NBA 2K21

NBA 2K21

The hands down worst game series is back with another carbon copy of its predecessor. I could just copy-paste my NBA 2k20 review, but that would be hypocritical.

I remember listing the recurring bugs and the most glaring defects in my early reviews. Perhaps the most annoying, recurring, bug is the automatic playcalling bug: There’s a switch in the options to toggle the playcalling from automatic to manual. The switch doesn’t work, still. An ongoing bug for some five years now. I’ve personally reported this bug for countless of times directly to the 2k “support”, with the same answer: It will be repaired in the next “version” of the “game”. If these are just yearly versions of the game, why do we pay 60 € for it? The number one disgusting “feature” of the game is the so-called personal power field: The basketball players on the court cannot really collide with their bodies, ever. There’s an invisible power field surrounding every player, which prevents collisions. And it prevents the realism of physics happening, unfortunately as well. Some old basketball computer games around 15 years ago displayed this horrendous feature. It was quickly removed. Until 2k games wanted to ruin the only NBA game franchise for PC for several years with that retarded feature. These are just examples, to give you an idea how low the standards are in every step of the production chain. Just to add a few…the pick’n’roll ball defender still tries to go under the screen, all these years after Steph Curry changed the league; You, or any of your teammates, are unable to tip the ball to the hoop off a rebound, only CPU’s team can; The animation gaps between you actually being able to control your player are so long. The list goes on and on. I don’t think one, single, area of this game is well, or even fairly produced. Every facet of the game is a fail.

Real player with 1108.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Basketball Character Customization Games.

It would honestly be fair to call 2K an evil company at this point. There are only two options; either the company is staffed solely by incompetent developers who are incapable of creating a functioning game OR, much more likely, they knowingly, annually, decide to tighten the screws of their monopoly around the heads of literally millions of kids who shell out billions of dollars in revenue to this company every year.

We can talk about rampant cheating, abysmal AI, or the horrific optimization that is sure to make even a beginer-level programmer cry himself to sleep. I, however, think it is much more interesting to talk about the scam itself: to purposefully make the game unbearable throughout every facet of its gameplay. The sheer malignance of such behavor is difficult to understand for normal people, but here it is important to understand how financial incentives choke the life out of every argument for game improvements that is not bounded in optimizing the “revenue stream.”

Real player with 278.2 hrs in game

NBA 2K21 on Steam



JAM GODS is an immersive extreme basketball experience. Become a basketball phenom that can drain deep threes and dunk from anywhere, all in VR or desktop! Single player campaign, local multiplayer, and full online support coming soon… it’s time to become a JAM GOD!

Read More: Best Basketball Asymmetric VR Games.

JAM GODS on Steam

Swing Dunk

Swing Dunk

after recent updates, the game is very fun to play with friends, it used to be sluggish and slow but now I like the pacing. Game becomes very frantic against good players

game has a learning curve but after mastering it u can throw alley oops and shit like that, it becomes addicting.

Only downside at the moment I see is lack of playerbase (the expert ai is pretty good) and the lack of modes, which I see that they are planning on adding

Real player with 62.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Basketball Action Games.

We must have in mind that this game is still in development and receiving updates. The game itself is easy to play but kinda hard to master, it requires a lot of teamwork in order to win matches. The AI difficulty is hard for those who doesn’t know how to play and that may be the reason they give up after only 2 matches. But it isn’t something I would complain, the AI difficulty is okay for me and I think they should be even harder so the matches get a little more competitive. Overall view: The game is really nice and it is very enjoyable, if you like real basketball you’ll love that you’re able to throw alley oops, dunks and trickshots. Can’t wait for the next updates.

Real player with 39.9 hrs in game

Swing Dunk on Steam

Toilet paper wants to be a basketball

Toilet paper wants to be a basketball

my favorite game

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Toilet paper wants to be a basketball on Steam

Unconventional Ragdoll Game

Unconventional Ragdoll Game

Do you enjoy misery and do you love rage games?

Life going a bit too well and want to make a change?

Unconventional Ragdoll Game is guaranteed to make you want to throw your laptop out of the window. Enjoy this one in a lifetime experience with a game with the worst controls known to man and try to do very menial tasks like throwing out the trash, playing basketball and battling in a king of the hill style gladiator arena with amazing difficulty!

Even the tutorial is hard!


About this Game:

Unconventional Ragdoll Game is a hilarious light hearted physics based puzzle platformer where players try to solve level after level with different colourful environments.

The way players have to control the game is by control each limb separately using buttons on the keyboard and mouse which makes even simple tasks like opening a door a challenge :)

Unconventional Ragdoll Game on Steam



Tons of fun, highly competitive, well made awesome to make some extremely cool team play goals. A bit of a learning curve but so isnt many other competitve games. The dev is awesome and so are the other players. 10/10 Was COMPLETELY worth my money! Please give it a try it is a ton of fun!

Real player with 19.2 hrs in game

So keep in mind that this game is in Alpha. And it will stay in Alpha for about another 6-9 months from what I heard. So far I have played a few hours and I have some honest reviews and predictions for this game.

Current State: The UI is simple and easy to navigate. Character customization in minimal but keep in mind its early and the developers are working night and day to make this game perfect. Maps are basic and textures are a little bland (keep in mind the engine that this game is running on allows for so much room for improvement (think rocketleague looks, then transport them here). On screen displays, such as goals, points, and descriptions of what is going on are super basic but get the point accross for now. Some textures are placeholders, for example 2 of the guns are not finsihed yet and have a chrome look place holder. The audio in the game has room to improve as well, Some sounds in the game could be improved such as music, (or lack there of) there isnt alot of background noise, there is some fan cheers in the background ,sometimes, which is a nice touch, but if they can add more things like that it would be a huge improvement. This might sound like a lot but trust me there is so much potenital in this game.

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Jetball on Steam



This game sucks so much. I got diarrhea all night long after playin' this.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

It feel like I got rape and didn’t realized it until the game is over.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Snowboard on Steam



If you are a fan of games such as Rocket League and enjoy FPS games (you don’t specifically have to enjoy FPS games) I can recommend you giving this a try.

Before jumping into public games I recommend joining the discord of the game you can find this link at the bottom of the main menu of the game. There is a Tutorials section that contains guides from experienced players in the game that will teach you things that the tutorial doesn’t get to yet.

Doing the tutorial is also a recommendation but you could encounter a “bug” that isn’t actually a bug.

Real player with 329.1 hrs in game


Oh boy where do I begin here, I’ve been in the arena since the early days of development so I’ve gotta admit I’m a bit biased towards the concept of the game. Given that, it has a high replay-ability and it keeps me coming back to be the best player I can be in the earliest stages of what I see to be a great future competitive eSport. As a person who frequents FPS games like Valorant, CS:GO, Apex and Rocket League, I find this to be of the same repeat-ability and enjoyment to just hop in a game for both fun and competitive play styles. Sure there may be some bugs here and there, but that’s what being a part of the Early Access is for. We’ve gotta smooth out the experience for others to enjoy the underlying game we all love and know can be successful. At this point, I as well as many others are committed to bringing you the best enjoyment out of this game as humanly possible. So join a server and come along for the ride. As for the Dev team, you know I love you guys and I’ll never stop coming back to Protoball, we’re in it for the long haul!

Real player with 205.8 hrs in game

Protoball on Steam