Psycho Bathroom

Psycho Bathroom

This is a 2D hack-and-slash action game where you assume the role of a ninja-like toothbrush. In the bathroom you reside in, the toilet lid is broken, causing plumes of aerosol to shoot up in the air whenever the toilet is flushed. All sort of might-be-infectious matters floats among them, threatening everything in the bathroom. You, as a toothbrush, must exercise your agility to avoid hit and at the same time annihilate the threat.

Be a hygienic toothbrush to keep your master clean. In turn, your healthy master will work hard to earn money for you to level up and unlock new abilities. Remember not to spend all the money on your own stuff. Your ultimate mission is to buy a new toilet lid to stop the chaos once and for all.

Game Features

  • Tight control allows you to move around and strike swiftly.

  • Enemies and bosses with different ai movements and attack patterns. Observe, plan, dodge and attack accordingly.

  • See the consequences you cause to your master after every battle. Feel bad, happy or indifferent, your choice.

  • Buy equipment. Improve your stats!

  • Unlock new abilities. e.g. dash, double jump and special chain attack(coming soon).

  • Unlimited levels with increasing difficulty.

  • Dumbfounding ending cutscene. Work your way up to see it.

Read More: Best Beat 'em up Action Games.

Psycho Bathroom on Steam

No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle

No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle

The fact that they released an old game in this state is absolutely ridiculous and inexcusable.

  • Partial controller support for a game that doesn’t support kb+m despite the fact that it could work (you need workarounds in order to play with Dualshock 4 for gods sake).

  • Constant crashing during load screens. You know that lovely feeling of doing side stuff for hours only to have the game crash on you and removing all your progress because autosave isn’t a thing? Outstanding.

  • No options whatsoever. Wow look, you can toggle fullscreen on or off, so advanced.

Real player with 17.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Beat 'em up Action Games.


Aaaaand that’s the next game all done! What an experience this game was. Let’s begin with the review:

Soooo…once again, I’m glad I gave these games a chance and I’m glad that I bought both of these instead of just one, definitely got a more fuller experience with them. So, where do I stand on this game?


While I don’t think this game is narratively better than the first game, The assassins in this game don’t feel like real people at times and more or less just feel like ‘oh, just another bad guy for Travis to fight to get to the top, I guess.’ It’s kind of jarring going from a game that had characters with some levels of depth to them and you could almost feel their struggles up until they died to a sequel where only a few of the assassins actually feel like they’re properly fleshed, and one of those few is just a character from the first game brought back from the dead that Travis himself doesn’t even get to face, with that character being ‘New Destroyman’, instead Shinobu fights him (or rather them since there’s two now and it’s kind of an annoying fight, ngl.) The story is….worse than the first game and while it has it’s good moments in it as well like Henry fighting an anime mecha girl, Shinobu making her moves on Travis which is uhhh…kind of funny and kind of weird at the same time considering the fans who probably DID ship them got slapped in the face and those who didn’t were probably just thinking ‘Yeah, that seems about right’, and Travis and Sylvia having more banter (which was some of my favorite moments in the first game and this one since we got to see the two interact more here and form a sort of…screwed up bond), overall, the story is just…okay, not as good as the first game’s but not god-awful either…Jasper is a really crappy character, though, ngl, he’s comic-book as heck and he really only just made Travis get out of retirement because of him killing Greg/Bishop…who barely mattered before in the games asides from him fetching your bike on NMH1 and running the shop in both games. It’s just kind of sad we didn’t get a better story considering how amazingly improved everything else was.

Real player with 17.9 hrs in game

No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle on Steam

No More Heroes

No More Heroes

Welcome to the Garden of Madness, Sudabros…

tldr; the game is great, but the port is not


The non-technical part of this port is still good, even after 14 years, the game has it’s charm. The heart and soul of the game is still here (except “Heavenly Star” is absent, but you can mod it back in), but the technical side of this port - OH THE TECHNICAL SIDE..

As you could see, most of the reviews here talk about the lack of controller support (KB+M is not an option;

! and why would you even want to play it on KB+M? ) - the game only supports XBOX360 controller, BUT DS4Windows works just fine for me.

Real player with 25.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Beat 'em up Action Games.

Yes. But not yet.

the game works really well, but there’s some bugs that need fixing.

Here’s some stuff nobody else is saying:

  • A bunch of achievements are broken, specifically those that have progression tracking. The counting doesn’t work properly. Those who have the achievement “Dial M for Massacre” are using SAM… for shame guys.

  • There’s some particular segments in the game where you need to hit a target at the right time but the timing is extremely finicky if not completely broken. Luckily they are all optional, but some are tied to a certain achievement. It’s not impossible per se, but I sure avoided them like the plague.

Real player with 20.2 hrs in game

No More Heroes on Steam

Bloody Paws: Passion Unleashed

Bloody Paws: Passion Unleashed

Really great little beat ‘em up! Starts getting pretty tricky after a while

! and the ending’s pretty lackluster rn, though (But hey: It’s Early Access, everything’s subject to change/improvement)

Definitely worth the $5 and I’m looking forward to seeing how this one develops!

For some more detailed feedback & suggestions:

Real player with 16.2 hrs in game

Wonderful game :)

Real player with 12.1 hrs in game

Bloody Paws: Passion Unleashed on Steam

Kick-Ass 2

Kick-Ass 2

Kick-Ass 2 has decent cartoon-like visuals, with cell-shading effects and all that jazz. However, it’s the only solid positive point about the game. It’s a short beat’em up, which was supposed to go the same road as Watchmen: The End is Nigh 5 years before. However, it fails at being a fighting game thanks to god-awful controls, unbalanced and buggy brawl process, and lack of any possible fan-service things someone would expect from following-the-movie-title.

Hit-Girl and Kick-Ass himself ain’t sound or look like themselves (comparing to Chloë Moretz and Aaron Johnson characters).

Real player with 11.1 hrs in game

If you are looking for a terrible example of licensed shovelware, here it, Kick-Ass 2, the stinky king of the trash hill.

Released over a year after the second movie bombed in theaters, Freedom Factory decided to grace the gaming scene with this piece of interactive entertainment, but forgoing anything that has to do with actual fun and entertainment.

Here is the shit list:

-Absolutely horrendous voice over on all the main characters, especially Kick-Ass himself who sounds like an annoying Spanish kid trying his hardest to fit in The Hamptons. I imagine the conversation that occurred at Freedom Factory went like this: Producer: “Great job on the Spanish voice over, you brought out the vigilante in you. So, can you do the English, Italian and German too?” VO: “Uh, well, you know.. Product: “Excellent, I’ll schedule you for a couple more hours. Jorgeeeee! We’re good on localization! Cancel the American’s contract.”

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

Kick-Ass 2 on Steam

Big Action Mega Fight!

Big Action Mega Fight!

Big Action Mega Fight! is an interesting 2D game from the somewhat forgotten Beat ‘em up genre with the single player game mode. Once this type of games were very popular, Big Action Mega Fight! is undoubtedly one of the best games of this type.

The plot begins with Megatropolis, which is attacked by the new, cruel criminal gang “Clunks”. You play as Brick, a sports lover. When the “Clunks” gang kidnaps our best friend, our protagonist has to break through the entire city to save him.

The game offers more than 35 levels, typical for Beat ‘em up games are linear levels usually consisting of going to the right side of the screen. The initial levels are not a big challenge, and additionally they are not very diverse, sometimes there are more interesting maps with new types of enemies, unfortunately there is no chance to count on original solutions in this matter.

Real player with 11.9 hrs in game

Big Action Mega Fight is a very simple beat-em-up, but it’s still fairly enjoyable, mainly due to the fun cartoony style, cheesy humour, and the classic feel that the music and sound effects bring. Oh, and it works well with an Xbox style controller - I used an 8Bitdo FC-30 Pro in xinput mode.

There’s a lot of short stages in Big Action Mega Fight, which start out incredibly easy but slowly get… less easy. Most stages simply have the objective of “kill all the goons” but every now and then you’ll get a stage where you have to “kill all the goons within a time limit”. I attempted to get a three star rating on every level, but the final level just felt impossible to achieve this, though it’s not hard to beat - it’s just hard to beat with the high score they expect of you to get three stars.

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

Big Action Mega Fight! on Steam

Foul Play

Foul Play

So after checking the game and playing it completely,I think I can give a fair review of this game.

First of all, what you should expect when you play Foul Play:

You should like beat-em-ups with 2d sprites and all the cons that come with it (bad lineup,more “That should have hit”-moments).

You should like the general idea of a game having a theatre-like feeling.

However, you should not expect a hard game when playing. Elaboration on why later on.

Story: You control Sebastian Dashforth,who combined with his assistant Scampwick Steerpipe is presenting his life as a daemonologist on stage, re-enacting the main events of Dashforth’s last 20 years. Not fearing to go into hand-on-hand combat he and Scampwick are fighting themselves through an lost city of egypt, cursed villages, underwater cities and a london in control of a cult.Fairly generous with the humor and honest (though you may not thank him for it) he will keep you interested to keep playing for a while.

Real player with 24.3 hrs in game

Lot’s of fun and action to be had with this enjoyable side-scrolling beat’em up!

Developed by Mediatonic and The Irregular Corporation, this game was released in 2013 and published by Devolver Digital. Devolver Digital has published games such as Shadow Warrior 2, Hotline Miami and Broforce. The developers have produced less well-known games to date.

The game is full of action. You can achieve combo multipliers of over 300+. That’s a lot of consecutive hits!

You can only play as one character. You are basically an actor on stage with an audience. The more combo’s and more hits you make on your enemies, the more your audience approval goes up and the quicker you can get the audience to fully approve your performance, the quicker you can unlock youir special move and unleash a lot of hits.

Real player with 15.4 hrs in game

Foul Play on Steam

Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn

Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn

WARNING: Not For The Easily Offended

Lacking a “Saints of Rage” spinoff from Saints Row, Shaq Fu is the next best thing. It’s the Duke Nukem Forever of beat ‘em ups. By this, I mean a homage to the juvenile 90s: An Arcade game filled with all the crude humor that came with the decade.

This should be enough for you to either want to give this game a whirl in the name of nostalgia or shriek for torches and pitchforks.

Still here? Ok, then I can continue.

The game is a glorious self-aware parody with a ridiculous premise filled with hilarious banter, the kind that would result from a drunk Feng Shui game in the dead of the night. They took the worst game of the 16bit era and turned it into the best self-parody of the year. The voice acting is decent and sufficient to convey the comedy, but the real gold is Shaquille, who takes the ridiculous premise and runs with it, doing his part with gusto and making the experience into something memorable. I’m a fan now.

Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

I backed this game in 2014 on Indiegogo and they promised many features that did not make it to the final game, such as local and online multiplayer and more than one playable character. They also failed to deliver on the promise that this was going to be an actual fighting game instead of a beat ‘em up, so they sold us the game under false pretenses. So far, all that has materialized is some mundane Barack Obama DLC campaign which isn’t even viewable on Steam.

Regarding the game, it’s a functional but very repetitive single player beat ‘em up, akin to Streets of Rage, but not as fun. The combat works okay for what it is but the game runs out of ideas very quickly and the levels just become tedious to get through before long. You’ll know when you’ve seen all the enemies the game has to offer once you’re running through a ridiculously long gauntlet of the exact same enemies in the final level.

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn on Steam



Fun game














Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

So far it’s been extremely fun, who knew punching sheep would be so weirdly cathartic?

Sound design is funny, I especially like the music that plays during the level.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Chickenman on Steam

Super Punchy Face

Super Punchy Face

As Someone Who Likes Side Scroll Hack N’ Slash Beat Em Ups. I Thought This Was Fun. There’s For Sure Areas To Improve In But Overall I Had Fun.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Super Punchy Face on Steam