Royal Crown

Royal Crown

ITS RELEASE DAY. GIVE IT A GO. Seriously, just try at least. It’s a free, top-down, 2.5d battle royale with MOBA-like mechanics and characters, and character design reminiscent of Ragnarok Online. You can tailor your character’s build and pathing, there’s around 20 champs to try, one game lasts around 10 min. It’s cute, and easy to pick up. Population is low atm, but expect more at official launch (hopefully). If you tried before and left when they removed crafting, it’s mostly back but now a lot more like Black Survival.

Real player with 843.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Battle Royale Massively Multiplayer Games.

Ok I dont’t really write reviews too often but i feel like i need to for this game since i put so many hours into it, I used to play back in the days when it was early access like pretty pretty early on, i probably joined the game 1 month after it was put on steam, and by no means was the game that popular at that stage also, now the game is completely different then it used to be back when it first released, the game pretty much just stole everything from Eternal Return: black survival and put it into their game.

Real player with 534.5 hrs in game

Royal Crown on Steam

Battlerite Royale

Battlerite Royale

Don’t understand the negative reviews, this is probably one of the funnest games I’ve ever played.

Edited 11/27/19: We’re approaching the end of the year and with countless hours in this game I can begin to understand slightly why the game in a sense, flopped. I believe a lot of it was bad luck or perhaps focusing on the wrong issues, in that all of the issues of the game are very minute but subtly influence newer players in just the right way to be drawn away from the game; and through a series of widespread misunderstandings with this game it garnished an undeserved negative reputation. This game can be absolutely amazing if you have the patience to understand its inner workings. There are still players like myself occasionally playing, so don’t hesitate to buy this game if you’re looking for a little new fun/want to support these great developers on their next (bigger and better) project.

Real player with 317.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Battle Royale Multiplayer Games.

Rarely review games, but I feel this game justifies one.

When I first started playing this game, it was refreshing experience. It felt like Heroes of the Storm in a BR mode. There are many customization options that are on par with Overwatch. Such as choosing a costume with variants of colors and rarities. There are different mounts as well that range from horses, to pugs, and to mythical creatures.

Gameplay wise its fun at FIRST. Everything is new, you believe you get outskilled by other players, and there are many champions to explore. The game has so much potential, but I feel the first experience of your game reflects differently the further hours you invest into the game.

Real player with 211.1 hrs in game

Battlerite Royale on Steam

Modern Arena

Modern Arena


Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Battle Royale Adventure Games.

Modern Arena


doesn’t work.

dead game. unplayable.


Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Modern Arena on Steam



14/10/2019 a little update .. don’t listen too the ones that have only put in few hours of game play .. the game is fine .. it not burry at all .. good graphics .. plus guns do work very well and their many other players is this game … best place to find them is on discord .. also the ones that have put a bad reviews .. is they have no skill and lost many matches lol

hey all battle royale fans .. this VR based battle royal game .. is awesome and very easy to get in to and play .. no matter what skill level you are in VR FPS games .. this game works for all levels .. their is one big map at moment .. with four gun types SNIPER / M16 / SMG / SHOT GUN .. the game dose allow you to solo player or duo play as a two man team .. you can set you gun up on a gunstock .. like a protube .. there are tons of loot around the map for you to find and make your your self better armed and harder to take down .. match will last no longer than 20 min’s .. good system for back pack so you can see all you loot and how many health packs you have left to use .. there is more plan for game .. like more guns .. a option for those that want more hands on with their gun .. like loading bullets in to gun & throwing nades .. they are looking at creating some more maps .. but to see the road map plans for this game .. you’ll need to hope on to discord to find out more info .. i give the game a big ten stars .. P.S dont forget to enter your email .. if your want to take part in tourneys …

Real player with 208.7 hrs in game

I love this game, I’m a bit of an old timer when it comes to games and I do love first person shooters and I love VR. I have bought almost all of the shooters on the market but for me this one stands out (no pun intended :)) above them all because of its mechanics, they are very easy to master.

I find the game to be super easy to pick up you just point and click to pick up your weapon and ammo and everything else you need, but one of the things I really like is the ability to climb over or onto obstacles, its a very simple mechanic of grab with your left hand and move over or up, in other games of a same nature I have found it quite hard and finicky to master this skill and in the heat of battle it can make a big difference, to me anyway. Now it’s not perfect there are a couple of things I’d like to see changed, like the waiting map before you start the game proper, I would like to weapons added to this stage so as to keep you interested while you wait for the game to start proper, sometimes in game if your adding something from your inventory to your weapon like a sight and you happen to be standing over weapons or other items on the floor you can accidently pick up what ever your standing over, but to be fair to the devs I think they are looking at making some changes in the waiting area and the accidently changing weapons I think is probably my fault lol

Real player with 51.0 hrs in game

THE LAST PLAYER:VR Battle Royale on Steam

Soulfire : Weapon Master

Soulfire : Weapon Master

Öğretici modunda iksir kısmında takılma oluştu böyle olunca öğretici modu direkt geçip oyuna başladım. Zaten bir iki oyun sonra oyunu kavrıyorsunuz. Çok oyunculu olarak herkese karşı teke tek mücadele ettiğiniz bir arena oyunu diyebiliriz. Geliştirildikçe ve farklı modlar geldikçe tadından yenmez.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Soulfire : Weapon Master on Steam

Shadow Arena

Shadow Arena

I’m Eiene, rank5 EU and previous rank1 EU in Solos & Teams during the Beta. The following review is going to be purely objective based on the CURRENT performance of the game. I had 100% winrate in Solo and close to 100% winrate in Teams (before what I will state later started happening)

The game has an absurd amount of potential, but it’s not polished enough to have been released in Early Access whatsoever. After a long period of Beta, it’s heart breaking and saddening that they haven’t fixed two of the biggest bugs in the game: the ridiculous amount of desync and the invisible glitch.

Real player with 143.0 hrs in game

My first review on Steam;

Shadow Arena - fast paced battle royal with RPG elements such as gear and skills.

Multiple different classes to play and hundreds, if not thousands of hours of fun.

Some sort of character progression that lasts between games, but it’s minor so it really doesn’t make or break the game.

If you like either the battle royal genre or Black Desert Online (BDO)-like games, you’d probably love this.

A lot of skills required to progress far in the ranked system and the game only gets more fun the more you play it. It’s kind of like BDO fighting system, except a lot more simplified. You have four skills connected to each character and two skills that is the same for all; one defensive and one “blink”.

Real player with 107.2 hrs in game

Shadow Arena on Steam - 2D Battle Royale - 2D Battle Royale

This game is a fantastic top-down battle-royale that is perfect for newer gamers or those who cant run games with higher graphic requirements. it’s simple to learn, and rewarding to play. The developers have been updating the game constantly, adding tons of free cosmetic skins and other game modes.

The problem is the hackers. This game is absolutely filled with hackers. Almost every game, there is probably a hacker playing. They don’t try to hide it, and with the games Spectator Mode, you can watch it all happen. Hard aim-locking is the most common one, and watching the recoil on high-spread weapons, or my personal favourite, the hard-lock melee attacks, really ruins the game. And its not a rare occurrence; it happens all the time in solo, duo, or group.

Real player with 265.2 hrs in game

This game has a serious problem with hackers and teamers.

I have been playing this game for at least 3-4 years now, and I remember when it was not filled to the brim with hackers and teamers that practically outnumber actual players. But now it’s often difficult to make it through early- and mid-game without being killed by one of the many hackers or by a bullet shower from a pair (or more!) of teamers. And if I do manage to not run into any players belonging to either of those two groups of degenerates, or if I manage to beat the odds and kill them, it is a near-certainty that they will be among the last players remaining in late-game, and I will likely lose to them then. It is very frustrating to spend lots of time playing a game and getting fairly decent at it, make it to the last 3 alive in a match after getting 10 kills (not a ton but a solid match for me at least) only to have the other two players just shoot at me and not at each other at all, killing me. Due to the fact that I encounter a hacker or teamers about every other match at least, and that I usually lose to them, I think I would get about 2X the number of matches where I survive into late game if it were not for the hackers and teamers. And upon making it to late game, I would be able to actually win a fair amount more as well, 25-50% (late game is going to accumulate the highest skilled players, making it more difficult than early and mid once hackers and teamers are out of the equation). While there are many actual legit players that are better than me which does not bother me, it does bother me that so many opportunities to win are stolen by illegitimate players. I would be able to greatly improve my late-game skills and strategy if the hackers and teamers were removed, because this would give me about twice the number of late-game matches.

Real player with 253.7 hrs in game - 2D Battle Royale on Steam

Super Mecha Champions

Super Mecha Champions

The Mecha BR game to play with your friends.


You will be matched against bots till you reach silver or above. The three bronze levels at the start are short but annoying.

I’ve been playing this game since about release for mobile (2019). Many things have changed for better and worse throughout the course of its lifespan. I personally don’t care for the account transfer of mobile to pc, so my review is not based on any decision Netease or the devs decided to take on previous PC accounts transfer or mobile to pc.

Real player with 1131.0 hrs in game

1st of all, The game is FAR from perfect, but it’s still one of the few games I play over more popular ones like Apex Legends or Warzone; though it’s probably mostly coz I’m a weeb.

What makes the game stand out are the mechs, each having unique designs and playing differently from each other.

No, you do not create your own mech; each mech is already designed, and has their own pilot, though you can choose any mech as any pilot and it won’t have any bonus outside of the pilot’s passive skills, which just so happen to fit their respective mech.

Real player with 269.3 hrs in game

Super Mecha Champions on Steam

Hunting fields of Jackals

Hunting fields of Jackals

This game has a lot of promise, yes it is littered with bugs and the controls are a bit awkward but i can see a lot of promise

The vehicles are good and the customization currently is good being able to load out with different weapons

One problem i have is fighting APC’s due too the bugs trying to hit a Stryker with a Rocket or Missle is really awkward and they hold the advantage

Graphics aren’t perfect but they are okay, i have encountered times where my frame rate tanks though

the gameplay has a long way to go however it does need a lot of stabilization and bug fixes At the current state i cannot recommend people buying it full price

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

In this video I take a look at Hunting fields of Jackals a military vehicle racing and fighting game. Single player or multiplayer.

This title is in Early Access. In it’s current state it glitched too many times and when it was working it was way too hard. The English translation is also very bad.

Watch the video to see what the game is like…..

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Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Hunting fields of Jackals on Steam



be a gamer

have gamer friend that makes a game

tells you to buy game


don’t know how to play, but hit the Play button anyways

get excited b/c this is gonna be good

screen goes dark

you’re in a carriage, hands tied up.

Skyrim logo appears

you did it again, Todd Howard

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Dungeonite on Steam