A Little Lily Princess

A Little Lily Princess

I absolutely loved this romance sim. It was very delightful and interesting.

There are 4 romance routes, and 2 friendship routes. It involves stat raising, but it is not tedious or annoying.

It takes place during the Victorian era in London, England. That is a vague time frame considering Queen Victoria ruled for 63 years. However, since the book this visual novel is based on was published in 1905, I would assume the story took place late in her reign before she died in 1901.

The young protagonist arrives at a boarding school for girls after living in India her whole life; do remember that The British Empire ruled over India for a long time. She is a tad out of place in her school for having grown up in India, and for also being half-French; The English and French are long-time rivals, after all. Although, elitist English aristocrats would have prejudice against anyone who wasn’t completely English anyway.

Real player with 34.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Based On A Novel Multiple Endings Games.

This was a rather unique experience for me. I’ve played visual novels before, and I had a cursory knowledge of the source material going in.

In short, this is a visual novel retelling of the story “A Little Princess.” It takes a few liberties with the source material such as Miss Minchin’s sister being completely absent, and they created one character wholecloth.

Being a visual novel, there’s really not much that you can expect from the game. The interface is clean, the mechanics are explained well enough, though the RNG element can make it frustrating if you’re shooting for a specific ending. Jessie’s route, for example, requires a high number of high count skills, while characters like Mariette and Becky tend to have lower costs. It also completely goes out the window in the second have of the game, where you can completely cheese the system.

Real player with 18.8 hrs in game

A Little Lily Princess on Steam