Mortal Royale

Mortal Royale

This game had the potential to be fantastic.

The core gameplay mechanics are very solid.

Since it’s premature release into early access, it has been completely neglected by the developers with absolutely zero indication that they will ever fix the issues that plague the game.

If these problems required serious overhauls of the current content then I would understand a delay, but most of the problems this game has are literally just changing numbers like the count down before the game starts, or changing the damage/armor values of the overpowered relic items (care package gear is op).

Real player with 88.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Battle Royale Violent Games.

Mortal Royale is a fun battleground game that allows players to experience melee combat in a larger arena than any battleground game before it. An in-depth combat system revolving primarily around melee combat sums up the breadth of this game, which boasts the highest player capacity of any battle royale game to be released. Inheriting the bulk of its PVP from its sister MMO, Mortal Online, this game has both a combat and looting system that have been tried and true since 2010. While easy enough for a beginner to pick up, the depth of the combat system, when paired with the available mounts, truly brings this game to life. In addition to a variety of melee weapons available in abundance throughout the impressively large world are spell books, granting any player the ability to feel like a fearsome mage. Ranged combat, while not the most powerful, comes in the form of bows and arrows, which are sparsely placed throughout the world, giving players additional combat options still.

Real player with 31.3 hrs in game

Mortal Royale on Steam

Battlerite Royale

Battlerite Royale

Don’t understand the negative reviews, this is probably one of the funnest games I’ve ever played.

Edited 11/27/19: We’re approaching the end of the year and with countless hours in this game I can begin to understand slightly why the game in a sense, flopped. I believe a lot of it was bad luck or perhaps focusing on the wrong issues, in that all of the issues of the game are very minute but subtly influence newer players in just the right way to be drawn away from the game; and through a series of widespread misunderstandings with this game it garnished an undeserved negative reputation. This game can be absolutely amazing if you have the patience to understand its inner workings. There are still players like myself occasionally playing, so don’t hesitate to buy this game if you’re looking for a little new fun/want to support these great developers on their next (bigger and better) project.

Real player with 317.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Battle Royale Multiplayer Games.

Rarely review games, but I feel this game justifies one.

When I first started playing this game, it was refreshing experience. It felt like Heroes of the Storm in a BR mode. There are many customization options that are on par with Overwatch. Such as choosing a costume with variants of colors and rarities. There are different mounts as well that range from horses, to pugs, and to mythical creatures.

Gameplay wise its fun at FIRST. Everything is new, you believe you get outskilled by other players, and there are many champions to explore. The game has so much potential, but I feel the first experience of your game reflects differently the further hours you invest into the game.

Real player with 211.1 hrs in game

Battlerite Royale on Steam

Immortal Soul: Black Survival

Immortal Soul: Black Survival

Update in March: This game personifies you thinking you are good and then getting beaten by someone better. But through this process you are still getting better. It’s addictingly frustrating and yet also so god damned good at giving you that pulse of adrenaline and panic and life when the fights get close. In that sense this game is stupidly good at achieving that idea every now and then while making you feel like you’re getting tossed overboard by players that are just constantly better than you - but the same people that may outpace you on your 140th hour won’t be the same as your 100th, 50th, 10th… hats off. I understand why the devs believed in their games enough to port it to PC - when I first downloaded this game when the game had been released for a couple weeks on Steam, I wasn’t expecting anything. I was expecting something pretty bad I would uninstall, and want to forget I ever played for the rest of my life. It surpassed my expectations immensely. Since I started playing the game, two characters have been released - a third is on its way - the mastery system has been reworked, area drop rates have been modified also; character balancing occurs habitually, I’ve paid money for cosmetics in this game…

Real player with 1153.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Battle Royale Survival Games.

Hi I’ve played this game maybe over a hundred hours by now on other platforms and although I am reccomending the game, please understand that my reccomendation is under the assumption of this game being an Early Access game, AND because the game is quite fun no matter which platform you play on IMO.

Anyway if I had to describe this game it’s like PUBG or other types of Battle Royale games out there, but with a RPG spin on the whole thing as opposed to being FPS like most of it’s counter parts.

Real player with 470.4 hrs in game

Immortal Soul: Black Survival on Steam



Holy sht this game is fun. During a clash, You breath, you lose. Each weapon and each hero have counters either trough positioning/witty timings/picking or utilizing other weapons.

Do not believe to what people say that X is broken/OP. Everything have a workaround specially if your’e skilled on wits and proper positioning. You panic, you lose. Do not panic. I cant count how many times i managed to turn the tables on a fight and it felt so satisfying.


1. Unlimited combo possibilities to the point you get your own combo personality

Real player with 439.4 hrs in game

great game.

i would prefer if everyone would deal a bit less damage to make the fights last longer…

Espacially a few weapons. But the new duo mode feels way better than trios. You can fight 2 people but 3 was just to hard in my opinion.

I played the game for over 200h now and i don’t understand why people say the queue times are long. A few seconds up to a few minutes if it’s early in the morning or late at night.

And why are people complaining about asian players in the reviews? It’s literary almost the same as playing agains people from EU or NA.

Real player with 201.5 hrs in game


Rules Of Survival

Rules Of Survival

Having played this game for over 200 hours of my life, I can say without a doubt that this game, albeit fun, sucks. Why do I say this, you may ask? The developers (NetEase) have refused to fix many issues in the game, such as performance, lag, and address the heavy problem of cheaters/hackers in the game, for years. Despite their many promises towards the community assuring that they will indeed do so.

This game is heavily plagued by hackers and many technical issues, yet all the developers care about is updating the game with new “content”, this content being new player cosmetics, weaponry, and map changes.

Real player with 240.3 hrs in game

thanks steam and netease for permanently banning the cheaters after the season has ended.I was laughing so hard when i claimed my season rewards when i found out that the cheaters i reported have been perma ban, imagine cheating countless of hours in the game to get to grandmaster then the next day the cheaters opened their accounts, then found out that they have been banned =) best feeling ever! Thanks for giving justice for the players that are playing fair and square. AND TO THOSE CHEATERS OUT THERE, stop cheating already or you might be next on the line in the banned list of steam =)

Real player with 214.5 hrs in game

Rules Of Survival on Steam

Save the girls Action

Save the girls Action

After finishing all missions, i had no option to fight the boss.

Soo i am not able to complete the game.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game


nothing was perfect you kown’s…this game also have some problems:

first:some times this game runs not bad…but sometimes my FPS drop very big(and i never heard of GT960…instead of GTX960),i just using my GTX750TI to play this Game[my hardware suck]…so that’s the reason i guess?

second:zombie’s moving animation:All zombie in this game lost their leg?i have no idea why ALL zombie just walk like their lost their leg!and when the player just attacked by zombie,player just feel some pushing him not by the sound…i think zombie find player should scream or shout at players… and add biting(or swing their arm to attack player’s) animation?

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Save the girls Action on Steam

Missy’s Transformation Tournament

Missy’s Transformation Tournament

It’s a fun game that aims to fill a mostly empty niche in the game market: transformation games. It has ambitious plans for the future and the developer has put a lot of thought into the lore for the setting of this game and his plans for the game mechanics of the future kingdom mode. It’s free so if you’re on the fence about it you can try it at no cost to you.

Real player with 22.6 hrs in game

absolutely love the game, even bought them the DLC to show my support, I believe this game has a promising future with many updates coming up to be excited about

Real player with 13.4 hrs in game

Missy's Transformation Tournament on Steam

Operation Rescue: Bunnies

Operation Rescue: Bunnies

Disappointed this left Early Access without it’s problems fixed. Biggest is the it needs to auto detect the native language at start. It starts in Chinese by default. You must press ‘Y’ to change to English. There is no way for an English player to know this when starting!

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Operation Rescue: Bunnies on Steam

Soul Saber 2

Soul Saber 2

There are three good things about this game: boob physics, costume damage and optimization. Those minimum requirements are spot on, it’s hard to find a PC that won’t run it.

But the camera view is so disorienting during melee combat! Combat goes from slowish from afar to “what the hell is going on” when you’re close to the enemy. Maps feel really bland and generic. The gameplay itself only feels fun when you’re playing with larger teams. The menu interface keeps spinning around, which is very bad on the brain.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

There is no manual camera control, but jumps around automatically from one enemy to the other as they die or as you move in and out of their range. The firing is interesting with the requirement to let go of the trigger to improve accuracy, but enemies respawn so quickly and combat occurs from such a far distance that I don’t really get a sense of satisfaction. The melee combat is fun to use while being able to be defended against, and I also like how the clothing damage appears on different places in different games, as opposed to just exposing the privates only every time. But even with these positives (along with the character selection), the negatives I mentioned make it so that I don’t really enjoy playing this game. I really gave it a chance.r

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Soul Saber 2 on Steam

Taboos: Cracks

Taboos: Cracks

Get 12 easy Achievements 100%, 3 sexy trading cards for just $0.30 to $0.50 at sale depending on region. Party for Achievement Hunters. One of the easiest anime games needing 5 minutes max playtime. There are 12 Puzzles. 7 in normal game download and 5 more unlocked in free DLC and uncensored patch download. This I find silly just give us all 12 dressed models in normal game and allow nude uncensored look in DLC. Why have issue of 5 achievements stuck without DLC?

Basically each image loads 12 flipping cards containing 6 pairs of images of her clothes. So there are 2 cards with same image in 6 pairs. You get to see the open cards at game load then cards fold over to closed flip side. Its a memory test. You must click 2 cards with same image and it will vanish. click all 6 sets correctly in pairs of 2 and thats it game over. The DLC patch unlocks uncensored version of the girls in animation where every pair of clicked clothes on cards removes that from her body stripping her naked in XXX pose.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Gameplay = 3 minutes













Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Taboos: Cracks on Steam