Mark Twain’s Tom Sawyer: Survival Game

Mark Twain’s Tom Sawyer: Survival Game

We are one of the first studios who decided to make a videogame based on Mark Twain’s books.

So, we took a chapter from Tom Sawyer’s Adventures book, about him escaping to an island with his friends. And decided that this will perfectly fit into a concept of a survival game. But it is not a plotless survival sandbox. As anything with our studio, our games are highly focused on unique experiences, intrinsic motivation, and player emotions. If we make a survival game - it is going to be unique and most of our time is going to be dedicated to immersing the player and creating a feeling of an authentic teenage adventure inside the player’s head.

Read More: Best Based On A Novel Survival Games.

Mark Twain's Tom Sawyer: Survival Game on Steam

The Lords of the Earth Flame

The Lords of the Earth Flame

This game is an interactive fiction if you love reading you’ll enjoy it. The story will be decided by your choices which will lead you to multiple endings, your choices do have consequences either good or bad ones. It was easy to follow the story and unlock many achievements but a couple of them I had to look for a guide in order to know how to unlock it. (the joker one)

I liked the fact that the interface is a book which you can flip through the pages and choose the extra pages (your choices) from the bottom of the book to resume reading, I do love books so excuse me for fangirling about books and papers lol.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Based On A Novel RPG Games.

The game is an interactive fantasy fiction made to look like a real old book with classic art and meaningful choices that lead to quite different and sometimes abrupt endings (permadeath). There are no dice throws like in Livingstone’s games (i.e. The Forest of Doom), no RPG-like stats, just behavior variants to pick. The text is well written, the choices seem logical, so you can more or less predict the outcome, but the story itself is very short, it seems that you can open all the endings through several tries in less than an hour, so it feels like a free demo to something much more serious. Despite its size it is not free of bugs - sometimes you get thrown to the beginning or game just hangs.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

The Lords of the Earth Flame on Steam

A Little Lily Princess

A Little Lily Princess

I absolutely loved this romance sim. It was very delightful and interesting.

There are 4 romance routes, and 2 friendship routes. It involves stat raising, but it is not tedious or annoying.

It takes place during the Victorian era in London, England. That is a vague time frame considering Queen Victoria ruled for 63 years. However, since the book this visual novel is based on was published in 1905, I would assume the story took place late in her reign before she died in 1901.

The young protagonist arrives at a boarding school for girls after living in India her whole life; do remember that The British Empire ruled over India for a long time. She is a tad out of place in her school for having grown up in India, and for also being half-French; The English and French are long-time rivals, after all. Although, elitist English aristocrats would have prejudice against anyone who wasn’t completely English anyway.

Real player with 34.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Based On A Novel Multiple Endings Games.

This was a rather unique experience for me. I’ve played visual novels before, and I had a cursory knowledge of the source material going in.

In short, this is a visual novel retelling of the story “A Little Princess.” It takes a few liberties with the source material such as Miss Minchin’s sister being completely absent, and they created one character wholecloth.

Being a visual novel, there’s really not much that you can expect from the game. The interface is clean, the mechanics are explained well enough, though the RNG element can make it frustrating if you’re shooting for a specific ending. Jessie’s route, for example, requires a high number of high count skills, while characters like Mariette and Becky tend to have lower costs. It also completely goes out the window in the second have of the game, where you can completely cheese the system.

Real player with 18.8 hrs in game

A Little Lily Princess on Steam

Galactic Command Echo Squad SE

Galactic Command Echo Squad SE

Game crashed three times while trying to play it. That’s as much as I plan to fool with it for a free game I was given in apology over another game. Can’t say I got to play it too much because of all the trouble, so take that as you will.

Here’s some video of what it looks like played if you’re interested, or read the other reviews.

Here’s the error my Steam now has (going to have to reboot) where it thinks the game is still running but it’s not. It’s not a huge thing - I just gotta reboot but it illustrates the issues.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

I’ve always enjoyed the ‘Battlecruiser Universe’ games. Sure they take some getting used to but the amount of depth put into them once you learn how to play they are immersive. Most complaints I see are regarding graphics and controls but they forget these games are made by one indie developer and the games are old now - but if you check out the king of space sims UC you’ll see it’s being updated and having a new versiion out soon with modern graphics etc. It takes time and not everyone has $20million of other people’s money to make a game.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Galactic Command Echo Squad SE on Steam

Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword

Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword

This game is fantastic. I’ve put hundreds of hours into it, and I’ll likely put hundreds of house more into it. Takes place in the real world in mid-17th century Eastern Europe. There’s 5 factions; Muscovite Tsardom (Russia), Sweden, Poland, Crimean Khanate (Crimea, which is a location in the game), and the Cossacks. You’ll meet people from these areas as well as Spaniards, Frenchmen, Germans, and even Scotsmen. There are muskets, and because of the time period, they come in a variety of flavours. Home made, matchlock, wheel lock, and Miquelet (flintlock) are the main ones, in order of quality. Accuracy is in short supply of course, but I do believe there are some rifled muskets in the game, however they are VERY expensive, and not something you can give normal soldiers. Only your own character, and heroes.

Real player with 485.8 hrs in game

With Fire and Sword, a Winged Hussar’s wet dream (at first glance).

The cover of the game might wow you with it’s fancy looking armor and “updated” gameplay, but once you have it, it gets boring quick and the lack of options is a huge disappointment.

Unlike Warband, this game doesn’t have a troop/progression tree. Instead this game just has you upgrade troops to “veteran”, and while that might not be that bad, the lack of variety can get really old, really quick.

There is no diplomacy, at all, ever.

Real player with 244.2 hrs in game

Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword on Steam