

There’s a lot to like about the game, but also a lot to hate.

To a new buyer, I’ll lay it out simple:

Playing the game solo is unlikely to be satisfying. The game centers around a persistent war (24/7) where vast imbalances in population per side and per region are actively exploited to overrun one side or the other. You are entirely dependent on what the rest of your team has done in the last few hours, as well as the number of players currently present, to stand a chance.

For someone who doesn’t care, or likes being roped into big clan ops or plays with friends: You will catch a lot of flak for playing badly, but many clans are happy to take you in and teach you.

Real player with 1068.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Base Building Wargame Games.

A wonderful game that encourage coop with other people to achieve victory in a shared war. The experience is something to truly behold as you experience war that is depicted as it is, bloody, despairing and death. Take part whether as:

Logistics: to ferry supplies to the front, the lifeblood ensuring that the front does not fall

Infantry: Holding the lines against other players through a variety of small arms, from bolt action rifles to machine guns all manufactured at factories.

Builders: Crafting intricated layered defences powered by AI and players, building the trenches and bunkers ensure the first line of defence.

Real player with 513.0 hrs in game

Foxhole on Steam

Tribal Wars

Tribal Wars

I have been playing this game since 2007. Most of the gameplay is still the same from back then. But now with a lot of QoL improvements. The game is well balanced overall, but sometimes a little too much luck based. I have a lot of great memories from this game and made a lot of friends aswell. The game is easy to start with but hard to master.

However the developers do not know what to do with this game and destroyed this beautifull game the last couple of years. The game has become too much pay to win in my eyes and it’s not doing any good. I don’t mind to pay for extra premium functions, but buying resources, cheaper buildings, instantly finishing buildings, with your own money to get an advantage over other players is just plain wrong in my eyes. Also the addition of flags is only benefitting the older players and not the newer ones.

Real player with 803.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Base Building Real Time Tactics Games.

This was mostly a trip down memory lane for me. I played on World 18 and 19 about 12 years ago. And, by the way, the game on their international server is currently on World 117. This is on the Tribal Wars US server. But, the game is more or less the same.

This game requires a lot of baby sitting. Everything runs in real time. And, it is highly recommended that you get in a good tribe early–or that you join one that is very good diplomatically to become aligned with the winning tribe. If you start later than a few days after world launch, you are already in trouble and could end up continually getting conquered and restarted.

Real player with 368.4 hrs in game

Tribal Wars on Steam

Open World Foreva

Open World Foreva

This game is all about living life, exploring and creating. In this online 2D game you can: Build, fight, explore, craft and much more.

The game consists of a large procedural world. And all players are inside the same world; as interactions between players is sought after.

You can play solo, or build with friends and protect your base.

Bases can be upgraded through exploring and finding new technology. You will be able to create energy systems & use it to power your bases. You can even exchange electricity by storing batteries and exchanging it with others!

Currently in Early Access(2021 June) to allow YOU to help decide what to add, change or improve!

Resource gathering & Base-building

Gathering resources is a big part of this game. Anything you come across can be broken down or picked up. Once one item is in your inventory.

You can either:

  • Place it in the world again

  • Use it when crafting with blueprint

  • Convert it into another component

Your base decays slowly over time. Or when attacked by players. The world is made to allow you to be gone for weeks at a time. As long as players haven’t destructed your base. Decaying will not occur too quickly. As this is about being able to create a world together with others.

As your base decays or gets damaged. You can right-click blocks to repair them.

Chests & doors have unique passwords. This allows you to share it amongst your crew to work together on things. Your base can also be stengthened by finding stronger blueprints for walls and doors.

Weapons & Bombs

Weapons & bombs are a part of the game. If you and your friends find people being unkind. You can take it upon yourselves to eradicate their base with C4, grenades & weapons.

Using C4 bombs can be used strategically. By placing them around your base. They will explode when anyone walks near them. Cheaper fake C4 bombs also exist. So you can more easily craft those & make enemies believe there might be C4 all around your base. But in truth there are fake C4 which won’t explode. Allowing you to use them as a hidden path into your base.

  • C4 bomb - explode & create lots of damage. To everyone surrounding them in a wider area.

  • Fake C4 - Appears to be a real C4, but creates no damage.

  • Grenade - Does some damage in a smaller area 2 seconds after being delayed. However, the enemy may pick it up and use it as a counter-attack before it explodes.

Weapons such as knives, clubs and swords exist. They may have an increased effect on stone and tree gathering.

Each weapon has:

  • A hit rate per minute - How many hits per minute it can do

  • A damage value per hit

  • Initial health which decays with hits

Open World Foreva is ONE WORLD

You heard it. There is only one world for all players(depending on US/EU). This means. You can meet up with others in the world & exchange items. You can attempt to find others bases to blow them up. Or possibly to just steal from them.

Maybe you’re the next “Negan”? Making sure they pay their fair price to not eradicate their base.

The world has a temporary world border. Meaning the world grows larger as the player demand for the game increases.

Currently the world is almost 1 KM * 1KM(0.62 miles * 0.62) in size.

Blueprints & Technology

You start out with a few standard blueprints. Such as:

  • Torch

  • Club

  • Simple Wall & Door.

When you kill things in the world. Or break them down into your inventory. There is a 10% chance of finding a new blueprint. A blueprint is used to be able to craft new things for you. Which for instance could help you increase your base’s strength.

Technologies can be created by finding blueprints. Tech will help you survive. For instance, some areas are colder and warmer than others. Too hot or too cold will damage your player. Therefore there is technology such as Heaters & Coolers.

Any technology created needs an energy source. Such as:

  • SolarCell

  • WindTurbine

  • Battery

Solarcells yield power depending on the time of the day & how much light that world area generally gets.

Windturbines generate power based on wind which varies every 30 minutes & also based on the area it is within.

Placement of your generators affect how much effect they give. To see this your can right-click the generators and monitor their output for a day or two.

Batteries are used for storing power which is not used by any machines at the time. When a battery no longer has anyincoming power from another source. It will automatically act as a generator until drained. Meaning a battery can power your lamps during night-time if you only have solarcells.

Machines that currently exists:

  • Heater - Heats the area by 10 degrees

  • Cooler - Cools area by 10 degrees

  • Digger - Digs for Coal, Gold, Copper & Stone

  • Small lamp - Lights a smaller area

  • Large lamp - Lights a bigger area


When you stroll around the world. You will quickly begin to see plants of different kinds. These can be eaten if full-grown. By clicking a plant; you pick it up in its current state. By placing a plant; it will then start growing. By right-clicking it; you can see whether it has disease or if it is yet full-grown.

Once a plant is full-grown. It generally converts into a FoodPackage when collected.

With this you can either:

  • A. Eat to increase your health

  • B. Select in your inventory. And convert into 3 baby plants. To grow more

Plants that can eaten area: Potatoes & Carrots

Non-edible plants: Cotton - Cotton is used when crafting clothes and some weapons

Clothes & Environment

As mentioned earlier. The world has different temperatures. Depending on the area you are inside. And based on the time of the day. Generally an area will have a similar temperature, but during night-time it will decrease.

There are currently two ways to survive extreme temperatures without damage:

  • A. Create clothing which provides resistance

  • B. Create a base with technology such as Heaters & Coolers

If you’re new. It is wise to find a warm, but no too warm area to live in. By opening your inventory you can check the current temperature in the area you are inside.

If the temperature is below 0 or above 50. You will be damaged.

Wind varies based on time and areas. And currently only affects Windturbines.

Crafting clothes

Crafting clothes is done for styling your character. And for providing insulation during cold times. New clothing blueprints are found by killing or breaking things in the world. You can also craft hairstyles.

Other info

The game has some similarities with Minecraft, Rust and Rimworld. But unique in the way that it supports a lot of players in the same world. A world which can be expanded depending on player demand.


Please share your ideas & be a part of this game’s future!


Read More: Best Base Building Tactical Games.

Open World Foreva on Steam

Infinite Lagrange

Infinite Lagrange

As someone who plays this a lot, no, not right now. Waaay too many things need to be fixed.

Things the game needs:

A way for unions to mark other unions as friend or foe

Something to do with cities

Rally fleets should be one big fleet.

The RNG for ships needs to be increased to make it easier to get ships.

Pathfinding of fleets. Seriously.


The art style is really good. Very homeworld like and something work going for.

The battles, while simple, are fun to watch


Damn near everything else.

Real player with 529.5 hrs in game

Pay to win? Yes.

Fun to play as a walle? Yes -If you are in a Union.

Fun to play as a Free to Play? Yes -If you are in a Union.

Simple as that. You can have almost everything if you pay, but without an Union you will be bored in no time. And if you are a Free to Play player joining an Union will do to you the same fun that the walle will have. Game is totally based in Unions (clans) and when you’re in one have or not all types of ships doens’t make a big diference… Just try, it’s free; but if you will play alone i’ll say again, you get bored very fast, paying or not.

Real player with 465.5 hrs in game

Infinite Lagrange on Steam

Million on Mars: Space to Venture

Million on Mars: Space to Venture

Million on Mars feels great with its crafting and how hardcore it is.

The linking of the factories has to be my favorite part, it really lets you build complex structures and planning really has to go a long way.

The sound track is absolutely beautiful.

The terrain feels like I’m actually on mars

Obviously this game is in early access and a lot of work still needs to go into it.

Would love to see more progression systems but as early access goes I think it’s worth it!

Real player with 184.4 hrs in game

This is still clearly early alpha, but the resources/recipe system definitely shows promise for being a physically accurate model for really building a human civilization on Mars!

Real player with 89.4 hrs in game

Million on Mars: Space to Venture on Steam

Screeps: World

Screeps: World

I have played lots games over the years. have forgotten 95% of them, 4.9% of them i remember due to them being an excellent game and myself enjoying, Paradox games I love but don’t rate as in the top .1%. Only a very rare game has me remembering epic or defining moments that really set that game apart for me. EvE online is one, for creating a sandbox of such freedom, politics, warfare, resource gathering, trade, which all helps to create proper player driven stories.

The other is Screeps….which has given me my most proud moments in any game i have played. The games are of course markedly different but also surprisingly similar. Screeps like EvE has trade, crafting, factories, land ownership, politics/alliances, resource gathering, warfare, but ants instead of ships and where in EvE when u get killed you take a big loss, in Screeps it can mean game over, time to respawn from scratch……again.

Real player with 3117.3 hrs in game

Note: I am not associated with the developers in any way, I’ve just been playing a lot recently.

Screeps is a game for programmers.

But it is possible for someone without any previous programming experience to learn it with enough dedication, though I recommend at least learning some basics of programming/JavaScript from somewhere like codecademy first. And try the free tutorial before you buy the game (I am still running code that started out based on the tutorial code, 2 months later).

The game has deceptively simple visuals, but a lot of increasingly complex systems that you gain access to as you progress within the game, providing interesting challenges for your programming ability. How complex it ends up getting depends in part on how much of it you end up wanting to automate. Pretty much anything you can do, you can get your code to do for you.

Real player with 2606.2 hrs in game

Screeps: World on Steam

War Selection

War Selection

Hello everyone!

Before I list the good and bad things about this game: If you are thinking about getting it, just get it, it will definitely be worth it. The positive aspects greatly outweigh the negative ones. As for that now let’s go to the more detail analysis.

Positive aspects:

  • A RTS that is not micro heavy:

Workers and units will be produced over time in a queue, which means you don’t need to visit your barracks / main building 100s of times like in any other rts. Due to the big amount of units you can have the micro potential of a unit is most of the time very low, you can still outflank, dodge arrows, kite, etc. If you want to win you need to focus on your macro, the strategy you play, your economic management and so on. So basically big brain gets rewarded.

Real player with 2419.8 hrs in game

An RTS game for “non RTS - players”.

Small forword:

For anyone that is not willing to go that much into detail, I have a pro-/con- list on the bottom and a small afterword that hopefully sums everything up :)

My ingame name is Cammy/1337Cammy and I am playing War Selection since November 2019 on nearly daily basis.

I stream the game for multiple hours a day on twitch and have a small moderator role on the official War Selection Discord Server.

In general, I am a complete RTS fanatic.

Real player with 764.7 hrs in game

War Selection on Steam

ZI Survival

ZI Survival

ZI Survival

You are stranded in the vast expanse of the island. Alone, without any means to call for help, you must do what you can to survive.

Explore on land as you hunt for supplies to craft the tools, weapons, and base you’ll need to stay alive. Stay sharp: hunger, thirst, and exposure conspire against you as you brave treacherous elements and the dangerous creatures.

Stay Alive!


  • Rocks, Trees, Animals, AI.

  • Build your base or solo or with your friends.

Building and Upgrading

  • Upgrade items and buildings.

  • Explore various caves and planet locations.


  • Different AI zombies, and many more.

  • Rare monsters or random zombie horde spawns at world.

Point Of Interest

  • World map with point of interest.

  • Dynamic & Static spawn world loot tables, which provides different challenge on every game play.

  • Craft items with better quality and invest into skill points.

  • Different AI behaviours, depending on Sight, Sounds, Health levels, day or night cycle.

  • Quests and levelling system.

ZI Survival on Steam



This game has great potential. Sadly you will find that you run out of things to do after about 30hrs of gameplay at this time. With new content updates this could be a great game.

Real player with 56.9 hrs in game

Hello to all the players, have a good day, I recommend this game because the truth seems to me to be a very relatable and fun game where you can share a beautiful gaming experience with your friends and it is only a game that at first seems boring because you want to You play alone and the other players will be killing you but you will get used to it, it is like every game at first it is difficult to play it but it is very nice when you are already liking it and you can become addicted

Real player with 50.8 hrs in game

Deadside on Steam



It like my childhood game; Pokemon but better aspects. Instead of being a single player game, this a MMO with tons of thing to do. Devs are hardworking and friendly which listen community to what do next. We have polls for stuff and bug informing system on discord which is awesome. As game evolves player base is growing as well plus it is friendly and tries to helps newcomers. So simply jump in this awesome adventure; you can catch your own Norpons, sell them on shops, can build your own manor, reap seeds for farming crystals or just go out for adventure for raids. Recommended on full price.

Real player with 121.8 hrs in game


Now after 50+ hours of game time logged, I can still confirm that this game is well worth the dime.

Having spent over 20 hours trialing this Game, I give it a solid 4/5. It’s not quite 5/5 yet because of the unfinished nature of the game but hey, it is early access!

Norpons brings back the old school grinding and reward system from old school Pokémon games and the noticeable similarities are warmly welcomed.

In its current state, the pros and cons are as follows:


  • Incredibly active dev who actively listens to the community

Real player with 65.3 hrs in game

Norpon on Steam