Detained: Too Good for School

Detained: Too Good for School


On the first day of school after transferring to a new city, you got framed and ended up in jail. After one year of probation, you set out to discover who set you up. Find a partner, get familiar with the city, make money by taking part-time jobs, increase your abilities and unveil the truth.


Inherited from the last title of O.T.K Games, “The Vagrant”, the combat in “Too Cool For School” is exhilarating and satisfying. Acquire new skills, upgrade various abilities, enlarge your armory and dominate the arena.

Rich story-lines. You can choose to be straightforward and kill anyone that’s standing in your way, or you can be manipulative and indulge yourself in opulent living. And it’s even possible to join the villains and become an anti-hero! There are more than 10 endings for you to discover.

A variety of romanceable characters. 4 female and 4 male romanceable candidates are waiting for your arrival. Take them out for a hot date, level up your relationships, and then fight alongside them against street mobs. Life is short, you gotta enjoy it while you can!

Eccentric city life. You can take a bus to the gym for a good workout, study in the library for a change, or hang out with your partners in the bar, club or arena. And of course, it’s always fun to “interact” with random pedestrians and the police.

Extravagant shopper. Be good and work part-time or rob someone on the sidewalk for a quick buck; it’s your choice! Spend your money on stats and weapon upgrades, challenge the bosses and embezzle money. It’s your turn to be a legend in this metropolis!

Read More: Best Beat 'em up Action Games.

Detained: Too Good for School on Steam

Yakuza 0

Yakuza 0

Hello friends,

Today i will review the game Yakuza 0. This is the first in the series of yakuza games, but not the first one made for the series. This is basically the game that lets you understand the rest of the series. Note: If any of this info is wrong, please tell me in the comments in my review and ill change it immedietly..thank you. Anyways, this game follows two characters that are part of the yakuza, or trying to join the yakuza. Withought spoiling too much, the game follows the two characters thru many adventures in the game. Also, there is alot of side content. The time associated with my playing is because of the side stuff. You might just like the side stuff in the game and ignore the main story for awhile. It is quite addictive to just do the side things and ignore the main story. Anyways, some of the side stuff is actually pretty hard too. So here is my pro/con list:

Real player with 264.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Beat 'em up Action Games.

I’ve had so much fun with this one.

Way too many unforgettable moments and characters.

The side quests and mini games are so entertaining that sometimes I stop for a while and remember I’ve got a main story to complete. Even still, the main story is sensational.

You get to also play as two of the most chad protagonists in gaming history, why wouldn’t you wanna do that?


Real player with 177.0 hrs in game

Yakuza 0 on Steam

Street Massacre

Street Massacre

Wow!! This game is fun! ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

Very simple and captivating. The kind that makes you forget the world for a few minutes.

I think the levels are very similar (; - ).

It could have a little more variety.

The price is good | Great game play | Great animations.

Beautiful girls (could there be more varieties of models?)

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Beat 'em up Action Games.

Better than Tekken!

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Street Massacre on Steam

Urban Street Fighter

Urban Street Fighter

This game has changed my life forever, I don’t think I could have made it through covid without this, I have about 350 hours on my alt account and am considered to be the best in the North American region, so you know you can trust me on this. The gameplay is exquisite and the controls are snappy and responsive. I honestly can’t play many other games after the experience of playing this, the rest of the games on steam just feel obsolete. The characters feel like people you have to know your whole life, it feels so real and immersive and you start to grow a connection with the characters as the story develops. Speaking of the story, it’s about 15 hours long and while ill try to not spoil anything in this review, I got to say the couples in this story are realistic and add some needed romance to this otherwise serious story. Speaking of the serious story, to relive the tone some in this game they added driver for some comedic relief. I like the character, tho he can be a bit much at times even crossing into being annoying sometimes. I think that his jokes mostly fit my comedic style, yet I think that they could have added more jokes for the older generations. The main character is mike and the story follows him as he goes against many formidable foes. I think the choice to make mike a silent protagonist was a brave one, and I think that the decision paid off. I also think that making Ethan a silent villain adds to his mystery and makes his betrayal more emotional as he doesn’t even need words to describe his secret hatred for you and the rest of you’re crew. Finally, I want to speak on the political commentary in this game. The statements on immigration are brave and what we need in this day and age. I also appreciate the message put into the game for young children. The message of “Don’t trust no hoes” is an important one to teach our younglings. In conclusion, this game has great gameplay, amazing controls, characters that feel real, and a story for the ages. 9.6/10 Best game of 2021.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

I’m the kind of guy that’ll give every fighting game a shot. Went in with an open mind on this one, but it didn’t quite pan out.

For one thing, there’s no option to change control inputs, which is frustrating especially since one of the default gamepad inputs on 1P overlaps with an input on 2P. Since there’s no training mode, you have to go into versus 2P mode if you wish to lab/try things out, and as you can guess that can make things a chore. Even an option to just disable 2P inputs would’ve helped things a bit.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Urban Street Fighter on Steam

Yakuza 5 Remastered

Yakuza 5 Remastered

Perfection now that we got all main games all we need are the spin off games, come on sega iam a sucker willing to spend his hard earned chash for games that are 10 years old COME ON PLEASE

Real player with 139.5 hrs in game

The term “This is a serious crime drama, I swear” applies to all the Yakuza games.

But it is ESPECIALLY true for this one!

Real player with 100.1 hrs in game

Yakuza 5 Remastered on Steam

i Have Powers!

i Have Powers!

Excellent game, ran up to a group of gangsters and they kicked the s*** out of me until my health was into negative 4 digits 10/10

Real player with 12.2 hrs in game

A really fun game once you get used to the controls. There’s tons of power combination and pretty good outfit customization that makes it loads of fun to recreate existing superheroes or come up with your own and run around feeling powerful. Very rough around the edges but worth it if you love superheroes and/or roguelikes

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

i Have Powers! on Steam

Yakuza 4 Remastered

Yakuza 4 Remastered

My Best Soundtrack Award nomination for the Steam Awards 2021. I actually like Yakuza 5 Remastered’s soundtrack more, but I had already nominated that game for the Game of the Year Award (sorry Halo Infinite, but imo there’s basically zero chance that campaign is gonna be good enough to make up for the so far meh multiplayer compared to The Master Chief Collection’s and top the masterpiece that is Yakuza 5).

Anyways, Yakuza 4 still has one of my most beloved soundtracks in the series (I’d place it in 2nd behind Y5 actually and very narrowly ahead of Y0), and the series as a whole (yes, even Y6 to be fair) has come to have my most cherished soundtracks in gaming beating out Halo. A handful of my favorite Y4 tracks are For Faith, Smile Venomously, Material Delights, Raindrops, and GET to the Top!. While Y4 is my least preferred out of Y0-5 (not sure yet where to rank LaD/7 as I’m still playing through it), it’s still a brilliant game much more fun and full of soul than most releases these days. If anything, I just hope both it and 5 one day get free DLC similar to LaD to restore the Slot & Pachinko minigames cut from the PC releases. I highly recommend giving the Yakuza series a try, starting with 0 and going in numerical order from there.

Real player with 77.1 hrs in game

With the fourth game in the series (or five if you counted 0 as well but the game wasn’t made back then yet) the game have quiet the Improvement in term of combat system, comparing to the predecessor Yakuza 3.

While Yakuza 3 suffer from a clunky combat system Yakuza 4 improve upon it, although the improvement is relatively few but those few improvement benefit the game for the better. The story wise is rather utterly rough however, initially story started well enough until the second half of the game.

Real player with 74.7 hrs in game

Yakuza 4 Remastered on Steam

Yakuza Kiwami

Yakuza Kiwami

the comical eye-patch man comes out of the sewers

Real player with 65.8 hrs in game

I played Yakuza 0 prior to this one and I must admit that I was not prepared for the difference between Majima’s style at the end of 0 and at the start of Kiwami.

This being said, loved the game and looking forward to the following ones….

Real player with 61.5 hrs in game

Yakuza Kiwami on Steam



A classic-style beat em up made by a small team. Impressive! I enjoyed the three heroes and great variety of enemies. They looked realistic; almost like digitized actors. The music was catchy, and stages were fun. The cutscenes with the reporter, hero, and the ending were a nice touch. I felt it could use voices for landing hits, continue, difficulty setting, and maybe free lives, But well done on this indie game.

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Brawler on Steam

Yakuza 3 Remastered

Yakuza 3 Remastered

Yakuza 3 has a little bit of a different approach than the previous series installments. With the new location and Kiryus new life circumnstances, it has a brighter and sunnier atmosphere. It also feels more like smaller slice-of-life story with more personal little sub stories.

Beside that you can expect typical Yakuza gameplay.

Real player with 98.4 hrs in game

tl;dr this game is probably the worst aged of the remasters, and probably needed a top-down remake a la kiwami. by 2009 standards it is probably amazing, but what was amazing in 2009 is janky in 2019 (when this remaster was released). combat and animations are stiff, the game slows and crashes more often, and some aspects of the game are just annoying in general.


The game’s appearance has shown its age even with the remaster’s upscaling. Kiryu looks kind of weird and his general facial structure is more like an anime character than the people who walk around him. The animations outside of prerendered cutscenes are also considerably stiffer than the future games; Kiryu’s walking animation is more akin to a gliding animation with legs swinging.

Real player with 57.1 hrs in game

Yakuza 3 Remastered on Steam