Hell Loop

Hell Loop



  • It’s fun to find effective strategies.

  • The “no escape” mode is very challenging and fun.


  • Your trap choices can make some playthroughs on higher difficulty impossible.

  • Difficulty levels are hidden in main menu.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Base Building Tower Defense Games.

The game is pretty great as a tower defense + strategy game. The drawings are perfect and looks pretty great for your eyes, you can’t wait that much from a platformer. However sinners can scream and that would make you feel like you’re a real Evil LMAO. However, traps are pretty enough to kill all the sinners. I had one problem with achievements. I tried many things to solve it but I didn’t had achievements while I was completing them. Contacted developer about that and he said yeah there can be a bug about achievements which will be solved %100.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Hell Loop on Steam

Solar Baron

Solar Baron

Solar Baron is a real-time tycoon resource management and logistics game. The game is set in a seamless, randomly-generated solar system with a range of resources to gather, pump and mine for maximum profit.

The world faces a resource shortage. In desperation, the world government has privatized the under-performing global space agency in the hope that profit-driven individuals will find a way to tap the vast amount of resources available on other worlds and deliver them back home.

You are one such profit-driven individual.


Solar Baron features a vast, life-sized solar system of procedurally generated planets and moons. You’ll need to solve the logistical challenges associated with transporting tons of valuable resources across billions of kilometers of space by constructing a network of strategically-placed orbital and surface depots.


Research new technologies and design spacecraft capable of carrying out specific missions. With a range of available engines, fuel types, and other components, you will be challenged with designing spacecraft that strike a balance between maintenance requirements, production time, mass and – of course – cost.

Design spaceports from a range of modules to serve as fuel depots, research stations, tourist destinations or any combination of these. Just remember that each module must be launched into orbit, so design with caution.


Solar Baron simulates realistic orbital mechanics as well as real-world orbital maneuvers. However, you don’t need to figure out the gritty details yourself – you pay people to do that for you. The game features a streamlined mission design system, which will calculate every detail of a spacecraft’s mission from a list of actions to perform created by the player. This leaves you to do more important things: creating a strategy, setting goals, planning missions and watching the bottom line.

Read More: Best Base Building Resource Management Games.

Solar Baron on Steam

Starship Theory

Starship Theory

I felt a review was needed in response to the volume of negative reviews.

Early Access and Learning Curves.

‘So far, so good’ would have to be the short version.

As stated many times before by other reviewers, Rimworld and FTL…. Bla Bla… Yes i agree, so lets skip. Insert generic dismissal of bugs and technical glithces due to Early Access state here…. Again, I agree. SKIP. But…

Known bugs i have encountered and how I roundabout:

1. FIRE! A Danger that needs no explination. AI is AI, so, Skip.

Real player with 296.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Base Building Casual Games.

I’ve tried really hard to like this game, as I play simlar, like Prison Architect.

Firstly, the UI: it’s nice, easy to navigate through, and most importantly, scaleable. It’s also pleasant that you can change the colour - yes I know, it’s a gimmick really, but having a purple UI is pleasing!

Secondly, fires: these can quickly become a thorn in your side, even with adequate cooling. The mechanics behind how your sims fight them is flawed as instead of one sim fighting all the fires in one area, the game will send multiple sims to fire each individual fire in the same area, which can mean that some grow to the point where they’re close to compromising the structural integrety of the ship. Now, there is a manual mode that allows you to control sims, but when you’re navigating an asteroid field, while being pewpewd, there are things you don’t want to micromanage, and damage control is one of them.

Real player with 170.3 hrs in game

Starship Theory on Steam

Evil Genius

Evil Genius

Underrated, Under-The-Radar Game of the Decade - Just the way an Evil Genius would like it.

Imagine to my surprise when Rebellion revealed that, after so many years, Evil Genius is getting a sequel! Who woulda thought? Let’s just say that this news snuck up on me like the sneaky under-the-radar original ended up on store shelves.

For an impulse buy in boxed form when it first came out 16 years ago, this game has received more playtime than any other game in my possession that I also impulse-bought. It is clever, hilarious, and surprisingly challenging.

Real player with 88.4 hrs in game

An old favorite of mine. I distinctly remember just seeing this on an EB Games shelf when I was 14. I loved the box art at first glance and upon further inspection, I discovered that this game involved the building of a secret island lair, from which countless dastardly schemes could be unleashed upon the world. “Perfect,” said young Myself. The only reason I really remember this experience was because the oldest woman I have ever seen working at a video game store tried to get me to show her some form of ID because it was rated Teen. I told her I was fourteen years old and I didn’t know of any kids my age who had IDs who weren’t sheltered because I didn’t know any of these kids because they were sheltered and sat at home playing games about learning and stuff and living life like an inspirational poster, only to dream secretly at night of escape and perhaps even breasts or penises or whatever body parts they learned to like.

Real player with 88.0 hrs in game

Evil Genius on Steam

Supreme Commander

Supreme Commander

Imagine a 6 year old boy just learning how play video games being sat down and shown this game. giant robots, lasers, cannons, etc… It boggled my 6 year old mind. I spent much of my early childhood playing this game on my brothers steam account. of course as i got older i moved onto other things such as minecraft because i had no friends my age who played strategy games like i did. as time went on i eased back into strategy games such as Civ 5, hearts of iron, men of war, planetary anhilliation. Then i met a friend in 7th grade that had the same love of strategy games like i did. He had just moved from florida to wisconsin and i was the first friend he had at school. Him and i were sort of bullied and we grew very close. I later learnt that he loved the game supreme commander as i did. i bought the game for my own steam account and the game that fostered my love of video games and strategy was soon remembered. He and i spent hours going home after school and playing this game. unfortunetly as i graduated i moved to california and he moved to virginia. Me and my friend slowly stopped playing video games as my friend had started switching to consul games. by the time i was in california i had stopped playing supreme commander again and played other games. then about 1 month ago i saw my supreme commander game in the top left corner of the screen. i clicked on it and the nostalgia came flooding in. this game helped me evolve into what i am today. I sat there thinking back to playing this game when i was little but sucking at it, but i remember having a blast. then i remembered my friend from middle school, how we came so close, the drifted so far away. I will always cherish this game, i will always remember this game for the true joy it gave me. i dont know if anyone will read this review considering it is 2019 now, but if there is someone out there who reads this, just know that this game is special and i want you and everyone else to experience it. if you want to play against me sometime add me on steam and send me a message or on discord Bashar al-Assad#8760

Real player with 253.9 hrs in game

The spiritual successor to Total Annihilation. If you loved playing T.A. back in the day, then you’ll feel right at home.

9 out of 10 - A phenomenal RTS game that, in my opinion, is far better than other titans in the genre. It may not have the graphics or popularity that Starcraft does, but the overall mechanics, maps, economy, and general gameplay feel much more polished (please don’t @ me). Who wouldn’t want to watch 250+ tanks, submarines, gunships, bombers, assault bots, and warships obliterate each other in a tremendously satisfying fashion? Seriously, maybe check out a random ‘Let’s Play’ video on YouTube if you’re interested.

Real player with 80.7 hrs in game

Supreme Commander on Steam



UI has an unusal design to help increase the options for the massive number-growth generator applications that all idle-clickers are.

The demand for input from you as a player feels obstructive at a fair bit of time and the techs that allow you to automate yourself away are not clearly advertised with the tech tree being ‘shrouded’. This can add some frustration.

There is little else to add, the combat is mostly for show - my own ‘35K force’ tank brigade does not take any damage at all anymore when facing supposedly superior forces and development of my faction has pretty much gone to a standstill for the past 5 hours while I’m tabbed out letting the auto-combat handle conquering everything.

Real player with 92.4 hrs in game

This is a ‘yes, but’ review, so. If you’re skimming, pass this one up. If you’re interested in details on why this MIGHT be for you, read on.

So. This is one of those compelling semi-idle games where you fundamentally click things on spreadsheets to make the numbers go up until you literally take over the world. And that’s pretty fun! However.

For the random store browser, there’s not much more to it than that, and I think there’s a lot of room to be disappointed with your purchase.

For people who enjoy the semi-idle thing…?

Real player with 23.9 hrs in game

SimPocalypse on Steam

They Are Billions

They Are Billions

I have finish playing the campaign and its a learning process. This game is like a soul like RTS game, one zombie gets in or penetrate your defenses and the whole thing could get out of control. I understand on why some gamers gave a negative review of these game, you could have invested 2 to 4 hours in your campaign or survival building your city and thenone zombie sneaks in or overwhelm your defenses and the whole thing is game over. It has no backward save, so there is no second opportunity on your mistake. I know because it did happen to me several times, but I think its unfair to immediately give a negative review, because of being defeated. The hero mission on the campaign is actually good, but it takes patience and planning, also paying attention, so you can find all the treasure. Overall, I find the game very challenging, but in a reasonable matter. Its just you have to get good in playing this game.

Real player with 214.8 hrs in game

Tedious and frustrating don’t even begin to describe this game.

I’ve tried playing this game several times. Each time I have, I find that my hours of investment are promptly wasted when I make one mistake that leads to an inevitable game over. This game is very very difficult, even on the more “accessible” levels; you have to balance manpower, energy, food, and material resources all while slowly expanding, and clearing out areas of zombies. The problem is that if even one zombie slips past your defenses they can infect your entire base in seconds.

Real player with 127.6 hrs in game

They Are Billions on Steam



BarricadeZ takes place in a post-apocalyptic wasteland, where the only things left are monsters, and you, a robot. Yet, there’s a tiny spark of hope falling from the sky; a baby. Now you have to get to work, because of course the monsters are after the little bundle of joy.

You have to build your own defenses, and that’s the meat of the game. The gathering and crafting system reminds me a bit of Terraria (to name one), and is nicely done, imo. During the night the monsters will test your design for you, and failure is definitely not an option. Remember the defenseless baby?

Real player with 293.1 hrs in game

It’s ok but definitely not worth $20; get it on sale. Technically a 2D Tower Defense game. There is fun to be had in finding a base design that works for you, lots of options and flexibility. But some very questionable design choices concerning the mining/resource gathering you’ll be doing a lot of underground. You might think that you would be splitting your time between topside and the mine; being topside during the nightly attack waves. You’d be wrong for the most part.

The clock is always ticking (except for pauses during daylight to build/upgrade your base) and you will eventually realize that the game actively punishes you for being topside during attacks at all. That is precious time you could be spending downstairs gathering resources that you need. Now early on, maybe being topside in battle might be useful to scrape by some in-battle repairs between waves. But by day 30 or so of a 78 day campaign when you have enough resources to be well established, there is no good reason to be topside at all. Good defenses will require virtually no active maintenance at all aside from a swift repair visit come daylight. Your war effort is actually crippled by wasting time topside during attacks when you could otherwise still be mining. This means that to play “well”, you must never waste time being up in your base during battle - which is really strange for a TD game. Watching mobs march through your death trap is kinda half the fun of a TD at all and here it is very strongly discouraged to do so. Expect two thirds of this game to be straight up Terraria mining, only the mines get very boring, very quickly. There is some mystery in “Is there a bottom to this mine?"; don’t bet on it, even when you think you’ve found it.

Real player with 106.3 hrs in game


Creeper World 3: Arc Eternal

Creeper World 3: Arc Eternal

Creeper World is technically a tower defence game, but unlike any other you’ve played before.

In a normal tower defence game (and even abnormal awesome ones like Defender’s Quest ) you’ll have enemies coming towards a point or object you’re defending and you’re tasked with fending them off by placing towers either along a pre-defined path or by creating that path using walls or the towers themselves (this is known as ‘mazing’).

Real player with 126.8 hrs in game

At the Time of Writing

Game: Creeper World III

Price: $16.99*

Genre: Tower Defence/Strategy

Time Played: 2 hours

Personal Enjoyment Rating: ☺☺☺☺☺ (out of 5)

Links I Found Helpful**

Game maker (Knuckle Cracker) website has demo downloads. http://knucklecracker.com/common/demo.php

A Youtube review by quill18http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlJ5FmjL_7g

Real player with 78.1 hrs in game

Creeper World 3: Arc Eternal on Steam

Empyrean Frontier

Empyrean Frontier

A good space strategy game with rts battles. Has two factions you can playthough as and many different ships and customization options for your mothership, and Interesting abilities on a few of the ships. One i particularily enjoy is the tractor beam which can either repel and attract enemy ships you can use these ships to either keep ships out of your range or to attract them to your broadside frigates, a really nice game mechanic and add strategic depth to the space combat. That’s not all there though are many other ships but i dont want to spoil them for you :)

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

Waste of money even at $4 on sale. Missions don’t give enough information at the start to allow you to know if you want (or even can) complete them. E.g. I accepted a gladiator challenge, and only after that found I don’t have the ships needed. Instant fail. Or enemy suddenly produces a mega-weapon and wipes me out even though he is outnumbered 3-1. When your flagship dies it is game over, so rinse and repeat … except the map is different every time so you can never learn from your mistakes.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Empyrean Frontier on Steam