Refight:The Last Warship

Refight:The Last Warship

Now I totally dislike WOW simply because the accuracy of the weapons is totally random and you have no control over your secondary weps.

I come from Steel Ocean where accuracy isn’t rng but since they aren’t doing anything to get more players I moved on over a year ago.

I recently found this game and while it takes alot from WOWs, ie the rng accuracy element it’s actually quite fun once you realize there is a method to the gameplay and adjust.

It’s free and getting a match is fairly expedient unless you try and team up, since there isn’t alot of players. I wish you could team up against bots when you can’t find a match otherwise.

Real player with 108.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Battle Royale Massively Multiplayer Games.

I like this game and enjoy playing it with pleasure for a couple of rounds. It’s going well for an Early Access game. There is only one thing that really frustrates me and that I think needs a thorough overhaul. It’s about the destroyers (DD). If they are equipped with the appropriate captain, they constantly spit their fog in the area, which makes fighting the DD almost impossible in a battleship. It is utterly ridiculous and far from reality that those pesky insects are buzzing around you and there is absolutely nothing you can do. In so many rounds I just ended up standing around in the smallest circle at the end and the DD fogged everything and I just waited for the storm to do the rest because I have more HP in the battleship. This is just plain ridiculous and boring and absolutely annoying. Otherwise I’m happy about every round and it’s fun to play the whole thing in Battle Royal mode.

Real player with 64.0 hrs in game

Refight:The Last Warship on Steam

Out of Reach: Treasure Royale

Out of Reach: Treasure Royale

7.8 hours of gameplay, here’s my take:

Mechanically speaking for a BR, it works. There is minor input lag that has nothing to do with VSynch as I don’t use it, but it’s not game breaking. The combat needs a bit more polish as it can be a little rough. It definitely needs more human players, but the community is organizing lobbies so there is opportunity. The ship combat is pretty fun too.

The fact this isn’t a pure BR in the sense that you aren’t just killing makes it fun, and the ship combat gives it an extra dimension so it could appeal to people. The bots are extremely aggressive, I liken them to raider scavs in Escape from Tarkov for difficulty. The fact there are Ring of Elysium style bots helps you at least have games, and the low lobby time means you get into the game fairly quick.

Real player with 246.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Battle Royale Multiplayer Games.

Joining the official Discord helps a great deal.

To those that think this game is too difficult; at the time of this writing, I am on 59 victories out of 124 rounds played.

This is a Battle Royal with a Treasure chase, you can speed up the game by being the first to get all the treasures and get to the central altar.


  • Inventory weight can be a bit tricky if you don’t manage to find satchels.

  • Each game is rather quick, you either get all three treasures, loot for perfect gear or have some ship battles before doing the final fight.

Real player with 138.6 hrs in game

Out of Reach: Treasure Royale on Steam



This game is very fun to play with a good overall community. It’s a fairly small community at the moment but with new players comes more ideas and things for the developers to work with. If you’re looking for a game to sail around in a ship and fight in an arena style battle game, this is a game you should probably check out. The developers are very active with it’s player base and are quick to respond to suggestions, bugs reports, and things of that nature. I honestly haven’t played a game where the developers are this interactive with it’s players that are always trying to find things to make the game better while still working on upcoming content. I see reviews popping up from time to time about “dead game” or “things are buggy or inconsistant but it’s just not true. Sure there are bugs or glitches that happen to some people from time to time but it’s a video game…..they all have issues from time to time but the difference is this development team reacts to comments well and offers updates to let us know what to expect or if fixes were found, etc.

Real player with 688.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Battle Royale Massively Multiplayer Games.

To be honest i had my eye on the Maelstrom even before it went F2P, but i either had no money or was kinda wary of buying the cat in the bag, that i may not even enjoy.

But since it’s now free to play i’v tried it and i absolutely love it.

What is this game? Think - world of tanks but in the fantasy universe and on the ships. Ah, and it’s a battle royal as well. You fight for the naval supremacy either solo or in a team of 3. Maximum number of players in the match - 12. There are also NPC ships with very useful boons, natural hazards like whirlpools and monsters, and a very sneaky circle of the constantly constraining dark water with even more monsters. All this may sound a bit hectic, but belive me - this game is tons of fun.

Real player with 363.8 hrs in game

Maelstrom on Steam

Sea King

Sea King

Please follow United Critics for quality reviews

Sea King Review – Experience Fast-paced Naval Combat


Playing games with friends is quite interesting, especially when all friends are playing against each other for victory. How exciting is to be the last standing person by taking down the other three members. Clean your room, set your couch and invite three friends to play against you. Have you enough guts to defeat your other friends in 4-player local co-op game? Sea King is one of the most anticipated video game that is offering Action-based 4-player Local co-op gameplay, brought to you by Interactive Stone.

Real player with 16.9 hrs in game

best 0.39€ of my life, it makes me think of a minigame in pirates of the caribbean lego on wii, so much memories

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Sea King on Steam



This has become one of my go-to games to sit with some friends and just laugh and have fun. There is a little bit of a learning curve with the controls but it isn’t frustrating. The only real frustration you get is when your friends edge you out. I would like to see more game modes in the future; however, what the game currently has is more than enough for some hours of entertainment with friends.

The local multiplayer can support up to 8 friends or bots and is definitely a joy with more people. Simple yet extremely entertaining.

Real player with 82.1 hrs in game

Español: No he probado el juego mucho rato pero COMPRA RECOMENDADA da igual si no tienes amigos con los que jugar, osi (en mi caso juego por Parsec), modo singleplayer ten buena como multiplayer. Muy buena banda sonora y en mi opinión mejora mucho si juegas con mando.

English(i’m not excellent at english): I don’t tried the game for too long,I TOTALLY recommend it to you if you don’t have any friends to play with or if do you have them(in my case I use Parsec to play online),very nice playing singlepayer. Very nice soundtrack and in my opinion the experience is much better with a controller rather than with a keyboard

Real player with 10.1 hrs in game

Shipped on Steam

Blazing Sails

Blazing Sails

Early acces? It’s already insanely playable, nothing seems to be really missing and no huge bugs.

It’s a 4man team battle royale, it seems to take a lot of inspiration if not downright most of it’s stuff from sea of thieves.

The rounds are 5 - 20 minutes, divided in mostly 2 parts:

Looting and fighting.

during the looting fase you might run into other people on land, so combat ensues.

When sailing to the next island you might run into another ship, ship to ship combat ensues.

The safe area, as with every BR gets smaller and smaller, forcing ships closer and closer, these fights can turn very hectic very quickly.

Real player with 256.5 hrs in game


☐ You forget what reality is

☐ Beautiful

☒ Good

☐ Decent

☐ Bad

☐ Don‘t look too long at it



☐ Very good

☒ Good

☐ It‘s just gameplay

☐ Mehh

☐ Watch paint dry instead

☐ Just don’t


☐ Eargasm

☐ Very good

☒ Good

☐ Not too bad

☐ Bad

☐ I’m now deaf


☐ Kids

☒ Teens

☒ Adults

☐ All

—{PC Requirements}—

☐ Check if you can run paint

☐ Potato

☒ Decent

☐ Fast

☐ Rich boi

☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer


☐ Just press ‘W’

Real player with 119.5 hrs in game

Blazing Sails on Steam