NBA 2K20

NBA 2K20

This is not a gameplay review. I’m gonna try to be as brief as possible.I am a LONG time basketball game player, actually since these things exist. I’ve seen everything. Yet, i’ve never seen anything like Nba 2k. On one hand you’ve got a solid base game with an enormous amount of content and potential. The gameplay is actually the most solid it’s been in years, even the story in my career is by far the least cringey i’ve ever seen. The graphics could though really use a new engine, as this one’s been showing signs of old age for quite some time. But on the other hand, you’ve got a publisher who literally doesn’t give a single f$%### about the users. The game is riddled with bugs that have been there for years and haven’t gotten addressed, they’re still the single most greedy gaming publisher in the world with the pay to play mechanics of the Virtual currency, but THE ABSOLUTELY WORST part of it all….

Real player with 1083.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Basketball Multiplayer Games.

Fuck this game. Don’t give 2K your money until they learn to respect their customers.

1. The servers suck. Not only is it hard to sometimes find other players, but even when you do connect the delay is very noticeable, and in a game where timing is key, it makes it unplayable at times.

2. Matchmaking is bad. You either play against someone who’ll mercilessly crush you, or someone who just booted up the game for the first time. It’s rare when you’ll actually compete with someone at your level.

Real player with 739.6 hrs in game

NBA 2K20 on Steam

NBA 2K19

NBA 2K19

  • Tear Dropper is hands down the most useless badge in the game

  • Light contested layups are going in at a better rate than open layups

  • Your chances of hitting shots increase as you move further away from the rim

  • Players are being heavily penalized for not being able to time millisecond timing windows on inside shots with multiple animations that trigger randomly

  • Midrange jumpers having a lower timing window than 3pt jumpers

  • The most valuable shot in the game is the most reliable shot, the quickest field goal attempt, and the shot that requires the least amount of space to get off (3ball)

Real player with 1507.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Basketball Multiplayer Games.

Update: after a bazillion hours in on this game (where I only care about MyCareer mode - looking for some escapist fun) I get my player to level 90. I have maxed out the mid-range dead eye badge and for mysterious reasons, the game now tanks my player performance across the board. It played more fun as a 70 ovr player. I had games scoring 20-30 points with a handsome amount of assists and rebounds but now I can’t sink any shots, no matter how good my look or how full my shot meter. In-game, it never gives me green but I still manage to fill the shot meter damn near perfectly. And even with a character whose supposed to be about as deadly a mid-range shooter as ever existed … I get abso-frickin-lutely nothing. I have never been so angry at a video game as when it turned on me like this. Don’t buy this thing if you thought you’d have fun with MyCareer. It is just awful.

Real player with 779.1 hrs in game

NBA 2K19 on Steam

Basketball Hoop

Basketball Hoop

basket ball hoop

(note the space between basket and ball)

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Basketball Atmospheric Games.

Original game, and not very difficult, good graphics!

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Basketball Hoop on Steam

NBA 2K18

NBA 2K18

GREEDY GREEDY GREEDY. Look it’s a great game if you buy VC points, but if you don’t it’s an horrible experience. Grinding and Grinding away for 200-400 games just to get your character to 80-85. If I were God, I would send these GREEDY GREEDY GREEDY makers of this game to hell. Seriously, they think this is good business? To offer you a game for $59.99 and then heavily provoke you to spend at least $10-20 more just to make the gameplay bearable? Why not just sell the game at one price of $70 then? Why make it unfair for people who’s got less money. The gameplay in My Career was so horrible that you miss shots even when the shot feedback says “Good”. I miss almost 50% of my shots that say “Good”. Even FT’s, I see “Good” release all the time, but nope ball hardly goes in. The game frustrates you to the point where you’re just barely missing open “Good” shots because the game is forcing you to miss. I get it the AI has stepped up and they play better defense, that’s great. This is the first 2K where this is so obvious. 17 was not like this, if you had your release down and on point, you will not be forced to miss just because your shot rating is 75. How many times do you guys see the ball go in and out of the hoop? Like what kind of physics is that? Greedy Money Hungry Going to Hell developer physics. Seriously, I think these guys are going to hell for this game. Anyone who had a part in forcing you to buy VC is going to hell. You can’t even spend $10, and be decent, you will still suck. You must spend at least $20 and spend it all on stats. Not to mention the clothes you buy is now seperated from NBA and Park Mode. So you have to buy things twice, and spend up your VC twice as fast. GREEDY, GREEDY, GREEDY. You can’t even keep your hairstyles, you have to keep buying them everytime. They lowered the price now because they probably saw people not buying alot of things, but still, you dont get to keep it. So they still win and force you to keep buying. 2K stop spending your money on pointless characters like Justice, and Shammy Chuck all day Wells. He’s a horrible basketball player and takes horrible shots which makes your team suck. They do so many things to hold you back so you think about buying VC. Every single part of this game from My Career to My Team is a GREEDY GREEDY GREEDY effort from 2K to force you to spend more money. What about the young children, that just want to play a good basketball game? What about that kid that lives in the middle of nowhere with no internet? What about the kid that asked his parents to buy this game for months just to find out that he will have to use a horrible character or ask his parents for more money? It seriously ruins your experience finding out how GREEDY they are. Seriously, if 2K developers are taking all this money from us, what are they doing with it? Make a small town? GTA V has a much bigger open world then NBA’s small town and its only $59.99 from day one. Never had to pay any additional cost for points just to make the game playable. Ofcourse you have to grind to get more stuff in their game as well, but you don’t get the feeling that they’re making it hard for you. You know that they’ll provide ways for you to earn more money via the game fairly. But Nope, not 2k. Small open world (not even sure if I should call it open world) town. Horrible supporting characters/actors. Who the hell is in charge of where you guys are allocating your money? All the money we give you just for this? A small neighborhood with restrictions in every store. Oh your charcater is 65? well then you can’t buy almost anything. Oh you get a Jordan Sponsor but can’t even attain 90% of the shoes available just because your character sucks. Wow and you guys call this a Simulation? Cause in REAL LIFE, BASKETBALL PLAYERS CAN BUY ANY PAIR OF SNEAKERS, ANY HAIRCUT, AND PIECE OF CLOTHING WHENEVER THEY FEEL LIKE IF WHETHER THEY SUCK OR NOT. YOU CALL THIS A BASKETBALL SIMULATION? WHO THE HELL IS SHAMMY WELLS, HE’S NOT REAL? WHY WOULD YOU PAY MONEY FOR AN HORRIBLE SUPPORTING ACTOR WHEN YOU CAN SPEND IT ON IMPROVING ELEMENTS OF THE GAME. ALL SHAMMY WELLS DOES IS CHUCK UP SHOTS AND TALK NONSENSE. All these added characters but the same problematic gameplay. Fouls where your player doesnt even touch the guy. All that money you guys cant even get the physics of player contact right. Practice drills where the rebounder can’t get the ball , glitches out and you have to cancel the drill and miss out on the points. Why not fix these issues? Why not fix the dull ass crowd? Why can’t I skip scenes? Why force someone to watch your dull storyline? No twists, no turns. Boring as ever. Look it’s cool you added a small little town, which could be much bigger with more mini games that real nba players actually do. Like the fishing with PG13, Why not add a small lake and let us play mini games so we get more for our money? AGAIN, WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THE MONEY YOU ARE MAKING OFF OF US? WHAT ARE WE GETTING BACK FOR OUR $59.99? GAMES LIKE GTA HAS GIVEN US MORE AND MORE UPDATES EVERY FEW MONTHS, WHAT ABOUT YOU 2K? JUST TAKE OUR MONEY AND HOPE WE BUY THE NEXT GAME? WHERE ARE THE UPDATES, WHERE ARE THE EXPANSIONS? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS DOING OVER THERE? I COULD GO ON AND ON ABOUT YOUR GREEDY WAYS. BUT YOU GET MY POINT. FROM A NBA 2K DREAMCAST PLAYER TIL NOW, YOU ARE ABOUT TO LOSE A TON OF CUSTOMERS BECAUSE OF YOUR GREED. TREATING PEOPLE LIKE THEY’RE STUPID, ITS AN INSULT. YOU GUYS ARE INSULTING OUR INTELLIGENECE BY SELLING US A GAME FOR $59.99 THINKING ITS COMPLETE JUST TO FIND OUT YOU HAVE TO PAY EVEN MORE JUST FOR THE GAME TO BE DECENT. SERIOUSLY? YOU JUST TREAT US LIKE WE’RE ALL MORONS WHO WILL PAY NO MATTER WHAT? THAT’S WHAT IT FEELS LIKE WHEN YOU GUYS MAKE US SPEND TONS OF VC JUST FOR A SNEAKER OR HAIRCUT. IF I MAKE 750 VC A GAME RIGHT, WHY ARE SNEAKERS 2000? IS THAT REALISTIC? NBA SUPERSTARS MAKE 300K A GAME, SNEAKERS IN REAL LIFE ARE $200-$500. DO THE MATH, DOES THAT MAKE SENSE TO YOU GUYS? WHY ARE YOU GUYS SO BLATANTLY GREEDY? IF YOU’RE GONNA OFFER ME HALF A GAME FOR $59.99 WHY NOT TELL ME UPFRONT? OR WHY NOT JUST CHARGE $70 TO EVERYONE? WHY MAKE RICH KIDS WHO COULD CARELESS ABOUT $20-$50 HAVE AN ADVANTAGE? LIFE’S IS OFCOURSE NOT FAIR, BUT YOU WOULD THINK YOU COULD TRY RIGHT? TRY TO GIVE EVERYONE A FAIR ADVANTAGE. WHEN MY SHOT FEEDBACK SAYS GOOD I WANT MY SHOT TO GO IN 85% OF THE TIME, NOT MISS 50% OF THE TIME. IT’S STUPID, WHY SAY THE RELEASE IS GOOD THEN? IS YOUR GAME BROKEN? DID YOU SELL US A BROKEN GAME? YOU SEE WHAT YOUR GREEDINESS LEADS TO? DO YOU SEE? MAKE IT FAIR FOR EVERYONE, NO MATTER WHAT FINANCIAL SITUATION, NO MATTER WHAT AGE. YOU THINK THAT LITTLE BOY FROM A SMALL TOWN IN A THIRD WORLD COUNTRY IS NOT DISSAPOINTED AFTER PAYING $59.99 AND REALIZING HIS CHARACTER IS NOT ONLY TRASH, HE HAS TO GRIND OVER 200 GAMES JUST TO GET A DECENT CHARACTER, AND THE GAME WORKS AGAINST HIS SHOTS SO IT SEEMS LIKE HE SUCKS TO PROVOKE HIM TO BUY VC? YOU DEVELOPERS AREN’T JUST DEVELOPERS, YOU’RE THIEFS, CROOKS AND HORRIBLE PEOPLE WHO ARE GOING TO GO TO HELL IF YOU CONTINUE THIS ROUTE. ITS THE THINGS THAT AREN’T SAID THAT MAKE YOU LIARS. SHOWING A GREAT OPEN TOWN FULL OF FEATURES, BUT WHEN YOU BUY THE GAME, OH..CANT USE THOSE FEATURES YET FOR ANOTHER 300 GAMES UNLESS YOU PAY $20. WHY NOT TELL US THAT UPFRONT? SERIOUSLY, NBA LIVE HAS BEEN CATCHING UP, YOU GREEDY GUTLESS HORRIBLE EXCUSES FOR A HUMAN BEING WILL NOT BE AROUND FOR LONG IF YOU KEEP THIS UP. BE TRANSPARENT, OFFER WHAT YOU SHOW FOR THE PRICE YOU’RE SHOWING. MAKE THE GAME FAIR FOR EVERYONE REGARDLESS OF SOCIAL AND FINANCIAL STATUS. DO GOOD BUSINESS. YOU GUYS THINK THAT YOU’LL CONTINUE TO GET CUSTOMERS IF YOU CONTINUE TO PUT OUT YOUR GAMES LIKE THIS? YOU MIGHT BE ABLE TO FOOL PEOPLE A FEW TIMES, BUT THEY WILL EVENTUALLY NOT COME BACK AND YOUR BRAND WILL GO CRASHING. DO THE RIGHT THING. RIGHT NOW THIS GAME IS A RIP OFF. YOU HAVE LOST MY TRUST. YOU CATCH MORE BEES WITH HONEY FOOLS.

Real player with 2028.5 hrs in game

Even though the gameplay itself is great, this game took a huge downfall from last year(s). The neighborhood is a great idea but it’s missing a lot of things. A day-night cycle would’ve made it look so much more alive, it’s like just 3 streets and a park.. it gets boring very very quickly.

It’s obvious that the game was set up in a way so that players are “forced” to buy more in game currency, unless they want to spend many many MANY hours of gameplay. Player upgrades, clothes, accessories, animations, tattoos.. EVERYTHING costs a stupid amount of money, they removed the ability to review a new hairstyle on your character, so the only way to actually look at the hairstyle on your character, you have to buy it.. And if you don’t like it, you can just buy another one.

Real player with 967.8 hrs in game

NBA 2K18 on Steam

PBA Basketball Slam: Arcade Edition

PBA Basketball Slam: Arcade Edition

I’ve been playing PBA Basketball for a few hours now and I’m still hoping to unlock the campaign element to this game. I also don’t know much about PBA, but I love that it’s like NBA Jam. I wish there were more scenes to go to, more players and other options other than just Quick Match. It got old really fast. Hopefully there will be an update to this and I can give it a better review. However, I do recommend it. But I would recommend it more if I could do more things.

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Same shit as the mobile version. But they did literally nothing to the game. Balance doesn’t make sense either.

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

PBA Basketball Slam: Arcade Edition on Steam

Draft Day Sports: College Basketball 2021

Draft Day Sports: College Basketball 2021

I’ve played every college recruiting type game I can get my hands on. The games from Draft Day while not perfect are the best out there. If like recruiting games, you’ll like this game. If you found yourself only doing recruiting for EA Sports college basketball games and simming all the games then you’ll like this game.

Real player with 848.5 hrs in game

I have played around with earlier versions of this game (2018 was the last) and always like the game in general but never really played it to it’s full potential. I decided to upgrade to the 2021 version and give it another go and although the game is fundamentally the same game, it has undergone some nice improvements through the years.

This time, I am thoroughly enjoying this game and have gone through multiple seasons, finally landing my dream job, and doing my best to bring the team from the bottom to the top.

Real player with 211.8 hrs in game

Draft Day Sports: College Basketball 2021 on Steam

Pickup Basketball VR

Pickup Basketball VR

I normally don’t post reviews, and even though this game feels unfinished, this is THE ABSOLUTE BEST VR GAME IN ITS CLASS!!!!! I’ve been faithful to VR for 3 year. I’ve owned gear VR, rift cv1, s, quest, and now ordering a pimax 8k+. I just want to say to you…


thank you

Real player with 49.5 hrs in game

This game is the best basketball game in VR BY MILES. Yes, it is early access so it will be not super polished at times but its still a very enjoyable experience, the devs are very open to the community, this game is worth the $10 for sure and im very happy to see where it goes in the future.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

Pickup Basketball VR on Steam

Pro Basketball Manager 2022

Pro Basketball Manager 2022

It gives you a realistic view of being a manager, The best competition I have played so far are Spanish leage, NBA. European League. If you are thinking about choosing a national team just worry about the United State, This team is a machine to kill. I lost twice in a row managing Brazil in both the Americup and the olympics.

Real player with 169.7 hrs in game

really big changes from PBM21 to PBM22 for me this is the best basketball manager game in steam very big database of players and many competitions/leagues and teams

the game is more exciting to play as a club coach but I would like more International Games

like realistic Qualifiers for World Cup and realistic teams in FIBA Americup,EuroBasket,AfroBasket and Asia Cup

Real player with 109.8 hrs in game

Pro Basketball Manager 2022 on Steam

Draft Day Sports: Pro Basketball 2021

Draft Day Sports: Pro Basketball 2021

Great game, very deep, good rosters, probably a better trade system than 2k, in terms of realism, only thing I don’t like that much is players start asking for SO MUCH MONEY, causing teams to be broke and difficult to trade with, but if you just increase the salary cap you should be good, and 2k has the issue too, so I’m used to it at this point

Real player with 142.2 hrs in game

This is the third rendition of this review. It is now recommended. Here is why:

I’m a fanatical Football Manager player, since the nineties I’ve religiously bought every year’s version. And I heard rumours from across the Atlantic of a similar and excellent game covering college basketball, Draft Day Sports… So when Pro Basketball 2021 came out on Steam and showed up in my recommendations I was delighted.

This updated review is after over 80 hours of gameplay. The game has it’s moments and if you can work through the inconsistencies and limitations it is worth it. The depth in the game is incredible, it is also realistic in the way that the dynamics of the NBA ebb and flow. Gameplay is opaque, and it took me some time to realise that was on purpose. If you play the game on the basis of having as many ‘stars’ (as in the 5 star scale players are ranked on) rather than seeing if players fit your coach’s style and your team’s culture you are not going to find success. You have to dive into the menus to compare and contrast, to understand the way your team is winning or losing, you have to understand this to make sure you make the right trade and draft decisions.

Real player with 93.3 hrs in game

Draft Day Sports: Pro Basketball 2021 on Steam

NBA 2K22

NBA 2K22

I have failed and once again contributed to the annual money bucket scrap pile that is the NBA 2K series. The last 2K I purchased was 2K19, and for years I purchased the brand new 2K. I purchased every new 2K from 2K14 through 2K19 and did have plentiful fun with friends. However, with my friends having moved away from this game like so many others, I find it more infuriating than normal. It is the same game it was in 2K15 as not much has changed…

Here I will lay out a few things which are IDENTICAL to previous 2K titles, or essentially the things that matter…

Real player with 346.8 hrs in game

1. Not next gen, even though pc graphics way better then console

2. Same game as last year, literally, same game

3. Poorest flow of movement in sports game today

4.Fouls are worse this year then any previous year, funny that NBA changed the ruling on fouls but 2k22 must not have gotten the memo

5.They said they improved defense, false, they made offense actually worse

6.Still have done nothing about the cheaters in the game, seriously someone made it to level 40 in a hour that a new season has been released?

Real player with 340.3 hrs in game

NBA 2K22 on Steam