Dragon Mission

Dragon Mission

Has a heart of fire!

A simple but engaging action-platformer

with a rewarding score and ranking system.

A mix of Wonder Boy III and classic Castlevania.

The good

  • Everything looks adorable, great spritework

  • A superb soundtrack that gets better each stage

(It’s worth buying the soundtrack!)

  • Varied, thrilling boss battles

  • Dragon protagonist

  • Going from F- rank to S+ feels amazing

The bad

  • Most of the story had to be cut sadly

  • Quite short, but priced appropriately

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Beat 'em up Linear Games.

this realy is a nice game to play and there is an big update planed that realy will ad alot to the game but even now its good it can be somewhat difficult at times but there are checkpoints so you wond have to do all of the level again and just before a boss it gives you alsol an checkpoint so you dont have to worry too much and the art animation and more so the musik are all realy good even more so the musik wich you can alsol buy the soundtrack of it to listen to your favorit song the soundtrack will alsol get updated i hear so even better so give the game a try i realy recommend it even if its still not the big update that will REALY ad alot to the game and if you like the soundtrack you can souport the dev even more i realy recommend you to buy the soundtrack too (oh that first level musik the castle has SUCH A GOOD SONG)

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Dragon Mission on Steam

Crumbling World

Crumbling World

If you enjoy hack and slash top down rogue-likes like Diablo, Baldur’s Gate and Champions of Norrath, I encourage you to give this game a shot. I greatly enjoy this game. I have spent many hours in it’s world through the different characters and game modes. Each character plays different and each get their own attacks, so there is a character for everyone. The special attacks (combo attacks) are gained by defeating certain bosses at the end of each part of the world map. Outside of that, you have a basic attack that can be used in sequences to slay your foes, a jump, a dodge roll and a portal to get you back to a non-falling part of the map.

Real player with 10.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Beat 'em up Hack and Slash Games.

This is a fun arcade game. I recommend it if you like Hack and Slash games, probably too simple if you are looking for a full RPG experience.

The combat can feel basic at the beginning but it gets more interesting once you start unlocking special attacks. You can choose from 7 different player characters with very different skills. Trying new characters is fun as each of them unlock different special attacks. The big variety of enemies and regions/landscapes in addition to the the procedural generation make the game very different in each playthrough.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

Crumbling World on Steam

Dragon Rage

Dragon Rage

Great game for what it is, small game but reasonably priced. Such satisfaction in slaming into everything and getting those power ups to easily stay ahead and achievements that aren’t complicated/cryptic as ****.

When I first saw the negative reviews for this game, I hated what they put into the reviews because all they said was its too short or I paid too much for so little content. How about they try to make a game all by themselves?! It’s not easy. Give these people some slack because I’m pretty sure those negative review people don’t even think about how hard it is to make a game.

Real player with 19.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Beat 'em up Arcade Games.

I myself enjoy the game even though most people seem to dislike it. I feel the reason people do dislike it is this its very very short for the price of 7$ and even though i got it for 15% of it still seemed short for the price. If they were to maybe add some new levels, more customization and possibly even some story to the rampage plot, or at least make it an option to change the background. Customization could be like which power up you like more and want to drop on your 100ks drop, or even more exciting giving dragons clothes and hats! But all in all its a great stress releasing game and definetly reminds me of the old rampage games. Also I feel like I’d really enjoy the creators should slowly releasing updates and adding little bits here and there and that will surely keep me happy and probably the rest of this games small fanbase.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

Dragon Rage on Steam

Karma - Chapter 1

Karma - Chapter 1


🔲 My 90 year old grandma could play it

🔲 Easy

🔲 Normal

🔲 Hard

☑️ “Dark Souls”


🔲 “MS Paint”

🔲 Bad

🔲 Meh

🔲 Graphics don’t matter in this game

☑️ Good

🔲 Beautiful

🔲 Masterpiece

  • MUSIC -

🔲 Bad

🔲 Not special

🔲 Good

☑️ Beautiful

  • STORY -

🔲 This game has no story

🔲 Like playing “Temple Runners” for the story

🔲 It’s there for the people who want it

☑️ Well written

🔲 Epic story


🔲 No voice acting

🔲 Oblivionly bad

🔲 Acceptable

☑️ Good

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

If you are a Dark Souls fan and don’t fear challenge, give this game a try! Difficult combat style, puzzle pieces and intriguing plot. This game has a lot of potential in the future!

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Karma - Chapter 1 on Steam



Okay, so hear me out before you just write me off as a hater - I love the HELL out of this game. I do recommend it, but not on the PC. And here’s why.

So, the first problem that you’ll notice is that if you have Win10, then the game, on your first launch, will tell you to run the game in Win7 Compatibility Mode. Now that’s not so bad in itself, as it works relatively fine in compatibility mode - plays decently, seldom lags during actual gameplay. Nothing too big. But then there’s the other issues.

Real player with 93.4 hrs in game


It’s definitely not worth it at full price. I managed to get the game at $16 on sale and I wouldn’t recommend going much higher than that. I can’t recommend spending anymore than $20 on it. The game is deeply flawed, chock full of Defense-style missions, and a lot of uninspired questlines with no satisfying pay-off. Still, the combat was pretty smooth and I did enjoy it enough to want to continue to play it after finishing the main story.

Only pick it up if you love Dragon Quest, like Musou/Dynasty Warriors games, and see the game on sale for $20 or less. If even one of those criteria don’t apply, then skip out on this title. You aren’t missing out on any worthwhile experience.

Real player with 49.0 hrs in game

DRAGON QUEST HEROES™ Slime Edition on Steam

Loot Hero DX

Loot Hero DX

TL;DR: A well-made but fairly pointless grinding game. Only recommended for achievement hunters so you at least get a trophy out of it.

In a traditional RPG you usually start as a low-level character with little to no equipment and the only way to become more powerful is to complete quests kill monsters.

Basically begin with a standard RPG. Take out quests and dialogues, reduce equipment to purchasable stats and reduce the combat to just damage-per-second and make it a side-scroller and you’ve got yourself Loot Hero. The gameplay consists of three parts: choosing a level, running left and right killing monsters and buying better stats at the towns in-between. There’s also a short and pretty meaningless story: a terrible dragon has appeared and you, the hero, has to go and kill it to save the land.

Real player with 31.1 hrs in game

I really want to like this game: it has really neat pixel graphics, lots of critters to kill, keeps stats, and has achievements and trading cards. But, the reality is that the gameplay gets boring after the first three minutes. Even the added concept of releasing miners to collect gold for you after every successful run through all levels fails, because it’s just accelerating a timer event…it doesn’t add to the gameplay at all.

In the end, all you do is collect enough treasure and XP to buff your character, who kills the baddies by – literally – running into them. There is no learning tactics for combat or developing strategies by buffing your character a specific way. You just level up your stats evenly as you collect loot, enough that you don’t watch your health bar go down much at all while you’re running back and forth, grind away until you start taking damage as you continue through the levels, and then rinse and repeat. Gameplay does not change on any levels, nor do you treat any of the creatures differently…you just run through them.

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

Loot Hero DX on Steam



March 7th: The review has been updated. Check the bottom of the review for more details

Have beaten the game a few days ago. Now, if you are looking for a review with some details, and if you are still not sure whether you should buy this game or not, then read on.

First, many people seem to be talking about the whole connection issues, and yes, it appears you need to be connected to the Xenoverse server in order to even play offline. But do you get disconnected so often that, it is almost unplayable? Not really. Most of the time, the offline mode works without any issues. But usually the online mode is off, and you most likely will end up seeing the message stating that the Xenoverse online is currently off. But yes, this game basically requires you to level up and all anyway (Unfortunately I have not done the online mode yet, so I might add some more to this review when I get my hands on it), so in the end, you should have no problem playing the game, at least the offline mode. And I will explain why the game is made like an MMORPG later in the review.

Real player with 256.5 hrs in game

TLDR: The biggest problem with the game right now is the servers. There are some drawbacks in the gameplay department but the pros outweigh the cons. If you’re a fan of the Dragonball series and the world that Akira Toriyama has created then this game is a must buy. If you don’t really care for Dragonball but are interested in the gameplay it is a solid game but packed with fan service that will probably go over your head. You will also probably be less forgiving of its flaws and may not get enough enjoyment out of the story and the Dragonball world to offset them. Character customization is definatley the high point of the game, everything from looks to stats to skills is up to the player.

Real player with 104.2 hrs in game




Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, a game that’s both great, and frankly disappointing. As the title would suggest, it covers the story of the anime Dragon Ball Z, although, I’d say that’s probably one of the biggest problems, but we’ll get to that later.

In DBZ Kakarot you get to play as almost all of the major main characters of the show, each with their own unique move sets, abilities, skills, and transformations. Said move sets are also quite nice looking, and change based on the form you’re in, and if your ki is surged. The base game content isn’t SUPER grindy, although it can get a little annoying at times having to collect all of the necessary orbs to level up your skills. Each of the skills are visually impressive, with decent lighting and sound, and in some situations they even have unique short cinematics that play when you use them. The transformations are also similarly visually impressive, and give you that great power-trip that you’d expect when transforming into a being of great power. The music is also quite good, although from what I can tell, most of it is just taken from other DB media (mostly the anime).

Real player with 207.3 hrs in game

For me, Kakarot serve as an unusual balance between an arena fighting game and an open world RPG. You can free-roam doing sides or even grind ur EXP level. The combat have a mix of Xenoverse and Tenkaichi mix together with great visual effects and aesthetic. Combat mechanics are simple yet fun. You get to combo mash or unleash your 4 special move from the attack pallete. By completing missions or scavenging stuff, you can aquire a D medal which can teach you a new move. You can also customize your skill tree which is I like on an RPG game. Theres nothing really I hate about it and I highly recommend this game for DBZ fan even for someone new to this franchise.

Real player with 64.8 hrs in game


Insect Adventure

Insect Adventure

Insect Adventure 8/10 Stars (Steam Only ATM)

This is a Metroid-style MV, even though at first glance, I assumed it would be closer to an HK-style MV considering the bug theme (which they poke fun at in the game). Most of the familiar themes from Super Metroid are all here, although the Dev does have a few tricks up his sleeve. In fact, once I started playing it, I thought this was going to practically be a straight-up reskin like an AM2R type game with bug skin. Luckily I was wrong.

We get the usual mobility upgrades (Relics), consumables (which can be purchased or mined), and upgrades for our health & strength. Plus, some stuff not found in Super Metroid.

Real player with 15.5 hrs in game

Pretty good little Metroidvania, took me about 4-5 hours for the first ~75% run. It’s indy af, hitboxes are jank, you can stuck in the floor, it borrows a lot of ideas from more polished and popular games, but it feels like it’s own thing and really fun to play. There is a lot of power ups, options for travel and secrets, exploring the world really feels rewarding.

And there is also a second character and 4 difficulty modes.

Give this game a chance, it’s a must for MV fans.

Real player with 15.5 hrs in game

Insect Adventure on Steam



First Fighting game I’ve played. Very balanced at its current state, I hope it get a sequel or a big update to keep the game fresh,

Real player with 1205.1 hrs in game

If you’re into masochism and you like Dragon Ball then this game is for you.

Now jokes aside this game is really good, the artstyle is stunning, the music is amazing, the roster is big and pretty balanced… but the fighting system is a bit of a pain in the ass, especially for the new players. You need to constantly make new combos if you want to get better at this game, and spend thousands of hours on Arcade Mode and training to even have a chance of being semi-good and develop game sense.

Overall I recommend it to anyone who’s into that sort of thing.

Real player with 103.8 hrs in game

DRAGON BALL FighterZ on Steam