

For the developer of KeeperRL thanks for making a great game.

My impressions from playing the game about 1 ~ 2 years ago versus today (I haven’t played for 1-2 years waiting for the game to be finished but recently played it again).

Rating 1~2 years ago: 9/10

Sandbox dungeon keeper freaking awesome and satisfying exploration and village pillaging.

Powerful and fun spells that allow you to mess with the NPC’s and dominate the map.

Left feeling satisfied when you close the game because you felt like a powerful warlock/wizard dungeon keeper.

Real player with 119.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Base Building Villain Protagonist Games.

KeeperRL at it’s very base is a Roguelike, in which you take on the role of a “Keeper”, who’s job is to build a dungeon and maintain it, all the while encouraging monsters to come to your dungeon. There’s a handful of monsters and they all fill a role.

People have been comparing it to stuff, such as Dwarf Fortress and while I can see how it’d be easy to compare KeeperRL to that game, the reality is, it’s not nearly as deep, complex or polished as Dwarf Fortress; it’s no comparison at all. This statement still stands even after a the updates given to the game.

Real player with 79.9 hrs in game

KeeperRL on Steam

Brave Path

Brave Path

Very Roguelike difficulty, with progression through a base that you build up as your various heroes venture forth, with turn based strategy and crafting with a lot of depth.

Real player with 23.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Base Building RPG Games.

So far so good, I quite enjoy it. It’s tricky organizing your items at first but once you have the architect table you can make chests and bookcases to hold your items (and find them there when you die, too!) Wish I didn’t have to hold recipes individually though, they take up so much space for such a small piece of paper! :p

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Brave Path on Steam



A gigantic tree grew a few years ago, many are exploring it and exploiting the incredible resources that grow there, be the first to send a caravan all the way up, or die trying.

To do so, send a caravan with some troops to escort it and start ascending.

You travel the day and the night the resources appear. But the night, enemies will also attack you. And there are mercyless

Prepare your troops, place some defenses and when the fight start make your choice: protect your wagons or take risk and collect more resources.

If you survive long enough, you’ll reach a town. Yes you’re still in a tree and yes it’s big enough to fit a town, 7 towns to be precise.

In this towns you also need to do choices, continue and take more risk and resources or climb down and save your resources to build a camp that grants permanent bonus and try a new ascent with better stuff.

Karvan is a tactical roguelite game. The path to reach the top is generate procedurally as well as the hexagonal maps where you’ll fight every night for your life and for the glory.

Build your Camp

With the resources you collect in the tree you can upgrade your miserable camp into something more awesome and useful.

To reach the top, upgrading is mandatory. The upgrade are various and each one is represented by a new building, you’ll see your camp grow, from a little tent to a gorgeous castle.

Prepare the Ascent

At the start of each ascent, you’ll choose which wagons and weapons to take.

With the right upgrade in the camp you’ll access to better wagons, more troops and better weapons.

Prepare the Fight

After the travel during the day you’ll have to install your defense and place your troops. You’ll discovers the map as there are generate procedurally. Use the torchs to see further, the barricades to block annoying path that enemies could use.

Then choose the troops you want to fight and equip them with the weapon you’ve aquired.

Survive the Night

During the night, you can collect the resources needed to upgrade your camp. But a troop that collect is a troop that not fight.

If a wagon is destroyed or if all the soldiers of a troops is killed it’s lost for the rest of the ascent.

Manage your troops in real time, use their capacity, move them around and try to kill the more ennemies you can before they submerge you by their number.

Bless the Town

If you last enough night eventually you’ll reach a town. You can replenish your caravan and continue or abandon the ascent and keep your resources

In town you can buy mercenaries troops, sell and buy weapons, repare the wagons and pay a taxe to use an elevator to start the next ascents in the current town

Read More: Best Base Building RTS Games.

Karvan on Steam

FrankenStorm TD: Prologue

FrankenStorm TD: Prologue

A solid tower defense, reminiscent of the Warcraft III tower defenses it was inspired by. Its strength is in its simplicity. A lot of tower defense games try to go wide, giving players many options of towers while restricting their ability to influence placement and mob flow. This game does the opposite by restricting you to one tower type. It lowers your immediate ability to change your damage types/styles, but allows for larges mazes and clever placement.

As you continue playing, you can collect power-ups that will allow you to shape your game-play even more. The towers are all still the same tower, but you can add attack speed, damage, give the ability to stun, or insta-kill low-health enemies, etc. to them. Every power-up comes with a penalty, that makes the strategy involved more complex, modifying all of your enemy’s abilities at the same time as it modifies all your towers.

Real player with 56.9 hrs in game

I have to think the devs like Path of Exile because the way you “gear up” has so much in common. Everything you find has an upside and a downside. There are uniques that are build enabling, but total garbage if you don’t build for them. There is a specific range for the rolls that a unique can get. There is stuff that has great synergy together (For example, if you stack the increased chance that the enemy procs some special ability, then there is no big downside to grabbing more of that. But the downside that you are completely prevented from getting even 2% of something like enemy dodge chance because 2% dodge X 200% increased chance chance equals insta-death. They also both have the concept of “increased” and “more”. (i.e. you can get 5% increased damage or 5 more damage.) They also both have tooltips that show your basic damage oputput without revealing any useful information without you doing math. (i.e the tooltip will show your crit chance and it will show your percentage increase that random events proc. But it will not show your ACTUAL crit chance after it has been modified by your chance chance.)

Real player with 45.1 hrs in game

FrankenStorm TD: Prologue on Steam



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Real player with 29.6 hrs in game

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to play Muck. The gameplay is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the features will go over a typical gamer’s head. There’s also Gronk’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The gamers understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these mechanics, to realize that they’re not just fun- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Muck truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Dani’s existential catchphrase “is it me or is (insert name) looking kinda THICC” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dani’s genius unfolds itself on their monitor screens. What fools… how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Muck tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

Real player with 27.7 hrs in game

Muck on Steam

Galactic Crew II

Galactic Crew II

A diamond in the rough to be sure!

I am giving this a thumbs up because even though it plays more like a beta, . (Oh wait, it is still in early access - MISSED THAT sorry!), I think it has the potential to be a really good game.

On the downside, there are stability issues (crashed 4 times in ~20 hours of game play), feedback mechanisms, and information on how to do even basic tasks or what abilities do are seriously lacking.  Goals are vague. The NPC AIs are minimal at best.  Some tasks such as mining are tortuously dull and should be more engaging.  (staring at your screen for 10 minutes listening to PHooomWha….  PHooomWha….  is not fun for most people).  The game lacks consistency across the board - NPC experience gains, UI functionality and design, balance, etc.

Real player with 32.5 hrs in game

It’s a weird but fun mix of ftl and xcom, and it has a lot of potentional! Give it a try and support the developer.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Galactic Crew II on Steam

Role of Hex

Role of Hex

If you like creeper world and roguelikes you will also like this.

Real player with 31.8 hrs in game

A really nice mix between base building, Rogue and Strategy with a simplistic style which fits the game. Love that you’ve to mix between being not too bold and expand too quickly or take it too slow and not be prepared for the bosses.

Keep it up developers!

Real player with 16.3 hrs in game

Role of Hex on Steam

Gladiator Guild Manager

Gladiator Guild Manager

Gladiator Guild Manager is the best auto battler i have played. I have had lots of fun coming up with various strategies and team comp’s. Unlike other team manager games, it has a strong RPG element that isn’t there just for fluff. For instance, I have 2 Mana Assassins (Rogues), one that does a very high backstab, where the other one is a brawler with stealth. The various quirks your gladiator can have also spice up the selection, as well as the ability to equip various items that boost stats, or add effects.

Real player with 36.2 hrs in game

Very fun auto-battler! Very addictive and has a good amount of variety. The randomness option with the building/units at the start and the option for permadeath makes the replay value high! I am look forward for more randomness with the quests and more buildings/units and an even greater replay value with the full release.

Give the game a chance! I found it, watched a youtube video of it, bought it, and played 8 hours of it all in the same day. It is very stable for an early access game with a lot of room for growth :)

Real player with 26.3 hrs in game

Gladiator Guild Manager on Steam

Tainted Grail: Conquest

Tainted Grail: Conquest

Song: Tainted Grail Artist: Vlakabaka

“Sometimes I feel I’ve got to, run away, i’ve got to, play a chill card game for a run or two

And the love we shaaare for card games is all in d’ere, with 9 classes, lots of deckbuilding and re-play-aability

Some runs might end baaad and some might go well but with this game time seems to goo noo-where

And this Tainted Grail is full of story, voiiiice acted characters in a daark tainted woorld

So taaake Gabens tears awaaay and buyy diz game here, cause you dont want to hear any-moe from mee

Real player with 73.6 hrs in game

It’s very similar to Slay the Spire and Monster Train but you’ll like it more than either of those if you prefer a dark aesthetic. The music and story are also more substantial here than other games in the genre. You get access to 3 classes (basically archer, fighter, invoker) which determine the type of base deck you’ll play. Every class is broken into 3 subclasses (i.e. invokers can be summoners, blood mages, or necromancers) that each have unique passives and a unique subclass ability. It’s honestly pretty remarkable how each subclass feels very distinct from its counterparts.

Real player with 69.4 hrs in game

Tainted Grail: Conquest on Steam

The Last Bastion

The Last Bastion

Burdened with the responsibility of command after a catastrophic defeat, you are forced to flee through a country unraveling before the sword of a ruthless conqueror. Panicked and directionless, the people turn to you for help as you attempt to gather troops, resources and companions to mount a desperate defense.

With the enemy close on your heels, keep moving to stay alive while mustering your strength, as you make for the last bastion of resistance to stave off complete annihilation.

Decide where your loyalties lie and what you’re prepared to sacrifice in this journey to determine the fate of your nation and the legend you leave behind.

An Unrelenting Foe

Your fierce, fanatical foe is hellbent on complete domination. Relentless as the winds that sweep their harsh homeland, they mow down your nation’s defenses and destroy all in their path. Stay one step ahead of the enemy, whittle away at their forces and race to your Capital to keep it from falling into their hands.

Scarce Resources

Empty stomachs and unhappy soldiers can be a recipe for desertions, or worse, mutiny. As your most valuable resource, avoid squandering their lives in costly battles. Manage dwindling resources as you build your camp to keep your troops fed and motivated.

Choice & Consequence

How will you conduct yourself in a world that’s falling apart? Every decision shifts your alignments, every action cements your character. Situations must be dealt with as they arise, and tough choices can have far-reaching consequences. With multiple fates awaiting your country, how you choose to play your story matters.

Unique Strategic Combat

Diversify your army with different types of troops that come with their own strengths and weaknesses. Maximize their advantages with optimum formations and deploy them in strategic real-time combat with pause.

Recruitable Companions

To face insurmountable odds, you need extraordinary talent. Find Companions scattered across the country to help you in your cause. Each with their own backstory and agendas that need fulfilling, these steadfast, fair-weather or begrudging allies are necessary to lead your troops into battle and gain experience.

Randomized World with Permadeath

No playthrough is the same in this procedurally generated world. Every run comes with unique scenarios and death is absolute. With no second chances, it’s always better to live to fight another day than pick a battle you will lose.

The Last Bastion on Steam