Holy sht this game is fun. During a clash, You breath, you lose. Each weapon and each hero have counters either trough positioning/witty timings/picking or utilizing other weapons.

Do not believe to what people say that X is broken/OP. Everything have a workaround specially if your’e skilled on wits and proper positioning. You panic, you lose. Do not panic. I cant count how many times i managed to turn the tables on a fight and it felt so satisfying.


1. Unlimited combo possibilities to the point you get your own combo personality

Real player with 439.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Battle Royale Martial Arts Games.

great game.

i would prefer if everyone would deal a bit less damage to make the fights last longer…

Espacially a few weapons. But the new duo mode feels way better than trios. You can fight 2 people but 3 was just to hard in my opinion.

I played the game for over 200h now and i don’t understand why people say the queue times are long. A few seconds up to a few minutes if it’s early in the morning or late at night.

And why are people complaining about asian players in the reviews? It’s literary almost the same as playing agains people from EU or NA.

Real player with 201.5 hrs in game


Darwin Project

Darwin Project

New Edit: With the game now a Free to Play game; there is no excuse to not play this gem!

Cosmetics are coming. Duos was added. The Developers listen to the community; constantly making smart balance changes. Sometimes going strong one way; but quickly bringing back balance with a rapid patch when required. New items are being added; such as a GLIDER. It gets you out of, and into fights quick! Great addition. They are also focused on making the Director role even better, and less exploitable for future patches.

Real player with 194.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Battle Royale Survival Games.

If I had only one word to describe this game and its community.

** “Underated” **

This is arguably on of the best/ most innovative Battle Royal F2P games out right now, it

approaches the genre in such a unique way that you have to get used to a lot of the mechanics

that are being introduced to you at the start of the game but once you do master them that’s

when the game gets good.

The foundation of the gameplay mechanics are simple and easy to pick up and are fletched out in such a way that it doesn’t feel like you’ve tried/ seen all of the game after your first 10 hours.

Real player with 142.2 hrs in game

Darwin Project on Steam

Creative Destruction

Creative Destruction

This game and community used to be fun, it really was but the devs simply do not care. This game has some of the most bugs and glitches I have ever seen on top of a massive amount of hackers that they do nothing about. If you want to enjoy a low grade Fortnite with a long list of problems then go ahead but if you’re looking to have actual fun or if you’re competitive I do not recommend this game. As someone who has spent $300+ and has been a top player for over a year this company does not deserve any more of anyone’s time or money.

Real player with 680.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Battle Royale Massively Multiplayer Games.

Used to think it was just other players were better than I.. then I started looking into how the game works.. there are alot of things going on in the background that shouldn’t be there. Lots of web browsers opening while the game is running and when I installed a raspberry Pi on my network running Pi-hole ( ad blocker ) I mysteriously started running into “connect with server problems” I turn the pi off.. and the connection issues magically disappeared… makes one wonder. Also very interesting the number of obvious hackers using really poor aimbot tech that seems to go unchecked. Devs seem really disconnected to the issue ( or more likely they dont care because they are liining their pockets with ad revenue ) .. just my two cents.

Real player with 368.3 hrs in game

Creative Destruction on Steam

Worms Rumble

Worms Rumble

I always wanted to learn how to ninja rope like the pros in Worms 1999. Now there is Worms Rumble, a real time action game with ninja ropes. The jetpack will probably give you a bigger advantage, but that’s ok since ninja roping is way more fun! There were many bugs we came across at the release, but after a week the devs fixed most of them and continue to work hard making the game better. The devs always replied to my concerns and complaints in the forums. There are many complaints about wanting destructible environments, girders, land mines, and other cherished worms related things, but as you can see this is a real time action game and not turn based so I welcome the new changes.

Real player with 292.4 hrs in game

Worms Rumble is an example of how to NOT do a online service. I respect Team 17 and their developers but its very apparent that this is their first attempt for a fully online experience.

This game is fun and I really enjoy it when I get around to playing it but my god is the waiting times a chore. If i’m not waiting 5-10 minutes if i’m lucky with 1/6th of the lobby filled, I’m waiting for the game to boot me out of searching for that match to reset the process.

The games bugs make the game almost unfun to play half the time. Any projectile based weapon like a bazooka or a plasma gun just clip through the map and do no damage. The shield will sometimes lose its collision box and just become a useless piece of junk and a mark on your back. The fact these bugs have been going on since launch its obvious they’re never going to get around to fixing them due to their only interest being cosmetic fluff.

Real player with 121.4 hrs in game

Worms Rumble on Steam

Battlerite Royale

Battlerite Royale

Don’t understand the negative reviews, this is probably one of the funnest games I’ve ever played.

Edited 11/27/19: We’re approaching the end of the year and with countless hours in this game I can begin to understand slightly why the game in a sense, flopped. I believe a lot of it was bad luck or perhaps focusing on the wrong issues, in that all of the issues of the game are very minute but subtly influence newer players in just the right way to be drawn away from the game; and through a series of widespread misunderstandings with this game it garnished an undeserved negative reputation. This game can be absolutely amazing if you have the patience to understand its inner workings. There are still players like myself occasionally playing, so don’t hesitate to buy this game if you’re looking for a little new fun/want to support these great developers on their next (bigger and better) project.

Real player with 317.7 hrs in game

Rarely review games, but I feel this game justifies one.

When I first started playing this game, it was refreshing experience. It felt like Heroes of the Storm in a BR mode. There are many customization options that are on par with Overwatch. Such as choosing a costume with variants of colors and rarities. There are different mounts as well that range from horses, to pugs, and to mythical creatures.

Gameplay wise its fun at FIRST. Everything is new, you believe you get outskilled by other players, and there are many champions to explore. The game has so much potential, but I feel the first experience of your game reflects differently the further hours you invest into the game.

Real player with 211.1 hrs in game

Battlerite Royale on Steam

Bombergrounds: Battle Royale

Bombergrounds: Battle Royale

I’ve been waiting to write this review so that I could give the developers time to rectify my situation, but I’ve lost all hope in them and the correspondents I’ve dealt with over the past month as they refuse to give me any answers.

I’ll start off by saying that I do enjoy playing this game with my friends; I’ve bought the Battle Pass, Premium Chests, and have brought friends to the game that have done the same. Which is why it is even more disheartening that the developers would steal my money given my past patronage.

Real player with 164.9 hrs in game

i have left a negative review in the past on this game but i have changed my mind. they may not be adding new content and only adding cosmetics but for a free game that i can log this much time into its fine, this game is highly addictive and satisfying to master. even though it’s the same thing every time i still find myself getting exited to start the game and load into the game. it’s lots of fun with friends and I have had a lot of fun with it, and the best part is it’s free. the only critique i could really make is they need to add new content if they want the game to keep growing. overall a fun game to mess around on with friends.

Real player with 111.1 hrs in game

Bombergrounds: Battle Royale on Steam

Realm Royale

Realm Royale


Real player with 216.7 hrs in game

glockshot baby

Real player with 126.3 hrs in game

Realm Royale on Steam

Apex Legends™

Apex Legends™

You open the game and finish your 3000 word essay that’s due tomorrow while it loads you into the main menu. You pray they fed the server hamsters today as you queue for a game. You pick Octane cause you like running around fast, not cause he’s on drugs. Your teammates pick Caustic and Wraith. It’s another TTV Wraith. The champion squad is a pred and 2 master players. The game begins and your caustic spends all game on his own trapping buildings, while you run around juiced up looking for loot and killing anyone in your way. You get jumped by a squad because footstep audio doesn’t exist and you couldn’t hear them coming. TTV Wraith goes down. You clutch a 1v3 because mastiff is balanced. Meanwhile, your Caustic is setting up traps outside the zone. You collect your Wraith’s banner and try to respawn them but they leave with 0.2s left on the timer. You’re in awe that this one stayed that long. Someone sees you next to the respawn beacon and kills you. They then immediately get 3rd partied while a far off 4th squad member misses all his kraber shots on them. The predator player shows up out of nowhere and wipes everyone in one sweep, dropping another 4k 20 bomb in the process. Your caustic dies to zone. You’re back in the main menu and a random level 500 is waiting there for you in your party. They complain about not having heirlooms despite playing since season 1 but the dude that started last week has 2. You queue for another game. You get disconnected because two server hamsters passed out from hunger. Code: leaf. You wait to load back into the main menu and queue once more, cause you know it’s worth going through it all again just to take another glance at Loba’s thick ass.

Real player with 1455.4 hrs in game

Easily one of the best games ruined by bad management and run by a very greedy, short sighted publisher.


  • Excellent Movement.

  • Satisfying gun play. Huge variety of guns of all types - Shotguns, SMGs, Pistols, Snipers, ARs. And they all are very good.

  • Map sizes are excellent, not too big and empty and not too small either. Games are quick and no down time in the middle portion.

  • New legends and weapons added every season.

  • Maps are changed/updated every season keeping things fresh.

  • Seasons are 3 months long offering plenty of time to complete battle pass.

Real player with 1270.7 hrs in game

Apex Legends™ on Steam

Crab Game

Crab Game
















Best Game

Real player with 16.3 hrs in game

I am not even going to lie, some of the most fun I have had so far this year somehow came from Crab Game… This game is just a whole lot of fun - especially with friends and family, that is when the game is at its absolute best. Nothing beats gathering 5-10 friends/family members and just running around hiding, smacking each other, pushing each other off the map, etc. In theory this game is so simple, yet a lot of fun. It runs perfectly - I mean, the game hardly sets the industry standards for graphics or anything but still - and I would not be surprised if you could run this absolute beauty on a toaster.

Real player with 11.7 hrs in game

Crab Game on Steam



This game pains me with how it looks these days. I played for a while before the renaming happened, when it was still called Cuisine Royale with my husband, sister, and a few friends and I really liked it, we had a ton of fun. The game wasn’t perfect by any stretch, but much more playable than it is now.

Honestly, the update does have a few great things going for it. The Siberia Map is absolutely gorgeous and amazing to play in and the new weapons are fun. but still…I can’t recommend this game anymore and I find myself wanting to play it less and less.

Real player with 440.9 hrs in game


☐ You forget what reality is

☐ Beautiful

☐ Good

☑ Decent

☐ Bad

☐ Don‘t look too long at it

☐ Paint.exe


☑ Very good

☐ Good

☐ It‘s just gameplay

☐ Mehh

☐ Starring at walls is better

☐ Just don‘t


☐ Eargasm

☐ Very good

☑ Good

☐ Not too bad

☐ Bad

☐ Earrape


☐ Kids

☐ Teens

☐ Adults

☑ Human

—{PC Requirements}—

☐ Check if you can run paint

☐ Potato

☑ Decent

☐ Fast

☐ Rich boiiiiii

☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer


Real player with 274.6 hrs in game

CRSED: F.O.A.D. on Steam