Starfighter General

Starfighter General

It cost $0.64

Real player with 44.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Battle Royale Flight Games.

If you like flying and blowing stuff up you’ll enjoy this game.

Real player with 13.6 hrs in game

Starfighter General on Steam

Human Madness

Human Madness

the game graphics are really great

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Battle Royale Dark Games.

The game is fun. The Graphics are nice. You can remap your keys and there are a lot of setting for the graphics. Just one question. where are the maps? I can only play one map, the tank map. In your game video it shows more than one map. There are some menu bugs. Also I find the run speed a little slow it would help to pick up the games pace if the run speed is faster. There is also too much recoil on the guns. But all and all the game is pretty good. I would recommend this game to others but not just yet. Hopefully these issues will be addressed. For the price it is worth it if it becomes more polished.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Human Madness on Steam

Hunter’s Arena: Legends

Hunter’s Arena: Legends

A bit of a hot take.

I’d say I gave this game more than a fair shake. I slogged through it as courtesy to a friend who gifted it to me.

I was lured in by the idea of this being a unique fighting game. The characters look cool, the fighting styles looked saucy, and the battle royale was just extra. When i got into it though, i found every encounter frustrating, win or lose.

My main gripe are the fights themselves, victors are decided by whoever rushes down 1st and simply guesses right. But that’s not all, the way the game tells you to block isn’t the correct way to defend, dodges do nothing, inputs seem to vanish into smoke, and your 1 functional escape skill can be easily activated on accident.

Real player with 172.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Battle Royale 3D Fighter Games.

Not sure what the negative reviews are about, Most people dont like to look at things in perspective. This is a new developer and this is their first game being put out, and with that being kept in mind the game is actually very good. but most importantly IT WORKS! I cant tell you how many multi billion dollar companies put out games that are poorly optimized garbage (blizzard).

This game does have its bugs obviously, but most are fairly rare. nothing that cant be patched out as long as people are reporting it. But i REALLY want to emphasize the optimization of the game. I experience zero lag, no rubber banding, no input lag, and no random disconnects. In terms of PvP combat, this game plays better in PvP than any other MMO that has mass PvP or open world PvP. This includes tera (especially tera), BDO, BnS, etc. There IS some quirkyness tho that happens when chasing and tagging a enemy down. Attacks from melee seem to hit when they shouldnt hit, but thats honestly the only weird thing ive noticed thus far and its not anything to rage about considering you can not flee from fights anyway since the opponent will eventually catch up to you through the wind current mechanic.

Real player with 151.6 hrs in game

Hunter's Arena: Legends on Steam

Shadow Arena

Shadow Arena

I’m Eiene, rank5 EU and previous rank1 EU in Solos & Teams during the Beta. The following review is going to be purely objective based on the CURRENT performance of the game. I had 100% winrate in Solo and close to 100% winrate in Teams (before what I will state later started happening)

The game has an absurd amount of potential, but it’s not polished enough to have been released in Early Access whatsoever. After a long period of Beta, it’s heart breaking and saddening that they haven’t fixed two of the biggest bugs in the game: the ridiculous amount of desync and the invisible glitch.

Real player with 143.0 hrs in game

My first review on Steam;

Shadow Arena - fast paced battle royal with RPG elements such as gear and skills.

Multiple different classes to play and hundreds, if not thousands of hours of fun.

Some sort of character progression that lasts between games, but it’s minor so it really doesn’t make or break the game.

If you like either the battle royal genre or Black Desert Online (BDO)-like games, you’d probably love this.

A lot of skills required to progress far in the ranked system and the game only gets more fun the more you play it. It’s kind of like BDO fighting system, except a lot more simplified. You have four skills connected to each character and two skills that is the same for all; one defensive and one “blink”.

Real player with 107.2 hrs in game

Shadow Arena on Steam

Royal Crown

Royal Crown

ITS RELEASE DAY. GIVE IT A GO. Seriously, just try at least. It’s a free, top-down, 2.5d battle royale with MOBA-like mechanics and characters, and character design reminiscent of Ragnarok Online. You can tailor your character’s build and pathing, there’s around 20 champs to try, one game lasts around 10 min. It’s cute, and easy to pick up. Population is low atm, but expect more at official launch (hopefully). If you tried before and left when they removed crafting, it’s mostly back but now a lot more like Black Survival.

Real player with 843.8 hrs in game

Ok I dont’t really write reviews too often but i feel like i need to for this game since i put so many hours into it, I used to play back in the days when it was early access like pretty pretty early on, i probably joined the game 1 month after it was put on steam, and by no means was the game that popular at that stage also, now the game is completely different then it used to be back when it first released, the game pretty much just stole everything from Eternal Return: black survival and put it into their game.

Real player with 534.5 hrs in game

Royal Crown on Steam

Seditionis Crutarch Royale

Seditionis Crutarch Royale

Seditionis Crutarch Royale is a new F2P Shooter on Steam. The game ‘stands out’ by having a relatively large amount of different game modes for a one person indie game. Crutarch Royale however is being hold back by its simple design and lackluster gameplay.

In its core Crutarch Royale is a simple asset shooter, that uses the same visual engine likes games like Fractal Fury do (that one at least stood out more through its endoskeletons). Visuals and gunplay are therefore pretty simple.

The biggest problem for me is the discouraging gameplay. Movement without sprinting feels ultra slow and jumps are simply not high enough in the game. Your character can seriously not jump higher than around 20 cms, which makes it pretty pointless. At least there is not stamina system, which means you can indefinitely run. That makes the movement at least okay. What is however less than average is the gunplay. Most weapons have small recoil, which I can live with. The TTK however is way too high in this game and makes every player into a bulletsponge. You have to pretty much always shoot a full clip into enemies, which just feels way too long. It is a little bit faster through headshots, but players can still take a couple before they go down. This TTK just feels wrong.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game


Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Seditionis Crutarch Royale on Steam



This game is extremely good, but the business model is extremely disappointing. The problem is that the server increases in difficulty every 2 months (55 days per invasion season). What this means is that while you may make effort to raise your character’s rank/level, the monsters you will be fighting against get raised by 10 ranks every season.

This means that if you do not raise your character’s rank, eventually the monsters will out-level you and you will struggle to be able to beat them. Name any other mmo or rpg where the world around you gets constantly more difficult; effectively making your character get weaker over time. This is a situation the player can find themselves in if they ever choose to take a break from the game, after playing it seriously every day for a year, for example. Yes, eventually you will be too weak to fight anything and make any progress, if you dare to take a break from the game.

Real player with 2112.7 hrs in game

Review were re-written according to current game state:

OK, let me get this straight. This is a good and fun to play game… for a while. Then you start noticing artificial progress stoppers and limits. I’ve started playing it about a year ago for the first time and when I finished main quest line I end up with all green (lowest quality) items which can not be upgraded and no way to progress since nobody wanted to take me for a ride into dungeons which were all at least half a hundred ranks above me. And without such a ride there were (and, actually, still no) way to progress any further. Since then the game changed quite a lot in the way it handles item stats and your damage output, but at least online improved as it seems. I did manage to find myself a good pantheon (guild) and people often start free rides into low-mid level dungeons available nowadays. It’s quite easy to break past low-rank limbo now. So, if you starting from scratch, just make sure you get past the main quest line and become a junior god. Theoretically, your level should be decent enough to be carried through mid-level dungeons and start replacing your gear with blue and purple items and upgrading them. Also, beside dungeons there is PVP in which you can participate during so-called happy hours during which no matter win you or loose you’ll get a box with good gear or temporary legendary weapon or artifact. So, look into this as well even though PVP here is completely imbalanced and pure cancer. I’d recommend to avoid 5v5 matches as plage since they provide the same prize as 3v3, but usually take 15-30 minutes to finish because it’s MOBA-alike mode. Do them only if they pop-up in your directives and provide a good prize there. And yes, do the directives. They give items which will help you get quite a lot of might from your capital buildings (very good for Stronghold, Tower of Knowledge and better than nothing for Cathedral).

Real player with 447.8 hrs in game

Skyforge on Steam

Super Mecha Champions

Super Mecha Champions

The Mecha BR game to play with your friends.


You will be matched against bots till you reach silver or above. The three bronze levels at the start are short but annoying.

I’ve been playing this game since about release for mobile (2019). Many things have changed for better and worse throughout the course of its lifespan. I personally don’t care for the account transfer of mobile to pc, so my review is not based on any decision Netease or the devs decided to take on previous PC accounts transfer or mobile to pc.

Real player with 1131.0 hrs in game

1st of all, The game is FAR from perfect, but it’s still one of the few games I play over more popular ones like Apex Legends or Warzone; though it’s probably mostly coz I’m a weeb.

What makes the game stand out are the mechs, each having unique designs and playing differently from each other.

No, you do not create your own mech; each mech is already designed, and has their own pilot, though you can choose any mech as any pilot and it won’t have any bonus outside of the pilot’s passive skills, which just so happen to fit their respective mech.

Real player with 269.3 hrs in game

Super Mecha Champions on Steam

Hashiriya Drifter-Online Drift Racing Multiplayer (DRIFT/DRAG/RACING)

Hashiriya Drifter-Online Drift Racing Multiplayer (DRIFT/DRAG/RACING)

Absolutely love this game and its community. Only downside is that the concept is good, but the actual development is iffy.

Controller support (Xbox One controller anyway) is currently semi-support; there’s no way to change binds and the default key binds make no sense whatsoever.

As a mobile port, this game needs better graphics, more detailed interiors, genuine controller and wheel support.

I see this game to have a good future, but it needs some work.


It now has full controller support but no wheel support. Game is addictive and enjoyable!

Real player with 142.3 hrs in game

I’ve played Hashiriya Drifter for 2 years(probably started 2.5 years ago but i had to stop playing in between) and while it has been infested on mobile. the PC version is great! i don’t know why its mixed but it feels like this is a completely new game. The AI is solid but i wont hit you, it flies over you. grinding is WAY easier since campaign exists and its very addictive for me :D (way more points why its good but i’m to lazy to write em)

Real player with 107.6 hrs in game

Hashiriya Drifter-Online Drift Racing Multiplayer (DRIFT/DRAG/RACING) on Steam

Fear Surrounds

Fear Surrounds

Very fun, but if you’re an English player, use your phone for Google Translate, because global servers are empty. Only Chinese players are on the game. Even with the language barrier, this is a fun game which is always suspenseful but fun. I wish there was a better English tutorial because I am clueless about the rules of the game.

The graphics are outdated, but they work very well. I prefer them being low quality. It adds that 2000s PS1/PS2 horror feel to it. The only thing I dislike is the blinding whiteness when you look at another player with a flashlight, and the goofy animations. Other than that, this game is well worth the price and I encourage anyone to try it.

Real player with 23.1 hrs in game

so far for most of my play time is finding a match and when I do the time it takes for people to talk for 2 minutes or 120 seconds is long and I think I get the idea of why but feels like you might as well leave to do something especially on your phone. I think of games like among us with how it is not that long since if you have 13 players you will be waiting until 26 mins (2 minutes for each player to speak) to vote. So far after this I can’t seem to find any matches for global and only on arena and when I try to find a match people just level requirement to join. So far from my experience I can’t recommend this game even through it didn’t cost much to buy. Something needs to be done to encourage more player growth I am not sure what they can do. but I do see potential for this game. just doesn’t seem to be doing that well where I can recommend anyone playing this game. After playing more I got kicked out of a match that is not good for a only multiplayer anyone who has played rainbow six siege back during the vote to kick wars know this is not a good idea since out group and in groups occur and people can ruin a match the fun for you when especially your in church in the game. I can only play in foreign lobby so I can not participate in discussion during the church due to language barrier. This is not fun and good for foreigners or anyone trying to play the game neither is recommonding discord a solution since I can’t get successful for it on another game.

Real player with 12.2 hrs in game

Fear Surrounds on Steam