Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders

Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders

Who this game may appeal to –

-New P&C gamers

-Agatha Christie fans or those who love a good story

-HOG gamers who like puzzles as the puzzles here are just a bit harder than most HOGs (note this isn’t a HOG like some past Christie games were).

-People who find Nancy Drew and Sherlock Holmes games too hard or need a good bit of help with them.

Those who are seasoned P&C gamers who are expecting the same length and complexities as the cheaper priced ($20) new Nancy Drew games may be disappointed which is why I am only recommending it if you can get it at half price. But then I always found Agatha Christie games to be easier than ND and SH games (although this is a completely different style as to the other AC adventure games). Trying to be thorough going for max points and working out achievements, first gameplay was 6-7hrs, with no hints.

Real player with 16.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Based On A Novel Point & Click Games.

There are many things this game did wonderfully, such as the fantastic voice acting, the art style, and how the interviews adapt depending on what you chose to say. I really appreciate the achievements as it could have been realy easy for the developers to put in achievements based on ego points the game awards, but instead have them based on the story or investigating people, places, and objects.

While the puzzles do seem easy, I found that the game does seem to weigh it based on which part of the game it is located in, such as in chapter one you have puzzles you can easily figure out (as a way to introduce looking around for clues) and the last puzzles you do (in chapter three) involve investigating outside of the puzzle.

Real player with 12.9 hrs in game

Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders on Steam

The Testament of Sherlock Holmes

The Testament of Sherlock Holmes


(Full review follows below)

  • Game Name: The Testament of Sherlock Holmes

  • Original Release: 2012

  • Genre Tags: Adventure; Point & Click; Puzzle; Detective; Casual

  • My Overall Grade: A-

  • Estimated Playtime (Campaign): 10-18 hours

  • Multiplayer Aspect: None

  • Recommended To: Established fans of the genre; Those intrigued by the genre; Casual gamers


The Testament of Sherlock Holmes is a very pleasantly surprising puzzle game, with a high standard of quality and a humorous undertone. Any fans of the puzzler-adventure genre should easily find this game enjoyable. Once you start playing you will likely find yourself engrossed by the experience.

Real player with 25.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Based On A Novel Point & Click Games.

‘The Testament of Sherlock Holmes’ is based on an entirely fictional plot not borrowed from any of Arthur Conan Doyle’s works. The length of the game is a good 25 hours, and one gets to solve lots of puzzles and search every nook and corner for clues. Dr. Watson acts as a valuable accomplice for Holmes and often one will control Watson rather than Holmes.

One feature that I really liked about the game is the graphics. They are very good, although not as good as some of the Tomb Raider games. The game takes place in some very odd yet beautiful settings. Another feature that is praiseworthy is the variety and ingenuity of the puzzles that the developers have created. The ‘Deduction Menu’ can be extremely challenging because one must reach the correct conclusion for each of the clues to reach the correct final conclusion. The music is for the most part dark and spooky, but fits well into the game.

Real player with 25.1 hrs in game

The Testament of Sherlock Holmes on Steam