Armed to the Gears

Armed to the Gears

Armed to the Gears:

It all started with the discovery of the Neutronium base element from a deep excavation in 2029, somewhere near a place named Main City. Neutrium turns out to be a powerful new energy that can be used to power batteries and equipment for hundreds of years. This type of energy is always useful for military purposes, and the countries that have access to the Neutrium start a race to develop the ultimate automated warfare unit. The citizens of the world take to the streets to raise their concerns, but the world turns to chaos, leading to the rise of three terrible factions. The worst of the three, the Ministry, wins the race and now controls the world with these ultimate machines of war. That is, until a rebellion of hackers plans to use the machines against the Ministry. It’s going to be Armed to the Gears!

*– [Real player with 8.9 hrs in game](*




Read More: Best Base Building Tower Defense Games.

--- Don't get me wrong with this review, I DID have fun… but there are several things wrong with this game. That being said... i only had like 5.5 hrs ACTUAL time played on campaign..... watched a movie with the wife and went to get more beer while the game was still running. (New Predator movie rocks btw). This game does not suck. I know it is in alpha. I want to like this game more, byt they have a lot of work to do _Upgrading is confusing at first.. I feel it should be seperated from the turret menu_ *– [Real player with 8.0 hrs in game](* --- ![Cannibal Crossing]( "") ## Cannibal Crossing I rarely buy full priced games but Cannibal Crossing is an exception due to Death Road to Canada. The game is enjoyable yet frustrating with bugs, crazy difficulty scaling Days 1-4 is easy, 5-6 sometimes its hard depending on RNG ( AI aggro is random) beyond 7 gets crazy and you just die from lack of ammo, food, black sludge infection and when you run out stamina running and dodging Negatives even if your stamina skills are maxed out. Due to the pacing of the game I have to prioritize on certain skills like dodge, maxing health and stamina recovery in normal mode. There's a lot of bugs and needs more polishing, there are times I still get hit from Boss attacks after I defeat them and I die which is frustrating to start all over . Base building is fun but also takes a lot of resources away if you have to build ammo. *– [Real player with 68.5 hrs in game](* ---

Read More: Best Base Building Online Co-Op Games.

--- Can't recommend this game in its current state. Lacking so many things that would makes it playable. Game says its coop(couch coop in the same house, forget remote play and parsec, not worth the hassle), but that is on my top 5 worst coop experience in my book. why? The more people you are the harder the game is(that is some what fair BUT!), to the point where if your 4 players, killing just one zombie in the beginning is a hassle, also a weird thing the more players the faster in game time goes and its a pretty big issue since everything gets harder the longer you stay, in solo you can loot, kill and set up a base in the first day, coop…. not so much, before my friends and I could even loot a few houses it was night and horde time. So everybody died, the game spawned us at different places on the map, but centered the camera view between us, so impossible to regroup and we ended up just not playing the game. We did manage build a few items for a base to scrap weapons, always awesome the spend materials to build stuff that just doesn't work, like it literally didn't work, no interaction with the machine at all. no quick "break down" in inventory. *– [Real player with 23.5 hrs in game](* --- ![Zombie Builder Defense]( "") ## Zombie Builder Defense I like the gameplay aspects of it like the ability to upgrade blocks and build as you see fit. The selection for weapons is good, the skill tree is also good but i feel like it is too easy too level up. i would like to see either slower xp gain or more skills in the skill tree. I like the boss battles but the level 40 boss is really difficult and i feel like we should get more time to prepare like adding more waves and having that boss come later in the game. i would like to see more bosses added too. Survival is cool but the zombie spawning doesnt work so you kind of just run around like an idiot and have nothing to kill. the game is really good but a lot of aspects need improvement. *– [Real player with 60.0 hrs in game](* ---

Read More: Best Base Building Zombies Games.

--- Fun little game that cost you less than a can of Spam. Ideally better with friends but it can still entertain you if you're at work pretending to be busy. Pros: Can be bought with money from selling steam badges Nice sound effects and smooth animations Has an endless mode Telent tree that saves exp and upgrades to your profile Cons: I have no idea what this has to do with Bitcoin Zombie AI seems to only be able to brute force its way to kill you, thus zombies are easily routed Single player boss fights can be much more difficult than multiplayer *– [Real player with 11.1 hrs in game](* --- ![Heroes Must Diee]( "") ## Heroes Must Diee You have been living a peaceful life in a small village but once every fortnight these so called “Heroes” come into the village and un-apologetically break in houses and take what does not belong to them. Tired of this rampant menace you have decided to stop it and regain the peaceful life you so yearn. Build traps in and around your house or maybe buy some land on the outskirts of town to keep bloodshed away. Craft weapons, potions, bombs to be launched at the enemy. Resource manage whatever you have and help your fellow villagers buy buying resources from them from the gold of the fallen “Heroes”. ![]( - Turn your humble abode into a full-on Dungeon that make the Heroes suck their thumb and wet their pants. - Craft an elaborate Dungeon, place traps and ruses for Heroes will different skill set and attributes. Some maybe be heavy and strong, some may be intelligent and fast. - Fight off bigger and smarter waves of Hero bands that come to take your loot. - Learn about the incoming Hero’s weaknesses as they are strong and may not be killed easily. Lure them into traps, some are claustrophobic, some are greedy, some have weak ankles. - Hire minions, monsters, and dragons as they have been tortured far too long and seek revenge. - Craft items, weapons, ammunitions, bombs to reload your traps and slay the Heroes. - Improve and upgrade traps, learn new technology because the enemy is learning too. - Heightened heroes will come, who have learnt from their previous experiences and may know how to fight off your traps, so beware. - Explore a vast map, filled with people who live their lives and talk. Two different villages and numerous traders coming in from different kingdoms. - Improve your skills over time. Melee, Archery, Magic, Dark Magic are few skills to use directly against the enemy but also learn to Mine, Chop wood, Fish and Forage. - Find a mount for yourself, with multiple mount options pick one. Take care of it and it grows and levels as you do. - Loot from the slain Heroes, Gold, Epic and Rare weapons and armour. Use it against them or give it to your minions or sell off for more Gold. Join our discord : []( --- ![Yet Another Zombie Defense HD]( "") ## Yet Another Zombie Defense HD I am i fan of the orignal Yet Another Zombie Defense game and when i heard about this HD remake or in a full sense "Unity" remake of the game i could say i was hyped for it i spent 27 hours on the last game and i was ready to sink in more of my life into the game with my bestfrind so me and them save up to get the game. once purchased i was outstanded by the more in detail put into the zombies and the rounds how they put in new points to make old fans have fun again andf to hook the new ones into what game they had and also it was 99 cents to all users who own the orignal and that is a huge plus. *– [Real player with 40.0 hrs in game](* I have a little over 100 games and I rarely thumbs down games (this is only the second time), because developing a game takes hard work, no matter how bad I feel said game is. However, I feel the need to thumb down this game: - Feels sluggish/laggy from the get-go, but it gets worse as you get deeper into it; - Crashes/kicks you randomly to menu, which is especially frustrating without any form of saved game; - Terrible design decision (non-hosts can now buy stuff using their share of pooled money); *– [Real player with 18.4 hrs in game](* --- ![Rencia]( "") ## Rencia As a beta tester of Rencia and a big fan of Masked work on the Starcraft 2 arcade, I definitely recommend this game. This is a really fun twist to the RTS Genre. I've never been great at micro, but in Rencia you don't control the army directly. Instead you set way points for your army to rally to and join the battle yourself in a top down shooter view. It's incredible fun and something I've always wanted in an RTS. *– [Real player with 35.4 hrs in game](* Its fun, i was a beta tester for this game. its still in beta however i think. pick it up sometime. *– [Real player with 13.5 hrs in game](* --- ![_keyboardkommander]( "") ## _keyboardkommander Full play through once it uploads: 9.5 out of 10 typing game due to some errors I'm gonna start with some things that are messed up in the game, but first I highly recommend this game if you love typing games it's challenging the story is amazing and it's ridiculously fun. Ragers are too OP I can type around 120 wpm, but when you can only see two words at a time and the creator has the most expansive vocabulary having these things run up and 3 shot you from full health is toxic. The ragers words will sometimes not stay on top of them either so they'll get close and the letter to switch to them will be in some random location you have to guess at, also sometimes when you kill a zombie instead of going to the closest one to you like it normally does it won't target a rager straight up punching you in the butt. One of the later levels repeats with the same journal entry and 430 something words is wayyyy too much for one level my dude I about had a stroke especially with your huge words you use throughout plus it's so long it doesn't fit on the whole journal entry screen when you scroll down loool. The good though this is actually a SUPER challenging typing game which is awesome they're rare. The upgrades give you a chance to beat it on any difficulty besides the easiest I could only beat the second easiest game mode. The zombies ramp up so heavily if you don't upgrade correctly you may be screwed. The story is amazingly interesting and well written the library of words is expansive and everything you type is leading up to the journal entry you get to read at the end. I'm sad it's not complete yet, but I will most definitely check out the future chapters. Loved this game. Don't be discouraged by the lack of reviews I'm assuming it's because people can't beat it outside of the easiest difficulty which may be a turn off to some people and the story is pretty lengthy but great. *– [Real player with 7.5 hrs in game](* Keyboard Kommander gets the fundamentals right of a typing action game, but then adds several innovations new to the genre. That game has the juicy sound effects and visual effects that make the simple action of typing feel awesome. Pressing space to shoot a zombie in the head never gets old. Built on top of the excellent arcade typing action, there’s also tactical gameplay decisions you have to make. You can choose which zombie to target, so you can take down the most threatening ones first. You can strategically choose mortar gun to do splash damage to nearby zombies or laser gun to kill several zombies in a line. So it’s not down to just technical dexterity, there’s also tactical skill and longer term strategy with upgrades. *– [Real player with 3.4 hrs in game](* --- ![Scrunk]( "") ## Scrunk Ever since I was born, around 12 years of age, I have dreamed of a game where I could build my base, raid the enemy, and fight for scrap. Fortify my team's base with traps, walls, barbed wire, and turrets, scavenge scrap from mechs and craft explosives. Who is that on the phone? Ring ring? Oh why hell, it's konami, they want Hideo Kojima back. *– [Real player with 8.9 hrs in game](* Clapping simulator but really though its a nice little game, matches arent too long or too short, base building that can be really OP, nice little crafting system, and small fun bugs that come with every new game give it a try yourself! *– [Real player with 2.1 hrs in game](* --- ![StarFringe: Adversus]( "") ## StarFringe: Adversus I have been playing StarFringe: Adversus for a number of days, now, and find it fairly enjoyable even though it has a tendancy to crash at the most inopportune times - such as right after you move to a new sector. I have found that it's much better to hit the save just before you do something important. While the program DOES have an autosave feature, it's not adjustable and tends to overwrite earlier autosaves also at the most inopportune times. Better to stay on top of the saves yourself. That said, the game has great promise. It seems to be fairly heavily slanted in the computer players favor, though. The computer player seems to be able to build up it's forces MUCH faster than the human player, and the computer player is able to take over the map a whole LOT faster than the human player. I realize this game is still, technically, in development but this can be disheartening to some players. Also, I haven't been able to find where to contact the company directly to present my thoughts on the game. I don't know if the company is still working on the game or not. I HOPE so, because I'd like to see the game reach it's full potential. *– [Real player with 8.4 hrs in game](* Abandonware, Unfinished There is no Campaign (or "Champaign" as it's still called, which should give an indication of its status), only Quick Battle Despite the Dev cancelling development since June 2017, the game still lists as Early Access and is still being sold. Do not buy *– [Real player with 7.5 hrs in game](* --- ![Survive Into Night]( "") ## Survive Into Night Hello ! First of all I want to say that I love Retro Pixel games and this game has unique atmosphere, very big potential to become amazing game. I really like the concept and ideas which are used in this product. I hope it will be still developed and I can't wait for more updates :) Best greetings for Genetix Studio. I wish you all the best during work on the production of this game !!! Very very big thanks for the key of the game and I love this mini game with flying pig :P ;) I can imagine it takes a lot of time to make a game like this and I appreciate the work and idea put into this game.I hope the game will develop in terms of story, new quests, crafting and maybe even base building. I wish you perseverance in the further work on this game. *– [Real player with 2.7 hrs in game](* I got a key from the developer so thank you for letting me try your game. I wanted to try this game because I enjoy top-down horror games like this, sometimes when I was playing I couldn't pick up items for some reason took me a while to figure out how to get into my inventory but that's just me i'm thick. I went to the hospital but couldn't find any trace of the person I was looking for but again maybe I wasn't looking in the right place. Overall I really liked it and gave me retro vibes of playing back in the 80's and 90's I made a video with no commentary just having a look at the gameplay. *– [Real player with 0.7 hrs in game](* ---