Nocked! True Tales of Robin Hood

Nocked! True Tales of Robin Hood

The game Nocked! has you taking on the role of Robin Hood set in a world where myth and magic still has a foothold. You start out as a runaway who takes to Sherwood forest to claim their future.

The game itself contains elements of interactive fiction (think choose your own adventure) as well as resource management. In fact, this was the stand out portion for me.

The first thing you will notice is that you can choose the gender of your Robin, and even some limited background choices which will have some game affects. Additionally, the character of Maid Marian even has some variation which can affect play.

Real player with 324.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Base Building Choices Matter Games.

A really nice CYOA game. It actually reminded me of Mass Effect 2, in that you have a base and companions, and your choices have long-term impact (otherwise it’s entirely dissimilar to ME2; see any screenshot).

There are healthy doses of whimsy in the setting and humour in the writing, and it mixes classic Robin Hood story beats in with more fantastical stuff. It’s comfy and tense, and perfectly paced. The music is also wonderful.

My only gripes are minor (despite this being the biggest paragraph): some of the art is quite bad (the character silhouettes work well, but some of the other stuff looks like programmer art) and the overall graphic design could use work. This is all just window dressing though and doesn’t really matter*. A bigger annoyance is that the checkpoints are a bit far apart for more my liking–I appreciate it discouraging save scumming, but there were a couple of times when I misunderstood an option so badly that I felt unfairly shafted by choosing it, in which case I rolled back and lost lots of progress. The last thing that left a bad taste was the ending: it felt like I had no way of knowing the implications of some of the choices.

Real player with 32.6 hrs in game

Nocked! True Tales of Robin Hood on Steam

Space Colony: Steam Edition

Space Colony: Steam Edition

I really like this game. It has been described as The Sims in Space. I have never liked The Sims games as I find that they are far too repetitive and boring. Space Colony is a good building game, The Sims element is that you do have to be aware of the needs of your operatives to improve production. This does give an extra twist to the game that you have to think about and some of the challenges are based around ensuring that your crew are reletively happy or they won’t work.

Any Building Sim worth it’s salt should have an element of ensuring that you are providing basic things, such as food, so I don’t find this particularly strange, as some have mentioned. Making sure your crew does not go mad while on an abandoned planet does give the game an additional challenge.

Real player with 102.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Base Building Sandbox Games.

well i dont know what to say, i really want to like this game but its more about mini managing all of the peoples quirks than it is about building a colony. the maps are very small so building is limited even in sandbox mode. there are numerous objects on maps that cannot be removed (maybe by bombs in free mode ?) forcing you to make odd looking and crappy base layouts in most cases.

alot of the quests are just kind of gimmicky, in a previous scenario you will unlock items for the quest, yet the very next quest acts like you never used them before just to make certain quests “seem” harder. although there is an option to download user made content so thats a plus.

Real player with 40.5 hrs in game

Space Colony: Steam Edition on Steam



Romancelvania is a both a loving parody of Metroidvanias and fresh take on dating in games. It’s an RPG that features in-depth weapon and magic based combat, exploration based platforming, and a cast of gorgeous monsters that you won’t be able to resist.

You play as the legendary playboy vampire himself, Drac, as he battles and romances his way across Transylvania. After being reluctantly recruited by the Grim Reaper to star in a “reality dating show,” he’s on a mission to find the world’s most eligible monsters, get them to move into his party mansion, and restore his former glory by killing everything in his path along the way.

Introducing the Thirsty Metroidvania - Romance your way across Transylvania, encounter absurd monsters, craft weapons, learn magic, and more.

Build your castle - Grow the party mansion as you convince more cast members to move in, and decide where monsters live to get stat and skill bonuses.

Enjoy the Showmance - Take the cast members on outlandish dates, massage your sweetheart to unlock more conversation options, and spend time getting to know these supernatural hotties.

Read More: Best Base Building Exploration Games.

Romancelvania on Steam



Buoyancy has something special going for it for sure, you know this within the few hours playing it.

However at the 6hr mark (at least for me) I felt like I had already experienced all of the game mechanics and all of the challenge was gone. Population was easy to maintain (even passed 150 pop) and everything else started to repeat itself. The pirates towards the end really weren’t a threat nor were fires and extreme weather threats.

There’s nothing wrong with any of this, especially because it’s a early access title and the low price point still provides decent value. I can’t say this enough, but games like this is exactly why I love early access. Buoyancy is a gem!

Real player with 33.4 hrs in game

Its still in development but and I have high hopes for it in the future but right now its pretty dumb. For a full explanation continue reading.

Its virtually impossible to set up steady food production because the villagers you have working on water, wheat, bread, beer (yes beer) all the necessary things to keep the colony going just randomly quit there jobs and wonder off. Once your population reaches a couple or three hundred you are pretty much guaranteed to have one of these situation which results in running out of food faster than you can get all the villagers back to work and as a result dozens or hundreds die. Now to get to this point you had to build a large raft. You need a lot of villagers to row the raft around to collect supplies from the ocean. Once you lose a sizable chunk due to one of these wandering abandonments of duties you don’t even have enough people left to row the raft and are basically done.

Real player with 32.4 hrs in game

Buoyancy on Steam

Master Forge

Master Forge

It’s fun, no doubt about that. But you run out of content pretty quick (less than 1 hour) and there is no save feature as of right now.

Nette kleine Indieperle.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Great start so far!

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Master Forge on Steam