Wildzone is an open world first person shooter powered by brand new Walk In Place locomotion system: DEEP LOCOMOTION.


While in most other shooter game you have to choose between snail simulator or crazy motion sickness,

with DeepLocomotion you can achieve the FPS experience you use to have with flat monitor.

Just much more immersive.


This is abandoned area and there is a reason why. Meanwhile some people trying to get there to find some weird things.

It is rumored that it can be sold for good money. Another are not interested at money at all.


The game has a realistic set of modern weapon with high details level.

Real ballistics, real damage and and real feelings.


Development process is going from low end up, starting at open forest world with solid-rock 72fps on Oculus Quest.

With regular free builds you can check and control: development always going to upgrade and never downgrade.

Read More: Best Battle Royale Experimental Games.


Battle of Hunters : Beast Zone

Battle of Hunters : Beast Zone

This game is amazing and perfect! I ended up buying 8 copies for my friends. I would have bought more if I had more friends to buy it for. The game is addicting which is nice because it helped my get over my crippling h*roin addiction and my crippling porn addiction. My life has really turned around. I’ve gotten a girlfriend, gotten accepted into MIT, and I even won the lottery. All thanks to this game. I owe my life to the creator. Thank you.

Real player with 108.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Battle Royale Multiplayer Games.

i have bought over 50 copies of this game.

this game saved mine, and everyone it bought it for, lives.

we were all hopelessly addicted to pornography.

we would sit in calls for hours watching porn trying to find that high that we all sought.

we tried straight, gay, lesbian, furry, midget, trap, scat, golden shower, feet, hentai, and anything else we could find.

It was a sad life and we couldn’t escape.

that was until we found this game.

as soon as i started playing it i was hooked.

i didn’t join our calls to look for pornography anymore i was free.

Real player with 19.9 hrs in game

Battle of Hunters : Beast Zone on Steam

Bloodlines of Prima

Bloodlines of Prima

This game is a bit like if you combined Hexen meets Full Metal Alchemist with RPG game mechanics mixed in with Hexen FPS mechanics. On top of all of that it’s got survival mechanic’s built into it and is fairly rogue like game play to a certain point. It’s got it’s share of early access quirks to still work out or improve, but you can get a pretty good idea of the games potential. I find the core mechanics of the game to be pretty solid overall.

My initial impression of it wasn’t too great and a big part of that was the Transmute system was too tediously involved which the developer improved and it really made a big difference and put more focus on the combat while making the crafting quicker and less point and click heavy in general. It needed that to be fair it took away too much from the core combat element of the game being too stuck in a inventory window which you need to a fair bit due to the survival mechanics. I think the survival mechanics are a little more forgiving to people starting out as well with a few of the changes in the last month or so since I’ve had the game.

Real player with 38.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Battle Royale Massively Multiplayer Games.

For the sake of the previous version which was far way better, I’d give this a thumbs up otherwise read this:

Hello first of all, I would like you to know this game was pretty good, but the recent update along with the data wipe killed it for me and my friend. We tried on the new updated version even if its a pain for us since he was lvl 50+ and I was about lvl 30. The worst thing in the new update is the AI, they are all insanely aggressive. Have you even tried? attack 1 and everybody ganks up on you, if this was your design then, me and my friend might just have to leave this and ask for a refund.

Real player with 30.7 hrs in game

Bloodlines of Prima on Steam