BROK the InvestiGator - Prologue

BROK the InvestiGator - Prologue

(Disclaimer: I was involved in this game as a voice actor, though not for anything in this demo. I’ve not been pressured to write a positive review, however, and went into this game blind. My thoughts are my own.)

TL:DR? It’s fresh. It’s fun. It’s free. Go play it.


I was really pleasantly surprised by this game. When you work on projects within the indie game world, you always hope that they turn out great. From everything this demo showcases, Brok has the moxie and charm to be something special.

Real player with 19.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Beat 'em up RPG Games.

Completed on Hardcore difficulty with a wired Xbox 360 controller. (Also my first ever review; apologies for the formatting)

The best way to describe my experience with this demo is that it’s a game I never knew I wanted. I found BROK mainly because I was bored but also because Steam related it to Disco Elysium, so I was inclined to try it. After my first few playthroughs, these were aspects of the game that stuck to me most.

Gameplay and Features

The voice acting is phenomenal. Casting is on point, especially Brok’s voice actor (Bryan J Olson) who makes Brok a very charming individual with his animated delivery.

Real player with 14.3 hrs in game

BROK the InvestiGator - Prologue on Steam

Tough Law

Tough Law

1995, JF city, which until then was a city of peace, was taken over by organized crime. The police chief began investigating criminal organizations and disappeared after going to a bar to interrogate suspects. Tommy Malloy is his friend and a Tough cop that will do anything to find him, no matter how difficult it is or whoever he has to face.

Tough Law is an beat n up game where we can face whoever to find our desapeared friend.

**Keep them down! **

**Face these crazy enemies! **

**Go fot it! **


  • Handcrafted graphics with paperboard style.

  • Great fights against crazy enemies!

  • Originally composed rock soundtrack;

  • Big combats with powerful combos and attacks

  • Face powerfull bosses!************

Read More: Best Beat 'em up Spectacle fighter Games.

Tough Law on Steam

Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition

Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition

working the night shift at the asylum

bored af

smoke a phat joint

thugs come out of nowhere

realize I am about to die

dark shadow comes down from the sky

Batman’s here!

Beats up the thugs

I thank him

He turns around and looks at me

starts walking toward me

He’s looking at the joint in my hand

Remember weed is illegal in Gotham City


Real player with 123.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Beat 'em up Action Games.

This one is a classic! Truly an amazing game with respect to the source material! 10/10.

Real player with 24.7 hrs in game

Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition on Steam



Game’s a giant asset flip. It’s like a first draft of a highschool project.

And It’s not remotely finished at that. One of the last levels don’t even load.

The story and dialog were clearly writen by a young child.

Do not buy.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Very amateur game that ended up breaking on the 5th level. Could no longer use skills in combat which made the stage and the rest of the game unfinishable. Restarting the level or the game did not remedy this. Getting to that point was not enjoyable. The combat was fun at first but after the first few levels you have seen all there is to it. It was that janky fun combat like Enter the Matrix.

Every time you finish a level you are kicked back to the main menu and have to select the next one. The story is told through text that pops up at exclamation points located in the stages. There are no cutscenes. Hardly any interaction with the levels. Some levels are just a single room with a single NPC to talk to. The dialog is bad with sentences that don’t start with capitalized words.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game


Batman: Arkham City - Game of the Year Edition

Batman: Arkham City - Game of the Year Edition

Arkham City is a direct upgrade to Arkham Asylum: This installment managed to improve literally every aspect of it’s predecessor: Your movement is faster and combat is even more versatile, thanks to all the new gadgets and combat moves included. Remember those annoying Taser, Shield and Firearms bastards from Asylum? You can now destroy their weaponry which looks so badass. Basically you are now given even more tools how to proceed in both Combat and Predator situations. The enemies are more aware of Batman’s tricks - able to destroy vantage points or scan them using thermal goggles. We also get to play as Batman’s allies - Nightwing, Robin and Catwoman - who is my personal favorite due to her light-speed attacks.

Real player with 126.5 hrs in game

Game of the year for a reason. Even non Diehard Batman fans can enjoy this masterpiece of a game years after the initial release. If you have never played it, you are doing yourself a disservice.

Real player with 52.5 hrs in game

Batman: Arkham City - Game of the Year Edition on Steam

Gazmatera 2 America’s Least Wanted

Gazmatera 2 America’s Least Wanted

From the creator of Gazmatera: Return Of The Generals!

Greetings, folks!

Remember the “generals” from 1988 in the first game?

But now is only years 1984-1986.

Find out the long story, about how the famous “generals” met and appeared in the new third-person shooter from Victor “LVL90DRU1D” Gazmanoff and his Kalifas!

Take control of four survivors, Jeff, Kayla, Helga and Emina!

Rush through 15 breathtaking levels and find out how the fate of the heroes formed!

-15 big and cool designed levels, i can say it twice

-cutscenes with facial animation

-full voice acting, thanks to Gulbuddin Ivanov & Co. from Diaksor

-all levels are made in different genres

  • 4 playable characters (6, but sssshhhh)

  • soundtrack from famous bands, like:

  • Krastavi Kucheta

  • God Is War

  • Karl Gegel

  • Malisny Absurd

  • Les Bebras

  • and more

Gazmatera 2 America's Least Wanted on Steam

Batman™: Arkham Knight

Batman™: Arkham Knight


Arguably the best game in Arkham series. There were obvious improvements in almost every department, be it gameplay, graphics or stealth compared to the previous Arkham titles. The best way to describe this game is that it is a mixture of both City and Origins. Story is decent, Combat system was definitely improved. They added the fear takedowns but I personally liked the double takedowns which were removed in the Knight.

The most annoying part was blowing tanks literally half of the time. But they did introduce Batmobile for the first time in Arkham series so the experience wasn’t too bad. Its definitely overused though.

Real player with 140.1 hrs in game


  • Decent storyline / plot, nothing too cliche

  • Combat system - hit, dodge, counter, parry, chain combos, just like your DS / Sekiros

  • Different kills ( takedowns ) / variety of gadgets that can be used. If you want to compare to other games, the tools / gadgets available is pretty decent, perfectly balanced, nothing too OP

  • Playing on hard difficulty, AIs are not dumb, they are well coded, however AI is still suffering from minor cases of ‘lack of peripheral vision’

  • Minimal to none grinding involved

Real player with 96.3 hrs in game

Batman™: Arkham Knight on Steam

Batman™: Arkham Origins

Batman™: Arkham Origins

Batman: Arkham Origins has always been the odd one out, a little unpolished and out of place.

That doesn’t mean it’s a bad game though.

Batman Arkham Origins provides a fantastic story, possibly being the most engaging and emotional out of the entire Arkham quadrilogy (yes, I said quadrilogy, stop pretending this game doesn’t exist, I want Origins Remake).

The gameplay is as in-depth and enjoyable as it was in Arkham City, now with the inclusion of a couple of new gadgets, some are decent, others are really cool and one in particular makes the combat loop significantly more fun (although arguably easier).

Real player with 196.8 hrs in game



Combat - The Arkham series has the FUCKING BEST combat in any video game, there are so many different enemy types and so many ways to take em down. It takes skill and practice to get good at, but it’s rewarding and makes you feel like a FUCKING GOD

Traversal - You can glide and grapple around the city with your cape and grapple gun. Traversal also does take a slight bit of skill to get to places faster and it is somewhat fun too.

Stealth - REALLY GOOD stealth gameplay. There are so many amazing ways to sneak up on your enemies such as, grappling between ledges, crawling through vents, or just simply sneaking up behind them. And on top of that there is so many different ways to take them down such as, silent takedown, knockout smash, inverted takedown, vent takedown, ledge takedown, hanging ledge takedown, sonic takedown, ground takedown, slide takedown, glue takedown, and a few more.

Real player with 110.0 hrs in game

Batman™: Arkham Origins on Steam

New Ice York

New Ice York

This game is so much more than I expected it to be. At first, playing it- I was charmed by how weird it was but after playing through it, I found myself feeling connected to this universe and the characters within it. It’s intuitive- familiar, but totally different. Refreshingly fun, and an overall great release by magicdweedo, an artist I’ve really enjoyed since Mealmate™. Make sure to check out the soundtrack, too- it’s really catchy!

Real player with 8.7 hrs in game

New Ice York has deceptively good writing. The first chapter is unfortunately slow, which is a bad problem for a game of this length to have, but that slowness does its job of lulling you into a familiarity with the characters that it uses as a platform to build off of. NIY unfurls in a way similar to Frog Fractions or magicdweedoo’s last major game, Ticket: breaking its own rules and shuffling weird mechanics around. Where the former games engage themselves in a game of zany one-upsmanship, though, New Ice York’s treatment of mechanics is much more narrative and constrained. Detective has an oblique resemblance to Deadly Premonition’s Francis York Morgan / Twin Peak’s Dale Cooper, and similar to those stories New Ice York’s descent into surrealism takes on a personal significance in the quest of the protagonist.

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

New Ice York on Steam

Condemned: Criminal Origins

Condemned: Criminal Origins

“You belong to us, Ethan. You have always belonged to us…”

Playing this game as a teenager on a PC that could barely run it made me think that it was the scariest game I’d ever played. Ten-plus years later, I’d pick it up again and play through it from start to finish, and I’ve been pleasantly surprised by how well it’s held up. While some aspects of it have dated pretty hard, the overall package has aged quite well, a fact owed heavily to its core gameplay, which still shines, even in today’s market. Or, perhaps, because of it.

Real player with 22.6 hrs in game

An absolute gem of a horror game.

I remember first hearing about Condemned in the Xbox magazine when I just started High School. Practically every student I talked to was stoked for the new Xbox 360 and were hyping up the new launch titles and I couldn’t help but join their enthusiasm as me and a few buddies overlooked a magazine in the school library. One game in particular caught my eye, a game simply called “Condemned”. Accompanying the blurb was a series of grungy pre-release screens of gnarly enemies and at the time STUNNING lighting effects. The next month was a full-on rundown of the games mechanics, graphics and horror elements that ended with the writer admitting at the end of his demo that he fired his last shotgun shell into an enemy that wasn’t even there.

Real player with 11.1 hrs in game

Condemned: Criminal Origins on Steam