).

Real player with 10.0 hrs in game

Deadbeat Heroes on Steam

Kings and Pigs Prequel

Kings and Pigs Prequel

Kings and Pigs Prequel - fun pixelated 2D platformer with the possibility of playing together.


The king of pigs lived in 3/9 kingdom. He was very rich and cunning, but once his treasures, honor and many subordinates were stolen by a king from 3/10 of the kingdom!!!

The pig could not stand it and had to prove to everyone in the world who is the meanest king in the world!!!

Take on the burden of the King of Pigs and get to the main King, at the same time kill the traitors who have joined the king of people, take other people’s wealth, look for detours and secret paths, break the barricades built by the king and do not forget to take your friend on the adventure!

Kings and Pigs Prequel on Steam

Ninja Express

Ninja Express

▲You are a ninja

But in daily life, you will act as a courier,

Responsible for delivering the items entrusted by the customer to the shipper.

This not only protects your identity, but also collects information that is essential for ninjas.

This is a simple task, but there are still some troubles to be solved and some rules to be followed.

● Don’t provoke the police. If you run a red light, the police will notice you.

Stay away from the police car, your unique ninja temperament is fascinating.

Ninja Express on Steam

Remember Me

Remember Me

The year is 2084. The location is in Neo-Paris, France in a cyberpunk world. You can see the Eiffel Tower and other landmarks in the distance, but you can interact with them or enter them. This is the setting for Remember Me, an original game that illustrates how technological advances can harm people.

You play Nilin, a memory hunter with amnesia. You are sent by a revolutionary group to take down a corporation, Memorize, that can sell, trade, or erase memories. In this dystopian world you get a Euro feel when walking by open-air cafés and when distinctly colored robots are standing near you. You are trying to recover whatever memories Nilin has lost from one episode to the next. The world looks beautiful, but there is strong evidence of significant poverty and the oppressor having significant power over the oppressed.

Real player with 59.0 hrs in game

I do recommend this game, but not for everybody, and perhaps not even for most people. Read further through the review to see if you might find it worthwhile or not.

First, the story and enviornment, since this is really the interesting part of the game.

Part of the dystopian premise here is standard fare: environmental problems push a vast portion of the world’s population into squalor, with the instability spreading to the first world, leading to civil unrest, war, and eventually a civil war that fractures Europe. The interesting science-fiction twist is a technology that allows people to extract, move and share memories. The game doesn’t look in to this in the kind of depth a good science fiction novel would, but rather uses this mainly as a structure to support the plot. While the writing and acting has quite a few awkward moments, the overall story certainly avoids being a straight “good vs. evil” tale, instead being considerably more interesting. As Nilin, part of a plot to bring down an ostensibly evil corporation taking over the world, you’ll find that things swiftly become uncomfortably unclear. Your very first memory remix involves bringing someone over to your side by convincing her that the corporation killed her husband, which I doubt anybody with a conscience could feel comfortable with if they take the story even moderately seriously. As you proceed, you’ll find yourself wondering on a regular basis who the good guys really are, or even if there are any. While there are a few characters who fit into the “evil villain” mold, all the rest have plausible reasons for what they do, and nobody comes out purely good or bad. This gives the story a pleasing depth that most games don’t have, and does a lot to make up for failings in the gaming elements.

Real player with 28.8 hrs in game

Remember Me on Steam

ShadoWave - Revenger

ShadoWave - Revenger

Rogue Lite 3D

Do you play fast rogue likes, 2D metroidvanias? Do you like to evolve both as a player and as your character? I would like to introduce this game that is the sum of it with 3D exploration and inspiration from mega drive games like Shadow Dancer and Shinobi.


  • Rogue lite, explore different cities and biomes, always in new arrangements that challenge the player’s reflex. Die and go back to the beginning, with more tools and knowledge to go further next time.

  • 3D third-person action with fast-paced combat. Punish as many enemies in the shortest time as possible to increase your power.

  • Unlock 15+ skills.

  • Try out more than 40 weapons available with their different types of combat.

  • Use the help of your faithful companion, Thor, in exploration and combat.

  • Explore all levels and unlock shortcuts for your next run.

  • Find secret items

  • Save as many hostages as you can, who then will help you with rare items.

Replayability is core

Save the city from your captors in this game with interconnected levels, evolve as a player, evolve as a character. Go further and further. **Feel the thrill of having only the last life in the last boss…

… and good luck!**

ShadoWave - Revenger on Steam