The Lost Legends of Redwall™: The Scout Act 2

The Lost Legends of Redwall™: The Scout Act 2

I will admit, after playing Act 1 on release, I was very doubtful that Soma could continue their franchise. The gameplay was very buggy, as expected from a new developer, and it got so frustrating that I couldn’t stand to play the game anymore.

Fast forward a couple years, and to my pleasant surprise, Soma used their lessons learned from Act 1, and it shows here in Act 2 (They even vastly improved the gameplay through patches in Act 1!). Though there are some glaring bugs in the gameplay and level design, they’re much less plentiful than Act 1 was upon release. Most notable were the lack of collision object which would allow you to fall through the world. In general, Soma are really applying themselves in making a great game with a great story for any Redwall reader.

Real player with 31.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Based On A Novel Exploration Games.

If you liked Act I, chances are you’ll enjoy this one too. The gameplay is essentially the same and, even if it isn’t groundbreaking, it has the same charm and character as the first instalment. There are new characters with plenty of personality, including one based on an actual character from the Redwall book. The artworks are lovely as before and the soundtrack is great.

Also I’d like to give the devs, Soma Games, some extra praise: though these Redwall games are sometimes a little buggy, Soma really make the effort to correct as many glitches as they can. They actively facilitate player feedback with a bug reporting option on the menu, and week by week they’ve been steadily patching as many issues as they can. A committed developer is one worth supporting!

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

The Lost Legends of Redwall™: The Scout Act 2 on Steam

The Lost Legends of Redwall™: The Scout Act 3

The Lost Legends of Redwall™: The Scout Act 3

Step into the epic, story-rich world of the wildly popular Redwall books. The Scout is an episodic adventure game full of vivid characters, high adventure, and most importantly, the first new official Redwall story since 2011. The third episode, “The Abbey," tells the story of Liam and Sophia’s desperate race to Redwall Abbey after being mortally poisoned by Scumsnout’s vicious maw. This is the dramatic conclusion of their journey through Portman’s Slough, Pontederia, and the ancient Otter’s ruins.

Read More: Best Based On A Novel Exploration Games.

The Lost Legends of Redwall™: The Scout Act 3 on Steam

The Lost Legends of Redwall™: The Scout Act 1

The Lost Legends of Redwall™: The Scout Act 1

I will begin stating I have been following this project since nearly its inception and announcement to be funding via Kickstarter. This is for all intents and purposes an early access prototype meant to glean feedback from people like myself. Do not buy this game at this moment, if you are expecting it to be 100% complete and ready to play. It is early access for a reason. Giving it a negative review for being incomplete after willfully purchasing it as early access content is ignorant.

I do recommend it full heartedly for those who are willing to pick through, nail down details that can be improved upon, and are willing to provide that feedback to the developers. I’ve played through the polished level multiple times now. I still feel like I have missed things, and each time I have played I’ve found something new.

Real player with 28.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Based On A Novel Third Person Games.

This game is a hot mess, and it really doesn’t need to be. Redwall is special to me. As a young child I loved the books. I was fairly obsessive about reading them, and I was for years. I could recite the plot of almost any one of the books, despite how long it’s been since I’ve read any of them. I was surprised to learn there was a Redwall game in development, I first heard about it in 2014. When the game came out on steam early access I bought it within the first month, it was one level, and extremely buggy, but it had promise. I would play it for a little while whenever there was an update, until it stopped working.

Real player with 18.5 hrs in game

The Lost Legends of Redwall™: The Scout Act 1 on Steam