Holy sht this game is fun. During a clash, You breath, you lose. Each weapon and each hero have counters either trough positioning/witty timings/picking or utilizing other weapons.

Do not believe to what people say that X is broken/OP. Everything have a workaround specially if your’e skilled on wits and proper positioning. You panic, you lose. Do not panic. I cant count how many times i managed to turn the tables on a fight and it felt so satisfying.


1. Unlimited combo possibilities to the point you get your own combo personality

Real player with 439.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Battle Royale Multiplayer Games.

great game.

i would prefer if everyone would deal a bit less damage to make the fights last longer…

Espacially a few weapons. But the new duo mode feels way better than trios. You can fight 2 people but 3 was just to hard in my opinion.

I played the game for over 200h now and i don’t understand why people say the queue times are long. A few seconds up to a few minutes if it’s early in the morning or late at night.

And why are people complaining about asian players in the reviews? It’s literary almost the same as playing agains people from EU or NA.

Real player with 201.5 hrs in game


Russian Drunken Boxers

Russian Drunken Boxers

A funny game, I was very pleased that you can play with a friend :)

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Battle Royale 3D Fighter Games.

this game is insanely fun!

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Russian Drunken Boxers on Steam

武侠乂 The Swordsmen X

武侠乂 The Swordsmen X


Absolutly garbage combat system. when you swing your sword it feels good but movement is sluggish, clunky, and frustrating. Fast weapons dominate because smamming guard break and then mashing mouse1 is the best way to play. when you actually see an ememy they will just back off and heal non stop while you are stuck in their “combat mode” walking towards them at the speed of a snail. also you can move while healing so they just back off and walk backwards while healing. You can spend all your stamina to dash to them but then they just stun lock you and laugh. think of all the worst parts about darksouls combat rolled into one without any of its smooth and effective style. whoever made this has no fucking clue what they are doing.

Real player with 21.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Battle Royale Massively Multiplayer Games.

Okay, so it’s early days for this game but I think it shows incredible promise.

What I like:

  • The graphics. They’re gorgeous!

  • The theme and setting. Martial arts Kung Fu and weapons in ancient China. Fantastic!

  • The way you learn and customise your own martial art style as you play the game. I really think that this is a brilliant system than works very well in tangent with the setting.

What needs to be improved:

  • The servers. The game needs EU servers, which it currently lacks. The US servers don’t seem to work. One’s only option at the present time is to play on the China servers, which results in often crippling lag that can make the combat unresponsive and inaccurate.

Real player with 20.4 hrs in game

武侠乂 The Swordsmen X on Steam

九劫曲:诅咒之地 NINE TRIALS

九劫曲:诅咒之地 NINE TRIALS

The game closed all their servers… do not buy. :/


The US Server is currently online so we can actually play again ! Thank GOD… I can now officially recommend this game to friends especially now that it is free there is a no risk factor with playing the game. If anyone would like to join up with my discord server and I, please feel free to hop in so we can all play together because I truly do Love this game, it was just going through a rough period.


Real player with 220.4 hrs in game

(Updated 01/29/29) As of right now the American server is unplayable for rewards and progression tracking and due to this I no longer recommend the game in its current state, won’t be pouring time into a game that offers Zero rewards or progress and has no tracking of said stats on American servers. Have been playing 1 match a day, but will stop until I see patch notes.

(UPDATED 01/22/2020) American Servers are Live!

Honestly this game has been such a fun time for the few hours I’ve played. The combat is surprisingly good for an early access game and the graphics aren’t that terrible either, obviously theres a lot that can be worked on, but this is everything that I’ve wanted from an “anime” like fighting style game, the free roam the BR offers and Last man standing wins. Would love to see Trios and Squads added, an American server, because yes the lag can be terrible, but me and a few friends have had tons of fun. I do think the penalty system should be changed to X amount of time before a new person can attack someone, because there’s a lot of people who run away and I’ve gotten the penalty system for fighting in a 1 v 1 v 1 so that’s really lame I feel like. Besides that this is a fun game for what it is and I plan to spend many hours in it, but would love to support with $ if a US server or even European server came out, but as it is now I wouldn’t spend money with poorly translated information and no info I can really find from the devs that entail their plans for the game. Will update accordingly to games progress and re review after more hours in.

Real player with 17.6 hrs in game

九劫曲:诅咒之地 NINE TRIALS on Steam

Battle Brigade

Battle Brigade

Battle Brigade is fast-paced 3D fighting game, produced by Wildcard Entertainment, featuring stunning graphics and multi-tiered stages that create a truly entertaining competitive experience. Experience the intensity of head-to-head battle with Battle Brigade! Choose from 8 iconic characters and multiple 3D locations then battle against friends with a robust variety of match options.

Play for fun in Casual Matches or invite friends into a Battle Lounge and see who comes out on top! PC and and MAC OS players can also play against each other thanks to cross-play compatibility!

Battle Brigade on Steam

Bounty Battle

Bounty Battle

After a few post-release patches, Bounty Battle is now playing smoothly. It aims for Smash Bros' simplicity: normal attacks are varied by holding a direction with a button press, special attacks function the same way, and that’s it. No combos, no counters, and no secret special moves. The problem is the game couldn’t stop itself there. The additional systems are all certainly well-meaning: an energy cost for special attacks to encourage mixing in normal ones, spamming punishments to discourage button mashers, and a bounty system to keep the pressure on whoever is doing the best. Sadly the latter, which the game takes its name from, makes the best case for why these extra systems are superfluous.

Real player with 30.4 hrs in game

I’ve put almost 10 hours into the game which I feel is enough to write a review fairly. So first off yes there is a lot of issues that need to be addressed (the discussions says it all) But! that doesn’t mean the game isn’t fun. I was able to look the other way with all the issues and actually enjoy the game fully and I have to say it’s actually good! A lot of people may not agree with me but i’m not here to argue i’m here to say that this game does have a lot of potential and even though it got released with high expectations for a lot of gamer’s and was not delivered at launch does not mean you should look the other away and ignore this game. I realize that the developers are a small crew and that it will take time to address all the known issues but for the mean time I support this game fully. I’ve enjoyed the content it has at the moment and I am happy I purchased this on day one, this way I can see the game grow and evolve into something even more amazing then it already is! If your hesitant on purchasing the game definitely wish list it and keep an eye out for upcoming updates otherwise I recommend it. Be patient as in time the game will slowly become what everyone wanted.

Real player with 15.1 hrs in game

Bounty Battle on Steam

Battle of Hunters : Beast Zone

Battle of Hunters : Beast Zone

This game is amazing and perfect! I ended up buying 8 copies for my friends. I would have bought more if I had more friends to buy it for. The game is addicting which is nice because it helped my get over my crippling h*roin addiction and my crippling porn addiction. My life has really turned around. I’ve gotten a girlfriend, gotten accepted into MIT, and I even won the lottery. All thanks to this game. I owe my life to the creator. Thank you.

Real player with 108.7 hrs in game

i have bought over 50 copies of this game.

this game saved mine, and everyone it bought it for, lives.

we were all hopelessly addicted to pornography.

we would sit in calls for hours watching porn trying to find that high that we all sought.

we tried straight, gay, lesbian, furry, midget, trap, scat, golden shower, feet, hentai, and anything else we could find.

It was a sad life and we couldn’t escape.

that was until we found this game.

as soon as i started playing it i was hooked.

i didn’t join our calls to look for pornography anymore i was free.

Real player with 19.9 hrs in game

Battle of Hunters : Beast Zone on Steam

Circle of Sumo: Online Rumble!

Circle of Sumo: Online Rumble!

In short it’s really fun!

The controls are simple yet complex at the same time due to many strategies you can apply against your opponent/opponents. It reminds me a little bit of Mound and Blade multiplayer in that sense.

The game also has a simple yet imersing ranking system which adds to a competitive aspect to the game.

Also as a sidenote developers seem like really nice people from what I’ve seen on their discord.

Real player with 37.4 hrs in game

A super-fun multiplayer game, easy to learn but more tactical than it seems at a first glance. E.g. positioning is crucial (especially in FFA) and sometimes you can get away with a win even not touching anyone :D

You know a multiplayer game is good when you can see different players employing different tactics in order to be the last wrestler standing.

BY ALL MEANS at least try the free version: even that ensures hours of fun!

Netcode looked solid to me. Animations are very good and the action is always clear to follow (albeith a bit chaotic in FFA).

Real player with 31.7 hrs in game

Circle of Sumo: Online Rumble! on Steam

Mad Streets

Mad Streets

Welcome to Gutsford University! Home of some of the toughest students in town. Will it be the Jocks or the Punks who run the town? Or perhaps the privileged Rich kids? Choose your fighter and settle some scores in this unique feeling physics party game!

Mad Streets is a hilarious, physics based, beat-em-up party game that lets you pick a side, and brawl it out alone or with up to four friends local or online. Online mode is dedicated to run random and rumble modes and is purely based on the hosts internet connection. We advise players who want to play with friends and enjoy a more open experience to use steams Remote play feature or Parsec!

The pick-up-and-play nature of Mad Streets is perfect for when you’re looking for a bit of instant fun, making it a perfect party game to settle some scores.

Hilarious Physics Based Combat

Target specific areas of the body, experiment with silly button combo attacks; and even throw out your ultimate special moves to become the champion!


  • Mad Rush Mode - Build a team and run through a series of fights and objectives where you can unlock each faction’s story. In solo mode, recruit 3 AI companions to Mad Rush your way to the top.

  • Random Matches - Similar to Mad Rush, but without the story based elements, Random Mode mixes straight up fighting, with its own lightning fast, unique objectives. Simply, the first to 5 points- wins!

  • Rumble Mode - Simple versus tournament mode with no objectives, playing through Rumble mode unlocks new characters and locations.

  • ONE PUUUUUNCH - Exactly what it sounds like! One punch, one winner.

  • Enter the Stadium - A collection of all the different game objectives and special fights, allowing you to settle the score on any objectives you didn’t succeed in.

  • Smash and grab - Pick up and throw anything you can see.If you can lift it, you can throw it! Throw bins, cans, trays… even your friends!

  • Grab your fists and your friends! - You and up to four other players can compete head on in brawls, or join forces to complete team based objectives. Customise your matches by choosing how the match is judged, pick the location, or even include a referee to judge the bout.

Mad Streets on Steam